/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.capacity; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.security.SecurityUtilTestHelper; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.protocolrecords.AllocateResponse; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Container; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerId; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.LogAggregationContext; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.NodeId; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Priority; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ResourceRequest; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Token; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.security.ContainerTokenIdentifier; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.MockAM; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.MockNM; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.MockRM; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.RMContextImpl; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.RMSecretManagerService; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.nodelabels.NullRMNodeLabelsManager; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.nodelabels.RMNodeLabelsManager; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmapp.RMApp; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmapp.attempt.RMAppAttempt; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmapp.attempt.RMAppAttemptState; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmcontainer.RMContainer; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmcontainer.RMContainerState; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmnode.RMNode; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.ResourceScheduler; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.common.fica.FiCaSchedulerApp; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.event.NodeRemovedSchedulerEvent; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.event.NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.security.RMContainerTokenSecretManager; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.utils.BuilderUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.Resources; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class TestContainerAllocation { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory .getLog(TestContainerAllocation.class); private final int GB = 1024; private YarnConfiguration conf; RMNodeLabelsManager mgr; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { conf = new YarnConfiguration(); conf.setClass(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER, CapacityScheduler.class, ResourceScheduler.class); mgr = new NullRMNodeLabelsManager(); mgr.init(conf); } @Test(timeout = 3000000) public void testExcessReservationThanNodeManagerCapacity() throws Exception { @SuppressWarnings("resource") MockRM rm = new MockRM(conf); rm.start(); // Register node1 MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode("", 2 * GB, 4); MockNM nm2 = rm.registerNode("", 3 * GB, 4); nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true); nm2.nodeHeartbeat(true); // wait.. int waitCount = 20; int size = rm.getRMContext().getRMNodes().size(); while ((size = rm.getRMContext().getRMNodes().size()) != 2 && waitCount-- > 0) { LOG.info("Waiting for node managers to register : " + size); Thread.sleep(100); } Assert.assertEquals(2, rm.getRMContext().getRMNodes().size()); // Submit an application RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(128); // kick the scheduling nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true); RMAppAttempt attempt1 = app1.getCurrentAppAttempt(); MockAM am1 = rm.sendAMLaunched(attempt1.getAppAttemptId()); am1.registerAppAttempt(); LOG.info("sending container requests "); am1.addRequests(new String[] {"*"}, 2 * GB, 1, 1); AllocateResponse alloc1Response = am1.schedule(); // send the request // kick the scheduler nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true); int waitCounter = 20; LOG.info("heartbeating nm1"); while (alloc1Response.getAllocatedContainers().size() < 1 && waitCounter-- > 0) { LOG.info("Waiting for containers to be created for app 1..."); Thread.sleep(500); alloc1Response = am1.schedule(); } LOG.info("received container : " + alloc1Response.getAllocatedContainers().size()); // No container should be allocated. // Internally it should not been reserved. Assert.assertTrue(alloc1Response.getAllocatedContainers().size() == 0); LOG.info("heartbeating nm2"); waitCounter = 20; nm2.nodeHeartbeat(true); while (alloc1Response.getAllocatedContainers().size() < 1 && waitCounter-- > 0) { LOG.info("Waiting for containers to be created for app 1..."); Thread.sleep(500); alloc1Response = am1.schedule(); } LOG.info("received container : " + alloc1Response.getAllocatedContainers().size()); Assert.assertTrue(alloc1Response.getAllocatedContainers().size() == 1); rm.stop(); } // This is to test container tokens are generated when the containers are // acquired by the AM, not when the containers are allocated @Test public void testContainerTokenGeneratedOnPullRequest() throws Exception { MockRM rm1 = new MockRM(conf); rm1.start(); MockNM nm1 = rm1.registerNode("", 8000); RMApp app1 = rm1.submitApp(200); MockAM am1 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app1, rm1, nm1); // request a container. am1.allocate("", 1024, 1, new ArrayList<ContainerId>()); ContainerId containerId2 = ContainerId.newContainerId(am1.getApplicationAttemptId(), 2); rm1.waitForState(nm1, containerId2, RMContainerState.ALLOCATED); RMContainer container = rm1.getResourceScheduler().getRMContainer(containerId2); // no container token is generated. Assert.assertEquals(containerId2, container.getContainerId()); Assert.assertNull(container.getContainer().getContainerToken()); // acquire the container. List<Container> containers = am1.allocate(new ArrayList<ResourceRequest>(), new ArrayList<ContainerId>()).getAllocatedContainers(); Assert.assertEquals(containerId2, containers.get(0).getId()); // container token is generated. Assert.assertNotNull(containers.get(0).getContainerToken()); rm1.stop(); } @Test public void testNormalContainerAllocationWhenDNSUnavailable() throws Exception{ MockRM rm1 = new MockRM(conf); rm1.start(); MockNM nm1 = rm1.registerNode("unknownhost:1234", 8000); RMApp app1 = rm1.submitApp(200); MockAM am1 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app1, rm1, nm1); // request a container. am1.allocate("", 1024, 1, new ArrayList<ContainerId>()); ContainerId containerId2 = ContainerId.newContainerId(am1.getApplicationAttemptId(), 2); rm1.waitForState(nm1, containerId2, RMContainerState.ALLOCATED); // acquire the container. SecurityUtilTestHelper.setTokenServiceUseIp(true); List<Container> containers = am1.allocate(new ArrayList<ResourceRequest>(), new ArrayList<ContainerId>()).getAllocatedContainers(); // not able to fetch the container; Assert.assertEquals(0, containers.size()); SecurityUtilTestHelper.setTokenServiceUseIp(false); containers = am1.allocate(new ArrayList<ResourceRequest>(), new ArrayList<ContainerId>()).getAllocatedContainers(); // should be able to fetch the container; Assert.assertEquals(1, containers.size()); } // This is to test whether LogAggregationContext is passed into // container tokens correctly @Test public void testLogAggregationContextPassedIntoContainerToken() throws Exception { MockRM rm1 = new MockRM(conf); rm1.start(); MockNM nm1 = rm1.registerNode("", 8000); MockNM nm2 = rm1.registerNode("", 8000); // LogAggregationContext is set as null Assert .assertNull(getLogAggregationContextFromContainerToken(rm1, nm1, null)); // create a not-null LogAggregationContext LogAggregationContext logAggregationContext = LogAggregationContext.newInstance( "includePattern", "excludePattern", "rolledLogsIncludePattern", "rolledLogsExcludePattern"); LogAggregationContext returned = getLogAggregationContextFromContainerToken(rm1, nm2, logAggregationContext); Assert.assertEquals("includePattern", returned.getIncludePattern()); Assert.assertEquals("excludePattern", returned.getExcludePattern()); Assert.assertEquals("rolledLogsIncludePattern", returned.getRolledLogsIncludePattern()); Assert.assertEquals("rolledLogsExcludePattern", returned.getRolledLogsExcludePattern()); rm1.stop(); } private LogAggregationContext getLogAggregationContextFromContainerToken( MockRM rm1, MockNM nm1, LogAggregationContext logAggregationContext) throws Exception { RMApp app2 = rm1.submitApp(200, logAggregationContext); MockAM am2 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app2, rm1, nm1); nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true); // request a container. am2.allocate("", 512, 1, new ArrayList<ContainerId>()); ContainerId containerId = ContainerId.newContainerId(am2.getApplicationAttemptId(), 2); rm1.waitForState(nm1, containerId, RMContainerState.ALLOCATED); // acquire the container. List<Container> containers = am2.allocate(new ArrayList<ResourceRequest>(), new ArrayList<ContainerId>()).getAllocatedContainers(); Assert.assertEquals(containerId, containers.get(0).getId()); // container token is generated. Assert.assertNotNull(containers.get(0).getContainerToken()); ContainerTokenIdentifier token = BuilderUtils.newContainerTokenIdentifier(containers.get(0) .getContainerToken()); return token.getLogAggregationContext(); } private volatile int numRetries = 0; private class TestRMSecretManagerService extends RMSecretManagerService { public TestRMSecretManagerService(Configuration conf, RMContextImpl rmContext) { super(conf, rmContext); } @Override protected RMContainerTokenSecretManager createContainerTokenSecretManager( Configuration conf) { return new RMContainerTokenSecretManager(conf) { @Override public Token createContainerToken(ContainerId containerId, NodeId nodeId, String appSubmitter, Resource capability, Priority priority, long createTime, LogAggregationContext logAggregationContext, String nodeLabelExp) { numRetries++; return super.createContainerToken(containerId, nodeId, appSubmitter, capability, priority, createTime, logAggregationContext, nodeLabelExp); } }; } } // This is to test fetching AM container will be retried, if AM container is // not fetchable since DNS is unavailable causing container token/NMtoken // creation failure. @Test(timeout = 30000) public void testAMContainerAllocationWhenDNSUnavailable() throws Exception { MockRM rm1 = new MockRM(conf) { @Override protected RMSecretManagerService createRMSecretManagerService() { return new TestRMSecretManagerService(conf, rmContext); } }; rm1.start(); MockNM nm1 = rm1.registerNode("unknownhost:1234", 8000); SecurityUtilTestHelper.setTokenServiceUseIp(true); RMApp app1 = rm1.submitApp(200); RMAppAttempt attempt = app1.getCurrentAppAttempt(); nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true); // fetching am container will fail, keep retrying 5 times. while (numRetries <= 5) { nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true); Thread.sleep(1000); Assert.assertEquals(RMAppAttemptState.SCHEDULED, attempt.getAppAttemptState()); System.out.println("Waiting for am container to be allocated."); } SecurityUtilTestHelper.setTokenServiceUseIp(false); rm1.waitForState(attempt.getAppAttemptId(), RMAppAttemptState.ALLOCATED); MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app1, rm1, nm1); } @Test(timeout = 60000) public void testExcessReservationWillBeUnreserved() throws Exception { /** * Test case: Submit two application (app1/app2) to a queue. And there's one * node with 8G resource in the cluster. App1 allocates a 6G container, Then * app2 asks for a 4G container. App2's request will be reserved on the * node. * * Before next node heartbeat, app2 cancels the reservation, we should found * the reserved resource is cancelled as well. */ // inject node label manager MockRM rm1 = new MockRM(); rm1.getRMContext().setNodeLabelManager(mgr); rm1.start(); MockNM nm1 = rm1.registerNode("h1:1234", 8 * GB); MockNM nm2 = rm1.registerNode("h2:1234", 8 * GB); // launch an app to queue, AM container should be launched in nm1 RMApp app1 = rm1.submitApp(1 * GB, "app", "user", null, "default"); MockAM am1 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app1, rm1, nm1); // launch another app to queue, AM container should be launched in nm1 RMApp app2 = rm1.submitApp(1 * GB, "app", "user", null, "default"); MockAM am2 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app2, rm1, nm1); am1.allocate("*", 4 * GB, 1, new ArrayList<ContainerId>()); am2.allocate("*", 4 * GB, 1, new ArrayList<ContainerId>()); CapacityScheduler cs = (CapacityScheduler) rm1.getResourceScheduler(); RMNode rmNode1 = rm1.getRMContext().getRMNodes().get(nm1.getNodeId()); LeafQueue leafQueue = (LeafQueue) cs.getQueue("default"); // Do node heartbeats 2 times // First time will allocate container for app1, second time will reserve // container for app2 cs.handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(rmNode1)); cs.handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(rmNode1)); // App2 will get preference to be allocated on node1, and node1 will be all // used by App2. FiCaSchedulerApp schedulerApp1 = cs.getApplicationAttempt(am1.getApplicationAttemptId()); FiCaSchedulerApp schedulerApp2 = cs.getApplicationAttempt(am2.getApplicationAttemptId()); // Check if a 4G contaienr allocated for app1, and nothing allocated for app2 Assert.assertEquals(2, schedulerApp1.getLiveContainers().size()); Assert.assertEquals(1, schedulerApp2.getLiveContainers().size()); Assert.assertTrue(schedulerApp2.getReservedContainers().size() > 0); // NM1 has available resource = 2G (8G - 2 * 1G - 4G) Assert.assertEquals(2 * GB, cs.getNode(nm1.getNodeId()) .getAvailableResource().getMemorySize()); Assert.assertNotNull(cs.getNode(nm1.getNodeId()).getReservedContainer()); // Usage of queue = 4G + 2 * 1G + 4G (reserved) Assert.assertEquals(10 * GB, cs.getRootQueue().getQueueResourceUsage() .getUsed().getMemorySize()); Assert.assertEquals(4 * GB, cs.getRootQueue().getQueueResourceUsage() .getReserved().getMemorySize()); Assert.assertEquals(4 * GB, leafQueue.getQueueResourceUsage().getReserved() .getMemorySize()); // Cancel asks of app2 and re-kick RM am2.allocate("*", 4 * GB, 0, new ArrayList<ContainerId>()); cs.handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(rmNode1)); // App2's reservation will be cancelled Assert.assertTrue(schedulerApp2.getReservedContainers().size() == 0); Assert.assertEquals(2 * GB, cs.getNode(nm1.getNodeId()) .getAvailableResource().getMemorySize()); Assert.assertNull(cs.getNode(nm1.getNodeId()).getReservedContainer()); Assert.assertEquals(6 * GB, cs.getRootQueue().getQueueResourceUsage() .getUsed().getMemorySize()); Assert.assertEquals(0, cs.getRootQueue().getQueueResourceUsage() .getReserved().getMemorySize()); Assert.assertEquals(0, leafQueue.getQueueResourceUsage().getReserved() .getMemorySize()); rm1.close(); } @Test(timeout = 60000) public void testAllocationForReservedContainer() throws Exception { /** * Test case: Submit two application (app1/app2) to a queue. And there's one * node with 8G resource in the cluster. App1 allocates a 6G container, Then * app2 asks for a 4G container. App2's request will be reserved on the * node. * * Before next node heartbeat, app1 container is completed/killed. So app1 * container which was reserved will be allocated. */ // inject node label manager MockRM rm1 = new MockRM(); rm1.getRMContext().setNodeLabelManager(mgr); rm1.start(); MockNM nm1 = rm1.registerNode("h1:1234", 8 * GB); MockNM nm2 = rm1.registerNode("h2:1234", 8 * GB); // launch an app to queue, AM container should be launched in nm1 RMApp app1 = rm1.submitApp(1 * GB, "app", "user", null, "default"); MockAM am1 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app1, rm1, nm1); // launch another app to queue, AM container should be launched in nm1 RMApp app2 = rm1.submitApp(1 * GB, "app", "user", null, "default"); MockAM am2 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app2, rm1, nm1); am1.allocate("*", 4 * GB, 1, new ArrayList<ContainerId>()); am2.allocate("*", 4 * GB, 1, new ArrayList<ContainerId>()); CapacityScheduler cs = (CapacityScheduler) rm1.getResourceScheduler(); RMNode rmNode1 = rm1.getRMContext().getRMNodes().get(nm1.getNodeId()); LeafQueue leafQueue = (LeafQueue) cs.getQueue("default"); // Do node heartbeats 2 times // First time will allocate container for app1, second time will reserve // container for app2 cs.handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(rmNode1)); cs.handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(rmNode1)); // App2 will get preference to be allocated on node1, and node1 will be all // used by App2. FiCaSchedulerApp schedulerApp1 = cs.getApplicationAttempt(am1.getApplicationAttemptId()); FiCaSchedulerApp schedulerApp2 = cs.getApplicationAttempt(am2.getApplicationAttemptId()); // Check if a 4G container allocated for app1, and nothing allocated for app2 Assert.assertEquals(2, schedulerApp1.getLiveContainers().size()); Assert.assertEquals(1, schedulerApp2.getLiveContainers().size()); Assert.assertTrue(schedulerApp2.getReservedContainers().size() > 0); // NM1 has available resource = 2G (8G - 2 * 1G - 4G) Assert.assertEquals(2 * GB, cs.getNode(nm1.getNodeId()) .getAvailableResource().getMemorySize()); Assert.assertNotNull(cs.getNode(nm1.getNodeId()).getReservedContainer()); // Usage of queue = 4G + 2 * 1G + 4G (reserved) Assert.assertEquals(10 * GB, cs.getRootQueue().getQueueResourceUsage() .getUsed().getMemorySize()); Assert.assertEquals(4 * GB, cs.getRootQueue().getQueueResourceUsage() .getReserved().getMemorySize()); Assert.assertEquals(4 * GB, leafQueue.getQueueResourceUsage().getReserved() .getMemorySize()); // Mark one app1 container as killed/completed and re-kick RM for (RMContainer container : schedulerApp1.getLiveContainers()) { if (container.isAMContainer()) { continue; } cs.markContainerForKillable(container); } // Cancel asks of app1 and re-kick RM am1.allocate("*", 4 * GB, 0, new ArrayList<ContainerId>()); cs.handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(rmNode1)); // Check 4G container cancelled for app1, and one container allocated for // app2 Assert.assertEquals(1, schedulerApp1.getLiveContainers().size()); Assert.assertEquals(2, schedulerApp2.getLiveContainers().size()); Assert.assertFalse(schedulerApp2.getReservedContainers().size() > 0); // NM1 has available resource = 2G (8G - 2 * 1G - 4G) Assert.assertEquals(2 * GB, cs.getNode(nm1.getNodeId()) .getAvailableResource().getMemorySize()); Assert.assertNull(cs.getNode(nm1.getNodeId()).getReservedContainer()); // Usage of queue = 4G + 2 * 1G Assert.assertEquals(6 * GB, cs.getRootQueue().getQueueResourceUsage() .getUsed().getMemorySize()); Assert.assertEquals(0 * GB, cs.getRootQueue().getQueueResourceUsage() .getReserved().getMemorySize()); Assert.assertEquals(0 * GB, leafQueue.getQueueResourceUsage().getReserved() .getMemorySize()); rm1.close(); } @Test(timeout = 60000) public void testReservedContainerMetricsOnDecommisionedNode() throws Exception { /** * Test case: Submit two application (app1/app2) to a queue. And there's one * node with 8G resource in the cluster. App1 allocates a 6G container, Then * app2 asks for a 4G container. App2's request will be reserved on the * node. * * Before next node heartbeat, app1 container is completed/killed. So app1 * container which was reserved will be allocated. */ // inject node label manager MockRM rm1 = new MockRM(); rm1.getRMContext().setNodeLabelManager(mgr); rm1.start(); MockNM nm1 = rm1.registerNode("h1:1234", 8 * GB); MockNM nm2 = rm1.registerNode("h2:1234", 8 * GB); // launch an app to queue, AM container should be launched in nm1 RMApp app1 = rm1.submitApp(1 * GB, "app", "user", null, "default"); MockAM am1 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app1, rm1, nm1); // launch another app to queue, AM container should be launched in nm1 RMApp app2 = rm1.submitApp(1 * GB, "app", "user", null, "default"); MockAM am2 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app2, rm1, nm1); am1.allocate("*", 4 * GB, 1, new ArrayList<ContainerId>()); am2.allocate("*", 4 * GB, 1, new ArrayList<ContainerId>()); CapacityScheduler cs = (CapacityScheduler) rm1.getResourceScheduler(); RMNode rmNode1 = rm1.getRMContext().getRMNodes().get(nm1.getNodeId()); LeafQueue leafQueue = (LeafQueue) cs.getQueue("default"); // Do node heartbeats 2 times // First time will allocate container for app1, second time will reserve // container for app2 cs.handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(rmNode1)); cs.handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(rmNode1)); // App2 will get preference to be allocated on node1, and node1 will be all // used by App2. FiCaSchedulerApp schedulerApp1 = cs.getApplicationAttempt(am1.getApplicationAttemptId()); FiCaSchedulerApp schedulerApp2 = cs.getApplicationAttempt(am2.getApplicationAttemptId()); // Check if a 4G container allocated for app1, and nothing allocated for app2 Assert.assertEquals(2, schedulerApp1.getLiveContainers().size()); Assert.assertEquals(1, schedulerApp2.getLiveContainers().size()); Assert.assertTrue(schedulerApp2.getReservedContainers().size() > 0); // NM1 has available resource = 2G (8G - 2 * 1G - 4G) Assert.assertEquals(2 * GB, cs.getNode(nm1.getNodeId()) .getAvailableResource().getMemorySize()); Assert.assertNotNull(cs.getNode(nm1.getNodeId()).getReservedContainer()); // Usage of queue = 4G + 2 * 1G + 4G (reserved) Assert.assertEquals(10 * GB, cs.getRootQueue().getQueueResourceUsage() .getUsed().getMemorySize()); Assert.assertEquals(4 * GB, cs.getRootQueue().getQueueResourceUsage() .getReserved().getMemorySize()); Assert.assertEquals(4 * GB, leafQueue.getQueueResourceUsage().getReserved() .getMemorySize()); // Remove the node cs.handle(new NodeRemovedSchedulerEvent(rmNode1)); // Check all container cancelled for app1 and app2 Assert.assertEquals(0, schedulerApp1.getLiveContainers().size()); Assert.assertEquals(0, schedulerApp2.getLiveContainers().size()); Assert.assertFalse(schedulerApp2.getReservedContainers().size() > 0); // Usage and Reserved capacity of queue is 0 Assert.assertEquals(0 * GB, cs.getRootQueue().getQueueResourceUsage() .getUsed().getMemorySize()); Assert.assertEquals(0 * GB, cs.getRootQueue().getQueueResourceUsage() .getReserved().getMemorySize()); Assert.assertEquals(0 * GB, leafQueue.getQueueResourceUsage().getReserved() .getMemorySize()); rm1.close(); } @Test public void testPendingResourcesConsideringUserLimit() throws Exception { // Set maximum capacity of A to 10 CapacitySchedulerConfiguration newConf = new CapacitySchedulerConfiguration( conf); newConf.setUserLimitFactor(CapacitySchedulerConfiguration.ROOT + ".default", 0.5f); newConf.setMaximumAMResourcePercentPerPartition( CapacitySchedulerConfiguration.ROOT + ".default", "", 1.0f); MockRM rm1 = new MockRM(newConf); rm1.getRMContext().setNodeLabelManager(mgr); rm1.start(); MockNM nm1 = rm1.registerNode("h1:1234", 8 * GB); MockNM nm2 = rm1.registerNode("h2:1234", 8 * GB); // launch an app to queue default, AM container should be launched in nm1 RMApp app1 = rm1.submitApp(2 * GB, "app", "u1", null, "default"); MockAM am1 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app1, rm1, nm1); // launch 2nd app to queue default, AM container should be launched in nm1 RMApp app2 = rm1.submitApp(4 * GB, "app", "u2", null, "default"); MockAM am2 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app2, rm1, nm1); // am1 asks 1 * 3G container am1.allocate("*", 3 * GB, 1, null); // am2 asks 4 * 5G container am2.allocate("*", 5 * GB, 4, null); CapacityScheduler cs = (CapacityScheduler) rm1.getResourceScheduler(); RMNode rmNode1 = rm1.getRMContext().getRMNodes().get(nm1.getNodeId()); RMNode rmNode2 = rm1.getRMContext().getRMNodes().get(nm2.getNodeId()); // Do node heartbeats one, we expect one container allocated reserved on nm1 cs.handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(rmNode1)); FiCaSchedulerApp schedulerApp1 = cs.getApplicationAttempt(am1.getApplicationAttemptId()); // App1 will get 1 container reserved Assert.assertEquals(1, schedulerApp1.getReservedContainers().size()); /* * Note that the behavior of appAttemptResourceUsage is different from queue's * For queue, used = actual-used + reserved * For app, used = actual-used. * * TODO (wangda): Need to make behaviors of queue/app's resource usage * consistent */ Assert.assertEquals(2 * GB, schedulerApp1.getAppAttemptResourceUsage().getUsed().getMemorySize()); Assert.assertEquals(3 * GB, schedulerApp1.getAppAttemptResourceUsage().getReserved() .getMemorySize()); Assert.assertEquals(3 * GB, schedulerApp1.getAppAttemptResourceUsage().getPending() .getMemorySize()); FiCaSchedulerApp schedulerApp2 = cs.getApplicationAttempt(am2.getApplicationAttemptId()); Assert.assertEquals(4 * GB, schedulerApp2.getAppAttemptResourceUsage().getUsed().getMemorySize()); Assert.assertEquals(0 * GB, schedulerApp2.getAppAttemptResourceUsage().getReserved() .getMemorySize()); Assert.assertEquals(5 * 4 * GB, schedulerApp2.getAppAttemptResourceUsage().getPending() .getMemorySize()); LeafQueue lq = (LeafQueue) cs.getQueue("default"); // UL = 8GB, so head room of u1 = 8GB - 2GB (AM) - 3GB (Reserved) = 3GB // u2 = 8GB - 4GB = 4GB // When not deduct reserved, total-pending = 3G (u1) + 4G (u2) = 7G // deduct reserved, total-pending = 0G (u1) + 4G = 4G Assert.assertEquals(7 * GB, lq.getTotalPendingResourcesConsideringUserLimit( Resources.createResource(20 * GB), "", false).getMemorySize()); Assert.assertEquals(4 * GB, lq.getTotalPendingResourcesConsideringUserLimit( Resources.createResource(20 * GB), "", true).getMemorySize()); rm1.close(); } @Test(timeout = 60000) public void testQueuePriorityOrdering() throws Exception { CapacitySchedulerConfiguration newConf = (CapacitySchedulerConfiguration) TestUtils .getConfigurationWithMultipleQueues(conf); // Set ordering policy newConf.setQueueOrderingPolicy(CapacitySchedulerConfiguration.ROOT, CapacitySchedulerConfiguration.QUEUE_PRIORITY_UTILIZATION_ORDERING_POLICY); // Set maximum capacity of A to 20 newConf.setMaximumCapacity(CapacitySchedulerConfiguration.ROOT + ".a", 20); newConf.setQueuePriority(CapacitySchedulerConfiguration.ROOT + ".c", 1); newConf.setQueuePriority(CapacitySchedulerConfiguration.ROOT + ".b", 2); newConf.setQueuePriority(CapacitySchedulerConfiguration.ROOT + ".a", 3); MockRM rm1 = new MockRM(newConf); rm1.getRMContext().setNodeLabelManager(mgr); rm1.start(); MockNM nm1 = rm1.registerNode("h1:1234", 100 * GB); // launch an app to queue A, AM container should be launched in nm1 RMApp app1 = rm1.submitApp(2 * GB, "app", "user", null, "a"); MockAM am1 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app1, rm1, nm1); // launch an app to queue B, AM container should be launched in nm1 RMApp app2 = rm1.submitApp(2 * GB, "app", "user", null, "b"); MockAM am2 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app2, rm1, nm1); // launch an app to queue C, AM container should be launched in nm1 RMApp app3 = rm1.submitApp(2 * GB, "app", "user", null, "c"); MockAM am3 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app3, rm1, nm1); // Each application asks 10 * 5GB containers am1.allocate("*", 5 * GB, 10, null); am2.allocate("*", 5 * GB, 10, null); am3.allocate("*", 5 * GB, 10, null); CapacityScheduler cs = (CapacityScheduler) rm1.getResourceScheduler(); RMNode rmNode1 = rm1.getRMContext().getRMNodes().get(nm1.getNodeId()); FiCaSchedulerApp schedulerApp1 = cs.getApplicationAttempt(am1.getApplicationAttemptId()); FiCaSchedulerApp schedulerApp2 = cs.getApplicationAttempt(am2.getApplicationAttemptId()); FiCaSchedulerApp schedulerApp3 = cs.getApplicationAttempt(am3.getApplicationAttemptId()); // container will be allocated to am1 // App1 will get 2 container allocated (plus AM container) cs.handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(rmNode1)); Assert.assertEquals(2, schedulerApp1.getLiveContainers().size()); Assert.assertEquals(1, schedulerApp2.getLiveContainers().size()); Assert.assertEquals(1, schedulerApp3.getLiveContainers().size()); // container will be allocated to am1 again, // App1 will get 3 container allocated (plus AM container) cs.handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(rmNode1)); Assert.assertEquals(3, schedulerApp1.getLiveContainers().size()); Assert.assertEquals(1, schedulerApp2.getLiveContainers().size()); Assert.assertEquals(1, schedulerApp3.getLiveContainers().size()); // (Now usages of queues: a=12G (satisfied), b=2G, c=2G) // container will be allocated to am2 (since app1 reaches its guaranteed // capacity) // App2 will get 2 container allocated (plus AM container) cs.handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(rmNode1)); Assert.assertEquals(3, schedulerApp1.getLiveContainers().size()); Assert.assertEquals(2, schedulerApp2.getLiveContainers().size()); Assert.assertEquals(1, schedulerApp3.getLiveContainers().size()); // Do this 3 times // container will be allocated to am2 (since app1 reaches its guaranteed // capacity) // App2 will get 2 container allocated (plus AM container) for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { cs.handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(rmNode1)); } Assert.assertEquals(3, schedulerApp1.getLiveContainers().size()); Assert.assertEquals(5, schedulerApp2.getLiveContainers().size()); Assert.assertEquals(1, schedulerApp3.getLiveContainers().size()); // (Now usages of queues: a=12G (satisfied), b=22G (satisfied), c=2G)) // Do this 10 times for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { cs.handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(rmNode1)); } Assert.assertEquals(3, schedulerApp1.getLiveContainers().size()); Assert.assertEquals(5, schedulerApp2.getLiveContainers().size()); Assert.assertEquals(11, schedulerApp3.getLiveContainers().size()); // (Now usages of queues: a=12G (satisfied), b=22G (satisfied), // c=52G (satisfied and no pending)) // Do this 20 times, we can only allocate 3 containers, 1 to A and 3 to B for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { cs.handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(rmNode1)); } Assert.assertEquals(4, schedulerApp1.getLiveContainers().size()); Assert.assertEquals(6, schedulerApp2.getLiveContainers().size()); Assert.assertEquals(11, schedulerApp3.getLiveContainers().size()); // (Now usages of queues: a=17G (satisfied), b=27G (satisfied), c=52G)) rm1.close(); } }