/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.fs; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.is; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.not; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.test.GenericTestUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; public class TestFsShellCopy { static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TestFsShellCopy.class); static Configuration conf; static FsShell shell; static LocalFileSystem lfs; static Path testRootDir, srcPath, dstPath; @BeforeClass public static void setup() throws Exception { conf = new Configuration(); shell = new FsShell(conf); lfs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf); testRootDir = lfs.makeQualified(new Path(GenericTestUtils.getTempPath( "testFsShellCopy"))); lfs.mkdirs(testRootDir); lfs.setWorkingDirectory(testRootDir); srcPath = new Path(testRootDir, "srcFile"); dstPath = new Path(testRootDir, "dstFile"); } @Before public void prepFiles() throws Exception { lfs.setVerifyChecksum(true); lfs.setWriteChecksum(true); lfs.delete(srcPath, true); lfs.delete(dstPath, true); FSDataOutputStream out = lfs.create(srcPath); out.writeChars("hi"); out.close(); assertTrue(lfs.exists(lfs.getChecksumFile(srcPath))); } private void shellRun(int n, String ... args) throws Exception { assertEquals(n, shell.run(args)); } private int shellRun(String... args) throws Exception { int exitCode = shell.run(args); LOG.info("exit " + exitCode + " - " + StringUtils.join(" ", args)); return exitCode; } @Test public void testCopyNoCrc() throws Exception { shellRun(0, "-get", srcPath.toString(), dstPath.toString()); checkPath(dstPath, false); } @Test public void testCopyCrc() throws Exception { shellRun(0, "-get", "-crc", srcPath.toString(), dstPath.toString()); checkPath(dstPath, true); } @Test public void testCorruptedCopyCrc() throws Exception { FSDataOutputStream out = lfs.getRawFileSystem().create(srcPath); out.writeChars("bang"); out.close(); shellRun(1, "-get", srcPath.toString(), dstPath.toString()); } @Test public void testCorruptedCopyIgnoreCrc() throws Exception { shellRun(0, "-get", "-ignoreCrc", srcPath.toString(), dstPath.toString()); checkPath(dstPath, false); } private void checkPath(Path p, boolean expectChecksum) throws IOException { assertTrue(lfs.exists(p)); boolean hasChecksum = lfs.exists(lfs.getChecksumFile(p)); assertEquals(expectChecksum, hasChecksum); } @Test public void testCopyFileFromLocal() throws Exception { Path testRoot = new Path(testRootDir, "testPutFile"); lfs.delete(testRoot, true); lfs.mkdirs(testRoot); Path targetDir = new Path(testRoot, "target"); Path filePath = new Path(testRoot, new Path("srcFile")); lfs.create(filePath).close(); checkPut(filePath, targetDir, false); } @Test public void testCopyDirFromLocal() throws Exception { Path testRoot = new Path(testRootDir, "testPutDir"); lfs.delete(testRoot, true); lfs.mkdirs(testRoot); Path targetDir = new Path(testRoot, "target"); Path dirPath = new Path(testRoot, new Path("srcDir")); lfs.mkdirs(dirPath); lfs.create(new Path(dirPath, "srcFile")).close(); checkPut(dirPath, targetDir, false); } @Test public void testCopyFileFromWindowsLocalPath() throws Exception { assumeTrue(Path.WINDOWS); String windowsTestRootPath = (new File(testRootDir.toUri().getPath() .toString())).getAbsolutePath(); Path testRoot = new Path(windowsTestRootPath, "testPutFile"); lfs.delete(testRoot, true); lfs.mkdirs(testRoot); Path targetDir = new Path(testRoot, "target"); Path filePath = new Path(testRoot, new Path("srcFile")); lfs.create(filePath).close(); checkPut(filePath, targetDir, true); } @Test public void testCopyDirFromWindowsLocalPath() throws Exception { assumeTrue(Path.WINDOWS); String windowsTestRootPath = (new File(testRootDir.toUri().getPath() .toString())).getAbsolutePath(); Path testRoot = new Path(windowsTestRootPath, "testPutDir"); lfs.delete(testRoot, true); lfs.mkdirs(testRoot); Path targetDir = new Path(testRoot, "target"); Path dirPath = new Path(testRoot, new Path("srcDir")); lfs.mkdirs(dirPath); lfs.create(new Path(dirPath, "srcFile")).close(); checkPut(dirPath, targetDir, true); } private void checkPut(Path srcPath, Path targetDir, boolean useWindowsPath) throws Exception { lfs.delete(targetDir, true); lfs.mkdirs(targetDir); lfs.setWorkingDirectory(targetDir); final Path dstPath = new Path("path"); final Path childPath = new Path(dstPath, "childPath"); lfs.setWorkingDirectory(targetDir); // copy to new file, then again prepPut(dstPath, false, false); checkPut(0, srcPath, dstPath, useWindowsPath); if (lfs.isFile(srcPath)) { checkPut(1, srcPath, dstPath, useWindowsPath); } else { // directory works because it copies into the dir // clear contents so the check won't think there are extra paths prepPut(dstPath, true, true); checkPut(0, srcPath, dstPath, useWindowsPath); } // copy to non-existent subdir prepPut(childPath, false, false); checkPut(1, srcPath, dstPath, useWindowsPath); // copy into dir, then with another name prepPut(dstPath, true, true); checkPut(0, srcPath, dstPath, useWindowsPath); prepPut(childPath, true, true); checkPut(0, srcPath, childPath, useWindowsPath); // try to put to pwd with existing dir prepPut(targetDir, true, true); checkPut(0, srcPath, null, useWindowsPath); prepPut(targetDir, true, true); checkPut(0, srcPath, new Path("."), useWindowsPath); // try to put to pwd with non-existent cwd prepPut(dstPath, false, true); lfs.setWorkingDirectory(dstPath); checkPut(1, srcPath, null, useWindowsPath); prepPut(dstPath, false, true); checkPut(1, srcPath, new Path("."), useWindowsPath); } private void prepPut(Path dst, boolean create, boolean isDir) throws IOException { lfs.delete(dst, true); assertFalse(lfs.exists(dst)); if (create) { if (isDir) { lfs.mkdirs(dst); assertTrue(lfs.isDirectory(dst)); } else { lfs.mkdirs(new Path(dst.getName())); lfs.create(dst).close(); assertTrue(lfs.isFile(dst)); } } } private void checkPut(int exitCode, Path src, Path dest, boolean useWindowsPath) throws Exception { String argv[] = null; String srcPath = src.toString(); if (useWindowsPath) { srcPath = (new File(srcPath)).getAbsolutePath(); } if (dest != null) { argv = new String[]{ "-put", srcPath, pathAsString(dest) }; } else { argv = new String[]{ "-put", srcPath }; dest = new Path(Path.CUR_DIR); } Path target; if (lfs.exists(dest)) { if (lfs.isDirectory(dest)) { target = new Path(pathAsString(dest), src.getName()); } else { target = dest; } } else { target = new Path(lfs.getWorkingDirectory(), dest); } boolean targetExists = lfs.exists(target); Path parent = lfs.makeQualified(target).getParent(); System.out.println("COPY src["+src.getName()+"] -> ["+dest+"] as ["+target+"]"); String lsArgv[] = new String[]{ "-ls", "-R", pathAsString(parent) }; shell.run(lsArgv); int gotExit = shell.run(argv); System.out.println("copy exit:"+gotExit); lsArgv = new String[]{ "-ls", "-R", pathAsString(parent) }; shell.run(lsArgv); if (exitCode == 0) { assertTrue(lfs.exists(target)); assertTrue(lfs.isFile(src) == lfs.isFile(target)); assertEquals(1, lfs.listStatus(lfs.makeQualified(target).getParent()).length); } else { assertEquals(targetExists, lfs.exists(target)); } assertEquals(exitCode, gotExit); } @Test public void testRepresentsDir() throws Exception { Path subdirDstPath = new Path(dstPath, srcPath.getName()); String argv[] = null; lfs.delete(dstPath, true); assertFalse(lfs.exists(dstPath)); argv = new String[]{ "-put", srcPath.toString(), dstPath.toString() }; assertEquals(0, shell.run(argv)); assertTrue(lfs.exists(dstPath) && lfs.isFile(dstPath)); lfs.delete(dstPath, true); assertFalse(lfs.exists(dstPath)); // since dst path looks like a dir, it should not copy the file and // rename it to what looks like a directory lfs.delete(dstPath, true); // make copy fail for (String suffix : new String[]{ "/", "/." } ) { argv = new String[]{ "-put", srcPath.toString(), dstPath.toString()+suffix }; assertEquals(1, shell.run(argv)); assertFalse(lfs.exists(dstPath)); assertFalse(lfs.exists(subdirDstPath)); } // since dst path looks like a dir, it should not copy the file and // rename it to what looks like a directory for (String suffix : new String[]{ "/", "/." } ) { // empty out the directory and create to make copy succeed lfs.delete(dstPath, true); lfs.mkdirs(dstPath); argv = new String[]{ "-put", srcPath.toString(), dstPath.toString()+suffix }; assertEquals(0, shell.run(argv)); assertTrue(lfs.exists(subdirDstPath)); assertTrue(lfs.isFile(subdirDstPath)); } // ensure .. is interpreted as a dir String dotdotDst = dstPath+"/foo/.."; lfs.delete(dstPath, true); lfs.mkdirs(new Path(dstPath, "foo")); argv = new String[]{ "-put", srcPath.toString(), dotdotDst }; assertEquals(0, shell.run(argv)); assertTrue(lfs.exists(subdirDstPath)); assertTrue(lfs.isFile(subdirDstPath)); } @Test public void testCopyMerge() throws Exception { Path root = new Path(testRootDir, "TestMerge"); Path f1 = new Path(root, "f1"); Path f2 = new Path(root, "f2"); Path f3 = new Path(root, "f3"); Path fnf = new Path(root, "fnf"); Path d = new Path(root, "dir"); Path df1 = new Path(d, "df1"); Path df2 = new Path(d, "df2"); Path df3 = new Path(d, "df3"); createFile(f1, f2, f3, df1, df2, df3); int exit; // one file, kind of silly exit = shell.run(new String[]{ "-getmerge", f1.toString(), "out" }); assertEquals(0, exit); assertEquals("f1", readFile("out")); exit = shell.run(new String[]{ "-getmerge", fnf.toString(), "out" }); assertEquals(1, exit); assertFalse(lfs.exists(new Path("out"))); // two files exit = shell.run(new String[]{ "-getmerge", f1.toString(), f2.toString(), "out" }); assertEquals(0, exit); assertEquals("f1f2", readFile("out")); // two files, preserves order exit = shell.run(new String[]{ "-getmerge", f2.toString(), f1.toString(), "out" }); assertEquals(0, exit); assertEquals("f2f1", readFile("out")); // two files exit = shell.run(new String[]{ "-getmerge", "-nl", f1.toString(), f2.toString(), "out" }); assertEquals(0, exit); assertEquals("f1\nf2\n", readFile("out")); // glob three files shell.run(new String[]{ "-getmerge", "-nl", new Path(root, "f*").toString(), "out" }); assertEquals(0, exit); assertEquals("f1\nf2\nf3\n", readFile("out")); // directory with 3 files, should skip subdir shell.run(new String[]{ "-getmerge", "-nl", root.toString(), "out" }); assertEquals(0, exit); assertEquals("f1\nf2\nf3\n", readFile("out")); // subdir shell.run(new String[]{ "-getmerge", "-nl", d.toString(), "out"}); assertEquals(0, exit); assertEquals("df1\ndf2\ndf3\n", readFile("out")); // file, dir, file shell.run(new String[]{ "-getmerge", "-nl", f1.toString(), d.toString(), f2.toString(), "out" }); assertEquals(0, exit); assertEquals("f1\ndf1\ndf2\ndf3\nf2\n", readFile("out")); } @Test public void testMoveFileFromLocal() throws Exception { Path testRoot = new Path(testRootDir, "testPutFile"); lfs.delete(testRoot, true); lfs.mkdirs(testRoot); Path target = new Path(testRoot, "target"); Path srcFile = new Path(testRoot, new Path("srcFile")); lfs.createNewFile(srcFile); int exit = shell.run(new String[]{ "-moveFromLocal", srcFile.toString(), target.toString() }); assertEquals(0, exit); assertFalse(lfs.exists(srcFile)); assertTrue(lfs.exists(target)); assertTrue(lfs.isFile(target)); } @Test public void testMoveDirFromLocal() throws Exception { Path testRoot = new Path(testRootDir, "testPutDir"); lfs.delete(testRoot, true); lfs.mkdirs(testRoot); Path srcDir = new Path(testRoot, "srcDir"); lfs.mkdirs(srcDir); Path targetDir = new Path(testRoot, "target"); int exit = shell.run(new String[]{ "-moveFromLocal", srcDir.toString(), targetDir.toString() }); assertEquals(0, exit); assertFalse(lfs.exists(srcDir)); assertTrue(lfs.exists(targetDir)); } @Test public void testMoveDirFromLocalDestExists() throws Exception { Path testRoot = new Path(testRootDir, "testPutDir"); lfs.delete(testRoot, true); lfs.mkdirs(testRoot); Path srcDir = new Path(testRoot, "srcDir"); lfs.mkdirs(srcDir); Path targetDir = new Path(testRoot, "target"); lfs.mkdirs(targetDir); int exit = shell.run(new String[]{ "-moveFromLocal", srcDir.toString(), targetDir.toString() }); assertEquals(0, exit); assertFalse(lfs.exists(srcDir)); assertTrue(lfs.exists(new Path(targetDir, srcDir.getName()))); lfs.mkdirs(srcDir); exit = shell.run(new String[]{ "-moveFromLocal", srcDir.toString(), targetDir.toString() }); assertEquals(1, exit); assertTrue(lfs.exists(srcDir)); } @Test public void testMoveFromWindowsLocalPath() throws Exception { assumeTrue(Path.WINDOWS); Path testRoot = new Path(testRootDir, "testPutFile"); lfs.delete(testRoot, true); lfs.mkdirs(testRoot); Path target = new Path(testRoot, "target"); Path srcFile = new Path(testRoot, new Path("srcFile")); lfs.createNewFile(srcFile); String winSrcFile = (new File(srcFile.toUri().getPath() .toString())).getAbsolutePath(); shellRun(0, "-moveFromLocal", winSrcFile, target.toString()); assertFalse(lfs.exists(srcFile)); assertTrue(lfs.exists(target)); assertTrue(lfs.isFile(target)); } @Test public void testGetWindowsLocalPath() throws Exception { assumeTrue(Path.WINDOWS); String winDstFile = (new File(dstPath.toUri().getPath() .toString())).getAbsolutePath(); shellRun(0, "-get", srcPath.toString(), winDstFile); checkPath(dstPath, false); } private void createFile(Path ... paths) throws IOException { for (Path path : paths) { FSDataOutputStream out = lfs.create(path); out.write(path.getName().getBytes()); out.close(); } } private String readFile(String out) throws IOException { Path path = new Path(out); FileStatus stat = lfs.getFileStatus(path); FSDataInputStream in = lfs.open(path); byte[] buffer = new byte[(int)stat.getLen()]; in.readFully(buffer); in.close(); lfs.delete(path, false); return new String(buffer); } // path handles "." rather oddly private String pathAsString(Path p) { String s = (p == null) ? Path.CUR_DIR : p.toString(); return s.isEmpty() ? Path.CUR_DIR : s; } /** * Test copy to a path with non-existent parent directory. */ @Test public void testCopyNoParent() throws Exception { final String noDirName = "noDir"; final Path noDir = new Path(noDirName); lfs.delete(noDir, true); assertThat(lfs.exists(noDir), is(false)); assertThat("Expected failed put to a path without parent directory", shellRun("-put", srcPath.toString(), noDirName + "/foo"), is(not(0))); // Note the trailing '/' in the target path. assertThat("Expected failed copyFromLocal to a non-existent directory", shellRun("-copyFromLocal", srcPath.toString(), noDirName + "/"), is(not(0))); } }