/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement; import java.util.LinkedList; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.Block; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.HdfsServerConstants.BlockUCState; import org.apache.hadoop.util.LightWeightGSet; /** * BlockInfo class maintains for a given block * the {@link INodeFile} it is part of and datanodes where the replicas of * the block are stored. * BlockInfo class maintains for a given block * the {@link BlockCollection} it is part of and datanodes where the replicas of * the block are stored. */ @InterfaceAudience.Private public class BlockInfoContiguous extends Block implements LightWeightGSet.LinkedElement { public static final BlockInfoContiguous[] EMPTY_ARRAY = {}; private BlockCollection bc; /** For implementing {@link LightWeightGSet.LinkedElement} interface */ private LightWeightGSet.LinkedElement nextLinkedElement; /** * This array contains triplets of references. For each i-th storage, the * block belongs to triplets[3*i] is the reference to the * {@link DatanodeStorageInfo} and triplets[3*i+1] and triplets[3*i+2] are * references to the previous and the next blocks, respectively, in the list * of blocks belonging to this storage. * * Using previous and next in Object triplets is done instead of a * {@link LinkedList} list to efficiently use memory. With LinkedList the cost * per replica is 42 bytes (LinkedList#Entry object per replica) versus 16 * bytes using the triplets. */ private Object[] triplets; /** * Construct an entry for blocksmap * @param replication the block's replication factor */ public BlockInfoContiguous(short replication) { this.triplets = new Object[3*replication]; this.bc = null; } public BlockInfoContiguous(Block blk, short replication) { super(blk); this.triplets = new Object[3*replication]; this.bc = null; } /** * Copy construction. * This is used to convert BlockInfoUnderConstruction * @param from BlockInfo to copy from. */ protected BlockInfoContiguous(BlockInfoContiguous from) { super(from); this.triplets = new Object[from.triplets.length]; this.bc = from.bc; } public BlockCollection getBlockCollection() { return bc; } public void setBlockCollection(BlockCollection bc) { this.bc = bc; } public DatanodeDescriptor getDatanode(int index) { DatanodeStorageInfo storage = getStorageInfo(index); return storage == null ? null : storage.getDatanodeDescriptor(); } DatanodeStorageInfo getStorageInfo(int index) { assert this.triplets != null : "BlockInfo is not initialized"; assert index >= 0 && index*3 < triplets.length : "Index is out of bound"; return (DatanodeStorageInfo)triplets[index*3]; } private BlockInfoContiguous getPrevious(int index) { assert this.triplets != null : "BlockInfo is not initialized"; assert index >= 0 && index*3+1 < triplets.length : "Index is out of bound"; BlockInfoContiguous info = (BlockInfoContiguous)triplets[index*3+1]; assert info == null || info.getClass().getName().startsWith(BlockInfoContiguous.class.getName()) : "BlockInfo is expected at " + index*3; return info; } BlockInfoContiguous getNext(int index) { assert this.triplets != null : "BlockInfo is not initialized"; assert index >= 0 && index*3+2 < triplets.length : "Index is out of bound"; BlockInfoContiguous info = (BlockInfoContiguous)triplets[index*3+2]; assert info == null || info.getClass().getName().startsWith( BlockInfoContiguous.class.getName()) : "BlockInfo is expected at " + index*3; return info; } private void setStorageInfo(int index, DatanodeStorageInfo storage) { assert this.triplets != null : "BlockInfo is not initialized"; assert index >= 0 && index*3 < triplets.length : "Index is out of bound"; triplets[index*3] = storage; } /** * Return the previous block on the block list for the datanode at * position index. Set the previous block on the list to "to". * * @param index - the datanode index * @param to - block to be set to previous on the list of blocks * @return current previous block on the list of blocks */ private BlockInfoContiguous setPrevious(int index, BlockInfoContiguous to) { assert this.triplets != null : "BlockInfo is not initialized"; assert index >= 0 && index*3+1 < triplets.length : "Index is out of bound"; BlockInfoContiguous info = (BlockInfoContiguous)triplets[index*3+1]; triplets[index*3+1] = to; return info; } /** * Return the next block on the block list for the datanode at * position index. Set the next block on the list to "to". * * @param index - the datanode index * @param to - block to be set to next on the list of blocks * * @return current next block on the list of blocks */ private BlockInfoContiguous setNext(int index, BlockInfoContiguous to) { assert this.triplets != null : "BlockInfo is not initialized"; assert index >= 0 && index*3+2 < triplets.length : "Index is out of bound"; BlockInfoContiguous info = (BlockInfoContiguous)triplets[index*3+2]; triplets[index*3+2] = to; return info; } public int getCapacity() { assert this.triplets != null : "BlockInfo is not initialized"; assert triplets.length % 3 == 0 : "Malformed BlockInfo"; return triplets.length / 3; } /** * Ensure that there is enough space to include num more triplets. * @return first free triplet index. */ private int ensureCapacity(int num) { assert this.triplets != null : "BlockInfo is not initialized"; int last = numNodes(); if(triplets.length >= (last+num)*3) return last; /* Not enough space left. Create a new array. Should normally * happen only when replication is manually increased by the user. */ Object[] old = triplets; triplets = new Object[(last+num)*3]; System.arraycopy(old, 0, triplets, 0, last*3); return last; } /** * Count the number of data-nodes the block belongs to. */ public int numNodes() { assert this.triplets != null : "BlockInfo is not initialized"; assert triplets.length % 3 == 0 : "Malformed BlockInfo"; for(int idx = getCapacity()-1; idx >= 0; idx--) { if(getDatanode(idx) != null) return idx+1; } return 0; } /** * Add a {@link DatanodeStorageInfo} location for a block */ boolean addStorage(DatanodeStorageInfo storage) { // find the last null node int lastNode = ensureCapacity(1); setStorageInfo(lastNode, storage); setNext(lastNode, null); setPrevious(lastNode, null); return true; } /** * Remove {@link DatanodeStorageInfo} location for a block */ boolean removeStorage(DatanodeStorageInfo storage) { int dnIndex = findStorageInfo(storage); if(dnIndex < 0) // the node is not found return false; assert getPrevious(dnIndex) == null && getNext(dnIndex) == null : "Block is still in the list and must be removed first."; // find the last not null node int lastNode = numNodes()-1; // replace current node triplet by the lastNode one setStorageInfo(dnIndex, getStorageInfo(lastNode)); setNext(dnIndex, getNext(lastNode)); setPrevious(dnIndex, getPrevious(lastNode)); // set the last triplet to null setStorageInfo(lastNode, null); setNext(lastNode, null); setPrevious(lastNode, null); return true; } /** * Find specified DatanodeDescriptor. * @return index or -1 if not found. */ boolean findDatanode(DatanodeDescriptor dn) { int len = getCapacity(); for(int idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) { DatanodeDescriptor cur = getDatanode(idx); if(cur == dn) { return true; } if(cur == null) { break; } } return false; } /** * Find specified DatanodeStorageInfo. * @return DatanodeStorageInfo or null if not found. */ DatanodeStorageInfo findStorageInfo(DatanodeDescriptor dn) { int len = getCapacity(); for(int idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) { DatanodeStorageInfo cur = getStorageInfo(idx); if(cur == null) break; if(cur.getDatanodeDescriptor() == dn) return cur; } return null; } /** * Find specified DatanodeStorageInfo. * @return index or -1 if not found. */ int findStorageInfo(DatanodeStorageInfo storageInfo) { int len = getCapacity(); for(int idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) { DatanodeStorageInfo cur = getStorageInfo(idx); if (cur == storageInfo) { return idx; } if (cur == null) { break; } } return -1; } /** * Insert this block into the head of the list of blocks * related to the specified DatanodeStorageInfo. * If the head is null then form a new list. * @return current block as the new head of the list. */ BlockInfoContiguous listInsert(BlockInfoContiguous head, DatanodeStorageInfo storage) { int dnIndex = this.findStorageInfo(storage); assert dnIndex >= 0 : "Data node is not found: current"; assert getPrevious(dnIndex) == null && getNext(dnIndex) == null : "Block is already in the list and cannot be inserted."; this.setPrevious(dnIndex, null); this.setNext(dnIndex, head); if(head != null) head.setPrevious(head.findStorageInfo(storage), this); return this; } /** * Remove this block from the list of blocks * related to the specified DatanodeStorageInfo. * If this block is the head of the list then return the next block as * the new head. * @return the new head of the list or null if the list becomes * empy after deletion. */ BlockInfoContiguous listRemove(BlockInfoContiguous head, DatanodeStorageInfo storage) { if(head == null) return null; int dnIndex = this.findStorageInfo(storage); if(dnIndex < 0) // this block is not on the data-node list return head; BlockInfoContiguous next = this.getNext(dnIndex); BlockInfoContiguous prev = this.getPrevious(dnIndex); this.setNext(dnIndex, null); this.setPrevious(dnIndex, null); if(prev != null) prev.setNext(prev.findStorageInfo(storage), next); if(next != null) next.setPrevious(next.findStorageInfo(storage), prev); if(this == head) // removing the head head = next; return head; } /** * Remove this block from the list of blocks related to the specified * DatanodeDescriptor. Insert it into the head of the list of blocks. * * @return the new head of the list. */ public BlockInfoContiguous moveBlockToHead(BlockInfoContiguous head, DatanodeStorageInfo storage, int curIndex, int headIndex) { if (head == this) { return this; } BlockInfoContiguous next = this.setNext(curIndex, head); BlockInfoContiguous prev = this.setPrevious(curIndex, null); head.setPrevious(headIndex, this); prev.setNext(prev.findStorageInfo(storage), next); if (next != null) { next.setPrevious(next.findStorageInfo(storage), prev); } return this; } /** * BlockInfo represents a block that is not being constructed. * In order to start modifying the block, the BlockInfo should be converted * to {@link BlockInfoContiguousUnderConstruction}. * @return {@link BlockUCState#COMPLETE} */ public BlockUCState getBlockUCState() { return BlockUCState.COMPLETE; } /** * Is this block complete? * * @return true if the state of the block is {@link BlockUCState#COMPLETE} */ public boolean isComplete() { return getBlockUCState().equals(BlockUCState.COMPLETE); } /** * Convert a complete block to an under construction block. * @return BlockInfoUnderConstruction - an under construction block. */ public BlockInfoContiguousUnderConstruction convertToBlockUnderConstruction( BlockUCState s, DatanodeStorageInfo[] targets) { if(isComplete()) { BlockInfoContiguousUnderConstruction ucBlock = new BlockInfoContiguousUnderConstruction(this, getBlockCollection().getBlockReplication(), s, targets); ucBlock.setBlockCollection(getBlockCollection()); return ucBlock; } // the block is already under construction BlockInfoContiguousUnderConstruction ucBlock = (BlockInfoContiguousUnderConstruction)this; ucBlock.setBlockUCState(s); ucBlock.setExpectedLocations(targets); ucBlock.setBlockCollection(getBlockCollection()); return ucBlock; } @Override public int hashCode() { // Super implementation is sufficient return super.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { // Sufficient to rely on super's implementation return (this == obj) || super.equals(obj); } @Override public LightWeightGSet.LinkedElement getNext() { return nextLinkedElement; } @Override public void setNext(LightWeightGSet.LinkedElement next) { this.nextLinkedElement = next; } }