/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.TruncateOp; import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSImageFormat.renameReservedPathsOnUpgrade; import static org.apache.hadoop.util.Time.monotonicNow; import java.io.FilterInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.XAttrSetFlag; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LocatedBlock; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockStoragePolicySuite; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.Block; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.CacheDirectiveInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.HdfsConstants; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.HdfsFileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LastBlockWithStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LayoutVersion; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LocatedBlock; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockInfoContiguous; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockInfoContiguousUnderConstruction; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.HdfsServerConstants.RollingUpgradeStartupOption; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.HdfsServerConstants.StartupOption; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.Storage; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.AddBlockOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.AddCacheDirectiveInfoOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.AddCachePoolOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.AddCloseOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.AllocateBlockIdOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.AllowSnapshotOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.AppendOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.BlockListUpdatingOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.CancelDelegationTokenOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.ClearNSQuotaOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.ConcatDeleteOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.CreateSnapshotOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.DeleteOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.DeleteSnapshotOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.DisallowSnapshotOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.GetDelegationTokenOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.MkdirOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.ModifyCacheDirectiveInfoOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.ModifyCachePoolOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.ReassignLeaseOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.RemoveCacheDirectiveInfoOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.RemoveCachePoolOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.RemoveXAttrOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.RenameOldOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.RenameOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.RenameSnapshotOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.RenewDelegationTokenOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.SetAclOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.RollingUpgradeOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.SetGenstampV1Op; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.SetGenstampV2Op; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.SetNSQuotaOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.SetOwnerOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.SetPermissionsOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.SetQuotaOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.SetReplicationOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.SetStoragePolicyOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.SetXAttrOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.SymlinkOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.TimesOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.UpdateBlocksOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogOp.UpdateMasterKeyOp; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.INode.BlocksMapUpdateInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.LeaseManager.Lease; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NNStorage.NameNodeFile; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot.Snapshot; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.startupprogress.Phase; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.startupprogress.StartupProgress; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.startupprogress.StartupProgress.Counter; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.startupprogress.Step; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.util.Holder; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ChunkedArrayList; import com.google.common.base.Joiner; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; @InterfaceAudience.Private @InterfaceStability.Evolving public class FSEditLogLoader { static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(FSEditLogLoader.class.getName()); static final long REPLAY_TRANSACTION_LOG_INTERVAL = 1000; // 1sec private final FSNamesystem fsNamesys; private long lastAppliedTxId; /** Total number of end transactions loaded. */ private int totalEdits = 0; public FSEditLogLoader(FSNamesystem fsNamesys, long lastAppliedTxId) { this.fsNamesys = fsNamesys; this.lastAppliedTxId = lastAppliedTxId; } long loadFSEdits(EditLogInputStream edits, long expectedStartingTxId) throws IOException { return loadFSEdits(edits, expectedStartingTxId, null, null); } /** * Load an edit log, and apply the changes to the in-memory structure * This is where we apply edits that we've been writing to disk all * along. */ long loadFSEdits(EditLogInputStream edits, long expectedStartingTxId, StartupOption startOpt, MetaRecoveryContext recovery) throws IOException { StartupProgress prog = NameNode.getStartupProgress(); Step step = createStartupProgressStep(edits); prog.beginStep(Phase.LOADING_EDITS, step); fsNamesys.writeLock(); try { long startTime = monotonicNow(); FSImage.LOG.info("Start loading edits file " + edits.getName()); long numEdits = loadEditRecords(edits, false, expectedStartingTxId, startOpt, recovery); FSImage.LOG.info("Edits file " + edits.getName() + " of size " + edits.length() + " edits # " + numEdits + " loaded in " + (monotonicNow()-startTime)/1000 + " seconds"); return numEdits; } finally { edits.close(); fsNamesys.writeUnlock(); prog.endStep(Phase.LOADING_EDITS, step); } } long loadEditRecords(EditLogInputStream in, boolean closeOnExit, long expectedStartingTxId, StartupOption startOpt, MetaRecoveryContext recovery) throws IOException { FSDirectory fsDir = fsNamesys.dir; EnumMap<FSEditLogOpCodes, Holder<Integer>> opCounts = new EnumMap<FSEditLogOpCodes, Holder<Integer>>(FSEditLogOpCodes.class); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Acquiring write lock to replay edit log"); } fsNamesys.writeLock(); fsDir.writeLock(); long recentOpcodeOffsets[] = new long[4]; Arrays.fill(recentOpcodeOffsets, -1); long expectedTxId = expectedStartingTxId; long numEdits = 0; long lastTxId = in.getLastTxId(); long numTxns = (lastTxId - expectedStartingTxId) + 1; StartupProgress prog = NameNode.getStartupProgress(); Step step = createStartupProgressStep(in); prog.setTotal(Phase.LOADING_EDITS, step, numTxns); Counter counter = prog.getCounter(Phase.LOADING_EDITS, step); long lastLogTime = monotonicNow(); long lastInodeId = fsNamesys.dir.getLastInodeId(); try { while (true) { try { FSEditLogOp op; try { op = in.readOp(); if (op == null) { break; } } catch (Throwable e) { // Handle a problem with our input check203UpgradeFailure(in.getVersion(true), e); String errorMessage = formatEditLogReplayError(in, recentOpcodeOffsets, expectedTxId); FSImage.LOG.error(errorMessage, e); if (recovery == null) { // We will only try to skip over problematic opcodes when in // recovery mode. throw new EditLogInputException(errorMessage, e, numEdits); } MetaRecoveryContext.editLogLoaderPrompt( "We failed to read txId " + expectedTxId, recovery, "skipping the bad section in the log"); in.resync(); continue; } recentOpcodeOffsets[(int)(numEdits % recentOpcodeOffsets.length)] = in.getPosition(); if (op.hasTransactionId()) { if (op.getTransactionId() > expectedTxId) { MetaRecoveryContext.editLogLoaderPrompt("There appears " + "to be a gap in the edit log. We expected txid " + expectedTxId + ", but got txid " + op.getTransactionId() + ".", recovery, "ignoring missing " + " transaction IDs"); } else if (op.getTransactionId() < expectedTxId) { MetaRecoveryContext.editLogLoaderPrompt("There appears " + "to be an out-of-order edit in the edit log. We " + "expected txid " + expectedTxId + ", but got txid " + op.getTransactionId() + ".", recovery, "skipping the out-of-order edit"); continue; } } try { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("op=" + op + ", startOpt=" + startOpt + ", numEdits=" + numEdits + ", totalEdits=" + totalEdits); } long inodeId = applyEditLogOp(op, fsDir, startOpt, in.getVersion(true), lastInodeId); if (lastInodeId < inodeId) { lastInodeId = inodeId; } } catch (RollingUpgradeOp.RollbackException e) { throw e; } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.error("Encountered exception on operation " + op, e); if (recovery == null) { throw e instanceof IOException? (IOException)e: new IOException(e); } MetaRecoveryContext.editLogLoaderPrompt("Failed to " + "apply edit log operation " + op + ": error " + e.getMessage(), recovery, "applying edits"); } // Now that the operation has been successfully decoded and // applied, update our bookkeeping. incrOpCount(op.opCode, opCounts, step, counter); if (op.hasTransactionId()) { lastAppliedTxId = op.getTransactionId(); expectedTxId = lastAppliedTxId + 1; } else { expectedTxId = lastAppliedTxId = expectedStartingTxId; } // log progress if (op.hasTransactionId()) { long now = monotonicNow(); if (now - lastLogTime > REPLAY_TRANSACTION_LOG_INTERVAL) { long deltaTxId = lastAppliedTxId - expectedStartingTxId + 1; int percent = Math.round((float) deltaTxId / numTxns * 100); LOG.info("replaying edit log: " + deltaTxId + "/" + numTxns + " transactions completed. (" + percent + "%)"); lastLogTime = now; } } numEdits++; totalEdits++; } catch (RollingUpgradeOp.RollbackException e) { LOG.info("Stopped at OP_START_ROLLING_UPGRADE for rollback."); break; } catch (MetaRecoveryContext.RequestStopException e) { MetaRecoveryContext.LOG.warn("Stopped reading edit log at " + in.getPosition() + "/" + in.length()); break; } } } finally { fsNamesys.dir.resetLastInodeId(lastInodeId); if(closeOnExit) { in.close(); } fsDir.writeUnlock(); fsNamesys.writeUnlock(); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("replaying edit log finished"); } if (FSImage.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { dumpOpCounts(opCounts); } } return numEdits; } // allocate and update last allocated inode id private long getAndUpdateLastInodeId(long inodeIdFromOp, int logVersion, long lastInodeId) throws IOException { long inodeId = inodeIdFromOp; if (inodeId == INodeId.GRANDFATHER_INODE_ID) { if (NameNodeLayoutVersion.supports( LayoutVersion.Feature.ADD_INODE_ID, logVersion)) { throw new IOException("The layout version " + logVersion + " supports inodeId but gave bogus inodeId"); } inodeId = fsNamesys.dir.allocateNewInodeId(); } else { // need to reset lastInodeId. fsnamesys gets lastInodeId firstly from // fsimage but editlog captures more recent inodeId allocations if (inodeId > lastInodeId) { fsNamesys.dir.resetLastInodeId(inodeId); } } return inodeId; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private long applyEditLogOp(FSEditLogOp op, FSDirectory fsDir, StartupOption startOpt, int logVersion, long lastInodeId) throws IOException { long inodeId = INodeId.GRANDFATHER_INODE_ID; if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("replaying edit log: " + op); } final boolean toAddRetryCache = fsNamesys.hasRetryCache() && op.hasRpcIds(); switch (op.opCode) { case OP_ADD: { AddCloseOp addCloseOp = (AddCloseOp)op; final String path = renameReservedPathsOnUpgrade(addCloseOp.path, logVersion); if (FSNamesystem.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { FSNamesystem.LOG.debug(op.opCode + ": " + path + " numblocks : " + addCloseOp.blocks.length + " clientHolder " + addCloseOp.clientName + " clientMachine " + addCloseOp.clientMachine); } // There are 3 cases here: // 1. OP_ADD to create a new file // 2. OP_ADD to update file blocks // 3. OP_ADD to open file for append (old append) // See if the file already exists (persistBlocks call) INodesInPath iip = fsDir.getINodesInPath(path, true); INodeFile oldFile = INodeFile.valueOf(iip.getLastINode(), path, true); if (oldFile != null && addCloseOp.overwrite) { // This is OP_ADD with overwrite FSDirDeleteOp.deleteForEditLog(fsDir, path, addCloseOp.mtime); iip = INodesInPath.replace(iip, iip.length() - 1, null); oldFile = null; } INodeFile newFile = oldFile; if (oldFile == null) { // this is OP_ADD on a new file (case 1) // versions > 0 support per file replication // get name and replication final short replication = fsNamesys.getBlockManager() .adjustReplication(addCloseOp.replication); assert addCloseOp.blocks.length == 0; // add to the file tree inodeId = getAndUpdateLastInodeId(addCloseOp.inodeId, logVersion, lastInodeId); newFile = fsDir.addFileForEditLog(inodeId, iip.getExistingINodes(), iip.getLastLocalName(), addCloseOp.permissions, addCloseOp.aclEntries, addCloseOp.xAttrs, replication, addCloseOp.mtime, addCloseOp.atime, addCloseOp.blockSize, true, addCloseOp.clientName, addCloseOp.clientMachine, addCloseOp.storagePolicyId); iip = INodesInPath.replace(iip, iip.length() - 1, newFile); fsNamesys.leaseManager.addLease(addCloseOp.clientName, path); // add the op into retry cache if necessary if (toAddRetryCache) { HdfsFileStatus stat = FSDirStatAndListingOp.createFileStatus( fsNamesys.dir, path, HdfsFileStatus.EMPTY_NAME, newFile, BlockStoragePolicySuite.ID_UNSPECIFIED, Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID, false, iip); fsNamesys.addCacheEntryWithPayload(addCloseOp.rpcClientId, addCloseOp.rpcCallId, stat); } } else { // This is OP_ADD on an existing file (old append) if (!oldFile.isUnderConstruction()) { // This is case 3: a call to append() on an already-closed file. if (FSNamesystem.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { FSNamesystem.LOG.debug("Reopening an already-closed file " + "for append"); } LocatedBlock lb = fsNamesys.prepareFileForAppend(path, iip, addCloseOp.clientName, addCloseOp.clientMachine, false, false, false); // add the op into retry cache if necessary if (toAddRetryCache) { HdfsFileStatus stat = FSDirStatAndListingOp.createFileStatus( fsNamesys.dir, path, HdfsFileStatus.EMPTY_NAME, newFile, BlockStoragePolicySuite.ID_UNSPECIFIED, Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID, false, iip); fsNamesys.addCacheEntryWithPayload(addCloseOp.rpcClientId, addCloseOp.rpcCallId, new LastBlockWithStatus(lb, stat)); } } } // Fall-through for case 2. // Regardless of whether it's a new file or an updated file, // update the block list. // Update the salient file attributes. newFile.setAccessTime(addCloseOp.atime, Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID); newFile.setModificationTime(addCloseOp.mtime, Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID); updateBlocks(fsDir, addCloseOp, iip, newFile); break; } case OP_CLOSE: { AddCloseOp addCloseOp = (AddCloseOp)op; final String path = renameReservedPathsOnUpgrade(addCloseOp.path, logVersion); if (FSNamesystem.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { FSNamesystem.LOG.debug(op.opCode + ": " + path + " numblocks : " + addCloseOp.blocks.length + " clientHolder " + addCloseOp.clientName + " clientMachine " + addCloseOp.clientMachine); } final INodesInPath iip = fsDir.getINodesInPath(path, true); final INodeFile file = INodeFile.valueOf(iip.getLastINode(), path); // Update the salient file attributes. file.setAccessTime(addCloseOp.atime, Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID); file.setModificationTime(addCloseOp.mtime, Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID); updateBlocks(fsDir, addCloseOp, iip, file); // Now close the file if (!file.isUnderConstruction() && logVersion <= LayoutVersion.BUGFIX_HDFS_2991_VERSION) { // There was a bug (HDFS-2991) in hadoop < 0.23.1 where OP_CLOSE // could show up twice in a row. But after that version, this // should be fixed, so we should treat it as an error. throw new IOException( "File is not under construction: " + path); } // One might expect that you could use removeLease(holder, path) here, // but OP_CLOSE doesn't serialize the holder. So, remove by path. if (file.isUnderConstruction()) { fsNamesys.leaseManager.removeLeaseWithPrefixPath(path); file.toCompleteFile(file.getModificationTime()); } break; } case OP_APPEND: { AppendOp appendOp = (AppendOp) op; final String path = renameReservedPathsOnUpgrade(appendOp.path, logVersion); if (FSNamesystem.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { FSNamesystem.LOG.debug(op.opCode + ": " + path + " clientName " + appendOp.clientName + " clientMachine " + appendOp.clientMachine + " newBlock " + appendOp.newBlock); } INodesInPath iip = fsDir.getINodesInPath4Write(path); INodeFile file = INodeFile.valueOf(iip.getLastINode(), path); if (!file.isUnderConstruction()) { LocatedBlock lb = fsNamesys.prepareFileForAppend(path, iip, appendOp.clientName, appendOp.clientMachine, appendOp.newBlock, false, false); // add the op into retry cache if necessary if (toAddRetryCache) { HdfsFileStatus stat = FSDirStatAndListingOp.createFileStatus( fsNamesys.dir, path, HdfsFileStatus.EMPTY_NAME, file, BlockStoragePolicySuite.ID_UNSPECIFIED, Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID, false, iip); fsNamesys.addCacheEntryWithPayload(appendOp.rpcClientId, appendOp.rpcCallId, new LastBlockWithStatus(lb, stat)); } } break; } case OP_UPDATE_BLOCKS: { UpdateBlocksOp updateOp = (UpdateBlocksOp)op; final String path = renameReservedPathsOnUpgrade(updateOp.path, logVersion); if (FSNamesystem.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { FSNamesystem.LOG.debug(op.opCode + ": " + path + " numblocks : " + updateOp.blocks.length); } INodesInPath iip = fsDir.getINodesInPath(path, true); INodeFile oldFile = INodeFile.valueOf(iip.getLastINode(), path); // Update in-memory data structures updateBlocks(fsDir, updateOp, iip, oldFile); if (toAddRetryCache) { fsNamesys.addCacheEntry(updateOp.rpcClientId, updateOp.rpcCallId); } break; } case OP_ADD_BLOCK: { AddBlockOp addBlockOp = (AddBlockOp) op; String path = renameReservedPathsOnUpgrade(addBlockOp.getPath(), logVersion); if (FSNamesystem.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { FSNamesystem.LOG.debug(op.opCode + ": " + path + " new block id : " + addBlockOp.getLastBlock().getBlockId()); } INodeFile oldFile = INodeFile.valueOf(fsDir.getINode(path), path); // add the new block to the INodeFile addNewBlock(fsDir, addBlockOp, oldFile); break; } case OP_SET_REPLICATION: { SetReplicationOp setReplicationOp = (SetReplicationOp)op; short replication = fsNamesys.getBlockManager().adjustReplication( setReplicationOp.replication); FSDirAttrOp.unprotectedSetReplication(fsDir, renameReservedPathsOnUpgrade( setReplicationOp.path, logVersion), replication, null); break; } case OP_CONCAT_DELETE: { ConcatDeleteOp concatDeleteOp = (ConcatDeleteOp)op; String trg = renameReservedPathsOnUpgrade(concatDeleteOp.trg, logVersion); String[] srcs = new String[concatDeleteOp.srcs.length]; for (int i=0; i<srcs.length; i++) { srcs[i] = renameReservedPathsOnUpgrade(concatDeleteOp.srcs[i], logVersion); } INodesInPath targetIIP = fsDir.getINodesInPath4Write(trg); INodeFile[] srcFiles = new INodeFile[srcs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < srcs.length; i++) { INodesInPath srcIIP = fsDir.getINodesInPath4Write(srcs[i]); srcFiles[i] = srcIIP.getLastINode().asFile(); } FSDirConcatOp.unprotectedConcat(fsDir, targetIIP, srcFiles, concatDeleteOp.timestamp); if (toAddRetryCache) { fsNamesys.addCacheEntry(concatDeleteOp.rpcClientId, concatDeleteOp.rpcCallId); } break; } case OP_RENAME_OLD: { RenameOldOp renameOp = (RenameOldOp)op; final String src = renameReservedPathsOnUpgrade(renameOp.src, logVersion); final String dst = renameReservedPathsOnUpgrade(renameOp.dst, logVersion); FSDirRenameOp.renameForEditLog(fsDir, src, dst, renameOp.timestamp); if (toAddRetryCache) { fsNamesys.addCacheEntry(renameOp.rpcClientId, renameOp.rpcCallId); } break; } case OP_DELETE: { DeleteOp deleteOp = (DeleteOp)op; FSDirDeleteOp.deleteForEditLog( fsDir, renameReservedPathsOnUpgrade(deleteOp.path, logVersion), deleteOp.timestamp); if (toAddRetryCache) { fsNamesys.addCacheEntry(deleteOp.rpcClientId, deleteOp.rpcCallId); } break; } case OP_MKDIR: { MkdirOp mkdirOp = (MkdirOp)op; inodeId = getAndUpdateLastInodeId(mkdirOp.inodeId, logVersion, lastInodeId); FSDirMkdirOp.mkdirForEditLog(fsDir, inodeId, renameReservedPathsOnUpgrade(mkdirOp.path, logVersion), mkdirOp.permissions, mkdirOp.aclEntries, mkdirOp.timestamp); break; } case OP_SET_GENSTAMP_V1: { SetGenstampV1Op setGenstampV1Op = (SetGenstampV1Op)op; fsNamesys.getBlockIdManager().setGenerationStampV1( setGenstampV1Op.genStampV1); break; } case OP_SET_PERMISSIONS: { SetPermissionsOp setPermissionsOp = (SetPermissionsOp)op; FSDirAttrOp.unprotectedSetPermission(fsDir, renameReservedPathsOnUpgrade( setPermissionsOp.src, logVersion), setPermissionsOp.permissions); break; } case OP_SET_OWNER: { SetOwnerOp setOwnerOp = (SetOwnerOp)op; FSDirAttrOp.unprotectedSetOwner( fsDir, renameReservedPathsOnUpgrade(setOwnerOp.src, logVersion), setOwnerOp.username, setOwnerOp.groupname); break; } case OP_SET_NS_QUOTA: { SetNSQuotaOp setNSQuotaOp = (SetNSQuotaOp)op; FSDirAttrOp.unprotectedSetQuota( fsDir, renameReservedPathsOnUpgrade(setNSQuotaOp.src, logVersion), setNSQuotaOp.nsQuota, HdfsConstants.QUOTA_DONT_SET, null); break; } case OP_CLEAR_NS_QUOTA: { ClearNSQuotaOp clearNSQuotaOp = (ClearNSQuotaOp)op; FSDirAttrOp.unprotectedSetQuota( fsDir, renameReservedPathsOnUpgrade(clearNSQuotaOp.src, logVersion), HdfsConstants.QUOTA_RESET, HdfsConstants.QUOTA_DONT_SET, null); break; } case OP_SET_QUOTA: SetQuotaOp setQuotaOp = (SetQuotaOp) op; FSDirAttrOp.unprotectedSetQuota(fsDir, renameReservedPathsOnUpgrade(setQuotaOp.src, logVersion), setQuotaOp.nsQuota, setQuotaOp.dsQuota, null); break; case OP_SET_QUOTA_BY_STORAGETYPE: FSEditLogOp.SetQuotaByStorageTypeOp setQuotaByStorageTypeOp = (FSEditLogOp.SetQuotaByStorageTypeOp) op; FSDirAttrOp.unprotectedSetQuota(fsDir, renameReservedPathsOnUpgrade(setQuotaByStorageTypeOp.src, logVersion), HdfsConstants.QUOTA_DONT_SET, setQuotaByStorageTypeOp.dsQuota, setQuotaByStorageTypeOp.type); break; case OP_TIMES: { TimesOp timesOp = (TimesOp)op; FSDirAttrOp.unprotectedSetTimes( fsDir, renameReservedPathsOnUpgrade(timesOp.path, logVersion), timesOp.mtime, timesOp.atime, true); break; } case OP_SYMLINK: { if (!FileSystem.areSymlinksEnabled()) { throw new IOException("Symlinks not supported - please remove symlink before upgrading to this version of HDFS"); } SymlinkOp symlinkOp = (SymlinkOp)op; inodeId = getAndUpdateLastInodeId(symlinkOp.inodeId, logVersion, lastInodeId); final String path = renameReservedPathsOnUpgrade(symlinkOp.path, logVersion); final INodesInPath iip = fsDir.getINodesInPath(path, false); FSDirSymlinkOp.unprotectedAddSymlink(fsDir, iip.getExistingINodes(), iip.getLastLocalName(), inodeId, symlinkOp.value, symlinkOp.mtime, symlinkOp.atime, symlinkOp.permissionStatus); if (toAddRetryCache) { fsNamesys.addCacheEntry(symlinkOp.rpcClientId, symlinkOp.rpcCallId); } break; } case OP_RENAME: { RenameOp renameOp = (RenameOp)op; FSDirRenameOp.renameForEditLog(fsDir, renameReservedPathsOnUpgrade(renameOp.src, logVersion), renameReservedPathsOnUpgrade(renameOp.dst, logVersion), renameOp.timestamp, renameOp.options); if (toAddRetryCache) { fsNamesys.addCacheEntry(renameOp.rpcClientId, renameOp.rpcCallId); } break; } case OP_GET_DELEGATION_TOKEN: { GetDelegationTokenOp getDelegationTokenOp = (GetDelegationTokenOp)op; fsNamesys.getDelegationTokenSecretManager() .addPersistedDelegationToken(getDelegationTokenOp.token, getDelegationTokenOp.expiryTime); break; } case OP_RENEW_DELEGATION_TOKEN: { RenewDelegationTokenOp renewDelegationTokenOp = (RenewDelegationTokenOp)op; fsNamesys.getDelegationTokenSecretManager() .updatePersistedTokenRenewal(renewDelegationTokenOp.token, renewDelegationTokenOp.expiryTime); break; } case OP_CANCEL_DELEGATION_TOKEN: { CancelDelegationTokenOp cancelDelegationTokenOp = (CancelDelegationTokenOp)op; fsNamesys.getDelegationTokenSecretManager() .updatePersistedTokenCancellation( cancelDelegationTokenOp.token); break; } case OP_UPDATE_MASTER_KEY: { UpdateMasterKeyOp updateMasterKeyOp = (UpdateMasterKeyOp)op; fsNamesys.getDelegationTokenSecretManager() .updatePersistedMasterKey(updateMasterKeyOp.key); break; } case OP_REASSIGN_LEASE: { ReassignLeaseOp reassignLeaseOp = (ReassignLeaseOp)op; Lease lease = fsNamesys.leaseManager.getLease( reassignLeaseOp.leaseHolder); final String path = renameReservedPathsOnUpgrade(reassignLeaseOp.path, logVersion); INodeFile pendingFile = fsDir.getINode(path).asFile(); Preconditions.checkState(pendingFile.isUnderConstruction()); fsNamesys.reassignLeaseInternal(lease, path, reassignLeaseOp.newHolder, pendingFile); break; } case OP_START_LOG_SEGMENT: case OP_END_LOG_SEGMENT: { // no data in here currently. break; } case OP_CREATE_SNAPSHOT: { CreateSnapshotOp createSnapshotOp = (CreateSnapshotOp) op; final String snapshotRoot = renameReservedPathsOnUpgrade(createSnapshotOp.snapshotRoot, logVersion); INodesInPath iip = fsDir.getINodesInPath4Write(snapshotRoot); String path = fsNamesys.getSnapshotManager().createSnapshot(iip, snapshotRoot, createSnapshotOp.snapshotName); if (toAddRetryCache) { fsNamesys.addCacheEntryWithPayload(createSnapshotOp.rpcClientId, createSnapshotOp.rpcCallId, path); } break; } case OP_DELETE_SNAPSHOT: { DeleteSnapshotOp deleteSnapshotOp = (DeleteSnapshotOp) op; BlocksMapUpdateInfo collectedBlocks = new BlocksMapUpdateInfo(); List<INode> removedINodes = new ChunkedArrayList<INode>(); final String snapshotRoot = renameReservedPathsOnUpgrade(deleteSnapshotOp.snapshotRoot, logVersion); INodesInPath iip = fsDir.getINodesInPath4Write(snapshotRoot); fsNamesys.getSnapshotManager().deleteSnapshot( iip, deleteSnapshotOp.snapshotName, collectedBlocks, removedINodes); fsNamesys.removeBlocksAndUpdateSafemodeTotal(collectedBlocks); collectedBlocks.clear(); fsNamesys.dir.removeFromInodeMap(removedINodes); removedINodes.clear(); if (toAddRetryCache) { fsNamesys.addCacheEntry(deleteSnapshotOp.rpcClientId, deleteSnapshotOp.rpcCallId); } break; } case OP_RENAME_SNAPSHOT: { RenameSnapshotOp renameSnapshotOp = (RenameSnapshotOp) op; final String snapshotRoot = renameReservedPathsOnUpgrade(renameSnapshotOp.snapshotRoot, logVersion); INodesInPath iip = fsDir.getINodesInPath4Write(snapshotRoot); fsNamesys.getSnapshotManager().renameSnapshot(iip, snapshotRoot, renameSnapshotOp.snapshotOldName, renameSnapshotOp.snapshotNewName); if (toAddRetryCache) { fsNamesys.addCacheEntry(renameSnapshotOp.rpcClientId, renameSnapshotOp.rpcCallId); } break; } case OP_ALLOW_SNAPSHOT: { AllowSnapshotOp allowSnapshotOp = (AllowSnapshotOp) op; final String snapshotRoot = renameReservedPathsOnUpgrade(allowSnapshotOp.snapshotRoot, logVersion); fsNamesys.getSnapshotManager().setSnapshottable( snapshotRoot, false); break; } case OP_DISALLOW_SNAPSHOT: { DisallowSnapshotOp disallowSnapshotOp = (DisallowSnapshotOp) op; final String snapshotRoot = renameReservedPathsOnUpgrade(disallowSnapshotOp.snapshotRoot, logVersion); fsNamesys.getSnapshotManager().resetSnapshottable( snapshotRoot); break; } case OP_SET_GENSTAMP_V2: { SetGenstampV2Op setGenstampV2Op = (SetGenstampV2Op) op; fsNamesys.getBlockIdManager().setGenerationStampV2( setGenstampV2Op.genStampV2); break; } case OP_ALLOCATE_BLOCK_ID: { AllocateBlockIdOp allocateBlockIdOp = (AllocateBlockIdOp) op; fsNamesys.getBlockIdManager().setLastAllocatedBlockId( allocateBlockIdOp.blockId); break; } case OP_ROLLING_UPGRADE_START: { if (startOpt == StartupOption.ROLLINGUPGRADE) { final RollingUpgradeStartupOption rollingUpgradeOpt = startOpt.getRollingUpgradeStartupOption(); if (rollingUpgradeOpt == RollingUpgradeStartupOption.ROLLBACK) { throw new RollingUpgradeOp.RollbackException(); } else if (rollingUpgradeOpt == RollingUpgradeStartupOption.DOWNGRADE) { //ignore upgrade marker break; } } // start rolling upgrade final long startTime = ((RollingUpgradeOp) op).getTime(); fsNamesys.startRollingUpgradeInternal(startTime); fsNamesys.triggerRollbackCheckpoint(); break; } case OP_ROLLING_UPGRADE_FINALIZE: { final long finalizeTime = ((RollingUpgradeOp) op).getTime(); if (fsNamesys.isRollingUpgrade()) { // Only do it when NN is actually doing rolling upgrade. // We can get FINALIZE without corresponding START, if NN is restarted // before this op is consumed and a new checkpoint is created. fsNamesys.finalizeRollingUpgradeInternal(finalizeTime); } fsNamesys.getFSImage().updateStorageVersion(); fsNamesys.getFSImage().renameCheckpoint(NameNodeFile.IMAGE_ROLLBACK, NameNodeFile.IMAGE); break; } case OP_ADD_CACHE_DIRECTIVE: { AddCacheDirectiveInfoOp addOp = (AddCacheDirectiveInfoOp) op; CacheDirectiveInfo result = fsNamesys. getCacheManager().addDirectiveFromEditLog(addOp.directive); if (toAddRetryCache) { Long id = result.getId(); fsNamesys.addCacheEntryWithPayload(op.rpcClientId, op.rpcCallId, id); } break; } case OP_MODIFY_CACHE_DIRECTIVE: { ModifyCacheDirectiveInfoOp modifyOp = (ModifyCacheDirectiveInfoOp) op; fsNamesys.getCacheManager().modifyDirectiveFromEditLog( modifyOp.directive); if (toAddRetryCache) { fsNamesys.addCacheEntry(op.rpcClientId, op.rpcCallId); } break; } case OP_REMOVE_CACHE_DIRECTIVE: { RemoveCacheDirectiveInfoOp removeOp = (RemoveCacheDirectiveInfoOp) op; fsNamesys.getCacheManager().removeDirective(removeOp.id, null); if (toAddRetryCache) { fsNamesys.addCacheEntry(op.rpcClientId, op.rpcCallId); } break; } case OP_ADD_CACHE_POOL: { AddCachePoolOp addOp = (AddCachePoolOp) op; fsNamesys.getCacheManager().addCachePool(addOp.info); if (toAddRetryCache) { fsNamesys.addCacheEntry(op.rpcClientId, op.rpcCallId); } break; } case OP_MODIFY_CACHE_POOL: { ModifyCachePoolOp modifyOp = (ModifyCachePoolOp) op; fsNamesys.getCacheManager().modifyCachePool(modifyOp.info); if (toAddRetryCache) { fsNamesys.addCacheEntry(op.rpcClientId, op.rpcCallId); } break; } case OP_REMOVE_CACHE_POOL: { RemoveCachePoolOp removeOp = (RemoveCachePoolOp) op; fsNamesys.getCacheManager().removeCachePool(removeOp.poolName); if (toAddRetryCache) { fsNamesys.addCacheEntry(op.rpcClientId, op.rpcCallId); } break; } case OP_SET_ACL: { SetAclOp setAclOp = (SetAclOp) op; FSDirAclOp.unprotectedSetAcl(fsDir, setAclOp.src, setAclOp.aclEntries, true); break; } case OP_SET_XATTR: { SetXAttrOp setXAttrOp = (SetXAttrOp) op; FSDirXAttrOp.unprotectedSetXAttrs(fsDir, setXAttrOp.src, setXAttrOp.xAttrs, EnumSet.of(XAttrSetFlag.CREATE, XAttrSetFlag.REPLACE)); if (toAddRetryCache) { fsNamesys.addCacheEntry(setXAttrOp.rpcClientId, setXAttrOp.rpcCallId); } break; } case OP_REMOVE_XATTR: { RemoveXAttrOp removeXAttrOp = (RemoveXAttrOp) op; FSDirXAttrOp.unprotectedRemoveXAttrs(fsDir, removeXAttrOp.src, removeXAttrOp.xAttrs); if (toAddRetryCache) { fsNamesys.addCacheEntry(removeXAttrOp.rpcClientId, removeXAttrOp.rpcCallId); } break; } case OP_TRUNCATE: { TruncateOp truncateOp = (TruncateOp) op; fsDir.unprotectedTruncate(truncateOp.src, truncateOp.clientName, truncateOp.clientMachine, truncateOp.newLength, truncateOp.timestamp, truncateOp.truncateBlock); break; } case OP_SET_STORAGE_POLICY: { SetStoragePolicyOp setStoragePolicyOp = (SetStoragePolicyOp) op; final String path = renameReservedPathsOnUpgrade(setStoragePolicyOp.path, logVersion); final INodesInPath iip = fsDir.getINodesInPath4Write(path); FSDirAttrOp.unprotectedSetStoragePolicy( fsDir, fsNamesys.getBlockManager(), iip, setStoragePolicyOp.policyId); break; } default: throw new IOException("Invalid operation read " + op.opCode); } return inodeId; } private static String formatEditLogReplayError(EditLogInputStream in, long recentOpcodeOffsets[], long txid) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Error replaying edit log at offset " + in.getPosition()); sb.append(". Expected transaction ID was ").append(txid); if (recentOpcodeOffsets[0] != -1) { Arrays.sort(recentOpcodeOffsets); sb.append("\nRecent opcode offsets:"); for (long offset : recentOpcodeOffsets) { if (offset != -1) { sb.append(' ').append(offset); } } } return sb.toString(); } /** * Add a new block into the given INodeFile */ private void addNewBlock(FSDirectory fsDir, AddBlockOp op, INodeFile file) throws IOException { BlockInfoContiguous[] oldBlocks = file.getBlocks(); Block pBlock = op.getPenultimateBlock(); Block newBlock= op.getLastBlock(); if (pBlock != null) { // the penultimate block is not null Preconditions.checkState(oldBlocks != null && oldBlocks.length > 0); // compare pBlock with the last block of oldBlocks Block oldLastBlock = oldBlocks[oldBlocks.length - 1]; if (oldLastBlock.getBlockId() != pBlock.getBlockId() || oldLastBlock.getGenerationStamp() != pBlock.getGenerationStamp()) { throw new IOException( "Mismatched block IDs or generation stamps for the old last block of file " + op.getPath() + ", the old last block is " + oldLastBlock + ", and the block read from editlog is " + pBlock); } oldLastBlock.setNumBytes(pBlock.getNumBytes()); if (oldLastBlock instanceof BlockInfoContiguousUnderConstruction) { fsNamesys.getBlockManager().forceCompleteBlock(file, (BlockInfoContiguousUnderConstruction) oldLastBlock); fsNamesys.getBlockManager().processQueuedMessagesForBlock(pBlock); } } else { // the penultimate block is null Preconditions.checkState(oldBlocks == null || oldBlocks.length == 0); } // add the new block BlockInfoContiguous newBI = new BlockInfoContiguousUnderConstruction( newBlock, file.getBlockReplication()); fsNamesys.getBlockManager().addBlockCollection(newBI, file); file.addBlock(newBI); fsNamesys.getBlockManager().processQueuedMessagesForBlock(newBlock); } /** * Update in-memory data structures with new block information. * @throws IOException */ private void updateBlocks(FSDirectory fsDir, BlockListUpdatingOp op, INodesInPath iip, INodeFile file) throws IOException { // Update its block list BlockInfoContiguous[] oldBlocks = file.getBlocks(); Block[] newBlocks = op.getBlocks(); String path = op.getPath(); // Are we only updating the last block's gen stamp. boolean isGenStampUpdate = oldBlocks.length == newBlocks.length; // First, update blocks in common for (int i = 0; i < oldBlocks.length && i < newBlocks.length; i++) { BlockInfoContiguous oldBlock = oldBlocks[i]; Block newBlock = newBlocks[i]; boolean isLastBlock = i == newBlocks.length - 1; if (oldBlock.getBlockId() != newBlock.getBlockId() || (oldBlock.getGenerationStamp() != newBlock.getGenerationStamp() && !(isGenStampUpdate && isLastBlock))) { throw new IOException("Mismatched block IDs or generation stamps, " + "attempting to replace block " + oldBlock + " with " + newBlock + " as block # " + i + "/" + newBlocks.length + " of " + path); } oldBlock.setNumBytes(newBlock.getNumBytes()); boolean changeMade = oldBlock.getGenerationStamp() != newBlock.getGenerationStamp(); oldBlock.setGenerationStamp(newBlock.getGenerationStamp()); if (oldBlock instanceof BlockInfoContiguousUnderConstruction && (!isLastBlock || op.shouldCompleteLastBlock())) { changeMade = true; fsNamesys.getBlockManager().forceCompleteBlock(file, (BlockInfoContiguousUnderConstruction) oldBlock); } if (changeMade) { // The state or gen-stamp of the block has changed. So, we may be // able to process some messages from datanodes that we previously // were unable to process. fsNamesys.getBlockManager().processQueuedMessagesForBlock(newBlock); } } if (newBlocks.length < oldBlocks.length) { // We're removing a block from the file, e.g. abandonBlock(...) if (!file.isUnderConstruction()) { throw new IOException("Trying to remove a block from file " + path + " which is not under construction."); } if (newBlocks.length != oldBlocks.length - 1) { throw new IOException("Trying to remove more than one block from file " + path); } Block oldBlock = oldBlocks[oldBlocks.length - 1]; boolean removed = fsDir.unprotectedRemoveBlock(path, iip, file, oldBlock); if (!removed && !(op instanceof UpdateBlocksOp)) { throw new IOException("Trying to delete non-existant block " + oldBlock); } } else if (newBlocks.length > oldBlocks.length) { // We're adding blocks for (int i = oldBlocks.length; i < newBlocks.length; i++) { Block newBlock = newBlocks[i]; BlockInfoContiguous newBI; if (!op.shouldCompleteLastBlock()) { // TODO: shouldn't this only be true for the last block? // what about an old-version fsync() where fsync isn't called // until several blocks in? newBI = new BlockInfoContiguousUnderConstruction( newBlock, file.getBlockReplication()); } else { // OP_CLOSE should add finalized blocks. This code path // is only executed when loading edits written by prior // versions of Hadoop. Current versions always log // OP_ADD operations as each block is allocated. newBI = new BlockInfoContiguous(newBlock, file.getBlockReplication()); } fsNamesys.getBlockManager().addBlockCollection(newBI, file); file.addBlock(newBI); fsNamesys.getBlockManager().processQueuedMessagesForBlock(newBlock); } } } private static void dumpOpCounts( EnumMap<FSEditLogOpCodes, Holder<Integer>> opCounts) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Summary of operations loaded from edit log:\n "); Joiner.on("\n ").withKeyValueSeparator("=").appendTo(sb, opCounts); FSImage.LOG.debug(sb.toString()); } private void incrOpCount(FSEditLogOpCodes opCode, EnumMap<FSEditLogOpCodes, Holder<Integer>> opCounts, Step step, Counter counter) { Holder<Integer> holder = opCounts.get(opCode); if (holder == null) { holder = new Holder<Integer>(1); opCounts.put(opCode, holder); } else { holder.held++; } counter.increment(); } /** * Throw appropriate exception during upgrade from 203, when editlog loading * could fail due to opcode conflicts. */ private void check203UpgradeFailure(int logVersion, Throwable e) throws IOException { // 0.20.203 version version has conflicting opcodes with the later releases. // The editlog must be emptied by restarting the namenode, before proceeding // with the upgrade. if (Storage.is203LayoutVersion(logVersion) && logVersion != HdfsConstants.NAMENODE_LAYOUT_VERSION) { String msg = "During upgrade failed to load the editlog version " + logVersion + " from release 0.20.203. Please go back to the old " + " release and restart the namenode. This empties the editlog " + " and saves the namespace. Resume the upgrade after this step."; throw new IOException(msg, e); } } /** * Find the last valid transaction ID in the stream. * If there are invalid or corrupt transactions in the middle of the stream, * validateEditLog will skip over them. * This reads through the stream but does not close it. * * @param maxTxIdToValidate Maximum Tx ID to try to validate. Validation * returns after reading this or a higher ID. * The file portion beyond this ID is potentially * being updated. */ static EditLogValidation validateEditLog(EditLogInputStream in, long maxTxIdToValidate) { long lastPos = 0; long lastTxId = HdfsConstants.INVALID_TXID; long numValid = 0; FSEditLogOp op = null; while (true) { lastPos = in.getPosition(); try { if ((op = in.readOp()) == null) { break; } } catch (Throwable t) { FSImage.LOG.warn("Caught exception after reading " + numValid + " ops from " + in + " while determining its valid length." + "Position was " + lastPos, t); in.resync(); FSImage.LOG.warn("After resync, position is " + in.getPosition()); continue; } if (lastTxId == HdfsConstants.INVALID_TXID || op.getTransactionId() > lastTxId) { lastTxId = op.getTransactionId(); } if (lastTxId >= maxTxIdToValidate) { break; } numValid++; } return new EditLogValidation(lastPos, lastTxId, false); } static EditLogValidation scanEditLog(EditLogInputStream in) { long lastPos = 0; long lastTxId = HdfsConstants.INVALID_TXID; long numValid = 0; FSEditLogOp op = null; while (true) { lastPos = in.getPosition(); try { if ((op = in.readOp()) == null) { // TODO break; } } catch (Throwable t) { FSImage.LOG.warn("Caught exception after reading " + numValid + " ops from " + in + " while determining its valid length." + "Position was " + lastPos, t); in.resync(); FSImage.LOG.warn("After resync, position is " + in.getPosition()); continue; } if (lastTxId == HdfsConstants.INVALID_TXID || op.getTransactionId() > lastTxId) { lastTxId = op.getTransactionId(); } numValid++; } return new EditLogValidation(lastPos, lastTxId, false); } static class EditLogValidation { private final long validLength; private final long endTxId; private final boolean hasCorruptHeader; EditLogValidation(long validLength, long endTxId, boolean hasCorruptHeader) { this.validLength = validLength; this.endTxId = endTxId; this.hasCorruptHeader = hasCorruptHeader; } long getValidLength() { return validLength; } long getEndTxId() { return endTxId; } boolean hasCorruptHeader() { return hasCorruptHeader; } } /** * Stream wrapper that keeps track of the current stream position. * * This stream also allows us to set a limit on how many bytes we can read * without getting an exception. */ public static class PositionTrackingInputStream extends FilterInputStream implements StreamLimiter { private long curPos = 0; private long markPos = -1; private long limitPos = Long.MAX_VALUE; public PositionTrackingInputStream(InputStream is) { super(is); } private void checkLimit(long amt) throws IOException { long extra = (curPos + amt) - limitPos; if (extra > 0) { throw new IOException("Tried to read " + amt + " byte(s) past " + "the limit at offset " + limitPos); } } @Override public int read() throws IOException { checkLimit(1); int ret = super.read(); if (ret != -1) curPos++; return ret; } @Override public int read(byte[] data) throws IOException { checkLimit(data.length); int ret = super.read(data); if (ret > 0) curPos += ret; return ret; } @Override public int read(byte[] data, int offset, int length) throws IOException { checkLimit(length); int ret = super.read(data, offset, length); if (ret > 0) curPos += ret; return ret; } @Override public void setLimit(long limit) { limitPos = curPos + limit; } @Override public void clearLimit() { limitPos = Long.MAX_VALUE; } @Override public void mark(int limit) { super.mark(limit); markPos = curPos; } @Override public void reset() throws IOException { if (markPos == -1) { throw new IOException("Not marked!"); } super.reset(); curPos = markPos; markPos = -1; } public long getPos() { return curPos; } @Override public long skip(long amt) throws IOException { long extra = (curPos + amt) - limitPos; if (extra > 0) { throw new IOException("Tried to skip " + extra + " bytes past " + "the limit at offset " + limitPos); } long ret = super.skip(amt); curPos += ret; return ret; } } public long getLastAppliedTxId() { return lastAppliedTxId; } /** * Creates a Step used for updating startup progress, populated with * information from the given edits. The step always includes the log's name. * If the log has a known length, then the length is included in the step too. * * @param edits EditLogInputStream to use for populating step * @return Step populated with information from edits * @throws IOException thrown if there is an I/O error */ private static Step createStartupProgressStep(EditLogInputStream edits) throws IOException { long length = edits.length(); String name = edits.getCurrentStreamName(); return length != -1 ? new Step(name, length) : new Step(name); } }