/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp; import static org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.StringHelper.join; import static org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.view.JQueryUI.C_TABLE; import static org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.view.JQueryUI.DATATABLES; import static org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.view.JQueryUI.DATATABLES_ID; import static org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.view.JQueryUI._INFO_WRAP; import static org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.view.JQueryUI._TH; import static org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.view.JQueryUI.initID; import static org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.view.JQueryUI.tableInit; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import java.io.InputStream; import java.net.HttpURLConnection; import java.net.URL; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.net.ServerSocketUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.MockApps; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.view.HtmlPage; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.view.JQueryUI; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.view.RobotsTextPage; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.view.TextPage; import org.junit.Test; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.google.inject.Inject; public class TestWebApp { static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestWebApp.class); static class FooController extends Controller { final TestWebApp test; @Inject FooController(TestWebApp test) { this.test = test; } @Override public void index() { set("key", test.echo("foo")); } public void bar() { set("key", "bar"); } public void names() { for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { renderText(MockApps.newAppName() + "\n"); } } public void ex() { boolean err = $("clear").isEmpty(); renderText(err ? "Should redirect to an error page." : "No error!"); if (err) { throw new RuntimeException("exception test"); } } public void tables() { render(TablesView.class); } } static class FooView extends TextPage { @Override public void render() { puts($("key"), $("foo")); } } static class DefaultController extends Controller { @Override public void index() { set("key", "default"); render(FooView.class); } } static class TablesView extends HtmlPage { @Override public void render(Page.HTML<_> html) { set(DATATABLES_ID, "t1 t2 t3 t4"); set(initID(DATATABLES, "t1"), tableInit().append("}").toString()); set(initID(DATATABLES, "t2"), join("{bJQueryUI:true, sDom:'t',", "aoColumns:[null, {bSortable:false, bSearchable:false}]}")); set(initID(DATATABLES, "t3"), "{bJQueryUI:true, sDom:'t'}"); set(initID(DATATABLES, "t4"), "{bJQueryUI:true, sDom:'t'}"); html. title("Test DataTables"). link("/static/yarn.css"). _(JQueryUI.class). style(".wrapper { padding: 1em }", ".wrapper h2 { margin: 0.5em 0 }", ".dataTables_wrapper { min-height: 1em }"). div(".wrapper"). h2("Default table init"). table("#t1"). thead(). tr().th("Column1").th("Column2")._()._(). tbody(). tr().td("c1r1").td("c2r1")._(). tr().td("c1r2").td("c2r2")._()._()._(). h2("Nested tables"). div(_INFO_WRAP). table("#t2"). thead(). tr().th(_TH, "Column1").th(_TH, "Column2")._()._(). tbody(). tr().td("r1"). // th wouldn't work as of dt 1.7.5 td().$class(C_TABLE). table("#t3"). thead(). tr().th("SubColumn1").th("SubColumn2")._()._(). tbody(). tr().td("subc1r1").td("subc2r1")._(). tr().td("subc1r2").td("subc2r2")._()._()._()._()._(). tr().td("r2"). // ditto td().$class(C_TABLE). table("#t4"). thead(). tr().th("SubColumn1").th("SubColumn2")._()._(). tbody(). tr().td("subc1r1").td("subc2r1")._(). tr().td("subc1r2").td("subc2r2")._(). _()._()._()._()._()._()._()._()._(); } } String echo(String s) { return s; } @Test public void testCreate() { WebApp app = WebApps.$for(this).start(); app.stop(); } @Test public void testCreateWithPort() { // see if the ephemeral port is updated WebApp app = WebApps.$for(this).at(0).start(); int port = app.getListenerAddress().getPort(); assertTrue(port > 0); app.stop(); // try to reuse the port app = WebApps.$for(this).at(port).start(); assertEquals(port, app.getListenerAddress().getPort()); app.stop(); } @Test(expected=org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.WebAppException.class) public void testCreateWithBindAddressNonZeroPort() { WebApp app = WebApps.$for(this).at("").start(); int port = app.getListenerAddress().getPort(); assertEquals(50000, port); // start another WebApp with same NonZero port WebApp app2 = WebApps.$for(this).at("").start(); // An exception occurs (findPort disabled) app.stop(); app2.stop(); } @Test(expected=org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.WebAppException.class) public void testCreateWithNonZeroPort() { WebApp app = WebApps.$for(this).at(50000).start(); int port = app.getListenerAddress().getPort(); assertEquals(50000, port); // start another WebApp with same NonZero port WebApp app2 = WebApps.$for(this).at(50000).start(); // An exception occurs (findPort disabled) app.stop(); app2.stop(); } @Test public void testServePaths() { WebApp app = WebApps.$for("test", this).start(); assertEquals("/test", app.getRedirectPath()); String[] expectedPaths = { "/test", "/test/*" }; String[] pathSpecs = app.getServePathSpecs(); assertEquals(2, pathSpecs.length); for(int i = 0; i < expectedPaths.length; i++) { assertTrue(ArrayUtils.contains(pathSpecs, expectedPaths[i])); } app.stop(); } @Test public void testServePathsNoName() { WebApp app = WebApps.$for("", this).start(); assertEquals("/", app.getRedirectPath()); String[] expectedPaths = { "/*" }; String[] pathSpecs = app.getServePathSpecs(); assertEquals(1, pathSpecs.length); for(int i = 0; i < expectedPaths.length; i++) { assertTrue(ArrayUtils.contains(pathSpecs, expectedPaths[i])); } app.stop(); } @Test public void testDefaultRoutes() throws Exception { WebApp app = WebApps.$for("test", this).start(); String baseUrl = baseUrl(app); try { assertEquals("foo", getContent(baseUrl +"test/foo").trim()); assertEquals("foo", getContent(baseUrl +"test/foo/index").trim()); assertEquals("bar", getContent(baseUrl +"test/foo/bar").trim()); assertEquals("default", getContent(baseUrl +"test").trim()); assertEquals("default", getContent(baseUrl +"test/").trim()); assertEquals("default", getContent(baseUrl).trim()); } finally { app.stop(); } } @Test public void testCustomRoutes() throws Exception { WebApp app = WebApps.$for("test", TestWebApp.class, this, "ws").start(new WebApp() { @Override public void setup() { bind(MyTestJAXBContextResolver.class); bind(MyTestWebService.class); route("/:foo", FooController.class); route("/bar/foo", FooController.class, "bar"); route("/foo/:foo", DefaultController.class); route("/foo/bar/:foo", DefaultController.class, "index"); } }); String baseUrl = baseUrl(app); try { assertEquals("foo", getContent(baseUrl).trim()); assertEquals("foo", getContent(baseUrl +"test").trim()); assertEquals("foo1", getContent(baseUrl +"test/1").trim()); assertEquals("bar", getContent(baseUrl +"test/bar/foo").trim()); assertEquals("default", getContent(baseUrl +"test/foo/bar").trim()); assertEquals("default1", getContent(baseUrl +"test/foo/1").trim()); assertEquals("default2", getContent(baseUrl +"test/foo/bar/2").trim()); assertEquals(404, getResponseCode(baseUrl +"test/goo")); assertEquals(200, getResponseCode(baseUrl +"ws/v1/test")); assertTrue(getContent(baseUrl +"ws/v1/test").contains("myInfo")); } finally { app.stop(); } } @Test public void testRobotsText() throws Exception { WebApp app = WebApps.$for("test", TestWebApp.class, this, "ws").start(new WebApp() { @Override public void setup() { bind(MyTestJAXBContextResolver.class); bind(MyTestWebService.class); } }); String baseUrl = baseUrl(app); try { //using system line separator here since that is what // TextView (via PrintWriter) seems to use. String[] robotsTxtOutput = getContent(baseUrl + RobotsTextPage.ROBOTS_TXT).trim().split(System.getProperty("line" + ".separator")); assertEquals(2, robotsTxtOutput.length); assertEquals("User-agent: *", robotsTxtOutput[0]); assertEquals("Disallow: /", robotsTxtOutput[1]); } finally { app.stop(); } } // This is to test the GuiceFilter should only be applied to webAppContext, // not to staticContext and logContext; @Test public void testYARNWebAppContext() throws Exception { // setting up the log context System.setProperty("hadoop.log.dir", "/Not/Existing/dir"); WebApp app = WebApps.$for("test", this).start(new WebApp() { @Override public void setup() { route("/", FooController.class); } }); String baseUrl = baseUrl(app); try { // should not redirect to foo assertFalse("foo".equals(getContent(baseUrl +"static").trim())); // Not able to access a non-existing dir, should not redirect to foo. assertEquals(404, getResponseCode(baseUrl +"logs")); // should be able to redirect to foo. assertEquals("foo", getContent(baseUrl).trim()); } finally { app.stop(); } } private static void stopWebApp(WebApp app) { if (app != null) { app.stop(); } } @Test public void testPortRanges() throws Exception { WebApp app = WebApps.$for("test", this).start(); String baseUrl = baseUrl(app); WebApp app1 = null; WebApp app2 = null; WebApp app3 = null; WebApp app4 = null; WebApp app5 = null; try { int port = ServerSocketUtil.waitForPort(48000, 60); assertEquals("foo", getContent(baseUrl +"test/foo").trim()); app1 = WebApps.$for("test", this).at(port).start(); assertEquals(port, app1.getListenerAddress().getPort()); app2 = WebApps.$for("test", this).at("",port, true).start(); assertTrue(app2.getListenerAddress().getPort() > port); Configuration conf = new Configuration(); port = ServerSocketUtil.waitForPort(47000, 60); app3 = WebApps.$for("test", this).at(port).withPortRange(conf, "abc"). start(); assertEquals(port, app3.getListenerAddress().getPort()); ServerSocketUtil.waitForPort(46000, 60); conf.set("abc", "46000-46500"); app4 = WebApps.$for("test", this).at(port).withPortRange(conf, "abc"). start(); assertEquals(46000, app4.getListenerAddress().getPort()); app5 = WebApps.$for("test", this).withPortRange(conf, "abc").start(); assertTrue(app5.getListenerAddress().getPort() > 46000); } finally { stopWebApp(app); stopWebApp(app1); stopWebApp(app2); stopWebApp(app3); stopWebApp(app4); stopWebApp(app5); } } static String baseUrl(WebApp app) { return "http://localhost:"+ app.port() +"/"; } static String getContent(String url) { try { StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); InputStream in = new URL(url).openConnection().getInputStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[64 * 1024]; int len = in.read(buffer); while (len > 0) { out.append(new String(buffer, 0, len)); len = in.read(buffer); } return out.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } static int getResponseCode(String url) { try { HttpURLConnection c = (HttpURLConnection)new URL(url).openConnection(); return c.getResponseCode(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // For manual controller/view testing. WebApps.$for("test", new TestWebApp()).at(8888).inDevMode().start(). joinThread(); // start(new WebApp() { // @Override public void setup() { // route("/:foo", FooController.class); // route("/foo/:foo", FooController.class); // route("/bar", FooController.class); // } // }).join(); } }