/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.streaming; import java.io.*; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.commons.logging.*; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reporter; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCollector; import org.apache.hadoop.streaming.io.InputWriter; import org.apache.hadoop.streaming.io.OutputReader; import org.apache.hadoop.streaming.io.TextInputWriter; import org.apache.hadoop.streaming.io.TextOutputReader; import org.apache.hadoop.util.LineReader; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ReflectionUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text; /** Shared functionality for PipeMapper, PipeReducer. */ public abstract class PipeMapRed { protected static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(PipeMapRed.class.getName()); /** * Returns the Configuration. */ public Configuration getConfiguration() { return job_; } /** * Returns the DataOutput to which the client input is written. */ public DataOutput getClientOutput() { return clientOut_; } /** * Returns the DataInput from which the client output is read. */ public DataInput getClientInput() { return clientIn_; } /** * Returns the input separator to be used. */ public abstract byte[] getInputSeparator(); /** * Returns the field separator to be used. */ public abstract byte[] getFieldSeparator(); /** * Returns the number of key fields. */ public abstract int getNumOfKeyFields(); /** * Returns the command to be spawned as a subprocess. * Mapper/Reducer operations will delegate to it */ abstract String getPipeCommand(JobConf job); abstract boolean getDoPipe(); final static int OUTSIDE = 1; final static int SINGLEQ = 2; final static int DOUBLEQ = 3; private final static int BUFFER_SIZE = 128 * 1024; static String[] splitArgs(String args) { ArrayList argList = new ArrayList(); char[] ch = args.toCharArray(); int clen = ch.length; int state = OUTSIDE; int argstart = 0; for (int c = 0; c <= clen; c++) { boolean last = (c == clen); int lastState = state; boolean endToken = false; if (!last) { if (ch[c] == '\'') { if (state == OUTSIDE) { state = SINGLEQ; } else if (state == SINGLEQ) { state = OUTSIDE; } endToken = (state != lastState); } else if (ch[c] == '"') { if (state == OUTSIDE) { state = DOUBLEQ; } else if (state == DOUBLEQ) { state = OUTSIDE; } endToken = (state != lastState); } else if (ch[c] == ' ') { if (state == OUTSIDE) { endToken = true; } } } if (last || endToken) { if (c == argstart) { // unquoted space } else { String a; a = args.substring(argstart, c); argList.add(a); } argstart = c + 1; lastState = state; } } return (String[]) argList.toArray(new String[0]); } public void configure(JobConf job) { try { String argv = getPipeCommand(job); joinDelay_ = job.getLong("stream.joindelay.milli", 0); job_ = job; mapInputWriterClass_ = job_.getClass("stream.map.input.writer.class", TextInputWriter.class, InputWriter.class); mapOutputReaderClass_ = job_.getClass("stream.map.output.reader.class", TextOutputReader.class, OutputReader.class); reduceInputWriterClass_ = job_.getClass("stream.reduce.input.writer.class", TextInputWriter.class, InputWriter.class); reduceOutputReaderClass_ = job_.getClass("stream.reduce.output.reader.class", TextOutputReader.class, OutputReader.class); nonZeroExitIsFailure_ = job_.getBoolean("stream.non.zero.exit.is.failure", true); doPipe_ = getDoPipe(); if (!doPipe_) return; setStreamJobDetails(job); String[] argvSplit = splitArgs(argv); String prog = argvSplit[0]; File currentDir = new File(".").getAbsoluteFile(); if (new File(prog).isAbsolute()) { // we don't own it. Hope it is executable } else { FileUtil.chmod(new File(currentDir, prog).toString(), "a+x"); } // // argvSplit[0]: // An absolute path should be a preexisting valid path on all TaskTrackers // A relative path is converted into an absolute pathname by looking // up the PATH env variable. If it still fails, look it up in the // tasktracker's local working directory // if (!new File(argvSplit[0]).isAbsolute()) { PathFinder finder = new PathFinder("PATH"); finder.prependPathComponent(currentDir.toString()); File f = finder.getAbsolutePath(argvSplit[0]); if (f != null) { argvSplit[0] = f.getAbsolutePath(); } f = null; } LOG.info("PipeMapRed exec " + Arrays.asList(argvSplit)); Environment childEnv = (Environment) StreamUtil.env().clone(); addJobConfToEnvironment(job_, childEnv); addEnvironment(childEnv, job_.get("stream.addenvironment")); // add TMPDIR environment variable with the value of java.io.tmpdir envPut(childEnv, "TMPDIR", System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir")); // Start the process ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(argvSplit); builder.environment().putAll(childEnv.toMap()); sim = builder.start(); clientOut_ = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream( sim.getOutputStream(), BUFFER_SIZE)); clientIn_ = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream( sim.getInputStream(), BUFFER_SIZE)); clientErr_ = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(sim.getErrorStream())); startTime_ = System.currentTimeMillis(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("configuration exception", e); throw new RuntimeException("configuration exception", e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.error("configuration exception", e); throw new RuntimeException("configuration exception", e); } } void setStreamJobDetails(JobConf job) { String s = job.get("stream.minRecWrittenToEnableSkip_"); if (s != null) { minRecWrittenToEnableSkip_ = Long.parseLong(s); LOG.info("JobConf set minRecWrittenToEnableSkip_ =" + minRecWrittenToEnableSkip_); } } void addJobConfToEnvironment(JobConf jobconf, Properties env) { JobConf conf = new JobConf(jobconf); conf.setDeprecatedProperties(); Iterator it = conf.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry en = (Map.Entry) it.next(); String name = (String) en.getKey(); //String value = (String)en.getValue(); // does not apply variable expansion String value = conf.get(name); // does variable expansion name = safeEnvVarName(name); envPut(env, name, value); } } String safeEnvVarName(String var) { StringBuffer safe = new StringBuffer(); int len = var.length(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { char c = var.charAt(i); char s; if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')) { s = c; } else { s = '_'; } safe.append(s); } return safe.toString(); } void addEnvironment(Properties env, String nameVals) { // encoding "a=b c=d" from StreamJob if (nameVals == null) return; String[] nv = nameVals.split(" "); for (int i = 0; i < nv.length; i++) { String[] pair = nv[i].split("=", 2); if (pair.length != 2) { LOG.info("Skip env entry:" + nv[i]); } else { envPut(env, pair[0], pair[1]); } } } void envPut(Properties env, String name, String value) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Add env entry:" + name + "=" + value); } env.put(name, value); } void startOutputThreads(OutputCollector output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { inWriter_ = createInputWriter(); outReader_ = createOutputReader(); outThread_ = new MROutputThread(outReader_, output, reporter); outThread_.start(); errThread_ = new MRErrorThread(); errThread_.setReporter(reporter); errThread_.start(); } void waitOutputThreads() throws IOException { try { if (outThread_ == null) { // This happens only when reducer has empty input(So reduce() is not // called at all in this task). If reducer still generates output, // which is very uncommon and we may not have to support this case. // So we don't write this output to HDFS, but we consume/collect // this output just to avoid reducer hanging forever. OutputCollector collector = new OutputCollector() { public void collect(Object key, Object value) throws IOException { //just consume it, no need to write the record anywhere } }; Reporter reporter = Reporter.NULL;//dummy reporter startOutputThreads(collector, reporter); } int exitVal = sim.waitFor(); // how'd it go? if (exitVal != 0) { if (nonZeroExitIsFailure_) { throw new RuntimeException("PipeMapRed.waitOutputThreads(): subprocess failed with code " + exitVal); } else { LOG.info("PipeMapRed.waitOutputThreads(): subprocess exited with " + "code " + exitVal + " in " + PipeMapRed.class.getName()); } } if (outThread_ != null) { outThread_.join(joinDelay_); } if (errThread_ != null) { errThread_.join(joinDelay_); } if (outerrThreadsThrowable != null) { throw new RuntimeException(outerrThreadsThrowable); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { //ignore } } abstract InputWriter createInputWriter() throws IOException; InputWriter createInputWriter(Class<? extends InputWriter> inputWriterClass) throws IOException { InputWriter inputWriter = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(inputWriterClass, job_); inputWriter.initialize(this); return inputWriter; } abstract OutputReader createOutputReader() throws IOException; OutputReader createOutputReader(Class<? extends OutputReader> outputReaderClass) throws IOException { OutputReader outputReader = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(outputReaderClass, job_); outputReader.initialize(this); return outputReader; } class MROutputThread extends Thread { MROutputThread(OutputReader outReader, OutputCollector outCollector, Reporter reporter) { setDaemon(true); this.outReader = outReader; this.outCollector = outCollector; this.reporter = reporter; } public void run() { try { // 3/4 Tool to Hadoop while (outReader.readKeyValue()) { Object key = outReader.getCurrentKey(); Object value = outReader.getCurrentValue(); outCollector.collect(key, value); numRecWritten_++; long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (now-lastStdoutReport > reporterOutDelay_) { lastStdoutReport = now; String hline = "Records R/W=" + numRecRead_ + "/" + numRecWritten_; if (!processProvidedStatus_) { reporter.setStatus(hline); } else { reporter.progress(); } LOG.info(hline); } } } catch (Throwable th) { outerrThreadsThrowable = th; LOG.warn(th); } finally { try { if (clientIn_ != null) { clientIn_.close(); clientIn_ = null; } } catch (IOException io) { LOG.info(io); } } } OutputReader outReader = null; OutputCollector outCollector = null; Reporter reporter = null; long lastStdoutReport = 0; } class MRErrorThread extends Thread { public MRErrorThread() { this.reporterPrefix = job_.get("stream.stderr.reporter.prefix", "reporter:"); this.counterPrefix = reporterPrefix + "counter:"; this.statusPrefix = reporterPrefix + "status:"; setDaemon(true); } public void setReporter(Reporter reporter) { this.reporter = reporter; } public void run() { Text line = new Text(); LineReader lineReader = null; try { lineReader = new LineReader((InputStream)clientErr_, job_); while (lineReader.readLine(line) > 0) { String lineStr = line.toString(); if (matchesReporter(lineStr)) { if (matchesCounter(lineStr)) { incrCounter(lineStr); } else if (matchesStatus(lineStr)) { processProvidedStatus_ = true; setStatus(lineStr); } else { LOG.warn("Cannot parse reporter line: " + lineStr); } } else { System.err.println(lineStr); } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (reporter != null && now-lastStderrReport > reporterErrDelay_) { lastStderrReport = now; reporter.progress(); } line.clear(); } if (lineReader != null) { lineReader.close(); } if (clientErr_ != null) { clientErr_.close(); clientErr_ = null; LOG.info("MRErrorThread done"); } } catch (Throwable th) { outerrThreadsThrowable = th; LOG.warn(th); try { if (lineReader != null) { lineReader.close(); } if (clientErr_ != null) { clientErr_.close(); clientErr_ = null; } } catch (IOException io) { LOG.info(io); } } } private boolean matchesReporter(String line) { return line.startsWith(reporterPrefix); } private boolean matchesCounter(String line) { return line.startsWith(counterPrefix); } private boolean matchesStatus(String line) { return line.startsWith(statusPrefix); } private void incrCounter(String line) { String trimmedLine = line.substring(counterPrefix.length()).trim(); String[] columns = trimmedLine.split(","); if (columns.length == 3) { try { reporter.incrCounter(columns[0], columns[1], Long.parseLong(columns[2])); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { LOG.warn("Cannot parse counter increment '" + columns[2] + "' from line: " + line); } } else { LOG.warn("Cannot parse counter line: " + line); } } private void setStatus(String line) { reporter.setStatus(line.substring(statusPrefix.length()).trim()); } long lastStderrReport = 0; volatile Reporter reporter; private final String reporterPrefix; private final String counterPrefix; private final String statusPrefix; } public void mapRedFinished() { try { if (!doPipe_) { LOG.info("mapRedFinished"); return; } if (clientOut_ != null) { try { clientOut_.flush(); clientOut_.close(); } catch (IOException io) { LOG.warn(io); } } try { waitOutputThreads(); } catch (IOException io) { LOG.warn(io); } if (sim != null) sim.destroy(); LOG.info("mapRedFinished"); } catch (RuntimeException e) { LOG.info("PipeMapRed failed!", e); throw e; } } void maybeLogRecord() { if (numRecRead_ >= nextRecReadLog_) { String info = numRecInfo(); LOG.info(info); if (nextRecReadLog_ < 100000) { nextRecReadLog_ *= 10; } else { nextRecReadLog_ += 100000; } } } public String getContext() { String s = numRecInfo() + "\n"; s += "minRecWrittenToEnableSkip_=" + minRecWrittenToEnableSkip_ + " "; s += envline("HOST"); s += envline("USER"); s += envline("HADOOP_USER"); if (outThread_ != null) { s += "last tool output: |" + outReader_.getLastOutput() + "|\n"; } return s; } String envline(String var) { return var + "=" + StreamUtil.env().get(var) + "\n"; } String numRecInfo() { long elapsed = (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime_) / 1000; return "R/W/S=" + numRecRead_ + "/" + numRecWritten_ + "/" + numRecSkipped_ + " in:" + safeDiv(numRecRead_, elapsed) + " [rec/s]" + " out:" + safeDiv(numRecWritten_, elapsed) + " [rec/s]"; } String safeDiv(long n, long d) { return (d == 0) ? "NA" : "" + n / d + "=" + n + "/" + d; } long startTime_; long numRecRead_ = 0; long numRecWritten_ = 0; long numRecSkipped_ = 0; long nextRecReadLog_ = 1; long minRecWrittenToEnableSkip_ = Long.MAX_VALUE; long reporterOutDelay_ = 10*1000L; long reporterErrDelay_ = 10*1000L; long joinDelay_; JobConf job_; boolean doPipe_; Class<? extends InputWriter> mapInputWriterClass_; Class<? extends OutputReader> mapOutputReaderClass_; Class<? extends InputWriter> reduceInputWriterClass_; Class<? extends OutputReader> reduceOutputReaderClass_; boolean nonZeroExitIsFailure_; Process sim; InputWriter inWriter_; OutputReader outReader_; MROutputThread outThread_; MRErrorThread errThread_; DataOutputStream clientOut_; DataInputStream clientErr_; DataInputStream clientIn_; // set in PipeMapper/PipeReducer subclasses int numExceptions_; protected volatile Throwable outerrThreadsThrowable; volatile boolean processProvidedStatus_ = false; }