/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.util; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Random; import org.apache.hadoop.HadoopIllegalArgumentException; import org.apache.hadoop.util.Time; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; public class TestGSet { private static final Random ran = new Random(); private static final long starttime = Time.now(); private static void print(Object s) { System.out.print(s); System.out.flush(); } private static void println(Object s) { System.out.println(s); } @Test public void testExceptionCases() { testExceptionCases(false); testExceptionCases(true); } private void testExceptionCases(boolean resizable) { { //test contains final LightWeightGSet<Integer, Integer> gset = createGSet(16, resizable); try { //test contains with a null element gset.contains(null); Assert.fail(); } catch(NullPointerException e) { LightWeightGSet.LOG.info("GOOD: getting " + e, e); } } { //test get final LightWeightGSet<Integer, Integer> gset = createGSet(16, resizable); try { //test get with a null element gset.get(null); Assert.fail(); } catch(NullPointerException e) { LightWeightGSet.LOG.info("GOOD: getting " + e, e); } } { //test put final LightWeightGSet<Integer, Integer> gset = createGSet(16, resizable); try { //test put with a null element gset.put(null); Assert.fail(); } catch(NullPointerException e) { LightWeightGSet.LOG.info("GOOD: getting " + e, e); } try { //test putting an element which is not implementing LinkedElement gset.put(1); Assert.fail(); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { LightWeightGSet.LOG.info("GOOD: getting " + e, e); } } { //test iterator final IntElement[] data = new IntElement[5]; for(int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { data[i] = new IntElement(i, i); } for(int v = 1; v < data.length-1; v++) { { //test remove while iterating final GSet<IntElement, IntElement> gset = createGSet(data, resizable); for(IntElement i : gset) { if (i.value == v) { //okay because data[0] is not in gset gset.remove(data[0]); } } try { //exception because data[1] is in gset for(IntElement i : gset) { if (i.value == v) { gset.remove(data[1]); } } Assert.fail(); } catch(ConcurrentModificationException e) { LightWeightGSet.LOG.info("GOOD: getting " + e, e); } } { //test put new element while iterating final GSet<IntElement, IntElement> gset = createGSet(data, resizable); try { for(IntElement i : gset) { if (i.value == v) { gset.put(data[0]); } } Assert.fail(); } catch(ConcurrentModificationException e) { LightWeightGSet.LOG.info("GOOD: getting " + e, e); } } { //test put existing element while iterating final GSet<IntElement, IntElement> gset = createGSet(data, resizable); try { for(IntElement i : gset) { if (i.value == v) { gset.put(data[3]); } } Assert.fail(); } catch(ConcurrentModificationException e) { LightWeightGSet.LOG.info("GOOD: getting " + e, e); } } } } } private static LightWeightGSet<Integer, Integer> createGSet( int size, boolean resizable) { return resizable ? new LightWeightResizableGSet<Integer, Integer>(size) : new LightWeightGSet<Integer, Integer>(size); } private static GSet<IntElement, IntElement> createGSet( final IntElement[] data, boolean resizable) { final GSet<IntElement, IntElement> gset = resizable ? new LightWeightResizableGSet<IntElement, IntElement>(8) : new LightWeightGSet<IntElement, IntElement>(8); for(int i = 1; i < data.length; i++) { gset.put(data[i]); } return gset; } @Test public void testGSet() { //The parameters are: table length, data size, modulus. check(new GSetTestCase(1, 1 << 4, 65537)); check(new GSetTestCase(17, 1 << 16, 17)); check(new GSetTestCase(255, 1 << 10, 65537)); } @Test public void testResizableGSet() { //The parameters are: table length, data size, modulus, resizable. check(new GSetTestCase(1, 1 << 4, 65537, true)); check(new GSetTestCase(17, 1 << 16, 17, true)); check(new GSetTestCase(255, 1 << 10, 65537, true)); } /** * A long running test with various data sets and parameters. * It may take ~5 hours, * If you are changing the implementation, * please un-comment the following line in order to run the test. */ //@Test public void runMultipleTestGSet() { for(int offset = -2; offset <= 2; offset++) { runTestGSet(1, offset, false); for(int i = 1; i < Integer.SIZE - 1; i++) { runTestGSet((1 << i) + 1, offset, false); } } } //@Test public void runMultipleTestResizableGSet() { for(int offset = -2; offset <= 2; offset++) { runTestGSet(1, offset, true); for(int i = 1; i < Integer.SIZE - 1; i++) { runTestGSet((1 << i) + 1, offset, true); } } } private static void runTestGSet(final int modulus, final int offset, boolean resizable) { println("\n\nmodulus=" + modulus + ", offset=" + offset); for(int i = 0; i <= 16; i += 4) { final int tablelength = (1 << i) + offset; final int upper = i + 2; final int steps = Math.max(1, upper/3); for(int j = 0; j <= upper; j += steps) { final int datasize = 1 << j; check(new GSetTestCase(tablelength, datasize, modulus, resizable)); } } } private static void check(final GSetTestCase test) { //check add print(" check add .................. "); for(int i = 0; i < test.data.size()/2; i++) { test.put(test.data.get(i)); } for(int i = 0; i < test.data.size(); i++) { test.put(test.data.get(i)); } println("DONE " + test.stat()); //check remove and add print(" check remove & add ......... "); for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { for(int i = 0; i < test.data.size()/2; i++) { final int r = ran.nextInt(test.data.size()); test.remove(test.data.get(r)); } for(int i = 0; i < test.data.size()/2; i++) { final int r = ran.nextInt(test.data.size()); test.put(test.data.get(r)); } } println("DONE " + test.stat()); //check remove print(" check remove ............... "); for(int i = 0; i < test.data.size(); i++) { test.remove(test.data.get(i)); } Assert.assertEquals(0, test.gset.size()); println("DONE " + test.stat()); //check remove and add again print(" check remove & add again ... "); for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { for(int i = 0; i < test.data.size()/2; i++) { final int r = ran.nextInt(test.data.size()); test.remove(test.data.get(r)); } for(int i = 0; i < test.data.size()/2; i++) { final int r = ran.nextInt(test.data.size()); test.put(test.data.get(r)); } } println("DONE " + test.stat()); final long s = (Time.now() - starttime)/1000L; println("total time elapsed=" + s + "s\n"); } /** Test cases */ private static class GSetTestCase implements GSet<IntElement, IntElement> { final GSet<IntElement, IntElement> expected = new GSetByHashMap<IntElement, IntElement>(1024, 0.75f); final GSet<IntElement, IntElement> gset; final IntData data; final String info; final long starttime = Time.now(); /** Determine the probability in {@link #check()}. */ final int denominator; int iterate_count = 0; int contain_count = 0; GSetTestCase(int tablelength, int datasize, int modulus) { this(tablelength, datasize, modulus, false); } GSetTestCase(int tablelength, int datasize, int modulus, boolean resizable) { denominator = Math.min((datasize >> 7) + 1, 1 << 16); info = getClass().getSimpleName() + ": tablelength=" + tablelength + ", datasize=" + datasize + ", modulus=" + modulus + ", denominator=" + denominator; println(info); data = new IntData(datasize, modulus); gset = resizable ? new LightWeightResizableGSet<IntElement, IntElement>() : new LightWeightGSet<IntElement, IntElement>(tablelength); Assert.assertEquals(0, gset.size()); } private boolean containsTest(IntElement key) { final boolean e = expected.contains(key); Assert.assertEquals(e, gset.contains(key)); return e; } @Override public boolean contains(IntElement key) { final boolean e = containsTest(key); check(); return e; } private IntElement getTest(IntElement key) { final IntElement e = expected.get(key); Assert.assertEquals(e.id, gset.get(key).id); return e; } @Override public IntElement get(IntElement key) { final IntElement e = getTest(key); check(); return e; } private IntElement putTest(IntElement element) { final IntElement e = expected.put(element); if (e == null) { Assert.assertEquals(null, gset.put(element)); } else { Assert.assertEquals(e.id, gset.put(element).id); } return e; } @Override public IntElement put(IntElement element) { final IntElement e = putTest(element); check(); return e; } private IntElement removeTest(IntElement key) { final IntElement e = expected.remove(key); if (e == null) { Assert.assertEquals(null, gset.remove(key)); } else { Assert.assertEquals(e.id, gset.remove(key).id); } return e; } @Override public IntElement remove(IntElement key) { final IntElement e = removeTest(key); check(); return e; } private int sizeTest() { final int s = expected.size(); Assert.assertEquals(s, gset.size()); return s; } @Override public int size() { final int s = sizeTest(); check(); return s; } @Override public Iterator<IntElement> iterator() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } void check() { //test size sizeTest(); if (ran.nextInt(denominator) == 0) { //test get(..), check content and test iterator iterate_count++; for(IntElement i : gset) { getTest(i); } } if (ran.nextInt(denominator) == 0) { //test contains(..) contain_count++; final int count = Math.min(data.size(), 1000); if (count == data.size()) { for(IntElement i : data.integers) { containsTest(i); } } else { for(int j = 0; j < count; j++) { containsTest(data.get(ran.nextInt(data.size()))); } } } } String stat() { final long t = Time.now() - starttime; return String.format(" iterate=%5d, contain=%5d, time elapsed=%5d.%03ds", iterate_count, contain_count, t/1000, t%1000); } @Override public void clear() { expected.clear(); gset.clear(); Assert.assertEquals(0, size()); } @Override public Collection<IntElement> values() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } /** Test data set */ private static class IntData { final IntElement[] integers; IntData(int size, int modulus) { integers = new IntElement[size]; for(int i = 0; i < integers.length; i++) { integers[i] = new IntElement(i, ran.nextInt(modulus)); } } IntElement get(int i) { return integers[i]; } int size() { return integers.length; } } /** Elements of {@link LightWeightGSet} in this test */ private static class IntElement implements LightWeightGSet.LinkedElement, Comparable<IntElement> { private LightWeightGSet.LinkedElement next; final int id; final int value; IntElement(int id, int value) { this.id = id; this.value = value; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return obj != null && obj instanceof IntElement && value == ((IntElement)obj).value; } @Override public int hashCode() { return value; } @Override public int compareTo(IntElement that) { return value - that.value; } @Override public String toString() { return id + "#" + value; } @Override public LightWeightGSet.LinkedElement getNext() { return next; } @Override public void setNext(LightWeightGSet.LinkedElement e) { next = e; } } /** * Test for {@link LightWeightGSet#computeCapacity(double, String)} * with invalid percent less than 0. */ @Test(expected=HadoopIllegalArgumentException.class) public void testComputeCapacityNegativePercent() { LightWeightGSet.computeCapacity(1024, -1.0, "testMap"); } /** * Test for {@link LightWeightGSet#computeCapacity(double, String)} * with invalid percent greater than 100. */ @Test(expected=HadoopIllegalArgumentException.class) public void testComputeCapacityInvalidPercent() { LightWeightGSet.computeCapacity(1024, 101.0, "testMap"); } /** * Test for {@link LightWeightGSet#computeCapacity(double, String)} * with invalid negative max memory */ @Test(expected=HadoopIllegalArgumentException.class) public void testComputeCapacityInvalidMemory() { LightWeightGSet.computeCapacity(-1, 50.0, "testMap"); } private static boolean isPowerOfTwo(int num) { return num == 0 || (num > 0 && Integer.bitCount(num) == 1); } /** Return capacity as percentage of total memory */ private static int getPercent(long total, int capacity) { // Reference size in bytes double referenceSize = System.getProperty("sun.arch.data.model").equals("32") ? 4.0 : 8.0; return (int)(((capacity * referenceSize)/total) * 100.0); } /** Return capacity as percentage of total memory */ private static void testCapacity(long maxMemory, double percent) { int capacity = LightWeightGSet.computeCapacity(maxMemory, percent, "map"); LightWeightGSet.LOG.info("Validating - total memory " + maxMemory + " percent " + percent + " returned capacity " + capacity); // Returned capacity is zero or power of two Assert.assertTrue(isPowerOfTwo(capacity)); // Ensure the capacity returned is the nearest to the asked perecentage int capacityPercent = getPercent(maxMemory, capacity); if (capacityPercent == percent) { return; } else if (capacityPercent > percent) { Assert.assertTrue(getPercent(maxMemory, capacity * 2) > percent); } else { Assert.assertTrue(getPercent(maxMemory, capacity / 2) < percent); } } /** * Test for {@link LightWeightGSet#computeCapacity(double, String)} */ @Test public void testComputeCapacity() { // Tests for boundary conditions where percent or memory are zero testCapacity(0, 0.0); testCapacity(100, 0.0); testCapacity(0, 100.0); // Compute capacity for some 100 random max memory and percentage Random r = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { long maxMemory = r.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE); double percent = r.nextInt(101); testCapacity(maxMemory, percent); } } }