/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.util; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue; import static org.junit.matchers.JUnitMatchers.containsString; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.test.GenericTestUtils; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.*; /** * Test cases for helper Windows winutils.exe utility. */ public class TestWinUtils { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TestWinUtils.class); private static File TEST_DIR = GenericTestUtils.getTestDir( TestWinUtils.class.getSimpleName()); String winutils; @Before public void setUp() throws IOException { // Not supported on non-Windows platforms assumeTrue(Shell.WINDOWS); TEST_DIR.mkdirs(); assertTrue("Failed to create Test directory " + TEST_DIR, TEST_DIR.isDirectory() ); winutils = Shell.getWinUtilsPath(); } @After public void tearDown() throws IOException { FileUtil.fullyDelete(TEST_DIR); } private void requireWinutils() throws IOException { Shell.getWinUtilsPath(); } // Helper routine that writes the given content to the file. private void writeFile(File file, String content) throws IOException { byte[] data = content.getBytes(); try (FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(file)) { os.write(data); os.close(); } } // Helper routine that reads the first 100 bytes from the file. private String readFile(File file) throws IOException { byte[] b; try (FileInputStream fos = new FileInputStream(file)) { b = new byte[100]; int count = fos.read(b); assertEquals(100, count); } return new String(b); } @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testLs() throws IOException { requireWinutils(); final String content = "6bytes"; final int contentSize = content.length(); File testFile = new File(TEST_DIR, "file1"); writeFile(testFile, content); // Verify permissions and file name return tokens String testPath = testFile.getCanonicalPath(); String output = Shell.execCommand( winutils, "ls", testPath); String[] outputArgs = output.split("[ \r\n]"); assertEquals("-rwx------", outputArgs[0]); assertEquals(outputArgs[outputArgs.length - 1], testPath); // Verify most tokens when using a formatted output (other tokens // will be verified with chmod/chown) output = Shell.execCommand( winutils, "ls", "-F", testPath); outputArgs = output.split("[|\r\n]"); assertEquals(9, outputArgs.length); assertEquals("-rwx------", outputArgs[0]); assertEquals(contentSize, Long.parseLong(outputArgs[4])); assertEquals(outputArgs[8], testPath); testFile.delete(); assertFalse(testFile.exists()); } @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testGroups() throws IOException { requireWinutils(); String currentUser = System.getProperty("user.name"); // Verify that groups command returns information about the current user // groups when invoked with no args String outputNoArgs = Shell.execCommand( winutils, "groups").trim(); String output = Shell.execCommand( winutils, "groups", currentUser).trim(); assertEquals(output, outputNoArgs); // Verify that groups command with the -F flag returns the same information String outputFormat = Shell.execCommand( winutils, "groups", "-F", currentUser).trim(); outputFormat = outputFormat.replace("|", " "); assertEquals(output, outputFormat); } private void chmod(String mask, File file) throws IOException { Shell.execCommand( winutils, "chmod", mask, file.getCanonicalPath()); } private void chmodR(String mask, File file) throws IOException { Shell.execCommand( winutils, "chmod", "-R", mask, file.getCanonicalPath()); } private String ls(File file) throws IOException { return Shell.execCommand( winutils, "ls", file.getCanonicalPath()); } private String lsF(File file) throws IOException { return Shell.execCommand( winutils, "ls", "-F", file.getCanonicalPath()); } private void assertPermissions(File file, String expected) throws IOException { String output = ls(file).split("[ \r\n]")[0]; assertEquals(expected, output); } private void testChmodInternal(String mode, String expectedPerm) throws IOException { requireWinutils(); File a = new File(TEST_DIR, "file1"); assertTrue(a.createNewFile()); // Reset permissions on the file to default chmod("700", a); // Apply the mode mask chmod(mode, a); // Compare the output assertPermissions(a, expectedPerm); a.delete(); assertFalse(a.exists()); } private void testNewFileChmodInternal(String expectedPerm) throws IOException { requireWinutils(); // Create a new directory File dir = new File(TEST_DIR, "dir1"); assertTrue(dir.mkdir()); // Set permission use chmod chmod("755", dir); // Create a child file in the directory File child = new File(dir, "file1"); assertTrue(child.createNewFile()); // Verify the child file has correct permissions assertPermissions(child, expectedPerm); child.delete(); dir.delete(); assertFalse(dir.exists()); } private void testChmodInternalR(String mode, String expectedPerm, String expectedPermx) throws IOException { requireWinutils(); // Setup test folder hierarchy File a = new File(TEST_DIR, "a"); assertTrue(a.mkdir()); chmod("700", a); File aa = new File(a, "a"); assertTrue(aa.createNewFile()); chmod("600", aa); File ab = new File(a, "b"); assertTrue(ab.mkdir()); chmod("700", ab); File aba = new File(ab, "a"); assertTrue(aba.mkdir()); chmod("700", aba); File abb = new File(ab, "b"); assertTrue(abb.createNewFile()); chmod("600", abb); File abx = new File(ab, "x"); assertTrue(abx.createNewFile()); chmod("u+x", abx); // Run chmod recursive chmodR(mode, a); // Verify outcome assertPermissions(a, "d" + expectedPermx); assertPermissions(aa, "-" + expectedPerm); assertPermissions(ab, "d" + expectedPermx); assertPermissions(aba, "d" + expectedPermx); assertPermissions(abb, "-" + expectedPerm); assertPermissions(abx, "-" + expectedPermx); assertTrue(FileUtil.fullyDelete(a)); } @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testBasicChmod() throws IOException { requireWinutils(); // - Create a file. // - Change mode to 377 so owner does not have read permission. // - Verify the owner truly does not have the permissions to read. File a = new File(TEST_DIR, "a"); a.createNewFile(); chmod("377", a); try { readFile(a); assertFalse("readFile should have failed!", true); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.info("Expected: Failed read from a file with permissions 377"); } // restore permissions chmod("700", a); // - Create a file. // - Change mode to 577 so owner does not have write permission. // - Verify the owner truly does not have the permissions to write. chmod("577", a); try { writeFile(a, "test"); fail("writeFile should have failed!"); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.info("Expected: Failed write to a file with permissions 577"); } // restore permissions chmod("700", a); assertTrue(a.delete()); // - Copy WINUTILS to a new executable file, a.exe. // - Change mode to 677 so owner does not have execute permission. // - Verify the owner truly does not have the permissions to execute the file. File winutilsFile = Shell.getWinUtilsFile(); File aExe = new File(TEST_DIR, "a.exe"); FileUtils.copyFile(winutilsFile, aExe); chmod("677", aExe); try { Shell.execCommand(aExe.getCanonicalPath(), "ls"); fail("executing " + aExe + " should have failed!"); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.info("Expected: Failed to execute a file with permissions 677"); } assertTrue(aExe.delete()); } /** Validate behavior of chmod commands on directories on Windows. */ @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testBasicChmodOnDir() throws IOException { requireWinutils(); // Validate that listing a directory with no read permission fails File a = new File(TEST_DIR, "a"); File b = new File(a, "b"); a.mkdirs(); assertTrue(b.createNewFile()); // Remove read permissions on directory a chmod("300", a); String[] files = a.list(); assertNull("Listing a directory without read permission should fail", files); // restore permissions chmod("700", a); // validate that the directory can be listed now files = a.list(); assertEquals("b", files[0]); // Remove write permissions on the directory and validate the // behavior for adding, deleting and renaming files chmod("500", a); File c = new File(a, "c"); try { // Adding a new file will fail as expected because the // FILE_WRITE_DATA/FILE_ADD_FILE privilege is denied on // the dir. c.createNewFile(); fail("writeFile should have failed!"); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.info("Expected: Failed to create a file when directory " + "permissions are 577"); } // Deleting a file will succeed even if write permissions are not present // on the parent dir. Check the following link for additional details: // http://support.microsoft.com/kb/238018 assertTrue("Special behavior: deleting a file will succeed on Windows " + "even if a user does not have write permissions on the parent dir", b.delete()); assertFalse("Renaming a file should fail on the dir where a user does " + "not have write permissions", b.renameTo(new File(a, "d"))); // restore permissions chmod("700", a); // Make sure adding new files and rename succeeds now assertTrue(c.createNewFile()); File d = new File(a, "d"); assertTrue(c.renameTo(d)); // at this point in the test, d is the only remaining file in directory a // Removing execute permissions does not have the same behavior on // Windows as on Linux. Adding, renaming, deleting and listing files // will still succeed. Windows default behavior is to bypass directory // traverse checking (BYPASS_TRAVERSE_CHECKING privilege) for all users. // See the following link for additional details: // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa364399(v=vs.85).aspx chmod("600", a); // validate directory listing files = a.list(); assertEquals("d", files[0]); // validate delete assertTrue(d.delete()); // validate add File e = new File(a, "e"); assertTrue(e.createNewFile()); // validate rename assertTrue(e.renameTo(new File(a, "f"))); // restore permissions chmod("700", a); } @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testChmod() throws IOException { requireWinutils(); testChmodInternal("7", "-------rwx"); testChmodInternal("70", "----rwx---"); testChmodInternal("u-x,g+r,o=g", "-rw-r--r--"); testChmodInternal("u-x,g+rw", "-rw-rw----"); testChmodInternal("u-x,g+rwx-x,o=u", "-rw-rw-rw-"); testChmodInternal("+", "-rwx------"); // Recursive chmod tests testChmodInternalR("755", "rwxr-xr-x", "rwxr-xr-x"); testChmodInternalR("u-x,g+r,o=g", "rw-r--r--", "rw-r--r--"); testChmodInternalR("u-x,g+rw", "rw-rw----", "rw-rw----"); testChmodInternalR("u-x,g+rwx-x,o=u", "rw-rw-rw-", "rw-rw-rw-"); testChmodInternalR("a+rX", "rw-r--r--", "rwxr-xr-x"); // Test a new file created in a chmod'ed directory has expected permission testNewFileChmodInternal("-rwxr-xr-x"); } private void chown(String userGroup, File file) throws IOException { Shell.execCommand( winutils, "chown", userGroup, file.getCanonicalPath()); } private void assertOwners(File file, String expectedUser, String expectedGroup) throws IOException { String [] args = lsF(file).trim().split("[\\|]"); assertEquals(StringUtils.toLowerCase(expectedUser), StringUtils.toLowerCase(args[2])); assertEquals(StringUtils.toLowerCase(expectedGroup), StringUtils.toLowerCase(args[3])); } @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testChown() throws IOException { requireWinutils(); File a = new File(TEST_DIR, "a"); assertTrue(a.createNewFile()); String username = System.getProperty("user.name"); // username including the domain aka DOMAIN\\user String qualifiedUsername = Shell.execCommand("whoami").trim(); String admins = "Administrators"; String qualifiedAdmins = "BUILTIN\\Administrators"; chown(username + ":" + admins, a); assertOwners(a, qualifiedUsername, qualifiedAdmins); chown(username, a); chown(":" + admins, a); assertOwners(a, qualifiedUsername, qualifiedAdmins); chown(":" + admins, a); chown(username + ":", a); assertOwners(a, qualifiedUsername, qualifiedAdmins); assertTrue(a.delete()); assertFalse(a.exists()); } @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testSymlinkRejectsForwardSlashesInLink() throws IOException { requireWinutils(); File newFile = new File(TEST_DIR, "file"); assertTrue(newFile.createNewFile()); String target = newFile.getPath(); String link = new File(TEST_DIR, "link").getPath().replaceAll("\\\\", "/"); try { Shell.execCommand(winutils, "symlink", link, target); fail(String.format("did not receive expected failure creating symlink " + "with forward slashes in link: link = %s, target = %s", link, target)); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.info( "Expected: Failed to create symlink with forward slashes in target"); } } @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testSymlinkRejectsForwardSlashesInTarget() throws IOException { requireWinutils(); File newFile = new File(TEST_DIR, "file"); assertTrue(newFile.createNewFile()); String target = newFile.getPath().replaceAll("\\\\", "/"); String link = new File(TEST_DIR, "link").getPath(); try { Shell.execCommand(winutils, "symlink", link, target); fail(String.format("did not receive expected failure creating symlink " + "with forward slashes in target: link = %s, target = %s", link, target)); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.info( "Expected: Failed to create symlink with forward slashes in target"); } } @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testReadLink() throws IOException { requireWinutils(); // Create TEST_DIR\dir1\file1.txt // File dir1 = new File(TEST_DIR, "dir1"); assertTrue(dir1.mkdirs()); File file1 = new File(dir1, "file1.txt"); assertTrue(file1.createNewFile()); File dirLink = new File(TEST_DIR, "dlink"); File fileLink = new File(TEST_DIR, "flink"); // Next create a directory symlink to dir1 and a file // symlink to file1.txt. // Shell.execCommand( winutils, "symlink", dirLink.toString(), dir1.toString()); Shell.execCommand( winutils, "symlink", fileLink.toString(), file1.toString()); // Read back the two links and ensure we get what we expected. // String readLinkOutput = Shell.execCommand(winutils, "readlink", dirLink.toString()); assertThat(readLinkOutput, equalTo(dir1.toString())); readLinkOutput = Shell.execCommand(winutils, "readlink", fileLink.toString()); assertThat(readLinkOutput, equalTo(file1.toString())); // Try a few invalid inputs and verify we get an ExitCodeException for each. // try { // No link name specified. // Shell.execCommand(winutils, "readlink", ""); fail("Failed to get Shell.ExitCodeException when reading bad symlink"); } catch (Shell.ExitCodeException ece) { assertThat(ece.getExitCode(), is(1)); } try { // Bad link name. // Shell.execCommand(winutils, "readlink", "ThereIsNoSuchLink"); fail("Failed to get Shell.ExitCodeException when reading bad symlink"); } catch (Shell.ExitCodeException ece) { assertThat(ece.getExitCode(), is(1)); } try { // Non-symlink directory target. // Shell.execCommand(winutils, "readlink", dir1.toString()); fail("Failed to get Shell.ExitCodeException when reading bad symlink"); } catch (Shell.ExitCodeException ece) { assertThat(ece.getExitCode(), is(1)); } try { // Non-symlink file target. // Shell.execCommand(winutils, "readlink", file1.toString()); fail("Failed to get Shell.ExitCodeException when reading bad symlink"); } catch (Shell.ExitCodeException ece) { assertThat(ece.getExitCode(), is(1)); } try { // Too many parameters. // Shell.execCommand(winutils, "readlink", "a", "b"); fail("Failed to get Shell.ExitCodeException with bad parameters"); } catch (Shell.ExitCodeException ece) { assertThat(ece.getExitCode(), is(1)); } } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Test(timeout=10000) public void testTaskCreate() throws IOException { requireWinutils(); File batch = new File(TEST_DIR, "testTaskCreate.cmd"); File proof = new File(TEST_DIR, "testTaskCreate.out"); FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(batch); String testNumber = String.format("%f", Math.random()); fw.write(String.format("echo %s > \"%s\"", testNumber, proof.getAbsolutePath())); fw.close(); assertFalse(proof.exists()); Shell.execCommand(winutils, "task", "create", "testTaskCreate" + testNumber, batch.getAbsolutePath()); assertTrue(proof.exists()); String outNumber = FileUtils.readFileToString(proof); assertThat(outNumber, containsString(testNumber)); } @Test (timeout = 30000) public void testTaskCreateWithLimits() throws IOException { requireWinutils(); // Generate a unique job id String jobId = String.format("%f", Math.random()); // Run a task without any options String out = Shell.execCommand(winutils, "task", "create", "job" + jobId, "cmd /c echo job" + jobId); assertTrue(out.trim().equals("job" + jobId)); // Run a task without any limits jobId = String.format("%f", Math.random()); out = Shell.execCommand(winutils, "task", "create", "-c", "-1", "-m", "-1", "job" + jobId, "cmd /c echo job" + jobId); assertTrue(out.trim().equals("job" + jobId)); // Run a task with limits (128MB should be enough for a cmd) jobId = String.format("%f", Math.random()); out = Shell.execCommand(winutils, "task", "create", "-c", "10000", "-m", "128", "job" + jobId, "cmd /c echo job" + jobId); assertTrue(out.trim().equals("job" + jobId)); // Run a task without enough memory try { jobId = String.format("%f", Math.random()); out = Shell.execCommand(winutils, "task", "create", "-m", "128", "job" + jobId, "java -Xmx256m -version"); fail("Failed to get Shell.ExitCodeException with insufficient memory"); } catch (Shell.ExitCodeException ece) { assertThat(ece.getExitCode(), is(1)); } // Run tasks with wrong parameters // try { jobId = String.format("%f", Math.random()); Shell.execCommand(winutils, "task", "create", "-c", "-1", "-m", "-1", "foo", "job" + jobId, "cmd /c echo job" + jobId); fail("Failed to get Shell.ExitCodeException with bad parameters"); } catch (Shell.ExitCodeException ece) { assertThat(ece.getExitCode(), is(1639)); } try { jobId = String.format("%f", Math.random()); Shell.execCommand(winutils, "task", "create", "-c", "-m", "-1", "job" + jobId, "cmd /c echo job" + jobId); fail("Failed to get Shell.ExitCodeException with bad parameters"); } catch (Shell.ExitCodeException ece) { assertThat(ece.getExitCode(), is(1639)); } try { jobId = String.format("%f", Math.random()); Shell.execCommand(winutils, "task", "create", "-c", "foo", "job" + jobId, "cmd /c echo job" + jobId); fail("Failed to get Shell.ExitCodeException with bad parameters"); } catch (Shell.ExitCodeException ece) { assertThat(ece.getExitCode(), is(1639)); } } }