/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.tools; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Cluster; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobSubmissionFiles; import org.apache.hadoop.security.Credentials; import org.apache.hadoop.tools.util.TestDistCpUtils; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters; import org.junit.Test; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; @RunWith(value = Parameterized.class) public class TestIntegration { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TestIntegration.class); private static FileSystem fs; private static Path listFile; private static Path target; private static String root; private int numListstatusThreads; public TestIntegration(int numListstatusThreads) { this.numListstatusThreads = numListstatusThreads; } @Parameters public static Collection<Object[]> data() { Object[][] data = new Object[][] { { 1 }, { 2 }, { 10 } }; return Arrays.asList(data); } private static Configuration getConf() { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); conf.set("fs.default.name", "file:///"); conf.set("mapred.job.tracker", "local"); return conf; } @BeforeClass public static void setup() { try { fs = FileSystem.get(getConf()); listFile = new Path("target/tmp/listing").makeQualified(fs.getUri(), fs.getWorkingDirectory()); target = new Path("target/tmp/target").makeQualified(fs.getUri(), fs.getWorkingDirectory()); root = new Path("target/tmp").makeQualified(fs.getUri(), fs.getWorkingDirectory()).toString(); TestDistCpUtils.delete(fs, root); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Exception encountered ", e); } } @Test(timeout=100000) public void testSingleFileMissingTarget() { caseSingleFileMissingTarget(false); caseSingleFileMissingTarget(true); } private void caseSingleFileMissingTarget(boolean sync) { try { addEntries(listFile, "singlefile1/file1"); createFiles("singlefile1/file1"); runTest(listFile, target, false, sync); checkResult(target, 1); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Exception encountered while testing distcp", e); Assert.fail("distcp failure"); } finally { TestDistCpUtils.delete(fs, root); } } @Test(timeout=100000) public void testSingleFileTargetFile() { caseSingleFileTargetFile(false); caseSingleFileTargetFile(true); } private void caseSingleFileTargetFile(boolean sync) { try { addEntries(listFile, "singlefile1/file1"); createFiles("singlefile1/file1", "target"); runTest(listFile, target, false, sync); checkResult(target, 1); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Exception encountered while testing distcp", e); Assert.fail("distcp failure"); } finally { TestDistCpUtils.delete(fs, root); } } @Test(timeout=100000) public void testSingleFileTargetDir() { caseSingleFileTargetDir(false); caseSingleFileTargetDir(true); } private void caseSingleFileTargetDir(boolean sync) { try { addEntries(listFile, "singlefile2/file2"); createFiles("singlefile2/file2"); mkdirs(target.toString()); runTest(listFile, target, true, sync); checkResult(target, 1, "file2"); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Exception encountered while testing distcp", e); Assert.fail("distcp failure"); } finally { TestDistCpUtils.delete(fs, root); } } @Test(timeout=100000) public void testSingleDirTargetMissing() { caseSingleDirTargetMissing(false); caseSingleDirTargetMissing(true); } private void caseSingleDirTargetMissing(boolean sync) { try { addEntries(listFile, "singledir"); mkdirs(root + "/singledir/dir1"); runTest(listFile, target, false, sync); checkResult(target, 1, "dir1"); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Exception encountered while testing distcp", e); Assert.fail("distcp failure"); } finally { TestDistCpUtils.delete(fs, root); } } @Test(timeout=100000) public void testSingleDirTargetPresent() { try { addEntries(listFile, "singledir"); mkdirs(root + "/singledir/dir1"); mkdirs(target.toString()); runTest(listFile, target, true, false); checkResult(target, 1, "singledir/dir1"); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Exception encountered while testing distcp", e); Assert.fail("distcp failure"); } finally { TestDistCpUtils.delete(fs, root); } } @Test(timeout=100000) public void testUpdateSingleDirTargetPresent() { try { addEntries(listFile, "Usingledir"); mkdirs(root + "/Usingledir/Udir1"); mkdirs(target.toString()); runTest(listFile, target, true, true); checkResult(target, 1, "Udir1"); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Exception encountered while testing distcp", e); Assert.fail("distcp failure"); } finally { TestDistCpUtils.delete(fs, root); } } @Test(timeout=100000) public void testMultiFileTargetPresent() { caseMultiFileTargetPresent(false); caseMultiFileTargetPresent(true); } private void caseMultiFileTargetPresent(boolean sync) { try { addEntries(listFile, "multifile/file3", "multifile/file4", "multifile/file5"); createFiles("multifile/file3", "multifile/file4", "multifile/file5"); mkdirs(target.toString()); runTest(listFile, target, true, sync); checkResult(target, 3, "file3", "file4", "file5"); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Exception encountered while testing distcp", e); Assert.fail("distcp failure"); } finally { TestDistCpUtils.delete(fs, root); } } @Test(timeout=100000) public void testMultiFileTargetMissing() { caseMultiFileTargetMissing(false); caseMultiFileTargetMissing(true); } private void caseMultiFileTargetMissing(boolean sync) { try { addEntries(listFile, "multifile/file3", "multifile/file4", "multifile/file5"); createFiles("multifile/file3", "multifile/file4", "multifile/file5"); runTest(listFile, target, false, sync); checkResult(target, 3, "file3", "file4", "file5"); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Exception encountered while testing distcp", e); Assert.fail("distcp failure"); } finally { TestDistCpUtils.delete(fs, root); } } @Test(timeout=100000) public void testMultiDirTargetPresent() { try { addEntries(listFile, "multifile", "singledir"); createFiles("multifile/file3", "multifile/file4", "multifile/file5"); mkdirs(target.toString(), root + "/singledir/dir1"); runTest(listFile, target, true, false); checkResult(target, 2, "multifile/file3", "multifile/file4", "multifile/file5", "singledir/dir1"); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Exception encountered while testing distcp", e); Assert.fail("distcp failure"); } finally { TestDistCpUtils.delete(fs, root); } } @Test(timeout=100000) public void testUpdateMultiDirTargetPresent() { try { addEntries(listFile, "Umultifile", "Usingledir"); createFiles("Umultifile/Ufile3", "Umultifile/Ufile4", "Umultifile/Ufile5"); mkdirs(target.toString(), root + "/Usingledir/Udir1"); runTest(listFile, target, true, true); checkResult(target, 4, "Ufile3", "Ufile4", "Ufile5", "Udir1"); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Exception encountered while testing distcp", e); Assert.fail("distcp failure"); } finally { TestDistCpUtils.delete(fs, root); } } @Test(timeout=100000) public void testMultiDirTargetMissing() { try { addEntries(listFile, "multifile", "singledir"); createFiles("multifile/file3", "multifile/file4", "multifile/file5"); mkdirs(root + "/singledir/dir1"); runTest(listFile, target, false, false); checkResult(target, 2, "multifile/file3", "multifile/file4", "multifile/file5", "singledir/dir1"); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Exception encountered while testing distcp", e); Assert.fail("distcp failure"); } finally { TestDistCpUtils.delete(fs, root); } } @Test(timeout=100000) public void testUpdateMultiDirTargetMissing() { try { addEntries(listFile, "multifile", "singledir"); createFiles("multifile/file3", "multifile/file4", "multifile/file5"); mkdirs(root + "/singledir/dir1"); runTest(listFile, target, false, true); checkResult(target, 4, "file3", "file4", "file5", "dir1"); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Exception encountered while testing distcp", e); Assert.fail("distcp failure"); } finally { TestDistCpUtils.delete(fs, root); } } @Test(timeout=100000) public void testDeleteMissingInDestination() { try { addEntries(listFile, "srcdir"); createFiles("srcdir/file1", "dstdir/file1", "dstdir/file2"); Path target = new Path(root + "/dstdir"); runTest(listFile, target, false, true, true, false); checkResult(target, 1, "file1"); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Exception encountered while running distcp", e); Assert.fail("distcp failure"); } finally { TestDistCpUtils.delete(fs, root); TestDistCpUtils.delete(fs, "target/tmp1"); } } @Test(timeout=100000) public void testOverwrite() { byte[] contents1 = "contents1".getBytes(); byte[] contents2 = "contents2".getBytes(); Assert.assertEquals(contents1.length, contents2.length); try { addEntries(listFile, "srcdir"); createWithContents("srcdir/file1", contents1); createWithContents("dstdir/file1", contents2); Path target = new Path(root + "/dstdir"); runTest(listFile, target, false, false, false, true); checkResult(target, 1, "file1"); // make sure dstdir/file1 has been overwritten with the contents // of srcdir/file1 FSDataInputStream is = fs.open(new Path(root + "/dstdir/file1")); byte[] dstContents = new byte[contents1.length]; is.readFully(dstContents); is.close(); Assert.assertArrayEquals(contents1, dstContents); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Exception encountered while running distcp", e); Assert.fail("distcp failure"); } finally { TestDistCpUtils.delete(fs, root); TestDistCpUtils.delete(fs, "target/tmp1"); } } @Test(timeout=100000) public void testGlobTargetMissingSingleLevel() { try { Path listFile = new Path("target/tmp1/listing").makeQualified(fs.getUri(), fs.getWorkingDirectory()); addEntries(listFile, "*"); createFiles("multifile/file3", "multifile/file4", "multifile/file5"); createFiles("singledir/dir2/file6"); runTest(listFile, target, false, false); checkResult(target, 2, "multifile/file3", "multifile/file4", "multifile/file5", "singledir/dir2/file6"); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Exception encountered while testing distcp", e); Assert.fail("distcp failure"); } finally { TestDistCpUtils.delete(fs, root); TestDistCpUtils.delete(fs, "target/tmp1"); } } @Test(timeout=100000) public void testUpdateGlobTargetMissingSingleLevel() { try { Path listFile = new Path("target/tmp1/listing").makeQualified(fs.getUri(), fs.getWorkingDirectory()); addEntries(listFile, "*"); createFiles("multifile/file3", "multifile/file4", "multifile/file5"); createFiles("singledir/dir2/file6"); runTest(listFile, target, false, true); checkResult(target, 4, "file3", "file4", "file5", "dir2/file6"); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Exception encountered while running distcp", e); Assert.fail("distcp failure"); } finally { TestDistCpUtils.delete(fs, root); TestDistCpUtils.delete(fs, "target/tmp1"); } } @Test(timeout=100000) public void testGlobTargetMissingMultiLevel() { try { Path listFile = new Path("target/tmp1/listing").makeQualified(fs.getUri(), fs.getWorkingDirectory()); addEntries(listFile, "*/*"); createFiles("multifile/file3", "multifile/file4", "multifile/file5"); createFiles("singledir1/dir3/file7", "singledir1/dir3/file8", "singledir1/dir3/file9"); runTest(listFile, target, false, false); checkResult(target, 4, "file3", "file4", "file5", "dir3/file7", "dir3/file8", "dir3/file9"); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Exception encountered while running distcp", e); Assert.fail("distcp failure"); } finally { TestDistCpUtils.delete(fs, root); TestDistCpUtils.delete(fs, "target/tmp1"); } } @Test(timeout=100000) public void testUpdateGlobTargetMissingMultiLevel() { try { Path listFile = new Path("target/tmp1/listing").makeQualified(fs.getUri(), fs.getWorkingDirectory()); addEntries(listFile, "*/*"); createFiles("multifile/file3", "multifile/file4", "multifile/file5"); createFiles("singledir1/dir3/file7", "singledir1/dir3/file8", "singledir1/dir3/file9"); runTest(listFile, target, false, true); checkResult(target, 6, "file3", "file4", "file5", "file7", "file8", "file9"); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Exception encountered while running distcp", e); Assert.fail("distcp failure"); } finally { TestDistCpUtils.delete(fs, root); TestDistCpUtils.delete(fs, "target/tmp1"); } } @Test(timeout=100000) public void testCleanup() { try { Path sourcePath = new Path("noscheme:///file"); List<Path> sources = new ArrayList<Path>(); sources.add(sourcePath); DistCpOptions options = new DistCpOptions(sources, target); Configuration conf = getConf(); Path stagingDir = JobSubmissionFiles.getStagingDir( new Cluster(conf), conf); stagingDir.getFileSystem(conf).mkdirs(stagingDir); try { new DistCp(conf, options).execute(); } catch (Throwable t) { Assert.assertEquals(stagingDir.getFileSystem(conf). listStatus(stagingDir).length, 0); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Exception encountered ", e); Assert.fail("testCleanup failed " + e.getMessage()); } } private void addEntries(Path listFile, String... entries) throws IOException { OutputStream out = fs.create(listFile); try { for (String entry : entries){ out.write((root + "/" + entry).getBytes()); out.write("\n".getBytes()); } } finally { out.close(); } } private void createFiles(String... entries) throws IOException { for (String entry : entries){ OutputStream out = fs.create(new Path(root + "/" + entry)); try { out.write((root + "/" + entry).getBytes()); out.write("\n".getBytes()); } finally { out.close(); } } } private void createWithContents(String entry, byte[] contents) throws IOException { OutputStream out = fs.create(new Path(root + "/" + entry)); try { out.write(contents); } finally { out.close(); } } private void mkdirs(String... entries) throws IOException { for (String entry : entries){ fs.mkdirs(new Path(entry)); } } private void runTest(Path listFile, Path target, boolean targetExists, boolean sync) throws IOException { runTest(listFile, target, targetExists, sync, false, false); } private void runTest(Path listFile, Path target, boolean targetExists, boolean sync, boolean delete, boolean overwrite) throws IOException { DistCpOptions options = new DistCpOptions(listFile, target); options.setSyncFolder(sync); options.setDeleteMissing(delete); options.setOverwrite(overwrite); options.setTargetPathExists(targetExists); options.setNumListstatusThreads(numListstatusThreads); try { new DistCp(getConf(), options).execute(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Exception encountered ", e); throw new IOException(e); } } private void checkResult(Path target, int count, String... relPaths) throws IOException { Assert.assertEquals(count, fs.listStatus(target).length); if (relPaths == null || relPaths.length == 0) { Assert.assertTrue(target.toString(), fs.exists(target)); return; } for (String relPath : relPaths) { Assert.assertTrue(new Path(target, relPath).toString(), fs.exists(new Path(target, relPath))); } } }