/* * Copyright 2009 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.google.gwt.jsonp.client; import com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptObject; import com.google.gwt.core.client.Scheduler; import com.google.gwt.core.client.Scheduler.ScheduledCommand; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Document; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Node; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.ScriptElement; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Timer; import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.AsyncCallback; /** * A JSONP request that is waiting for a response. The request can be canceled. * * @param <T> the type of the response object. */ public class JsonpRequest<T> { /** * A global JS variable that holds the next index to use. */ private static final String CALLBACKS_COUNTER_NAME = "__gwt_jsonp_counter__"; /** * A global JS object that contains callbacks of pending requests. */ private static final String CALLBACKS_NAME = "__gwt_jsonp__"; private static final JavaScriptObject CALLBACKS = getOrCreateCallbacksObject(); /** * Prefix appended to all id's that are determined by the callbacks counter. */ private static final String INCREMENTAL_ID_PREFIX = "P"; /** * Prefix appended to all id's that are passed in by the user. The "P" * suffix must stay in sync with ExternalTextResourceGenerator.java */ private static final String PREDETERMINED_ID_PREFIX = "P"; /** * Returns the next ID to use, incrementing the global counter. */ private static native int getAndIncrementCallbackCounter() /*-{ var name = @com.google.gwt.jsonp.client.JsonpRequest::CALLBACKS_NAME; var ctr = @com.google.gwt.jsonp.client.JsonpRequest::CALLBACKS_COUNTER_NAME; return $wnd[name][ctr]++; }-*/; private static Node getHeadElement() { return Document.get().getElementsByTagName("head").getItem(0); } /** * Returns a global object to store callbacks of pending requests, creating * it if it doesn't exist. */ private static native JavaScriptObject getOrCreateCallbacksObject() /*-{ var name = @com.google.gwt.jsonp.client.JsonpRequest::CALLBACKS_NAME; if (!$wnd[name]) { $wnd[name] = new Object(); $wnd[name] [@com.google.gwt.jsonp.client.JsonpRequest::CALLBACKS_COUNTER_NAME] = 0; } return $wnd[name]; }-*/; private static String getPredeterminedId(String suffix) { return PREDETERMINED_ID_PREFIX + suffix; } private static String nextCallbackId() { return INCREMENTAL_ID_PREFIX + getAndIncrementCallbackCounter(); } private final String callbackId; private final int timeout; private final AsyncCallback<T> callback; /** * Whether the result is expected to be an integer or not. */ private final boolean expectInteger; private final String callbackParam; private final String failureCallbackParam; private final boolean canHaveMultipleRequestsForSameId; /** * Timer which keeps track of timeouts. */ private Timer timer; /** * Create a new JSONP request. * * @param callback The callback instance to notify when the response comes * back * @param timeout Time in ms after which a {@link TimeoutException} will be * thrown * @param expectInteger Should be true if T is {@link Integer}, false * otherwise * @param callbackParam Name of the url param of the callback function name * @param failureCallbackParam Name of the url param containing the the * failure callback function name, or null for no failure callback */ JsonpRequest(AsyncCallback<T> callback, int timeout, boolean expectInteger, String callbackParam, String failureCallbackParam) { callbackId = nextCallbackId(); this.callback = callback; this.timeout = timeout; this.expectInteger = expectInteger; this.callbackParam = callbackParam; this.failureCallbackParam = failureCallbackParam; this.canHaveMultipleRequestsForSameId = false; } /** * Create a new JSONP request with a hardcoded id. This could be used to * manually control which resources are considered duplicates (by giving them * identical ids). Could also be used if the callback name needs to be * completely user controlled (since the id is part of the callback name). * * @param callback The callback instance to notify when the response comes * back * @param timeout Time in ms after which a {@link TimeoutException} will be * thrown * @param expectInteger Should be true if T is {@link Integer}, false * otherwise * @param callbackParam Name of the url param of the callback function name * @param failureCallbackParam Name of the url param containing the the * failure callback function name, or null for no failure callback * @param id unique id for the resource that is being fetched */ JsonpRequest(AsyncCallback<T> callback, int timeout, boolean expectInteger, String callbackParam, String failureCallbackParam, String id) { callbackId = getPredeterminedId(id); this.callback = callback; this.timeout = timeout; this.expectInteger = expectInteger; this.callbackParam = callbackParam; this.failureCallbackParam = failureCallbackParam; this.canHaveMultipleRequestsForSameId = true; } /** * Cancels a pending request. Note that if you are using preset ID's, this * will not work, since there is no way of knowing if there are other * requests pending (or have already returned) for the same data. */ public void cancel() { timer.cancel(); unload(); } public AsyncCallback<T> getCallback() { return callback; } public int getTimeout() { return timeout; } @Override public String toString() { return "JsonpRequest(id=" + callbackId + ")"; } // @VisibleForTesting String getCallbackId() { return callbackId; } /** * Sends a request using the JSONP mechanism. * * @param baseUri To be sent to the server. */ void send(final String baseUri) { registerCallbacks(CALLBACKS, canHaveMultipleRequestsForSameId); StringBuffer uri = new StringBuffer(baseUri); uri.append(baseUri.contains("?") ? "&" : "?"); String prefix = CALLBACKS_NAME + "." + callbackId; uri.append(callbackParam).append("=").append(prefix).append( ".onSuccess"); if (failureCallbackParam != null) { uri.append("&"); uri.append(failureCallbackParam).append("=").append(prefix).append( ".onFailure"); } ScriptElement script = Document.get().createScriptElement(); script.setType("text/javascript"); script.setId(callbackId); script.setSrc(uri.toString()); timer = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { onFailure(new TimeoutException("Timeout while calling " + baseUri)); } }; timer.schedule(timeout); getHeadElement().appendChild(script); } private void onFailure(String message) { onFailure(new Exception(message)); } private void onFailure(Throwable ex) { timer.cancel(); try { if (callback != null) { callback.onFailure(ex); } } finally { unload(); } } private void onSuccess(T data) { timer.cancel(); try { if (callback != null) { callback.onSuccess(data); } } finally { unload(); } } /** * Registers the callback methods that will be called when the JSONP response * comes back. 2 callbacks are created, one to return the value, and one to * notify a failure. * * @param callbacks the global JS object which stores callbacks */ private native void registerCallbacks(JavaScriptObject callbacks, boolean canHaveMultipleRequestsForId) /*-{ var self = this; var callback = new Object(); callback.onSuccess = $entry(function(data) { // Box primitive types if (typeof data == 'boolean') { data = @java.lang.Boolean::new(Z)(data); } else if (typeof data == 'number') { if (self.@com.google.gwt.jsonp.client.JsonpRequest::expectInteger) { data = @java.lang.Integer::new(I)(data); } else { data = @java.lang.Double::new(D)(data); } } self.@com.google.gwt.jsonp.client.JsonpRequest::onSuccess(Ljava/lang/Object;)(data); }); if (this.@com.google.gwt.jsonp.client.JsonpRequest::failureCallbackParam) { callback.onFailure = $entry(function(message) { self.@com.google.gwt.jsonp.client.JsonpRequest::onFailure(Ljava/lang/String;)(message); }); } if (canHaveMultipleRequestsForId) { // In this case, we keep a wrapper, with a list of callbacks. Since the // response for the request is the same each time, we call all of the // callbacks as soon as any response comes back. var callbackWrapper = callbacks[this.@com.google.gwt.jsonp.client.JsonpRequest::callbackId]; if (!callbackWrapper) { callbackWrapper = new Object(); callbackWrapper.callbackList = new Array(); callbackWrapper.onSuccess = function(data) { while (callbackWrapper.callbackList.length > 0) { callbackWrapper.callbackList.shift().onSuccess(data); } } callbackWrapper.onFailure = function(data) { while (callbackWrapper.callbackList.length > 0) { callbackWrapper.callbackList.shift().onFailure(data); } } callbacks[this.@com.google.gwt.jsonp.client.JsonpRequest::callbackId] = callbackWrapper; } callbackWrapper.callbackList.push(callback); } else { // In this simple case, just associate the callback directly with the // particular id in the callbacks object callbacks[this.@com.google.gwt.jsonp.client.JsonpRequest::callbackId] = callback; } }-*/; /** * Cleans everything once the response has been received: deletes the script * tag and unregisters the callback. */ private void unload() { /* * Some browsers (IE7) require the script tag to be deleted outside the * scope of the script itself. Therefore, we need to defer the delete * statement after the callback execution. */ Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { if (!canHaveMultipleRequestsForSameId) { // If there can me multiple requests for a particular ID, then we // don't want to unregister the callback since there may be pending // requests that have not yet come back and we don't want them to // have an undefined callback function. unregisterCallbacks(CALLBACKS); } Node script = Document.get().getElementById(callbackId); if (script != null) { // The script may have already been deleted getHeadElement().removeChild(script); } } }); } private native void unregisterCallbacks(JavaScriptObject callbacks) /*-{ delete callbacks[this.@com.google.gwt.jsonp.client.JsonpRequest::callbackId]; }-*/; }