/* * Copyright 2009 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.impl.gflow.cfg; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.Context; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JArrayRef; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JBinaryOperation; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JBinaryOperator; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JBlock; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JBreakStatement; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JCaseStatement; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JCastOperation; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JClassType; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JConditional; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JContinueStatement; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JDeclarationStatement; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JDeclaredType; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JDoStatement; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JExpression; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JExpressionStatement; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JFieldRef; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JForStatement; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JIfStatement; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JLabeledStatement; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JMethodCall; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JNode; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JProgram; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JReboundEntryPoint; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JReturnStatement; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JStatement; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JSwitchStatement; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JThrowStatement; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JTryStatement; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JType; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JTypeOracle; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JUnaryOperation; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JVariableRef; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JVisitor; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JWhileStatement; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.Preconditions; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Builder for CFG graph. * * Resulting CFG graph contains as much information as needed by current * analysis set. The amount of detail in call graph can be shrink or extend over * time. Current CfgNode inheritance tree gives an accurate understanding of * current detail level. * * To build an accurate representation of control flow graph in the presence of * exceptions, we maintain all possible exit reason from statement. (This is * called completion in JLS. We use exit name in code for brevity). * * CfgBuilder also tries to assign cfg node parents to correspond to AST tree * structure. This is not always correct (yet). But it is always guaranteed that * you will always meet a cfg node corresponding to containing statements when * traversing cfg node parents. * * Every statement always has the corresponding node in cfg graph. * * TODO: such nodes as if, etc, should be parent of their expressions. */ public class CfgBuilder { /** * Visitor class which does all cfg building. */ private static class BuilderVisitor extends JVisitor { /** * Representation of possible exits from statement. Emulates algebraic data * type to save memory. */ private static class Exit { private enum Reason { /** * Exit with a break statement. */ BREAK, /** * Exit with case else. */ CASE_ELSE, /** * Exit with case then. */ CASE_THEN, /** * Exit with continue statement. */ CONTINUE, /** * Normal exit from statement. */ NORMAL, /** * Exit with return statement. */ RETURN, /** * Exit with exception throwing. */ THROW } private static Exit createBreak(CfgNode<?> node, String label) { return new Exit(Reason.BREAK, node, null, label, null); } private static Exit createCaseElse(CfgNode<?> node) { return new Exit(Reason.CASE_ELSE, node, null, null, CfgConditionalNode.ELSE); } private static Exit createCaseThen(CfgNode<?> node) { return new Exit(Reason.CASE_THEN, node, null, null, CfgConditionalNode.THEN); } private static Exit createContinue(CfgNode<?> node, String label) { return new Exit(Reason.CONTINUE, node, null, label, null); } private static Exit createNormal(CfgNode<?> node, String role) { return new Exit(Reason.NORMAL, node, null, null, role); } private static Exit createReturn(CfgNode<?> node) { return new Exit(Reason.RETURN, node, null, null, null); } private static Exit createThrow(CfgNode<?> node, JType exceptionType, String role) { return new Exit(Reason.THROW, node, exceptionType, null, role); } /** * Exception type for <code>THROW</code> exit. */ private final JType exceptionType; /** * Break/continue target label. Null if label wasn't set. */ private final String label; /** * Cfg node which generated this exit. */ private final CfgNode<?> node; /** * Exit reason. */ private final Reason reason; /** * Role for all cfg edges generated from this exit. */ private final String role; private Exit(Reason reason, CfgNode<?> source, JType exceptionType, String label, String role) { if (source == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } this.reason = reason; this.node = source; this.exceptionType = exceptionType; this.label = label; this.role = role; } public JType getExceptionType() { if (!isThrow()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } return exceptionType; } public String getLabel() { if (!isContinue() && !isBreak()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } return label; } public CfgNode<?> getNode() { return node; } public boolean isBreak() { return reason == Reason.BREAK; } public boolean isContinue() { return reason == Reason.CONTINUE; } public boolean isNormal() { return reason == Reason.NORMAL; } public boolean isThrow() { return reason == Reason.THROW; } @Override public String toString() { return reason.toString(); } } /** * All exits at this point of interpretation tabulated by their reason. */ private final EnumMap<Exit.Reason, ArrayList<Exit>> currentExitsByReason = new EnumMap<Exit.Reason, ArrayList<Exit>>(Exit.Reason.class); /** * Artificial cfg end node. */ private final CfgEndNode endNode = new CfgEndNode(); /** * Resulting graph. */ private final Cfg graph = new Cfg(); /** * Map from statement to its label. */ private final Map<JStatement, String> labels = new HashMap<JStatement, String>(); /** * All nodes in the graph. */ private final List<CfgNode<?>> nodes = new ArrayList<CfgNode<?>>(); /** * Parent for newly created cfg nodes. */ private CfgNode<?> parent = null; private final JProgram program; private JSwitchStatement switchStatement; private final JTypeOracle typeOracle; public BuilderVisitor(JProgram program) { this.program = program; this.typeOracle = program.typeOracle; for (Exit.Reason reason : Exit.Reason.values()) { this.currentExitsByReason.put(reason, new ArrayList<Exit>()); } } /** * Build cfg for codeblock. Resulting graph will have one incoming edge * and no outgoing edges. */ public Cfg build(JBlock codeBlock) { CfgEdge methodIn = new CfgEdge(); graph.addGraphInEdge(methodIn); accept(codeBlock); graph.addIn(nodes.get(0), methodIn); addNode(endNode); // Wire all remaining exits to end node. for (Exit.Reason reason : Exit.Reason.values()) { switch (reason) { case CONTINUE: case BREAK: case CASE_ELSE: case CASE_THEN: if (!currentExitsByReason.get(reason).isEmpty()) { // This shouldn't happen. throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled exit: " + reason); } break; case NORMAL: case RETURN: case THROW: { for (Exit exit : currentExitsByReason.get(reason)) { addEdge(exit, endNode); } break; } } } return graph; } /** * Build cfg for codeblock. Resulting graph will have one incoming edge * and no outgoing edges. */ public Cfg build(JExpression expression) { accept(expression); addNode(endNode); for (Exit.Reason reason : Exit.Reason.values()) { Preconditions.checkArgument(currentExitsByReason.get(reason).isEmpty(), "Unhandled exits %s", reason); } return graph; } @Override public boolean visit(JBinaryOperation x, Context ctx) { if (x.isAssignment()) { // Generate writes. accept(x.getRhs()); acceptExpressionSubreads(x.getLhs()); if (x.getOp() == JBinaryOperator.ASG) { addNode(new CfgWriteNode(parent, x, x.getLhs(), x.getRhs())); } else { addNode(new CfgReadWriteNode(parent, x, x.getLhs(), null)); } return false; } else if (x.getOp() == JBinaryOperator.AND || x.getOp() == JBinaryOperator.OR) { // generate conditionals. accept(x.getLhs()); CfgBinaryConditionalOperationNode node = pushNode(new CfgBinaryConditionalOperationNode(parent, x)); if (x.getOp() == JBinaryOperator.AND) { addNormalExit(node, CfgConditionalNode.THEN); accept(x.getRhs()); List<Exit> thenExits = removeNormalExits(); addNormalExit(node, CfgConditionalNode.ELSE); addExits(thenExits); } else { addNormalExit(node, CfgConditionalNode.ELSE); accept(x.getRhs()); List<Exit> elseExits = removeNormalExits(); addNormalExit(node, CfgConditionalNode.THEN); addExits(elseExits); } popNode(); return false; } return true; } @Override public boolean visit(JBlock x, Context ctx) { pushNode(new CfgBlockNode(parent, x)); accept(x.getStatements()); popNode(); return false; } @Override public boolean visit(JBreakStatement x, Context ctx) { pushNode(new CfgStatementNode<JStatement>(parent, x)); String label = null; if (x.getLabel() != null) { label = x.getLabel().getName(); } CfgBreakNode node = addNode(new CfgBreakNode(parent, x)); addExit(Exit.createBreak(node, label)); popNode(); return false; } @Override public boolean visit(JCaseStatement x, Context ctx) { pushNode(new CfgStatementNode<JStatement>(parent, x)); if (x.getExpr() != null) { // case label JExpression condition = new JBinaryOperation(x.getSourceInfo(), program.getTypePrimitiveBoolean(), JBinaryOperator.EQ, switchStatement.getExpr(), x.getExpr()); CfgCaseNode node = addNode(new CfgCaseNode(parent, x, condition)); addExit(Exit.createCaseThen(node)); addExit(Exit.createCaseElse(node)); } else { // default label } popNode(); return false; } /** * Each cast operation generates optional throw. * Fixes http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5739 */ @Override public boolean visit(JCastOperation x, Context ctx) { accept(x.getExpr()); CfgOptionalThrowNode node = addNode(new CfgOptionalThrowNode(parent, x)); addNormalExit(node, CfgOptionalThrowNode.NO_THROW); JDeclaredType runtimeExceptionType = program.getFromTypeMap("java.lang.RuntimeException"); if (runtimeExceptionType != null) { addExit(Exit.createThrow(node, runtimeExceptionType, CfgOptionalThrowNode.RUNTIME_EXCEPTION)); } addNode(new CfgCastOperationNode(parent, x)); return false; } @Override public boolean visit(JConditional x, Context ctx) { accept(x.getIfTest()); CfgConditionalExpressionNode node = pushNode(new CfgConditionalExpressionNode(parent, x)); addNormalExit(node, CfgConditionalNode.THEN); accept(x.getThenExpr()); List<Exit> thenExits = removeNormalExits(); addNormalExit(node, CfgConditionalNode.ELSE); accept(x.getElseExpr()); addExits(thenExits); popNode(); return false; } @Override public boolean visit(JContinueStatement x, Context ctx) { pushNode(new CfgStatementNode<JStatement>(parent, x)); String label = null; if (x.getLabel() != null) { label = x.getLabel().getName(); } CfgContinueNode node = addNode(new CfgContinueNode(parent, x)); addExit(Exit.createContinue(node, label)); popNode(); return false; } @Override public boolean visit(JDeclarationStatement x, Context ctx) { pushNode(new CfgStatementNode<JStatement>(parent, x)); if (x.getInitializer() != null) { accept(x.getInitializer()); addNode(new CfgWriteNode(parent, x, x.getVariableRef(), x.getInitializer())); } popNode(); return false; } @Override public boolean visit(JDoStatement x, Context ctx) { List<Exit> unlabeledExits = removeUnlabeledExits(); pushNode(new CfgStatementNode<JStatement>(parent, x)); int pos = nodes.size(); if (x.getBody() != null) { accept(x.getBody()); } if (x.getTestExpr() != null) { accept(x.getTestExpr()); } CfgDoNode node = addNode(new CfgDoNode(parent, x)); addEdge(node, nodes.get(pos), new CfgEdge(CfgConditionalNode.THEN)); String label = labels.get(x); addContinueEdges(nodes.get(pos), label); addBreakExits(label); addNormalExit(node, CfgConditionalNode.ELSE); popNode(); addExits(unlabeledExits); return false; } @Override public boolean visit(JExpressionStatement x, Context ctx) { pushNode(new CfgStatementNode<JStatement>(parent, x)); accept(x.getExpr()); popNode(); return false; } @Override public boolean visit(JForStatement x, Context ctx) { List<Exit> unlabeledExits = removeUnlabeledExits(); pushNode(new CfgStatementNode<JStatement>(parent, x)); accept(x.getInitializers()); CfgForNode cond = null; int testPos = nodes.size(); if (x.getTestExpr() != null) { accept(x.getTestExpr()); cond = addNode(new CfgForNode(parent, x)); addNormalExit(cond, CfgConditionalNode.THEN); } if (x.getBody() != null) { accept(x.getBody()); } int incrementsPos = nodes.size(); accept(x.getIncrements()); List<Exit> thenExits = removeNormalExits(); for (Exit e : thenExits) { addEdge(e, nodes.get(testPos)); } String label = labels.get(x); // If there's no increments, continue goes straight to test. int continuePos = incrementsPos != nodes.size() ? incrementsPos : testPos; addContinueEdges(nodes.get(continuePos), label); addBreakExits(label); if (cond != null) { addNormalExit(cond, CfgConditionalNode.ELSE); } popNode(); addExits(unlabeledExits); return false; } @Override public boolean visit(JIfStatement x, Context ctx) { pushNode(new CfgStatementNode<JStatement>(parent, x)); accept(x.getIfExpr()); CfgIfNode node = addNode(new CfgIfNode(parent, x)); addNormalExit(node, CfgConditionalNode.THEN); if (x.getThenStmt() != null) { accept(x.getThenStmt()); } List<Exit> thenExits = removeNormalExits(); addNormalExit(node, CfgConditionalNode.ELSE); if (x.getElseStmt() != null) { accept(x.getElseStmt()); } addExits(thenExits); popNode(); return false; } @Override public boolean visit(JLabeledStatement x, Context ctx) { String label = x.getLabel().getName(); labels.put(x.getBody(), label); accept(x.getBody()); addBreakExits(label); return false; } /** * Each method call generates optional throw. */ @Override public boolean visit(JMethodCall x, Context ctx) { // TODO: join optthrow + call if (x.getInstance() != null) { // TODO: add optional NPE exception accept(x.getInstance()); } accept(x.getArgs()); CfgOptionalThrowNode node = addNode(new CfgOptionalThrowNode(parent, x)); addNormalExit(node, CfgOptionalThrowNode.NO_THROW); for (JClassType exceptionType : x.getTarget().getThrownExceptions()) { addExit(Exit.createThrow(node, exceptionType, null)); } JDeclaredType runtimeExceptionType = program.getFromTypeMap("java.lang.RuntimeException"); if (runtimeExceptionType != null) { addExit(Exit.createThrow(node, runtimeExceptionType, CfgOptionalThrowNode.RUNTIME_EXCEPTION)); } JDeclaredType errorExceptionType = program.getFromTypeMap("java.lang.Error"); if (errorExceptionType != null) { addExit(Exit.createThrow(node, errorExceptionType, CfgOptionalThrowNode.ERROR)); } addNode(new CfgMethodCallNode(parent, x)); return false; } @Override public boolean visit(JReboundEntryPoint x, Context ctx) { pushNode(new CfgStatementNode<JReboundEntryPoint>(parent, x)); accept(x.getEntryCalls()); popNode(); return false; } @Override public boolean visit(JReturnStatement x, Context ctx) { pushNode(new CfgStatementNode<JStatement>(parent, x)); if (x.getExpr() != null) { accept(x.getExpr()); } CfgReturnNode node = addNode(new CfgReturnNode(parent, x)); addExit(Exit.createReturn(node)); popNode(); return false; } @Override public boolean visit(JStatement x, Context ctx) { // The statement isn't supported. throw new UnsupportedNodeException(x.getClass().toString()); } @Override public boolean visit(JSwitchStatement x, Context ctx) { pushNode(new CfgStatementNode<JStatement>(parent, x)); accept(x.getExpr()); JSwitchStatement oldSwitchStatement = switchStatement; // We don't want to mess with other case exits here List<Exit> oldCaseElseExits = removeExits(Exit.Reason.CASE_ELSE); List<Exit> oldCaseThenExits = removeExits(Exit.Reason.CASE_THEN); List<Exit> oldBreakExits = removeUnlabeledBreaks(); switchStatement = x; // Goto to the first non-default node. CfgSwitchGotoNode gotoNode = addNode(new CfgSwitchGotoNode(parent, x)); Exit gotoExit = Exit.createNormal(gotoNode, null); int defaultPos = -1; List<Exit> breakExits = new ArrayList<Exit>(); List<Exit> fallThroughExits = new ArrayList<Exit>(); List<JStatement> statements = x.getBody().getStatements(); for (JStatement s : statements) { if (s instanceof JCaseStatement) { if (((JCaseStatement) s).getExpr() != null) { // case label fallThroughExits.addAll(removeExits(Exit.Reason.NORMAL)); if (gotoExit != null) { // This is first non-default case. addExit(gotoExit); gotoExit = null; } List<Exit> elseExits = removeExits(Exit.Reason.CASE_ELSE); for (Exit e : elseExits) { addNormalExit(e.getNode(), e.role); } } else { // default label defaultPos = nodes.size(); } } else { List<Exit> thenExits = removeExits(Exit.Reason.CASE_THEN); for (Exit e : thenExits) { addNormalExit(e.getNode(), e.role); } if (!fallThroughExits.isEmpty()) { for (Exit e : fallThroughExits) { addExit(e); } fallThroughExits.clear(); } } accept(s); breakExits.addAll(removeUnlabeledBreaks()); } if (gotoExit != null) { // Happens when there are no case statements. if (defaultPos >= 0) { addEdge(gotoExit, nodes.get(defaultPos)); } else { addExit(gotoExit); } gotoExit = null; } List<Exit> thenExits = removeExits(Exit.Reason.CASE_THEN); for (Exit e : thenExits) { addNormalExit(e.getNode(), e.role); } List<Exit> elseExits = removeExits(Exit.Reason.CASE_ELSE); if (defaultPos >= 0) { for (Exit e : elseExits) { addEdge(e, nodes.get(defaultPos)); } } else { for (Exit e : elseExits) { addExit(Exit.createNormal(e.getNode(), e.role)); } } for (Exit e : breakExits) { addNormalExit(e.getNode(), e.role); } switchStatement = oldSwitchStatement; addExits(oldCaseElseExits); addExits(oldCaseThenExits); addExits(oldBreakExits); popNode(); return false; } @Override public boolean visit(JThrowStatement x, Context ctx) { pushNode(new CfgStatementNode<JStatement>(parent, x)); accept(x.getExpr()); CfgThrowNode node = addNode(new CfgThrowNode(parent, x)); addExit(Exit.createThrow(node, x.getExpr().getType(), null)); popNode(); return false; } @Override public boolean visit(JTryStatement x, Context ctx) { pushNode(new CfgTryNode(parent, x)); accept(x.getTryBlock()); // Process all blocks and determine their exits List<Exit> tryBlockExits = removeCurrentExits(); List<Integer> catchBlockPos = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<List<Exit>> catchExits = new ArrayList<List<Exit>>(); for (JBlock b : x.getCatchBlocks()) { catchBlockPos.add(nodes.size()); accept(b); catchExits.add(removeCurrentExits()); } int finallyPos = nodes.size(); if (x.getFinallyBlock() != null) { accept(x.getFinallyBlock()); } List<Exit> finallyExits = removeCurrentExits(); // Actual work goes here. We are citing JLS to make it easier to follow. // We prefer to have duplicated code for finally block handling just // to make it easier to follow. // A try statement without a finally block is executed by first executing // the try block. Then there is a choice: if (x.getFinallyBlock() == null) { // If execution of the try block completes normally, then no further // action is taken and the try statement completes normally. addExits(removeNormalExits(tryBlockExits)); nextExit : for (Exit e : tryBlockExits) { if (e.isThrow()) { // If execution of the try block completes abruptly because of a // throw of a value V, then there is a choice: nextCatchBlock : for (int i = 0; i < x.getCatchArgs().size(); ++i) { // If the run-time type of V is assignable (�5.2) to the // Parameter of any catch clause of the try statement, then // the first (leftmost) such catch clause is selected. JClassType catchType = (JClassType) x.getCatchArgs().get(i).getType(); JType exceptionType = e.getExceptionType(); boolean canCatch = false; boolean fullCatch = false; // It's not that simple in static analysis though. if (typeOracle.canTriviallyCast(exceptionType, catchType)) { // Catch clause fully covers exception type. We'll land // here for sure. canCatch = true; fullCatch = true; } else if (typeOracle.canTriviallyCast(catchType, exceptionType)) { // We can land here if we throw some subclass of // exceptionType canCatch = true; fullCatch = false; } if (canCatch) { addEdge(e, nodes.get(catchBlockPos.get(i))); if (fullCatch) { continue nextExit; } continue nextCatchBlock; } } // If the run-time type of V is not assignable to the parameter of // any catch clause of the try statement, then the try statement // completes abruptly because of a throw of the value V. addExit(e); } else { // If execution of the try block completes abruptly for any other // reason, then the try statement completes abruptly for the same // reason. addExit(e); } } // Continuing catch case here: // If that block completes normally, then the try statement // completes normally; if that block completes abruptly for any reason, // then the try statement completes abruptly for the same reason. for (List<Exit> exits : catchExits) { addExits(exits); } } else { // A try statement with a finally block is executed by first // executing the try block. Then there is a choice: // If execution of the try block completes normally, then the finally // block is executed, CfgNode<?> finallyNode = nodes.get(finallyPos); for (Exit e : removeNormalExits(tryBlockExits)) { addEdge(e, finallyNode); } // and then there is a choice: If the finally block completes normally, // then the try statement completes normally. // If the finally block completes abruptly for reason S, then the // try statement completes abruptly for reason S. addExits(finallyExits); nextExit : for (Exit e : tryBlockExits) { if (e.isThrow()) { // If execution of the try block completes abruptly because of a // throw of a value V, then there is a choice: nextCatchBlock : for (int i = 0; i < x.getCatchArgs().size(); ++i) { // If the run-time type of V is assignable to the parameter of any // catch clause of the try statement, then the first // (leftmost) such catch clause is selected. JClassType catchType = (JClassType) x.getCatchArgs().get(i).getType(); JType exceptionType = e.getExceptionType(); boolean canCatch = false; boolean fullCatch = false; // It's not that simple in static analysis though. if (typeOracle.canTriviallyCast(exceptionType, catchType)) { // Catch clause fully covers exception type. We'll land // here for sure. canCatch = true; fullCatch = true; } else if (typeOracle.canTriviallyCast(catchType, exceptionType)) { // We can land here if we throw some subclass of // exceptionType canCatch = true; fullCatch = false; } if (canCatch) { addEdge(e, nodes.get(catchBlockPos.get(i))); if (fullCatch) { continue nextExit; } continue nextCatchBlock; } } // If the run-time type of V is not assignable to the parameter of // any catch clause of the try statement, then the finally block is // executed. addEdge(e, finallyNode); // Then there is a choice: for (Exit finallyExit : finallyExits) { if (finallyExit.isNormal()) { // If the finally block completes normally, then the try // statement completes abruptly because of a throw of the // value V. addExit(new Exit(e.reason, finallyExit.node, e.exceptionType, e.label, e.role)); } else { // If the finally block completes abruptly for reason S, then // the try statement completes abruptly for reason S // (and reason R is discarded). // This is already covered earlier: // addExits(finallyExits) } } } else { // If execution of the try block completes abruptly for any other // reason R, then the finally block is executed. addEdge(e, finallyNode); // Then there is a choice: for (Exit finallyExit : finallyExits) { if (finallyExit.isNormal()) { // If the finally block completes normally, then the try // statement completes abruptly for reason R. addExit(new Exit(e.reason, finallyExit.node, e.exceptionType, e.label, e.role)); } else { // If the finally block completes abruptly for reason S, then // the try statement completes abruptly for reason S // (and reason R is discarded). // This is already covered earlier: // addExits(finallyExits) } } } } // Continuing catch case here: // If that block completes normally, then the try statement // completes normally; if that block completes abruptly for any reason, // then the try statement completes abruptly for the same reason. for (List<Exit> exits : catchExits) { for (Exit e : exits) { // If the catch block completes normally or abruptly, then the finally block is // executed. addEdge(e, finallyNode); if (!e.isNormal()) { // If the catch block completes abruptly for reason R there is a choice: for (Exit finallyExit : finallyExits) { if (finallyExit.isNormal()) { // If the finally block completes normally, then the try // statement completes abruptly for reason R. addExit(new Exit(e.reason, finallyExit.node, e.exceptionType, e.label, e.role)); } else { // If the finally block completes abruptly for reason S, then // the try statement completes abruptly for reason S // (and reason R is discarded). // This is already covered earlier: // addExits(finallyExits) } } } } } } popNode(); return false; } @Override public boolean visit(JUnaryOperation x, Context ctx) { if (x.getOp().isModifying()) { acceptExpressionSubreads(x.getArg()); addNode(new CfgReadWriteNode(parent, x, x.getArg(), null)); return false; } // read will be added by normal flow return true; } @Override public boolean visit(JVariableRef x, Context ctx) { // TODO: add NPE exceptions for field references. addNode(new CfgReadNode(parent, x)); return true; } @Override public boolean visit(JWhileStatement x, Context ctx) { List<Exit> unlabeledExits = removeUnlabeledExits(); pushNode(new CfgStatementNode<JStatement>(parent, x)); int pos = nodes.size(); accept(x.getTestExpr()); CfgWhileNode node = addNode(new CfgWhileNode(parent, x)); addNormalExit(node, CfgConditionalNode.THEN); if (x.getBody() != null) { accept(x.getBody()); } List<Exit> thenExits = removeNormalExits(); for (Exit e : thenExits) { addEdge(e, nodes.get(pos)); } String label = labels.get(x); addContinueEdges(nodes.get(pos), label); addBreakExits(label); addNormalExit(node, CfgConditionalNode.ELSE); popNode(); addExits(unlabeledExits); return false; } /** * Detect all reads which are performed before evaluating expression. */ private void acceptExpressionSubreads(JExpression expression) { if (expression instanceof JFieldRef) { JExpression instance = ((JFieldRef) expression).getInstance(); if (instance != null) { accept(instance); } } else if (expression instanceof JArrayRef) { JArrayRef arrayRef = (JArrayRef) expression; accept(arrayRef.getInstance()); accept(arrayRef.getIndexExpr()); } else if (!(expression instanceof JVariableRef)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpeted lhs: " + expression); } } /** * Transform all break exits into normal exits, thus making sure that * next node will get edges from them. */ private void addBreakExits(String label) { List<Exit> exits = removeLoopExits(Exit.Reason.BREAK, label); for (Exit e : exits) { addNormalExit(e.getNode()); } } /** * Transform all continue exits into normal exits, thus making sure that * next node will get edges from them. */ private void addContinueEdges(CfgNode<?> node, String label) { List<Exit> continueExits = removeLoopExits(Exit.Reason.CONTINUE, label); for (Exit e : continueExits) { addEdge(e, node); } } private CfgEdge addEdge(CfgNode<?> from, CfgNode<?> to, CfgEdge edge) { graph.addOut(from, edge); graph.addIn(to, edge); return edge; } private CfgEdge addEdge(Exit e, CfgNode<?> to) { CfgEdge edge = new CfgEdge(e.role); return addEdge(e.node, to, edge); } private void addExit(Exit exit) { currentExitsByReason.get(exit.reason).add(exit); } private void addExits(List<Exit> exits) { for (Exit exit : exits) { currentExitsByReason.get(exit.reason).add(exit); } } /** * Add new node to cfg. Wire all current normal exits to it. */ private <N extends CfgNode<?>> N addNode(N node) { nodes.add(node); graph.addNode(node); ArrayList<Exit> normalExits = currentExitsByReason.put(Exit.Reason.NORMAL, new ArrayList<Exit>()); for (Exit exit : normalExits) { addEdge(exit, node); } // Simplify all the code, add normal exit for CfgSimplNode automatically. if (node instanceof CfgSimpleNode<?>) { addNormalExit(node); } return node; } private void addNormalExit(CfgNode<?> node) { addNormalExit(node, null); } private void addNormalExit(CfgNode<?> node, String role) { addExit(Exit.createNormal(node, role)); } private void popNode() { parent = parent.getParent(); } private <N extends CfgNode<?>> N pushNode(N node) { addNode(node); parent = node; return node; } private List<Exit> removeCurrentExits() { ArrayList<Exit> result = new ArrayList<Exit>(); for (Exit.Reason reason : Exit.Reason.values()) { result.addAll(currentExitsByReason.put(reason, new ArrayList<Exit>())); } return result; } private List<Exit> removeExits(Exit.Reason reason) { return currentExitsByReason.put(reason, new ArrayList<Exit>()); } private List<Exit> removeExits(List<Exit> exits, Exit.Reason reason) { List<Exit> result = new ArrayList<Exit>(); for (Iterator<Exit> i = exits.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Exit exit = i.next(); if (exit.reason == reason) { i.remove(); result.add(exit); } } return result; } /** * Remove all loop exits to specified label. */ private List<Exit> removeLoopExits(Exit.Reason reason, String label) { ArrayList<Exit> removedExits = new ArrayList<Exit>(); ArrayList<Exit> remainingExits = new ArrayList<Exit>(); for (Exit exit : currentExitsByReason.get(reason)) { if (exit.getLabel() == null || exit.getLabel().equals(label)) { removedExits.add(exit); } else { remainingExits.add(exit); } } currentExitsByReason.put(reason, remainingExits); return removedExits; } /** * Remove all normal exits from current exit list. */ private List<Exit> removeNormalExits() { return currentExitsByReason.put(Exit.Reason.NORMAL, new ArrayList<Exit>()); } private List<Exit> removeNormalExits(List<Exit> exits) { return removeExits(exits, Exit.Reason.NORMAL); } private List<Exit> removeUnlabeledBreaks() { List<Exit> breakExits = removeExits(Exit.Reason.BREAK); List<Exit> labeledBreaks = new ArrayList<Exit>(); for (Iterator<Exit> i = breakExits.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Exit exit = i.next(); if (exit.getLabel() != null) { i.remove(); labeledBreaks.add(exit); } } addExits(labeledBreaks); return breakExits; } private List<Exit> removeUnlabeledExits() { List<Exit> unlabeledExits = new ArrayList<Exit>(); Exit.Reason reasons[] = { Exit.Reason.BREAK, Exit.Reason.CONTINUE }; for (Exit.Reason reason : reasons) { for (Iterator<Exit> i = currentExitsByReason.get(reason).iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Exit exit = i.next(); if (exit.getLabel() == null) { i.remove(); unlabeledExits.add(exit); } } } return unlabeledExits; } } private static class CfgCastOperationNode extends CfgSimpleNode<JNode> { public CfgCastOperationNode(CfgNode<?> parent, JNode jNode) { super(parent, jNode); } @Override public void accept(CfgVisitor visitor) { visitor.visitSimpleNode(this); } @Override protected CfgNode<?> cloneImpl() { return new CfgCastOperationNode(getParent(), getJNode()); } } /** * Special exception which is thrown when we encounter some syntactic * construction which is not yet supported by CfgBuilder. */ private static class UnsupportedNodeException extends RuntimeException { public UnsupportedNodeException(String message) { super(message); } } /** * Build Cfg for code block. */ public static Cfg build(JProgram program, JBlock codeblock) { return new BuilderVisitor(program).build(codeblock); } public static Cfg buildExpressionCfg(JProgram program, JExpression value) { return new BuilderVisitor(program).build(value); } }