/* * Copyright 2012 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.google.gwt.i18n.client.impl.cldr; // DO NOT EDIT - GENERATED FROM CLDR AND ICU DATA // cldrVersion=21.0 // number=$Revision: 6546 $ // type=root // date=$Date: 2012-02-07 13:32:35 -0500 (Tue, 07 Feb 2012) $ /** * Implementation of DateTimeFormatInfo for the "ki" locale. */ public class DateTimeFormatInfoImpl_ki extends DateTimeFormatInfoImpl { @Override public String[] ampms() { return new String[] { "Kiroko", "Hwaĩ-inĩ" }; } @Override public String dateFormatFull() { return "EEEE, d MMMM y"; } @Override public String dateFormatLong() { return "d MMMM y"; } @Override public String dateFormatMedium() { return "d MMM y"; } @Override public String dateFormatShort() { return "dd/MM/yyyy"; } @Override public String[] erasFull() { return new String[] { "Mbere ya Kristo", "Thutha wa Kristo" }; } @Override public String[] erasShort() { return new String[] { "MK", "TK" }; } @Override public int firstDayOfTheWeek() { return 0; } @Override public String formatMonthFullWeekdayDay() { return "EEEE, MMMM d"; } @Override public String formatMonthNumDay() { return "M/d"; } @Override public String formatYearMonthAbbrev() { return "MMM y"; } @Override public String formatYearMonthFull() { return "MMMM y"; } @Override public String formatYearMonthFullDay() { return "d MMMM y"; } @Override public String formatYearMonthNum() { return "M/y"; } @Override public String formatYearMonthWeekdayDay() { return "EEE, MMM d, y"; } @Override public String formatYearQuarterFull() { return "QQQQ y"; } @Override public String formatYearQuarterShort() { return "Q y"; } @Override public String[] monthsFull() { return new String[] { "Njenuarĩ", "Mwere wa kerĩ", "Mwere wa gatatũ", "Mwere wa kana", "Mwere wa gatano", "Mwere wa gatandatũ", "Mwere wa mũgwanja", "Mwere wa kanana", "Mwere wa kenda", "Mwere wa ikũmi", "Mwere wa ikũmi na ũmwe", "Ndithemba" }; } @Override public String[] monthsNarrow() { return new String[] { "J", "K", "G", "K", "G", "G", "M", "K", "K", "I", "I", "D" }; } @Override public String[] monthsShort() { return new String[] { "JEN", "WKR", "WGT", "WKN", "WTN", "WTD", "WMJ", "WNN", "WKD", "WIK", "WMW", "DIT" }; } @Override public String[] quartersFull() { return new String[] { "Robo ya mbere", "Robo ya kerĩ", "Robo ya gatatũ", "Robo ya kana" }; } @Override public String[] quartersShort() { return new String[] { "R1", "R2", "R3", "R4" }; } @Override public String timeFormatFull() { return "h:mm:ss a zzzz"; } @Override public String timeFormatLong() { return "h:mm:ss a z"; } @Override public String timeFormatMedium() { return "h:mm:ss a"; } @Override public String timeFormatShort() { return "h:mm a"; } @Override public String[] weekdaysFull() { return new String[] { "Kiumia", "Njumatatũ", "Njumaine", "Njumatana", "Aramithi", "Njumaa", "Njumamothi" }; } @Override public String[] weekdaysNarrow() { return new String[] { "K", "N", "N", "N", "A", "N", "N" }; } @Override public String[] weekdaysShort() { return new String[] { "KMA", "NTT", "NMN", "NMT", "ART", "NMA", "NMM" }; } }