/* * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.google.gwt.dev; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.TreeLogger; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.TreeLogger.Type; import com.google.gwt.dev.CompileTaskRunner.CompileTask; import com.google.gwt.dev.cfg.ModuleDef; import com.google.gwt.dev.cfg.ModuleDefLoader; import com.google.gwt.dev.javac.CompilationProblemReporter; import com.google.gwt.dev.javac.CompilationState; import com.google.gwt.dev.javac.CompilationStateBuilder; import com.google.gwt.dev.javac.CompilationUnit; import com.google.gwt.dev.javac.CompilationUnitArchive; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.Memory; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.arg.ArgHandlerLogLevel; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.arg.ArgHandlerModuleName; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.arg.ArgHandlerOutDir; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.arg.ArgHandlerStrict; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.log.speedtracer.CompilerEventType; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.log.speedtracer.SpeedTracerLogger; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.guava.common.collect.Sets; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URL; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Compiles a GWT module into a form that can be re-used by subsequent builds. * * Takes all compilation units specified on the module source path and write out * CachedCompilationUnits for each one into a file named <module>.gwtar (rhymes * with the musical instrument). This will reduce compile and dev mode startup * time if a .gwtar file is up to date and doesn't need to be re-built. * * Most developers using the GWT SDK won't need to invoke this tool to get * performance improvements. The built-in PersistentUnitCache already saves * compiled modules between builds. * * This tool is of use to library authors for bundling up a pre-compiled gwt * library for distributions. Projects that include the library will never incur * the penalty of recompiling the library. * * It can also be useful in a distributed or multi-process build environment, as * separate instances of CompileModule could be invoked in parallel. * * CompileModule is meant to be used in conjunction with a build tool such as * Apache Ant which can do gross level dependency checking of the inputs and * compute the staleness of a .gwtar file. If the .gwtar file is up to date, the * assumption is that this tool won't be invoked at all. * * If there are dependent modules that already have their own .gwtar files, they * are assumed good and loaded first. CachedCompilationUnits that already exist * will not be re-written into the <module>.gwtar files. * * Note: Currently, the order the modules are passed in is the order in which * they will be compiled. This means you should be careful to pass in modules * that depend on other modules in the same list last. * * TODO(zundel): remove the manual ordering of dependencies. */ public class CompileModule { static class ArgProcessor extends ArgProcessorBase { public ArgProcessor(CompileModuleOptions options) { registerHandler(new ArgHandlerLogLevel(options)); registerHandler(new ArgHandlerOutDir(options) { @Override public String[] getDefaultArgs() { return new String[] {getTag(), "bin"}; } }); registerHandler(new ArgHandlerModuleName(options)); registerHandler(new ArgHandlerStrict(options)); } @Override protected String getName() { return CompileModule.class.getName(); } } static class CompileModuleOptionsImpl extends CompileTaskOptionsImpl implements CompileModuleOptions { private File outDir; private boolean strict = false; public CompileModuleOptionsImpl() { } public CompileModuleOptionsImpl(CompileModuleOptions other) { copyFrom(other); } public void copyFrom(CompileModuleOptions other) { super.copyFrom(other); setOutDir(other.getOutDir()); setStrict(other.isStrict()); } @Override public File getOutDir() { return outDir; } @Override public boolean isStrict() { return strict; } @Override public void setOutDir(File outDir) { this.outDir = outDir; } @Override public void setStrict(boolean strict) { this.strict = strict; } } // TODO(zundel): Many classes in this package share a similar main() // structure. Refactor to reduce redundancy? public static void main(String[] args) { Memory.initialize(); SpeedTracerLogger.init(); SpeedTracerLogger.start(CompilerEventType.COMPILE_MODULE); /* * NOTE: main always exits with a call to System.exit to terminate any * non-daemon threads that were started in Generators. Typically, this is to * shutdown AWT related threads, since the contract for their termination is * still implementation-dependent. */ final CompileModuleOptions options = new CompileModuleOptionsImpl(); if (new ArgProcessor(options).processArgs(args)) { CompileTask task = new CompileTask() { @Override public boolean run(TreeLogger logger) { return new CompileModule(options).run(logger); } }; if (CompileTaskRunner.runWithAppropriateLogger(options, task)) { // Exit w/ success code. System.exit(0); } } // Exit w/ non-success code. System.exit(1); } private final CompileModuleOptionsImpl options; public CompileModule(CompileModuleOptions options) { this.options = new CompileModuleOptionsImpl(options); } /** * Main loop. * * For each module passed on the command line, populates the compilation state * with compilation units from other archives, compiles all resources in this * module, and writes out all the compilation units that are not already * members of another archive into a new {@link CompilationUnitArchive} file. */ public boolean run(final TreeLogger logger) { // Remember units already seen so we don't write the same unit into multiple // archives. Also used as an optimization to keep from de-serializing the // same archive twice. Key is archive URL string. Maps to the set of unit resource paths // for the archive. Map<String, Set<String>> unitsInArchives = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); // Modules archived by this invocation of CompileModule. Once a compiled module is // written out as an archive file, it may or may not appear on the classpath // and come back with module.getAllCompilationUnitArchiveURLs(). Thus, use a second check // so that the tool doesn't redundantly write the same compilation units into // multiple archives. Map<String, Set<String>> newlyCompiledModules = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); File outputDir = options.getOutDir(); if (!outputDir.isDirectory() && !outputDir.mkdirs()) { logger.log(Type.ERROR, "Error creating directories for ouptut: " + outputDir.getAbsolutePath()); return false; } // TODO(zundel): There is an optimal order to compile these modules in. // Modify ModuleDefLoader to be able to figure that out and sort them for // us. for (String moduleToCompile : options.getModuleNames()) { ModuleDef module; // The units in this set already belong to an archive and should not be // written out. Set<String> currentModuleArchivedUnits = new HashSet<String>(); try { module = ModuleDefLoader.loadFromClassPath(logger, moduleToCompile, false); } catch (Throwable e) { CompilationProblemReporter.logAndTranslateException(logger, e); return false; } SpeedTracerLogger.Event loadAllArchives = SpeedTracerLogger.start(CompilerEventType.LOAD_ARCHIVE, "module", moduleToCompile); try { Collection<URL> archiveURLs = module.getAllCompilationUnitArchiveURLs(); if (logger.isLoggable(TreeLogger.TRACE) && archiveURLs != null) { for (URL archiveURL : archiveURLs) { logger.log(TreeLogger.TRACE, "Found archive: " + archiveURL); } } // Don't re-archive previously compiled units from this invocation of CompileModule. for (String compiledModuleName : newlyCompiledModules.keySet()) { if (module.isInherited(compiledModuleName)) { currentModuleArchivedUnits.addAll(newlyCompiledModules.get(compiledModuleName)); } } // Load up previously archived modules for (URL archiveURL : archiveURLs) { String archiveURLString = archiveURL.toString(); Set<String> unitPaths = unitsInArchives.get(archiveURLString); // Don't bother deserializing archives that have already been read. if (unitPaths != null) { currentModuleArchivedUnits.addAll(unitPaths); continue; } SpeedTracerLogger.Event loadArchive = SpeedTracerLogger.start(CompilerEventType.LOAD_ARCHIVE, "dependentModule", archiveURL .toString()); try { CompilationUnitArchive archive = CompilationUnitArchive.createFromURL(archiveURL); // Pre-populate CompilationStateBuilder with .gwtar files CompilationStateBuilder.addArchive(archive); // Remember already archived units - we don't want to add them back. if (!archive.getTopModuleName().equals(moduleToCompile)) { Set<String> archivedUnits = new HashSet<String>(); unitsInArchives.put(archiveURLString, archivedUnits); for (CompilationUnit unit : archive.getUnits().values()) { archivedUnits.add(unit.getResourcePath()); } currentModuleArchivedUnits.addAll(archivedUnits); } } catch (IOException ex) { logger.log(TreeLogger.WARN, "Unable to read: " + archiveURL + ". Skipping: " + ex); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { logger .log(TreeLogger.WARN, "Incompatible archive: " + archiveURL + ". Skipping: " + ex); } finally { loadArchive.end(); } } } finally { loadAllArchives.end(); } CompilationState compilationState; try { compilationState = module.getCompilationState(logger, !options.isStrict()); } catch (Throwable e) { CompilationProblemReporter.logAndTranslateException(logger, e); return false; } if (options.isStrict() && compilationState.hasErrors()) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Failed to compile " + moduleToCompile); return false; } Set<String> compiledUnits = Sets.newHashSet(); CompilationUnitArchive outputArchive = new CompilationUnitArchive(moduleToCompile); for (CompilationUnit unit : compilationState.getCompilationUnits()) { if (!currentModuleArchivedUnits.contains(unit.getResourcePath())) { outputArchive.addUnit(unit); compiledUnits.add(unit.getResourcePath()); } } newlyCompiledModules.put(moduleToCompile, compiledUnits); String slashedModuleName = module.getName().replace('.', '/') + ModuleDefLoader.COMPILATION_UNIT_ARCHIVE_SUFFIX; File outputFile = new File(outputDir, slashedModuleName); outputFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); logger.log(TreeLogger.INFO, "Writing " + outputArchive.getUnits().size() + " units to " + outputFile.getAbsolutePath()); try { outputArchive.writeToFile(outputFile); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.log(Type.ERROR, "Error writing module file: " + outputFile.getAbsolutePath() + ": " + ex); return false; } } return true; } }