package; import; import; import; import; import elemental.client.Browser; import elemental.css.CSSStyleDeclaration; import elemental.css.CSSStyleDeclaration.Display; import elemental.css.CSSStyleDeclaration.Unit; import elemental.css.CSSStyleDeclaration.Visibility; import; import; import; import elemental.dom.Document; import elemental.dom.Element; import elemental.html.InputElement; import elemental.html.StyleElement; import elemental.util.ArrayOf; import elemental.util.ArrayOfInt; import elemental.util.Collections; import elemental.dom.*; /** * All the view code that is fit to run. * * @author (Kelly Norton) */ public class Main implements EntryPoint, Model.Listener, EventListener { /** * Access to all the relevant classnames and constants for the CSS selectors. */ public static interface Css extends CssResource { String bar(); String browserInfo(); String count(); String label(); String marker(); String moreResults(); String result(); String resultLeft(); String resultName(); String resultRight(); String root(); int rootHeight(); int rootWidth(); String tickMajor(); String tickMinor(); } /** * Bundles the CSS resources. */ public interface Resources extends ClientBundle { @Source("silver-comet.gwt.css") Css css(); } /** * A simple view to show a runner's finishing info. */ private static class RunnerView { /** * Returns a string describing a runner's place & finishing time. Example: * 325th (1:49:11) */ private static String infoString(Runner runner) { return placeString( + " (" + secondsToTime(runner.time(), true) + ")"; } /** * Produces a english locale human readable places. Example: 1st, 2nd, 11th, * etc. */ private static String placeString(int place) { final int tens = place / 10; final int ones = place % 10; if (ones == 1 && tens != 1) { return place + "st"; } else if (ones == 2 && tens != 1) { return place + "nd"; } else if (ones == 3 && tens != 1) { return place + "rd"; } else { return place + "th"; } } /** * Sets the current runner being displayed. */ private static native void setRunner(Element element, Runner runner) /*-{ element.currentRunner = runner; }-*/; /** * This is a hack for sure, but I claim it demonstrates your ability to * commit clever atrosities in JavaScript even while working in Java. */ static native Runner getRunnerFromElement(Element element) /*-{ return element.currentRunner || element.parentNode.currentRunner; }-*/; private final Element root; private final Element name; private final Element info; private final double secondsPerPixel; /** * Create a new view with a classname for the root element and a scaling * factor for translating along the timeline. */ RunnerView(String rootClass, double secondsPerPixel) { this(rootClass, null, secondsPerPixel); } /** * Create a new view classnames for the root element and text elements and a * scaling factor for translating along the timeline. */ RunnerView(String rootClass, String textClass, double secondsPerPixel) { root = div(rootClass); name = textClass == null ? div() : div(textClass); info = textClass == null ? div() : div(textClass); root.appendChild(name); root.appendChild(info); this.secondsPerPixel = secondsPerPixel; } /** * Returns the root element for the view. Generally used to add the view to * the DOM. */ Element element() { return root; } /** * Make the view invisible. */ void hide() { root.getStyle().setVisibility(Visibility.HIDDEN); } /** * Make the view visible. */ void show() { root.getStyle().removeProperty("visibility"); } /** * Update the view to show the info of a runner. */ void update(Runner runner) { setRunner(root, runner); name.setTextContent(; info.setTextContent(infoString(runner)); final int x = (int) ((double) runner.time() / (double) Model.SECONDS_PER_HISTOGRAM_BUCKET * secondsPerPixel); // TODO(knorton): This is actually wrong because it sets left on all // markers. root.getStyle().setLeft(x, Unit.PX); show(); } } private static final int NUM_SEARCH_RESULTS = 6; /* * Get the correct classname based on the index of the result. This allows for * different classnames on the first and last item. */ private static String cssClassForResultItem(Css css, int index) { if (index == 0) { return css.result() + " " + css.resultLeft(); } if (index == NUM_SEARCH_RESULTS - 1) { return css.result() + " " + css.resultRight(); } return css.result(); } /** * Convenience method for creating a new div. */ private static Element div() { return Browser.getDocument().createElement("div"); } /** * Convenience method for creating a new div with a classname. */ private static Element div(String className) { final Element e = div(); e.setClassName(className); return e; } private static String getBrowserInfoString() { final Browser.Info info = Browser.getInfo(); if (info.isWebKit()) { return "WebKit Browser"; } else if (info.isGecko()) { return "Gecko Browser"; } return "Unsupported Browser"; } private static void injectStyles(Document document, String css) { final StyleElement style = (StyleElement)document.createElement("style"); style.setTextContent(css); document.getHead().appendChild(style); } /** * Converts a integer to a {@link String}, prepending a zero if the string * representation is only 1 character in length. */ private static String pad(int number) { return number > 9 ? "" + number : "0" + number; } /** * Converts the number of seconds to a more human readable finishing time. */ private static String secondsToTime(int seconds, boolean includeSeconds) { final int hrs = seconds / 3600; final int mns = seconds / 60 - hrs * 60; if (includeSeconds) { final int scs = seconds - hrs * 3600 - mns * 60; return hrs + ":" + pad(mns) + ":" + pad(scs); } return hrs + ":" + pad(mns); } private final Css css = GWT.<Resources>create(Resources.class).css(); private Element root; private InputElement search; private RunnerView marker; private Model model; private String lastQuery; private Element results; private ArrayOf<RunnerView> resultItems; private double xAxisScale; private Element moreResults; /** * Handles all DOM events for the app. */ @Override public void handleEvent(Event evt) { final Element target = (Element) evt.getTarget(); // Handle searches. if (target == search) { // if (((KeyboardEvent)evt).getKeyCode() == 42) { // clearSearch(); // } else { final String query = search.getValue(); updateSearch(query == null ? "" : query.trim()); // } return; } // Handle clicks on search results. final Runner runner = RunnerView.getRunnerFromElement(target); if (runner != null) { marker.update(runner); clearSearch(); return; } } /** * Indicates that the data failed to load. */ @Override public void modelDidFailLoading(Model model) { } /** * Indicates that the model finished building the search indexes. */ @Override public void modelDidFinishBuildingIndex(Model model) { // TODO(knorton): File crbug about readOnly not working properly. // search.setReadOnly(false); search.focus(); } /** * Indicates that all data has been loaded into the model. */ @Override public void modelDidFinishLoading(Model model) { final ArrayOfInt histogram = model.histogram(); assert histogram.length() > 0 : "histogram is empty."; xAxisScale = (double) css.rootWidth() / (double) histogram.length(); // Build the histogram graph. render(); // Create the marker. marker = new RunnerView(css.marker(), xAxisScale); marker.hide(); root.appendChild(marker.element()); Browser.getDocument().getBody().getStyle().setOpacity(1.0); } /** * The main entry point for the application. */ public void onModuleLoad() { injectStyles(Browser.getDocument(), css.getText()); // TODO(knorton): Bad Elemental pattern. search = (InputElement) Browser.getDocument().getElementById("search"); // TODO(knorton): File crbug about readOnly not working properly. // search.setReadOnly(true); search.addEventListener("change", this, false); search.addEventListener("keyup", this, false); search.addEventListener("keydown", this, false); root = (Element) Browser.getDocument().getElementById("c"); root.setClassName(css.root()); results = (Element)Browser.getDocument().getElementById("r"); results.getStyle().setVisibility(Visibility.HIDDEN); results.addEventListener("click", this, false); // Browser info indicator. // TODO(knorton): Put this in a debug perm. final Element info = Browser.getDocument().getElementById("f"); info.setClassName(css.browserInfo()); info.setTextContent(getBrowserInfoString()); model = new Model(this); model.load(); } /** * Clear the search box and hide the result item list. */ private void clearSearch() { search.setValue(""); hideSearchResults(); } /** * Ensure that the DOM for result items has been built and appended to the * DOM. */ private void ensureSearchResultItems() { if (resultItems != null) { return; } resultItems = Collections.arrayOf(); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SEARCH_RESULTS; ++i) { final RunnerView marker = new RunnerView(cssClassForResultItem(css, i), css.resultName(), xAxisScale); results.appendChild(marker.element()); resultItems.push(marker); } moreResults = div(css.moreResults()); results.appendChild(moreResults); moreResults.getStyle().setDisplay(Display.NONE); } /** * Hide the search result items list. */ private void hideSearchResults() { results.getStyle().setVisibility(Visibility.HIDDEN); } /** * Renders the bar graph. */ private void render() { final ArrayOfInt histogram = model.histogram(); final int padding = 2; final int topPadding = 50; final double dx = xAxisScale; final double dy = (double) css.rootHeight() / histogram.get(histogram.length() - 1); final double halfDx = dx / 2.0; // Render all bars. for (int i = 0, n = histogram.length(); i < n; ++i) { final int value = histogram.get(i); if (value == 0) continue; final int x = (int) (dx * i) + padding; final int h = (int) (dy * value) - topPadding; final int w = (int) dx - padding * 2; // Create the vertical bar. final Element bar = div(; final CSSStyleDeclaration barStyle = bar.getStyle(); barStyle.setLeft(x, Unit.PX); barStyle.setBottom("0"); barStyle.setHeight(h, Unit.PX); barStyle.setWidth(w, Unit.PX); // Add a count at the top. final Element count = div(css.count()); count.setTextContent("" + value); bar.appendChild(count); root.appendChild(bar); } // Render labels for (int i = 0, n = histogram.length(); i <= n; ++i) { final int x = (int) (dx * i); final int w = (int) dx; final String time = secondsToTime(i * Model.SECONDS_PER_HISTOGRAM_BUCKET, false); final Element label = div(css.label()); label.setTextContent(time); final CSSStyleDeclaration labelStyle = label.getStyle(); labelStyle.setLeft(x - dx, Unit.PX); labelStyle.setWidth(w, Unit.PX); root.appendChild(label); // TODO(knorton): Heh, that's pretty trashy. I should fix that. :-) final Element tick = div(time.charAt(time.length() - 1) == '0' && time.charAt(time.length() - 2) == '0' ? css.tickMajor() : css.tickMinor()); tick.getStyle().setLeft(x, Unit.PX); root.appendChild(tick); } } /** * Show the search result items list and update it with the specified list of * results. */ private void showSearchResults(ArrayOf<Runner> runners) { ensureSearchResultItems(); results.getStyle().removeProperty("visibility"); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SEARCH_RESULTS; ++i) { final RunnerView item = resultItems.get(i); if (i < runners.length()) {; item.update(runners.get(i)); } else { item.hide(); } } if (runners.length() > NUM_SEARCH_RESULTS) { moreResults.setTextContent("+" + (runners.length() - NUM_SEARCH_RESULTS) + " more"); moreResults.getStyle().removeProperty("display"); } else { moreResults.getStyle().setDisplay(Display.NONE); } } /** * Update the search results visually for the specified query. */ private void updateSearch(String query) { if (query.equals(lastQuery)) { return; } lastQuery = query; if (query.length() == 0) { hideSearchResults(); } final ArrayOf<Runner> runners =; if (runners == null) { hideSearchResults(); } else if (runners.length() == 1) { hideSearchResults(); marker.update(runners.get(0)); } else { showSearchResults(runners); } } }