/* * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.google.gwt.dev.js; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.JsOutputOption; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JProgram; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.impl.CodeSplitter2.FragmentPartitioningResult; import com.google.gwt.dev.js.ast.JsProgram; import com.google.gwt.dev.js.ast.JsProgramFragment; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.guava.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.guava.common.base.Throwables; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.guava.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.guava.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.guava.common.collect.Maps; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.guava.common.collect.Sets; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.guava.common.io.LimitInputStream; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.javascript.jscomp.CheckLevel; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.javascript.jscomp.Compiler; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.javascript.jscomp.CompilerInput; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.javascript.jscomp.CompilerOptions; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.javascript.jscomp.CompilerOptions.Reach; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.javascript.jscomp.DiagnosticGroups; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.javascript.jscomp.JSError; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.javascript.jscomp.JSModule; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.javascript.jscomp.JSSourceFile; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.javascript.jscomp.PropertyRenamingPolicy; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.javascript.jscomp.Result; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.javascript.jscomp.SourceAst; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.javascript.jscomp.VariableMap; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.javascript.jscomp.VariableRenamingPolicy; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.javascript.jscomp.WarningLevel; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.javascript.rhino.InputId; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.javascript.rhino.Node; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.zip.ZipEntry; import java.util.zip.ZipInputStream; /** * A class that represents an single invocation of the Closure Compiler. */ public class ClosureJsRunner { // The externs expected in externs.zip, in sorted order. private static final List<String> DEFAULT_EXTERNS_NAMES = ImmutableList.of( // JS externs "es3.js", "es5.js", // Event APIs "w3c_event.js", "w3c_event3.js", "gecko_event.js", "ie_event.js", "webkit_event.js", // DOM apis "w3c_dom1.js", "w3c_dom2.js", "w3c_dom3.js", "gecko_dom.js", "ie_dom.js", "webkit_dom.js", // CSS apis "w3c_css.js", "gecko_css.js", "ie_css.js", "webkit_css.js", // Top-level namespaces "google.js", "deprecated.js", "fileapi.js", "flash.js", "gears_symbols.js", "gears_types.js", "gecko_xml.js", "html5.js", "ie_vml.js", "iphone.js", "webstorage.js", "w3c_anim_timing.js", "w3c_css3d.js", "w3c_elementtraversal.js", "w3c_geolocation.js", "w3c_indexeddb.js", "w3c_navigation_timing.js", "w3c_range.js", "w3c_selectors.js", "w3c_xml.js", "window.js", "webkit_notifications.js", "webgl.js"); /** * @return a mutable list * @throws IOException */ public static List<JSSourceFile> getDefaultExterns() throws IOException { Class<ClosureJsRunner> clazz = ClosureJsRunner.class; InputStream input = clazz.getResourceAsStream("/com/google/javascript/jscomp/externs.zip"); if (input == null) { /* * HACK - the open source version of the closure compiler maps the resource into a different * location. */ input = clazz.getResourceAsStream("/externs.zip"); } ZipInputStream zip = new ZipInputStream(input); Map<String, JSSourceFile> externsMap = Maps.newHashMap(); for (ZipEntry entry = null; (entry = zip.getNextEntry()) != null;) { BufferedInputStream entryStream = new BufferedInputStream(new LimitInputStream(zip, entry.getSize())); externsMap.put(entry.getName(), JSSourceFile.fromInputStream( // Give the files an odd prefix, so that they do not conflict // with the user's files. "externs.zip//" + entry.getName(), entryStream)); } Preconditions.checkState(externsMap.keySet().equals(Sets.newHashSet(DEFAULT_EXTERNS_NAMES)), "Externs zip must match our hard-coded list of externs."); // Order matters, so the resources must be added to the result list // in the expected order. List<JSSourceFile> externs = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String key : DEFAULT_EXTERNS_NAMES) { externs.add(externsMap.get(key)); } return externs; } /** * The instance of the Closure Compiler used for the compile. */ private Compiler compiler = null; /** * The set of external properties discovered in the provided AST. */ private Set<String> externalProps = Sets.newHashSet(); /** * The set of external global variables discovered in the provided AST. */ private Set<String> externalVars = Sets.newHashSet(); /** * The set of internal global variables discovered in the provided AST. */ private Set<String> globalVars = Sets.newHashSet(); /** * Whether AST validation should be performed on the the generated * Closure Compiler AST. */ private final boolean validate = true; /** * A map of GWT fragment numbers to Closure module indexes. */ private int[] closureModuleSequenceMap; /** * The number of non-exclusive fragments that are part of the load sequence * (including the main and leftovers). */ private int loadModulesCount; public ClosureJsRunner() { } public void compile(JProgram jprogram, JsProgram program, String[] js, JsOutputOption jsOutputOption) { CompilerOptions options = getClosureCompilerOptions(jsOutputOption); // Turn off Closure Compiler logging Logger.getLogger("com.google.gwt.thirdparty.javascript.jscomp").setLevel(Level.OFF); // Create a fresh compiler instance. compiler = new Compiler(); // Translate the ASTs and build the modules computeFragmentMap(jprogram, program); List<JSModule> modules = createClosureModules(program); // Build the externs based on what we discovered building the modules. List<JSSourceFile> externs = getClosureCompilerExterns(); Result result = compiler.compileModules(externs, modules, options); if (result.success) { int fragments = program.getFragmentCount(); for (int i = 0; i < fragments; i++) { int module = mapFragmentIndexToModuleIndex(i); js[i] = compiler.toSource(modules.get(module)); } } else { for (JSError error : result.errors) { System.err.println("error optimizing:" + error.toString()); throw new RuntimeException(error.description); } } } protected List<JSSourceFile> getDefaultExternsList() { List<JSSourceFile> defaultExterns; try { defaultExterns = getDefaultExterns(); return defaultExterns; } catch (IOException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } private void computeFragmentMap(JProgram jprogram, JsProgram jsProgram) { int fragments = jsProgram.getFragmentCount(); List<Integer> initSeq = jprogram.getSplitPointInitialSequence(); FragmentPartitioningResult partitionResult = jprogram.getFragmentPartitioningResult(); // // The fragments are expected in a specific order: // init, split-1, split-2, ..., // where the leftovers are dependent on the init module // and the split modules are dependent on the leftovers // // However, Closure Compiler modules must be in dependency order // assert closureModuleSequenceMap == null; closureModuleSequenceMap = new int[fragments]; for (int i = 0; i < fragments; i++) { closureModuleSequenceMap[i] = -1; } int module = 0; // The initial fragments is always first. closureModuleSequenceMap[0] = module++; // Then come the specified load order sequence for (int i = 0; i < initSeq.size(); i++) { int initSeqNum = initSeq.get(i); if (partitionResult != null) { initSeqNum = partitionResult.getFragmentFromSplitPoint(initSeqNum); } closureModuleSequenceMap[initSeqNum] = module++; } // Then the leftovers fragments: if (fragments > 1) { int leftoverIndex = fragments - 1; if (partitionResult != null) { leftoverIndex = partitionResult.getLeftoverFragmentIndex(); } closureModuleSequenceMap[leftoverIndex] = module++; } // Finally, the exclusive fragments. // The order of the remaining fragments doesn't matter. for (int i = 0; i < fragments; i++) { if (closureModuleSequenceMap[i] == -1) { closureModuleSequenceMap[i] = module++; } } loadModulesCount = 1 + initSeq.size() + 1; // main + init sequence + leftovers } private CompilerInput createClosureJsAst(JsProgram program, JsProgramFragment fragment, String source) { String inputName = source; InputId inputId = new InputId(inputName); ClosureJsAstTranslator translator = new ClosureJsAstTranslator(validate, program); Node root = translator.translate(fragment, inputId, source); globalVars.addAll(translator.getGlobalVariableNames()); externalProps.addAll(translator.getExternalPropertyReferences()); externalVars.addAll(translator.getExternalVariableReferences()); SourceAst sourceAst = new ClosureJsAst(inputId, root); CompilerInput input = new CompilerInput(sourceAst, false); return input; } private JSModule createClosureModule(JsProgram program, JsProgramFragment fragment, String source) { JSModule module = new JSModule(source); module.add(createClosureJsAst(program, fragment, source)); return module; } private List<JSModule> createClosureModules(JsProgram program) { int fragments = program.getFragmentCount(); JSModule[] modules = new JSModule[fragments]; for (int i = 0; i < fragments; i++) { modules[mapFragmentIndexToModuleIndex(i)] = createClosureModule(program, program.getFragment(i), "module" + i); } if (fragments > 1) { // // The fragments are expected in a specific order: // init, split-1, split-2, ..., // where the leftovers are dependent on the init module // and the split modules are dependent on the leftovers for (int i = 1; i < loadModulesCount; i++) { modules[i].addDependency(modules[i - 1]); } JSModule leftovers = modules[loadModulesCount - 1]; for (int i = loadModulesCount; i < modules.length; i++) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(modules[i], "Module: ", i); modules[i].addDependency(leftovers); } } modules[0].add(JSSourceFile.fromCode("hack", "window['gwtOnLoad'] = gwtOnLoad;\n")); return Arrays.asList(modules); } private List<JSSourceFile> getClosureCompilerExterns() { List<JSSourceFile> externs = getDefaultExternsList(); externs.add(JSSourceFile.fromCode("gwt_externs", "var gwtOnLoad;\n" + "var $entry;\n" + " var $gwt_version;\n" + " var $wnd;\n" + " var $doc;\n" + " var $moduleName\n" + " var $moduleBase;\n" + " var $strongName;\n" + " var $stats;\n" + " var $sessionId;\n" + " window.prototype.__gwtStatsEvent;\n" + " window.prototype.__gwtStatsSessionId;\n" + " window.prototype.moduleName;\n" + " window.prototype.sessionId;\n" + " window.prototype.subSystem;\n" + " window.prototype.evtGroup;\n" + " window.prototype.millis;\n" + " window.prototype.type;\n" + " window.prototype.$h;\n" + "\n")); // Generate externs String generatedExterns = "var gwt_externs;\n"; for (String prop : this.externalProps) { generatedExterns += "gwt_externs." + prop + ";\n"; } for (String var : this.externalVars) { generatedExterns += "var " + var + ";\n"; } externs.add(JSSourceFile.fromCode("gwt_generated_externs", generatedExterns)); return externs; } private CompilerOptions getClosureCompilerOptions(JsOutputOption jsOutputOption) { CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions(); WarningLevel.QUIET.setOptionsForWarningLevel(options); // Basically, use CompilationLevel.ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS: // Build an identity map of variable names to prevent GWT names from // being renamed while allowing new global variables to be renamed. HashMap<String, String> varNames = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (String var : globalVars) { varNames.put(var, var); } options.inputVariableMapSerialized = VariableMap.fromMap(varNames).toBytes(); if (jsOutputOption == JsOutputOption.OBFUSCATED) { options.setRenamingPolicy(VariableRenamingPolicy.ALL, PropertyRenamingPolicy.OFF); options.prettyPrint = false; // This can help debug renaming policy changes. // options.generatePseudoNames = true; } else { options.setRenamingPolicy(VariableRenamingPolicy.OFF, PropertyRenamingPolicy.OFF); options.prettyPrint = true; } // All the safe optimizations. options.closurePass = true; options.foldConstants = true; options.coalesceVariableNames = true; options.deadAssignmentElimination = true; options.extractPrototypeMemberDeclarations = true; options.collapseVariableDeclarations = true; options.convertToDottedProperties = true; options.rewriteFunctionExpressions = true; options.labelRenaming = true; options.removeDeadCode = true; options.optimizeArgumentsArray = true; options.collapseObjectLiterals = true; options.setShadowVariables(true); // All the advance optimizations. options.reserveRawExports = true; options.removeUnusedPrototypeProperties = true; options.collapseAnonymousFunctions = true; options.smartNameRemoval = true; // ? options.inlineConstantVars = true; options.setInlineFunctions(Reach.ALL); options.inlineGetters = true; options.setInlineVariables(Reach.ALL); options.flowSensitiveInlineVariables = true; options.computeFunctionSideEffects = true; // Remove unused vars also removes unused functions. options.setRemoveUnusedVariable(Reach.ALL); options.optimizeParameters = true; options.optimizeReturns = true; options.optimizeCalls = true; // Maybe turn these off as well options.collapseProperties = true; // ? options.crossModuleCodeMotion = true; // ? options.crossModuleMethodMotion = true; // ? options.devirtualizePrototypeMethods = true; // ? // Advanced optimization, disabled options.setRemoveClosureAsserts(false); options.aliasKeywords = false; options.removeUnusedPrototypePropertiesInExterns = false; options.checkGlobalThisLevel = CheckLevel.OFF; options.rewriteFunctionExpressions = false; // Performance hit // Kindly tell the user that they have JsDocs that we don't understand. options.setWarningLevel(DiagnosticGroups.NON_STANDARD_JSDOC, CheckLevel.OFF); return options; } private int mapFragmentIndexToModuleIndex(int index) { assert closureModuleSequenceMap.length > index; return closureModuleSequenceMap[index]; } }