/* * Copyright 2010 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.google.gwt.soyc; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.linker.ArtifactSet; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.linker.CompilationMetricsArtifact; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.linker.ModuleMetricsArtifact; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.linker.PrecompilationMetricsArtifact; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.collect.Lists; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.collect.Sets; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * Exports the compiler metrics gathered by the precompile and * compilePermutation steps into an XML file to be read by external tools. * * See compilerMetrics.xsd for an XML schema describing the output. * * <pre> * <metrics version="1"> * * <module elapsed="1234"> * <sources count="1"> * <source name="foo.java" /> * </sources> * <types count="1" kind="initial"> * <type name="com.google.foo.Foo" /> * </types> * </module> * * <precompilations> * <precompilation base="0" ids="0,1,2" elapsed="1"> * <types count="1" kind="generated"> * <type name="com.google.foo.Bar" /> * </types> * <types count="2" kind="ast"> * <type name="com.google.foo.Foo" /> * <type name="com.google.foo.Bar" /> * </types> * </precompilation> * </precompilations> * * <compilations> * <compilation id="0" elapsed="1" totalElapsed="2" description="foo"> * <javascript fragments="1" size="123"> * <fragment size="123" initial="true" /> * </javascript> * </compilation> * </compilations> * * </metrics> * *</pre> * */ public class CompilerMetricsXmlFormatter { public static final int XML_FORMAT_VERSION = 1; public static byte[] writeMetricsAsXml(ArtifactSet artifacts, ModuleMetricsArtifact moduleMetrics) { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(out); pw.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"); pw.append("<metrics version=\"" + XML_FORMAT_VERSION + "\" >\n"); writeModuleMetricsAsXml(moduleMetrics, pw); Set<PrecompilationMetricsArtifact> precompilationMetrics = artifacts.find(PrecompilationMetricsArtifact.class); if (!precompilationMetrics.isEmpty()) { pw.append(" <precompilations>\n"); for (PrecompilationMetricsArtifact metrics : precompilationMetrics) { writePrecompilationMetricsAsXml(moduleMetrics, metrics, pw); } pw.append(" </precompilations>\n"); } Set<CompilationMetricsArtifact> compilationMetrics = artifacts.find(CompilationMetricsArtifact.class); if (!compilationMetrics.isEmpty()) { pw.append(" <compilations>\n"); for (CompilationMetricsArtifact metrics : compilationMetrics) { writeCompilationMetricsAsXml(metrics, pw); } pw.append(" </compilations>\n"); } pw.append("</metrics>\n"); pw.close(); return out.toByteArray(); } private static String escapeXmlAttributeContent(String content) { String result = content.replaceAll("\'", "'"); return result.replaceAll("\"", """); } private static void writeCompilationMetricsAsXml( CompilationMetricsArtifact metrics, PrintWriter pw) { pw.append(" <compilation id=\"" + metrics.getPermutationId() + "\" "); pw.append("elapsed=\"" + metrics.getCompileElapsedMilliseconds() + "\" "); pw.append("totalElapsed=\"" + metrics.getElapsedMilliseconds() + "\" "); // TODO(zundel): Print out captured GC and heap memory analysis if it is // available. String description = metrics.getPermutationDescription(); if (description != null) { pw.append(" description=\"" + escapeXmlAttributeContent(description) + "\""); } pw.append(">\n"); int[] jsSizes = metrics.getJsSize(); if (jsSizes != null) { int totalSize = 0, numFragments = 0; for (int size : jsSizes) { totalSize += size; numFragments++; } pw.append(" <javascript size=\"" + totalSize + "\" fragments=\"" + numFragments + "\">\n"); boolean initialFragment = true; for (int size : jsSizes) { pw.append(" <fragment "); if (initialFragment) { pw.append("initial=\"true\" "); initialFragment = false; } pw.append("size=\"" + size + "\" />\n"); } pw.append(" </javascript>\n"); } pw.append(" </compilation>\n"); } private static void writeModuleMetricsAsXml(ModuleMetricsArtifact metrics, PrintWriter pw) { pw.append(" <module elapsed=\"" + metrics.getElapsedMilliseconds() + "\" "); pw.append(">\n"); String[] sourceFiles = metrics.getSourceFiles(); if (sourceFiles != null) { Arrays.sort(sourceFiles); pw.append(" <sources count=\"" + sourceFiles.length + "\">\n"); for (String sourceFile : sourceFiles) { pw.append(" <source name=\"" + sourceFile + "\" />\n"); } pw.append(" </sources>\n"); } String[] initialTypes = metrics.getInitialTypes(); if (initialTypes != null) { Arrays.sort(initialTypes); pw.append(" <types kind=\"initial\" count=\"" + initialTypes.length + "\">\n"); for (String typeName : initialTypes) { pw.append(" <type name=\"" + typeName + "\" />\n"); } pw.append(" </types>\n"); } pw.append(" </module>\n"); } private static void writePrecompilationMetricsAsXml( ModuleMetricsArtifact moduleMetrics, PrecompilationMetricsArtifact metrics, PrintWriter pw) { pw.append(" <precompilation "); pw.append("base=\"" + metrics.getPermutationBase() + "\" "); int[] permutationIds = metrics.getPermutationIds(); if (permutationIds != null) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int perm : permutationIds) { builder.append("" + perm + ","); } String idList = builder.substring(0, builder.length() - 1); pw.append("ids=\"" + idList + "\" "); } pw.append("elapsed=\"" + metrics.getElapsedMilliseconds() + "\" "); // TODO(zundel): Print out captured GC and heap memory analysis if it is // available. pw.append(">\n"); String[] astTypes = metrics.getAstTypes(); if (astTypes != null) { Arrays.sort(astTypes); pw.append(" <types kind=\"ast\" count=\"" + astTypes.length + "\">\n"); for (String typeName : astTypes) { pw.append(" <type name=\"" + typeName + "\" />\n"); } pw.append(" </types>\n"); } String[] finalTypeOracleTypes = metrics.getFinalTypeOracleTypes(); if (finalTypeOracleTypes != null) { assert finalTypeOracleTypes.length > 0; List<String> initialTypes = Lists.create(moduleMetrics.getInitialTypes()); Set<String> generatedTypesList = Sets.create(finalTypeOracleTypes); generatedTypesList.removeAll(initialTypes); String[] generatedTypes = generatedTypesList.toArray(new String[generatedTypesList.size()]); Arrays.sort(generatedTypes); pw.append(" <types kind=\"generated\" count=\"" + generatedTypes.length + "\">\n"); for (String typeName : generatedTypes) { pw.append(" <type name=\"" + typeName + "\" />\n"); } pw.append(" </types>\n"); } pw.append(" </precompilation>\n"); } private CompilerMetricsXmlFormatter() { // do not instantiate } }