/* * Copyright 2009 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.google.gwt.dom.client; abstract class DOMImplTrident extends DOMImpl { /** * This field *must* be filled in from JSNI code before dispatching an event * on IE. It should be set to the 'this' context of the handler that receives * the event, then restored to its initial value when the dispatcher is done. * See * {@link com.google.gwt.user.client.impl.DOMImplTrident#initEventSystem()} * for an example of how this should be done. */ private static EventTarget currentEventTarget; static native boolean isOrHasChildImpl(Node parent, Node child) /*-{ // Element.contains() doesn't work with non-Element nodes on IE, so we have // to deal explicitly with non-Element nodes here. // Only Element (1) and Document (9) can contain other nodes. if ((parent.nodeType != 1) && (parent.nodeType != 9)) { return parent == child; } // If the child is not an Element, check its parent instead. if (child.nodeType != 1) { child = child.parentNode; if (!child) { return false; } } if (parent.nodeType == 9) { // In IE8 and IE9 (at least), document.contains does not exist, so use body.contains instead return (parent === child) || (parent.body && parent.body.contains(child)); } else { // An extra equality check is required due to the fact that // elem.contains(elem) is false if elem is not attached to the DOM. return (parent === child) || parent.contains(child); } }-*/; @Override public native ButtonElement createButtonElement(Document doc, String type) /*-{ return doc.createElement("<BUTTON type='" + type + "'></BUTTON>"); }-*/; @Override public Element createElement(Document doc, String tagName) { if (tagName.contains(":")) { // Special implementation for tag names with namespace-prefixes. The only // way to get IE to reliably create namespace-prefixed elements is // through innerHTML. Element container = ensureContainer(doc); container.setInnerHTML("<" + tagName + "/>"); // Remove the element before returning it, so that there's no chance of // it getting clobbered later. Element elem = container.getFirstChildElement(); container.removeChild(elem); return elem; } // No prefix. Just use the default implementation (don't use super impl // here in case it changes at some point in the future). return createElementInternal(doc, tagName); } @Override public native NativeEvent createHtmlEvent(Document doc, String type, boolean canBubble, boolean cancelable) /*-{ // NOTE: IE doesn't support changing bubbling and canceling behavior (this // is documented publicly in Document.createHtmlEvent()). var evt = doc.createEventObject(); evt.type = type; return evt; }-*/; @Override public native InputElement createInputRadioElement(Document doc, String name) /*-{ return doc.createElement("<INPUT type='RADIO' name='" + name + "'>"); }-*/; @Override public native NativeEvent createKeyCodeEvent(Document doc, String type, boolean ctrlKey, boolean altKey, boolean shiftKey, boolean metaKey, int keyCode) /*-{ var evt = doc.createEventObject(); evt.type = type; evt.ctrlKey = ctrlKey; evt.altKey = altKey; evt.shiftKey = shiftKey; evt.metaKey = metaKey; evt.keyCode = keyCode; return evt; }-*/; @Override @Deprecated public native NativeEvent createKeyEvent(Document doc, String type, boolean canBubble, boolean cancelable, boolean ctrlKey, boolean altKey, boolean shiftKey, boolean metaKey, int keyCode, int charCode) /*-{ // NOTE: IE doesn't support changing bubbling and canceling behavior (this // is documented publicly in Document.createKeyEvent()). var evt = this.@com.google.gwt.dom.client.DOMImplTrident::createKeyCodeEvent(Lcom/google/gwt/dom/client/Document;Ljava/lang/String;ZZZZI)(doc, type, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, charCode); evt.charCode = charCode; return evt; }-*/; @Override public NativeEvent createKeyPressEvent(Document doc, boolean ctrlKey, boolean altKey, boolean shiftKey, boolean metaKey, int charCode) { // NOTE: in IE, keyCode is used in both keydown/keyup and keypress, so we // delegate to createKeyCodeEvent instead of duplicating code. return createKeyCodeEvent(doc, "keypress", ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, charCode); } @Override public native NativeEvent createMouseEvent(Document doc, String type, boolean canBubble, boolean cancelable, int detail, int screenX, int screenY, int clientX, int clientY, boolean ctrlKey, boolean altKey, boolean shiftKey, boolean metaKey, int button, Element relatedTarget) /*-{ // NOTE: IE doesn't support changing bubbling and canceling behavior (this // is documented publicly in Document.createMouseEvent()). var evt = doc.createEventObject(); evt.type = type; evt.detail = detail; evt.screenX = screenX; evt.screenY = screenY; evt.clientX = clientX; evt.clientY = clientY; evt.ctrlKey = ctrlKey; evt.altKey = altKey; evt.shiftKey = shiftKey; evt.metaKey = metaKey; evt.button = button; // It would make sense to set evt.[fromElement | toElement] here, because // that's what IE uses. However, setting these properties has no effect for // some reason. So instead we set releatedTarget, and explicitly check for // its existence in eventGetFromElement() and eventGetToElement(). evt.relatedTarget = relatedTarget; return evt; }-*/; /** * Supports creating a select control with the multiple attribute to work * around a bug in IE6 where changing the multiple attribute in a setAttribute * call can cause subsequent setSelected calls to misbehave. Although this bug * is fixed in IE7, this DOMImpl specialization is used for both IE6 and IE7, * but it should be harmless. */ @Override public native SelectElement createSelectElement(Document doc, boolean multiple) /*-{ var html = multiple ? "<SELECT MULTIPLE>" : "<SELECT>"; return doc.createElement(html); }-*/; @Override public String cssFloatPropertyName() { return "styleFloat"; } @Override public native void dispatchEvent(Element target, NativeEvent evt) /*-{ target.fireEvent("on" + evt.type, evt); }-*/; @Override public native int eventGetCharCode(NativeEvent evt) /*-{ return evt.keyCode || 0; }-*/; @Override public EventTarget eventGetCurrentTarget(NativeEvent event) { return currentEventTarget; } @Override public native int eventGetMouseWheelVelocityY(NativeEvent evt) /*-{ return Math.round(-evt.wheelDelta / 40) || 0; }-*/; @Override public native EventTarget eventGetRelatedTarget(NativeEvent evt) /*-{ // Prefer 'relatedTarget' if it's set (see createMouseEvent(), which // explicitly sets relatedTarget when synthesizing mouse events). return evt.relatedTarget || (evt.type == "mouseout" ? evt.toElement:evt.fromElement); }-*/; @Override public native EventTarget eventGetTarget(NativeEvent evt) /*-{ return evt.srcElement; }-*/; @Override public native void eventPreventDefault(NativeEvent evt) /*-{ evt.returnValue = false; }-*/; @Override public native void eventStopPropagation(NativeEvent evt) /*-{ evt.cancelBubble = true; }-*/; @Override public native String eventToString(NativeEvent evt) /*-{ if (evt.toString) return evt.toString(); return "[event" + evt.type + "]"; }-*/; /** * IE returns a numeric type for some attributes that are really properties, * such as offsetWidth. We need to coerce these to strings to prevent a * runtime JS exception. */ @Override public native String getAttribute(Element elem, String name) /*-{ var attr = elem.getAttribute(name); return attr == null ? '' : attr + ''; }-*/; @Override public int getBodyOffsetLeft(Document doc) { return getClientLeft(doc.getViewportElement()); } @Override public int getBodyOffsetTop(Document doc) { return getClientTop(doc.getViewportElement()); } @Override public native String getInnerText(Element elem) /*-{ return elem.innerText; }-*/; /** * Coerce numeric values a string. In IE, some values can be stored as numeric * types. */ @Override public native String getNumericStyleProperty(Style style, String name) /*-{ return typeof(style[name]) == "number" ? "" + style[name] : style[name]; }-*/; @Override public String getTagName(Element elem) { String tagName = getTagNameInternal(elem); String scopeName = getScopeNameInternal(elem); if ((scopeName == null) || "html".equalsIgnoreCase(scopeName)) { return tagName; } return scopeName + ":" + tagName; } @Override public native boolean hasAttribute(Element elem, String name) /*-{ var node = elem.getAttributeNode(name); return !!(node && node.specified); }-*/; @Override public boolean isOrHasChild(Node parent, Node child) { return isOrHasChildImpl(parent, child); } @Override public native void selectAdd(SelectElement select, OptionElement option, OptionElement before) /*-{ // IE only accepts indices for the second argument. if (before) { select.add(option, before.index); } else { select.add(option); } }-*/; @Override public native void setInnerText(Element elem, String text) /*-{ elem.innerText = text || ''; }-*/; protected native int getBoundingClientRectLeft(Element elem) /*-{ // getBoundingClientRect() throws a JS exception if the elem is not attached // to the document, so we wrap it in a try/catch block try { return elem.getBoundingClientRect().left; } catch (e) { return 0; } }-*/; protected native int getBoundingClientRectTop(Element elem) /*-{ // getBoundingClientRect() throws a JS exception if the elem is not attached // to the document, so we wrap it in a try/catch block try { return elem.getBoundingClientRect().top; } catch (e) { return 0; } }-*/; protected native boolean isRTL(Element elem) /*-{ return elem.currentStyle.direction == 'rtl'; }-*/; private native Element createElementInternal(Document doc, String tagName) /*-{ return doc.createElement(tagName); }-*/; // IE needs a container div *for each document* for use by createElement(). private native Element ensureContainer(Document doc) /*-{ if (!doc.__gwt_container) { doc.__gwt_container = doc.createElement('div'); } return doc.__gwt_container; }-*/; /** * clientLeft is non-standard and not implemented on all browsers. */ private native int getClientLeft(Element elem) /*-{ return elem.clientLeft; }-*/; /** * clientTop is non-standard and not implemented on all browsers. */ private native int getClientTop(Element elem) /*-{ return elem.clientTop; }-*/; private native String getScopeNameInternal(Element elem) /*-{ return elem.scopeName; }-*/; private native String getTagNameInternal(Element elem) /*-{ return elem.tagName; }-*/; }