/* * Copyright 2010 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.google.gwt.i18n.client.impl.cldr; // DO NOT EDIT - GENERATED FROM CLDR AND ICU DATA /** * Implementation of DateTimeFormatInfo for the "lt" locale. */ public class DateTimeFormatInfoImpl_lt extends DateTimeFormatInfoImpl { @Override public String[] ampms() { return new String[] { "pr.p.", "pop." }; } @Override public String dateFormatFull() { return "y 'm'. MMMM d 'd'.,EEEE"; } @Override public String dateFormatLong() { return "y 'm'. MMMM d 'd'."; } @Override public String dateFormatMedium() { return "yyyy.MM.dd"; } @Override public String[] erasFull() { return new String[] { "prieš Kristų", "po Kristaus" }; } @Override public String[] erasShort() { return new String[] { "pr. Kr.", "po Kr." }; } @Override public String formatHour12Minute() { return "hh:mm a"; } @Override public String formatHour12MinuteSecond() { return "hh:mm:ss a"; } @Override public String formatMonthAbbrevDay() { return "MMM-d"; } @Override public String formatMonthFullDay() { return "MMMM-d"; } @Override public String formatMonthNumDay() { return "M.d"; } @Override public String formatYearMonthAbbrevDay() { return "y 'm'. MMM d 'd'."; } @Override public String formatYearMonthFullDay() { return "y 'm'. MMMM d 'd'."; } @Override public String formatYearMonthNum() { return "y.M"; } @Override public String formatYearMonthNumDay() { return "y.M.d"; } @Override public String formatYearMonthWeekdayDay() { return "y 'm'. MMM d 'd'.,EEE"; } @Override public String formatYearQuarterFull() { return "QQQQ y"; } @Override public String formatYearQuarterShort() { return "Q y"; } @Override public String[] monthsFull() { return new String[] { "sausis", "vasaris", "kovas", "balandis", "gegužė", "birželis", "liepa", "rugpjūtis", "rugsėjis", "spalis", "lapkritis", "gruodis" }; } @Override public String[] monthsFullStandalone() { return new String[] { "Sausis", "Vasaris", "Kovas", "Balandis", "Gegužė", "Birželis", "Liepa", "Rugpjūtis", "Rugsėjis", "Spalis", "Lapkritis", "Gruodis" }; } @Override public String[] monthsNarrow() { return new String[] { "S", "V", "K", "B", "G", "B", "L", "R", "R", "S", "L", "G" }; } @Override public String[] monthsShort() { return new String[] { "Sau", "Vas", "Kov", "Bal", "Geg", "Bir", "Lie", "Rgp", "Rgs", "Spl", "Lap", "Grd" }; } @Override public String[] monthsShortStandalone() { return new String[] { "Saus.", "Vas.", "kov", "Bal.", "Geg.", "Bir.", "Liep.", "Rugpj.", "Rugs.", "Spal.", "Lapkr.", "Gruod." }; } @Override public String[] quartersFull() { return new String[] { "pirmas ketvirtis", "antras ketvirtis", "trečias ketvirtis", "ketvirtas ketvirtis" }; } @Override public String[] quartersShort() { return new String[] { "K1", "K2", "K3", "K4" }; } @Override public String[] weekdaysFull() { return new String[] { "sekmadienis", "pirmadienis", "antradienis", "trečiadienis", "ketvirtadienis", "penktadienis", "šeštadienis" }; } @Override public String[] weekdaysNarrow() { return new String[] { "S", "P", "A", "T", "K", "P", "Š" }; } @Override public String[] weekdaysShort() { return new String[] { "Sk", "Pr", "An", "Tr", "Kt", "Pn", "Št" }; } @Override public String[] weekdaysShortStandalone() { return new String[] { "Sk", "Pi", "A", "T", "K", "Pe", "Š" }; } }