// CHECKSTYLE_OFF:Must use GNU license for code based on checkstyle // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // checkstyle: Checks Java source code for adherence to a set of rules. // Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Oliver Burn // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CHECKSTYLE_ON // This class is based upon the // com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.checks.coding.DeclarationOrderCheck package com.google.gwt.checkstyle; import com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.api.Check; import com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.api.DetailAST; import com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.api.Scope; import com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.api.ScopeUtils; import com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.api.TokenTypes; import java.util.Stack; /** * Checks that the parts of a class or interface declaration appear in the order * specified by the 'Making GWT better' style guide. */ public class OrderCheck extends Check { /** * Encapsulate the state in each class scope in order to handle inner classes. */ private static class ScopeState { /** * Current state. */ private int state = State.TYPE; /** * Current access modifier for state. */ private Scope visibility = Scope.PUBLIC; } /** * Ordered category states for code elements. */ private static class State { private static final int TYPE = 0; private static final int STATIC_FIELDS = 1; private static final int STATIC_INITS = 2; private static final int STATIC_METHODS = 3; private static final int INSTANCE_FIELDS = 4; private static final int INSTANCE_INITS = 5; private static final int CONSTRUCTORS = 6; private static final int INSTANCE_METHODS = 7; } /** * List of Declaration States. This is necessary due to inner classes that * have their own state. */ private final Stack<ScopeState> classScopes = new Stack<ScopeState>(); /** * Previous method name, used for alphabetical ordering. */ private String previousMethodName; public int[] getDefaultTokens() { return new int[] { TokenTypes.CTOR_DEF, TokenTypes.METHOD_DEF, TokenTypes.MODIFIERS, TokenTypes.STATIC_INIT, TokenTypes.INSTANCE_INIT, TokenTypes.OBJBLOCK}; } public void leaveToken(DetailAST aAST) { switch (aAST.getType()) { case TokenTypes.OBJBLOCK: classScopes.pop(); previousMethodName = null; break; case TokenTypes.METHOD_DEF: // If the previous method was in the same class, with the same // modifiers, check that it is alphabetically before the current // method. String methodName = aAST.findFirstToken(TokenTypes.IDENT).getText(); if (previousMethodName != null && (previousMethodName.compareToIgnoreCase(methodName)) > 0) { log(aAST, methodName + " is not alphabetical."); } previousMethodName = methodName; break; default: } } public void visitToken(DetailAST aAST) { try { int parentType = 0; if (aAST.getParent() != null) { parentType = aAST.getParent().getType(); } switch (aAST.getType()) { case TokenTypes.OBJBLOCK: classScopes.push(new ScopeState()); previousMethodName = null; break; case TokenTypes.CTOR_DEF: if (parentType != TokenTypes.OBJBLOCK) { return; } checkState(aAST, State.CONSTRUCTORS, "Constructor"); break; case TokenTypes.MODIFIERS: if (parentType == TokenTypes.VARIABLE_DEF) { checkVariable(aAST); } if (parentType == TokenTypes.METHOD_DEF) { checkMethod(aAST); } break; case TokenTypes.STATIC_INIT: { checkState(aAST, State.STATIC_INITS, "Static initializer"); break; } case TokenTypes.INSTANCE_INIT: { checkState(aAST, State.INSTANCE_INITS, "Instance initializer"); } break; default: } } catch (Throwable t) { // CheckStyle swallows errors in general, we want OrderCheck errors to be // visible. t.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("Exception/Error in OrderCheck", t); } } /** * Check the modifiers of a method for order conflicts. */ private void checkMethod(DetailAST aAST) { if (aAST.getParent().getParent().getType() != TokenTypes.OBJBLOCK) { return; } if (aAST.findFirstToken(TokenTypes.LITERAL_STATIC) != null) { if (checkState(aAST, State.STATIC_METHODS, "Static method")) { previousMethodName = null; } } else { if (checkState(aAST, State.INSTANCE_METHODS, "Instance method")) { previousMethodName = null; } } } /** * Checks the category and visibility of declarations. * * @return whether the state or visibility modifiers have changed */ private boolean checkState(DetailAST aAST, int curState, String type) { ScopeState scope = classScopes.peek(); if (scope.state > curState) { log(aAST, type + " in wrong order."); // Wrong type implies at least a temporary state switch. return true; } else if (scope.state == curState) { final Scope curVisibility = ScopeUtils.getScopeFromMods(aAST); if (scope.visibility.compareTo(curVisibility) > 0) { log(aAST, curVisibility.getName() + " " + type + " should not occur after " + scope.visibility.getName() + " " + type); return false; } else if (scope.visibility != curVisibility) { scope.visibility = curVisibility; return true; } else { return false; } } else { scope.state = curState; scope.visibility = Scope.PUBLIC; return true; } } /** * Check the modifiers of a variable for order conflicts. */ private void checkVariable(DetailAST aAST) { if (aAST.getParent().getParent().getType() != TokenTypes.OBJBLOCK) { return; } if (aAST.findFirstToken(TokenTypes.LITERAL_STATIC) != null) { checkState(aAST, State.STATIC_FIELDS, "Static field"); } else { checkState(aAST, State.INSTANCE_FIELDS, "Instance field"); } } }