package; import; import; import; import; import; public class TypeOracleMediatorFromSourceTest extends TypeOracleMediatorTestBase { protected CheckedJavaResource CU_HasSyntaxErrors = new CheckedJavaResource( "test", "HasSyntaxErrors", "NoSyntaxErrors") { @Override public void check(JClassType classInfo) { fail("This class should have been removed"); } @Override public String getSource() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("package test;\n"); sb.append("class NoSyntaxErrors { }\n"); sb.append("public class HasSyntaxErrors { a syntax error }\n"); return sb.toString(); } }; protected CheckedJavaResource CU_HasUnresolvedSymbols = new CheckedJavaResource( "test", "Invalid", "Valid") { @Override public void check(JClassType classInfo) { fail("Both classes should have been removed"); } @Override public String getSource() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("package " + getPackageName() + ";\n"); sb.append("public class Invalid extends NoSuchClass { }\n"); sb.append("class Valid extends Object { }\n"); return sb.toString(); } }; protected CheckedJavaResource CU_RefsInfectedCompilationUnit = new CheckedJavaResource( "test", "RefsInfectedCompilationUnit") { @Override public void check(JClassType classInfo) { fail("This class should should have been removed because it refers to a class in another compilation unit that had problems"); } @Override public String getSource() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("package test;\n"); sb.append("public class RefsInfectedCompilationUnit extends Valid { }\n"); return sb.toString(); } }; /** * Tests that refreshing with a unit that has errors does not cause new units * that reference unchanged units to be removed. The strategy is to add some * good units that reference each other and build a {@link TypeOracle}. Then * we add some new units that have errors as well as some units that reference * old units which did not have errors. This ensures that the correct units * are pruned from the type oracle in the case where we encounter units with * errors. * * @throws UnableToCompleteException * @throws IOException */ public void testRefreshWithErrors() throws TypeOracleException { // Add Object StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("package java.lang;"); sb.append("public class Object { }"); addResource("java.lang.Object", sb); // Add UnmodifiedClass that will never change. sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("package test.refresh.with.errors;"); sb.append("public class UnmodifiedClass { }"); addResource("test.refresh.with.errors.UnmodifiedClass", sb); // Add GoodClass that references a class that will go bad. sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("package test.refresh.with.errors;\n"); sb.append("public class GoodClass {\n"); sb.append(" ClassThatWillGoBad ctwgb;\n"); sb.append("}\n"); addResource("test.refresh.with.errors.GoodClass", sb); // Add ClassThatWillGoBad that goes bad on the next refresh. MutableJavaResource unitThatWillGoBad = new MutableJavaResource( "test.refresh.with.errors", "test.refresh.with.errors.ClassThatWillGoBad") { private String source = "package test.refresh.with.errors;\n" + "public class ClassThatWillGoBad { }\n"; @Override public String getSource() { return source; } @Override public void touch() { super.touch(); source = "This will cause a syntax error."; } }; resources.add(unitThatWillGoBad); buildTypeOracle(); assertNotNull(typeOracle.findType("test.refresh.with.errors.UnmodifiedClass")); assertNotNull(typeOracle.findType("test.refresh.with.errors.GoodClass")); assertNotNull(typeOracle.findType("test.refresh.with.errors.ClassThatWillGoBad")); // Add AnotherGoodClass that references a // class that was not recompiled. sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("package test.refresh.with.errors;\n"); sb.append("public class AnotherGoodClass {\n"); sb.append(" UnmodifiedClass uc; // This will cause the runaway pruning.\n"); sb.append("}\n"); addResource("test.refresh.with.errors.AnotherGoodClass", sb); // Add BadClass that has errors and originally // forced issue 2238. sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("package test.refresh.with.errors;\n"); sb.append("public class BadClass {\n"); sb.append(" This will trigger a syntax error.\n"); sb.append("}\n"); addResource("test.refresh.with.errors.BadClass", sb); // Now this cup should cause errors. unitThatWillGoBad.touch(); buildTypeOracle(); assertNotNull(typeOracle.findType("test.refresh.with.errors.UnmodifiedClass")); assertNotNull(typeOracle.findType("test.refresh.with.errors.AnotherGoodClass")); assertNull(typeOracle.findType("test.refresh.with.errors.BadClass")); assertNull(typeOracle.findType("test.refresh.with.errors.ClassThatWillGoBad")); assertNull(typeOracle.findType("test.refresh.with.errors.GoodClass")); } public void testSyntaxErrors() throws TypeOracleException { resources.add(CU_Object); resources.add(CU_HasSyntaxErrors); buildTypeOracle(); JClassType[] types = typeOracle.getTypes(); // Only java.lang.Object should remain. // assertEquals(1, types.length); assertEquals("java.lang.Object", types[0].getQualifiedSourceName()); } public void testUnresolvedSymbols() throws TypeOracleException { resources.add(CU_Object); resources.add(CU_HasUnresolvedSymbols); resources.add(CU_RefsInfectedCompilationUnit); buildTypeOracle(); JClassType[] types = typeOracle.getTypes(); // Only java.lang.Object should remain. // assertEquals(1, types.length); assertEquals("java.lang.Object", types[0].getQualifiedSourceName()); } @Override protected void buildTypeOracle() throws TypeOracleException { typeOracle = TypeOracleTestingUtils.buildTypeOracle(createTreeLogger(), resources); checkTypes(typeOracle.getTypes()); } }