/* * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.impl; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.TreeLogger; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.UnableToCompleteException; import com.google.gwt.dev.cfg.ConfigurationProperty; import com.google.gwt.dev.cfg.Properties; import com.google.gwt.dev.cfg.Property; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.InternalCompilerException; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.Context; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JArrayType; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JClassLiteral; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JClassType; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JDeclaredType; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JExpression; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JField; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JIntLiteral; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JMethod; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JMethodCall; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JNewArray; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JNode; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JPrimitiveType; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JProgram; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JReferenceType; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JRunAsync; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JStringLiteral; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.ast.JVisitor; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.impl.ControlFlowAnalyzer.DependencyRecorder; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.impl.FragmentExtractor.CfaLivenessPredicate; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.impl.FragmentExtractor.LivenessPredicate; import com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.impl.FragmentExtractor.NothingAlivePredicate; import com.google.gwt.dev.js.ast.JsBlock; import com.google.gwt.dev.js.ast.JsProgram; import com.google.gwt.dev.js.ast.JsStatement; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.JsniRef; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.collect.HashMap; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.collect.Lists; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.log.speedtracer.CompilerEventType; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.log.speedtracer.SpeedTracerLogger; import com.google.gwt.dev.util.log.speedtracer.SpeedTracerLogger.Event; import com.google.gwt.thirdparty.guava.common.base.Predicate; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; /** * Splits the GWT module into multiple downloads. <p> * * The code split will divide the code base into multiple <code>spitpoints</code> based * on dependency informations computed using {@link ControlFlowAnalyzer}. Each undividable * elements of a GWT program: {@link JField}, {@link JMethod}, {@link JDeclaredType} or * String literal called <code>atom</code> will be assigned to a set of spitpoints based on * dependency information. * * A Fragment partitioning will then use the split point assignments and divided the atom * into a set of fragments. A fragment will be a single unit of download for a client's * code. * * TODO(acleung): Rename to CodeSplitter upon completion. * TODO(acleung): Figure out how to integrate with SOYC and dependency tracker. * TODO(acleung): Insert SpeedTracer calls at performance sensitive places. * TODO(acleung): Insert logger calls to generate meaningful logs. * TODO(acleung): Modify the fragment loader. * TODO(acleung): May be add back the odd heuristics if needed. */ public class CodeSplitter2 { /** * A dependency recorder that can record multiple dependency graphs. It has * methods for starting and finishing new dependency graphs. * * TODO(acleung): This is currently broken. I need to investiage more on how we inform SOYC * the dependency results. */ public interface MultipleDependencyGraphRecorder extends DependencyRecorder { /** * Stop recording dependencies. */ void close(); /** * Stop recording the current dependency graph. */ void endDependencyGraph(); void open(); /** * Start a new dependency graph. It can be an extension of a previously * recorded dependency graph, in which case the dependencies in the previous * graph will not be repeated. */ void startDependencyGraph(String name, String extnds); } /** * Marks the type of partition heuristics */ public enum ParitionHeuristics { /** * A one-to-one split point to fragment partition with no fragment merging. * Basically the 'old' algorithm. */ BIJECTIVE, /** * Greedily merge two piece of fragment if they share the most code * together. */ EDGE_GREEDY, } /** * Maps an atom to a set of split point that can be live (NOT necessary exclusively) * when that split point is activated. The split points are represented by a bit * set where S[i] is set if the atom needs to be live when split point i is live. */ private static class LiveSplitPointMap { private static <T> boolean setLive(Map<T, BitSet> map, T atom, int splitPoint) { BitSet liveSet = map.get(atom); if (liveSet == null) { liveSet = new BitSet(); liveSet.set(splitPoint); map.put(atom, liveSet); return true; } else { if (liveSet.get(splitPoint)) { return false; } else { liveSet.set(splitPoint); return true; } } } public Map<JField, BitSet> fields = new HashMap<JField, BitSet>(); public Map<JMethod, BitSet> methods = new HashMap<JMethod, BitSet>(); public Map<String, BitSet> strings = new HashMap<String, BitSet>(); public Map<JDeclaredType, BitSet> types = new HashMap<JDeclaredType, BitSet>(); boolean setLive(JDeclaredType type, int splitPoint) { return setLive(types, type, splitPoint); } boolean setLive(JField field, int splitPoint) { return setLive(fields, field, splitPoint); } boolean setLive(JMethod method, int splitPoint) { return setLive(methods, method, splitPoint); } boolean setLive(String string, int splitPoint) { return setLive(strings, string, splitPoint); } } /** * LivenessPredicate to tell the fragment extractor what is live. */ private static class LiveSplitPointsPredicate implements LivenessPredicate { private final LiveSplitPointMap map; private final Predicate<BitSet> mask; LiveSplitPointsPredicate(LiveSplitPointMap map, Predicate<BitSet> mask) { this.map = map; this.mask = mask; } @Override public boolean isLive(JDeclaredType type) { return isLive(map.types, type); } @Override public boolean isLive(JField field) { return isLive(map.fields, field); } @Override public boolean isLive(JMethod method) { return isLive(map.methods, method); } @Override public boolean isLive(String literal) { return isLive(map.strings, literal); } @Override public boolean miscellaneousStatementsAreLive() { return true; } private <T> boolean isLive(Map<T, BitSet> map, T atom) { BitSet value = map.get(atom); return value != null && mask.apply(value); } } /** * A {@link MultipleDependencyGraphRecorder} that does nothing. */ public static final MultipleDependencyGraphRecorder NULL_RECORDER = new MultipleDependencyGraphRecorder() { public void close() { } public void endDependencyGraph() { } public void methodIsLiveBecause(JMethod liveMethod, ArrayList<JMethod> dependencyChain) { } public void open() { } public void startDependencyGraph(String name, String extnds) { } }; /** * Number of split points to merge, this should be configurable by user later. */ public static final int NUM_SPLITPOINTS_TO_MERGE = 12; /** * The property key for a list of initially loaded split points. */ private static final String PROP_INITIAL_SEQUENCE = "compiler.splitpoint.initial.sequence"; public static ControlFlowAnalyzer computeInitiallyLive(JProgram jprogram) { return computeInitiallyLive(jprogram, NULL_RECORDER); } public static ControlFlowAnalyzer computeInitiallyLive( JProgram jprogram, MultipleDependencyGraphRecorder dependencyRecorder) { // Control Flow Analysis from a split point. ControlFlowAnalyzer cfa = new ControlFlowAnalyzer(jprogram); dependencyRecorder.startDependencyGraph("initial", null); cfa.setDependencyRecorder(dependencyRecorder); cfa.traverseEntryMethods(); traverseClassArray(jprogram, cfa); traverseImmortalTypes(jprogram, cfa); dependencyRecorder.endDependencyGraph(); return cfa; } public static void exec(TreeLogger logger, JProgram jprogram, JsProgram jsprogram, JavaToJavaScriptMap map, MultipleDependencyGraphRecorder dependencyRecorder) { if (jprogram.getRunAsyncs().size() == 0) { // Don't do anything if there is no call to runAsync return; } Event codeSplitterEvent = SpeedTracerLogger.start(CompilerEventType.CODE_SPLITTER); new CodeSplitter2(logger, jprogram, jsprogram, map, dependencyRecorder).execImpl(); codeSplitterEvent.end(); } /** * Find a split point as designated in the {@link #PROP_INITIAL_SEQUENCE} * configuration property. */ public static int findSplitPoint(String refString, JProgram program, TreeLogger branch) throws UnableToCompleteException { Event codeSplitterEvent = SpeedTracerLogger.start(CompilerEventType.CODE_SPLITTER, "phase", "findSplitPoint"); Map<String, List<Integer>> nameToSplitPoint = reverseByName(program.getRunAsyncs()); if (refString.startsWith("@")) { JsniRef jsniRef = JsniRef.parse(refString); if (jsniRef == null) { branch.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Badly formatted JSNI reference in " + PROP_INITIAL_SEQUENCE + ": " + refString); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } final String lookupErrorHolder[] = new String[1]; JNode referent = JsniRefLookup.findJsniRefTarget(jsniRef, program, new JsniRefLookup.ErrorReporter() { public void reportError(String error) { lookupErrorHolder[0] = error; } }); if (referent == null) { TreeLogger resolveLogger = branch.branch(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Could not resolve JSNI reference: " + jsniRef); resolveLogger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, lookupErrorHolder[0]); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } if (!(referent instanceof JMethod)) { branch.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Not a method: " + referent); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } JMethod method = (JMethod) referent; String canonicalName = ReplaceRunAsyncs.getImplicitName(method); List<Integer> splitPoints = nameToSplitPoint.get(canonicalName); if (splitPoints == null) { branch.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Method does not enclose a runAsync call: " + jsniRef); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } if (splitPoints.size() > 1) { branch.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Method includes multiple runAsync calls, " + "so it's ambiguous which one is meant: " + jsniRef); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } return splitPoints.get(0); } // Assume it's a raw class name List<Integer> splitPoints = nameToSplitPoint.get(refString); if (splitPoints == null || splitPoints.size() == 0) { branch.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "No runAsync call is labelled with class " + refString); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } if (splitPoints.size() > 1) { branch.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "More than one runAsync call is labelled with class " + refString); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } int result = splitPoints.get(0); codeSplitterEvent.end(); return result; } /** * Choose an initial load sequence of split points for the specified program. * Do so by identifying split points whose code always load first, before any * other split points. As a side effect, modifies * {@link com.google.gwt.core.client.impl.AsyncFragmentLoader#initialLoadSequence} * in the program being compiled. * * @throws UnableToCompleteException If the module specifies a bad load order */ public static void pickInitialLoadSequence(TreeLogger logger, JProgram program, Properties properties) throws UnableToCompleteException { Event codeSplitterEvent = SpeedTracerLogger .start(CompilerEventType.CODE_SPLITTER, "phase", "pickInitialLoadSequence"); TreeLogger branch = logger.branch(TreeLogger.TRACE, "Looking up initial load sequence for split points"); LinkedHashSet<Integer> initialLoadSequence = new LinkedHashSet<Integer>(); ConfigurationProperty prop; { Property p = properties.find(PROP_INITIAL_SEQUENCE); if (p == null) { throw new InternalCompilerException("Could not find configuration property " + PROP_INITIAL_SEQUENCE); } if (!(p instanceof ConfigurationProperty)) { throw new InternalCompilerException(PROP_INITIAL_SEQUENCE + " is not a configuration property"); } prop = (ConfigurationProperty) p; } for (String refString : prop.getValues()) { int splitPoint = findSplitPoint(refString, program, branch); if (initialLoadSequence.contains(splitPoint)) { branch.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Split point specified more than once: " + refString); } initialLoadSequence.add(splitPoint); } installInitialLoadSequenceField(program, initialLoadSequence); program.setSplitPointInitialSequence(new ArrayList<Integer>(initialLoadSequence)); codeSplitterEvent.end(); } private static Map<JField, JClassLiteral> buildFieldToClassLiteralMap(JProgram jprogram) { final Map<JField, JClassLiteral> map = new HashMap<JField, JClassLiteral>(); class BuildFieldToLiteralVisitor extends JVisitor { @Override public void endVisit(JClassLiteral lit, Context ctx) { map.put(lit.getField(), lit); } } (new BuildFieldToLiteralVisitor()).accept(jprogram); return map; } private static <T> void countShardedAtomsOfType(Map<T, BitSet> livenessMap, int[][] matrix) { // Count the number of atoms shared only by for (Entry<T, BitSet> fieldLiveness : livenessMap.entrySet()) { BitSet liveSplitPoints = fieldLiveness.getValue(); if (liveSplitPoints.get(0)) { continue; } if (liveSplitPoints.cardinality() != 2) { continue; } int start = liveSplitPoints.nextSetBit(0); int end = liveSplitPoints.nextSetBit(start + 1); matrix[start][end]++; } } private static <T> int getOrZero(Map<T, BitSet> map, T key) { BitSet value = map.get(key); if (value != null && value.cardinality() == 1) { return value.nextSetBit(0); } return 0; } /** * Installs the initial load sequence into AsyncFragmentLoader.BROWSER_LOADER. * The initializer looks like this: * * <pre> * AsyncFragmentLoader BROWSER_LOADER = makeBrowserLoader(1, new int[]{}); * </pre> * * The second argument (<code>new int[]</code>) gets replaced by an array * corresponding to <code>initialLoadSequence</code>. */ private static void installInitialLoadSequenceField(JProgram program, LinkedHashSet<Integer> initialLoadSequence) { // Arg 1 is initialized in the source as "new int[]{}". JMethodCall call = ReplaceRunAsyncs.getBrowserLoaderConstructor(program); JExpression arg1 = call.getArgs().get(1); assert arg1 instanceof JNewArray; JArrayType arrayType = program.getTypeArray(JPrimitiveType.INT); assert ((JNewArray) arg1).getArrayType() == arrayType; List<JExpression> initializers = new ArrayList<JExpression>(initialLoadSequence.size()); for (int sp : initialLoadSequence) { initializers.add(JIntLiteral.get(sp)); } JNewArray newArray = JNewArray.createInitializers(arg1.getSourceInfo(), arrayType, Lists .normalizeUnmodifiable(initializers)); call.setArg(1, newArray); } private static ControlFlowAnalyzer recordLiveSet( ControlFlowAnalyzer cfa, LiveSplitPointMap liveness, int idx) { for (JNode node : cfa.getLiveFieldsAndMethods()) { if (node instanceof JField) { liveness.setLive((JField) node, idx); } if (node instanceof JMethod) { liveness.setLive((JMethod) node, idx); } } for (JField node : cfa.getFieldsWritten()) { if (node instanceof JField) { liveness.setLive((JField) node, idx); } } for (String s : cfa.getLiveStrings()) { liveness.setLive(s, idx); } for (JReferenceType t : cfa.getInstantiatedTypes()) { if (t instanceof JDeclaredType) { liveness.setLive((JDeclaredType) t, idx); } } return cfa; } private static Map<String, List<Integer>> reverseByName(List<JRunAsync> runAsyncs) { Map<String, List<Integer>> revmap = new HashMap<String, List<Integer>>(); for (JRunAsync replacement : runAsyncs) { String name = replacement.getName(); if (name != null) { List<Integer> list = revmap.get(name); if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); revmap.put(name, list); } list.add(replacement.getSplitPoint()); } } return revmap; } /** * Any instance method in the magic Array class must be in the initial * download. The methods of that class are copied to a separate object the * first time class Array is touched, and any methods added later won't be * part of the copy. */ private static void traverseClassArray(JProgram jprogram, ControlFlowAnalyzer cfa) { JDeclaredType typeArray = jprogram.getFromTypeMap("com.google.gwt.lang.Array"); if (typeArray == null) { // It was pruned; nothing to do return; } cfa.traverseFromInstantiationOf(typeArray); for (JMethod method : typeArray.getMethods()) { if (method.needsVtable()) { cfa.traverseFrom(method); } } } /** * Any immortal codegen types must be part of the initial download. */ private static void traverseImmortalTypes(JProgram jprogram, ControlFlowAnalyzer cfa) { for (JClassType type : jprogram.immortalCodeGenTypes) { cfa.traverseFromInstantiationOf(type); for (JMethod method : type.getMethods()) { if (!method.needsVtable()) { cfa.traverseFrom(method); } } } } private final Map<JField, JClassLiteral> fieldToLiteralOfClass; private FragmentExtractor fragmentExtractor; /** * List of fragments that needs to be in the initial load, in that order. */ private final LinkedHashSet<Integer> initialLoadSequence; /** * CFA result of all the initially live atoms. */ private ControlFlowAnalyzer initiallyLive = null; private final JProgram jprogram; private final JsProgram jsprogram; private final LiveSplitPointMap liveness = new LiveSplitPointMap(); private final Set<JMethod> methodsInJavaScript; /** * Maps a split-point number to a fragment number. * * splitPointToFragmmentMap[x] = y implies split point #x is in fragment #y. * * TODO(acleung): We could use some better abstraction for this. I feel this * piece of information will be shared with many parts of the codegen process. */ private final int[] splitPointToFragmentMap; private CodeSplitter2(TreeLogger logger, JProgram jprogram, JsProgram jsprogram, JavaToJavaScriptMap map, MultipleDependencyGraphRecorder dependencyRecorder) { this.jprogram = jprogram; this.jsprogram = jsprogram; this.fragmentExtractor = new FragmentExtractor(jprogram, jsprogram, map); this.initialLoadSequence = new LinkedHashSet<Integer>(jprogram.getSplitPointInitialSequence()); // Start out to assume split gets it's own fragment. We'll merge them later. this.splitPointToFragmentMap = new int[jprogram.getRunAsyncs().size() + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < splitPointToFragmentMap.length; i++) { splitPointToFragmentMap[i] = i; } // TODO(acleung): I don't full understand this. This is mostly from the old // algorithm which patches up certain dependency after the control flow analysis. fieldToLiteralOfClass = buildFieldToClassLiteralMap(jprogram); fragmentExtractor = new FragmentExtractor(jprogram, jsprogram, map); methodsInJavaScript = fragmentExtractor.findAllMethodsInJavaScript(); } /** * Create a new fragment and add it to the table of fragments. * * @param splitPoint The split point to associate this code with * @param alreadyLoaded The code that should be assumed to have already been * loaded * @param liveNow The code that is assumed live once this fragment loads; * anything in here but not in <code>alreadyLoaded</code> will be * included in the created fragment * @param stmtsToAppend Additional statements to append to the end of the new * fragment * @param fragmentStats The list of fragments to append to */ private void addFragment(int splitPoint, LivenessPredicate alreadyLoaded, LivenessPredicate liveNow, List<JsStatement> stmtsToAppend, Map<Integer, List<JsStatement>> fragmentStats) { List<JsStatement> stats = fragmentExtractor.extractStatements(liveNow, alreadyLoaded); stats.addAll(stmtsToAppend); fragmentStats.put(splitPoint, stats); } private ControlFlowAnalyzer computeLiveSet( ControlFlowAnalyzer initiallyLive, LiveSplitPointMap liveness, JRunAsync runAsync) { // Control Flow Analysis from a split point. ControlFlowAnalyzer cfa = new ControlFlowAnalyzer(initiallyLive); cfa.traverseFromRunAsync(runAsync); recordLiveSet(cfa, liveness, runAsync.getSplitPoint()); return cfa; } /** * This is the high level algorithm of the pass. */ private void execImpl() { // Step #1: Compute all the initially live atoms that are part of entry points // class inits..etc. initiallyLive = computeInitiallyLive(jprogram, NULL_RECORDER); recordLiveSet(initiallyLive, liveness, 0); // Step #2: Incrementally add each split point that are classified as initial load sequence. // Also, any atoms added here will be added to the initially live set as well. The liveness for (JRunAsync runAsync : jprogram.getRunAsyncs()) { if (initialLoadSequence.contains(runAsync.getSplitPoint())) { initiallyLive = computeLiveSet(initiallyLive, liveness, runAsync); } } // Step #3: Similar to #2 but this time, we independently compute the live set of each // split point that is not part of the initial load. for (JRunAsync runAsync : jprogram.getRunAsyncs()) { if (!initialLoadSequence.contains(runAsync.getSplitPoint())) { computeLiveSet(initiallyLive, liveness, runAsync); } } // Step #4: Fix up the rare load order dependencies. fixUpLoadOrderDependencies(liveness, -1); // Step #5: Now the LiveSplitPointMap will contain all the livEness information we need, // partition the fragments by focusing on making the initial download and // leftover fragment download as small as possible. partitionFragments(); // Step #6: Extract fragments using the partition algorithm. extractStatements(initiallyLive); } private void extractStatements(ControlFlowAnalyzer initiallyLive) { Map<Integer, List<JsStatement>> fragmentStats = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, List<JsStatement>>(); // Initial download { LivenessPredicate alreadyLoaded = new NothingAlivePredicate(); LivenessPredicate liveNow = new CfaLivenessPredicate(initiallyLive); List<JsStatement> noStats = new ArrayList<JsStatement>(); addFragment(0, alreadyLoaded, liveNow, noStats, fragmentStats); } final List<Predicate<BitSet>> exclusivePredicates = new LinkedList<Predicate<BitSet>>(); // Signifies what has been already loaded in the initial fragment. LivenessPredicate alreadyLoaded = new LiveSplitPointsPredicate(liveness, new Predicate<BitSet>() { @Override public boolean apply(BitSet value) { // Live if it is used by the first fragment. if (value.get(0)) { return true; } else { for (int sp : initialLoadSequence) { if (value.get(sp)) { return true; } } } return false; } }); // Search for all the atoms that are exclusively needed in each split point. for (int i = 1; i < splitPointToFragmentMap.length; i++) { // This mean split point [i] has been merged with another split point, ignore it. if (splitPointToFragmentMap[i] != i) { continue; } // This was needed in the initial load sequence, ignore it. if (initialLoadSequence.contains(i)) { continue; } // Creates a mask that is used to check if an atom is exclusively needed by the current // fragment as well as all the fragment is was merged with. final BitSet mask = new BitSet(splitPointToFragmentMap.length); mask.set(i); for (int j = i + 1; j < splitPointToFragmentMap.length; j++) { if (initialLoadSequence.contains(j)) { continue; } if (splitPointToFragmentMap[j] == i) { mask.set(j); } } // Creates a predicate final Predicate<BitSet> pred = new Predicate<BitSet>() { @Override public boolean apply(BitSet value) { if (value.get(0)) { return true; } for (int sp : initialLoadSequence) { if (value.get(sp)) { return true; } } BitSet valueOrMask = (BitSet) value.clone(); valueOrMask.or(mask); // Returns true if it at least matches one of the set field in the mask but not // having a field set that is unset in the mask. return value.intersects(mask) && valueOrMask.cardinality() <= mask.cardinality(); } }; exclusivePredicates.add(pred); LivenessPredicate liveNow = new LiveSplitPointsPredicate(liveness, pred); List<JsStatement> statsToAppend = fragmentExtractor.createOnLoadedCall(i); addFragment(i, alreadyLoaded, liveNow, statsToAppend, fragmentStats); } // Left over fragments. { LivenessPredicate liveNow = new LiveSplitPointsPredicate(liveness, new Predicate<BitSet>() { @Override public boolean apply(BitSet value) { for (Predicate<BitSet> p : exclusivePredicates) { if (p.apply(value)) { return false; } } return true; } }); List<JsStatement> statsToAppend = fragmentExtractor.createOnLoadedCall(splitPointToFragmentMap.length); addFragment(splitPointToFragmentMap.length, alreadyLoaded, liveNow, statsToAppend, fragmentStats); } // now install the new statements in the program fragments jsprogram.setFragmentCount(fragmentStats.size()); int count = 0; for (int i : fragmentStats.keySet()) { JsBlock fragBlock = jsprogram.getFragmentBlock(count++); fragBlock.getStatements().clear(); fragBlock.getStatements().addAll(fragmentStats.get(i)); } // TODO(acleung): This is an hack-ish way to put share the fragment map. // jprogram.splitPointToFragmentMap = splitPointToFragmentMap; } private void fixUpLoadOrderDependencies(LiveSplitPointMap fragmentMap, int splitPoint) { fixUpLoadOrderDependenciesForMethods(fragmentMap, splitPoint); fixUpLoadOrderDependenciesForTypes(fragmentMap, splitPoint); fixUpLoadOrderDependenciesForClassLiterals(fragmentMap, splitPoint); fixUpLoadOrderDependenciesForFieldsInitializedToStrings(fragmentMap, splitPoint); } private void fixUpLoadOrderDependenciesForClassLiterals(LiveSplitPointMap fragmentMap, int splitPoint) { int numClassLitStrings = 0; int numFixups = 0; for (JField field : fragmentMap.fields.keySet()) { JClassLiteral classLit = fieldToLiteralOfClass.get(field); if (classLit != null) { BitSet value = fragmentMap.fields.get(field); int classLitFrag = 0; for (int i = 0; i < value.cardinality(); i++) { classLitFrag = value.nextSetBit(classLitFrag); for (String string : stringsIn(field.getInitializer())) { numClassLitStrings++; int stringFrag = getOrZero(fragmentMap.strings, string); if (stringFrag != classLitFrag && stringFrag != 0) { numFixups++; fragmentMap.setLive(string, 0); } } classLitFrag++; } } } } private void fixUpLoadOrderDependenciesForFieldsInitializedToStrings(LiveSplitPointMap fragmentMap, int splitPoint) { int numFixups = 0; int numFieldStrings = 0; for (JField field : fragmentMap.fields.keySet()) { if (field.getInitializer() instanceof JStringLiteral) { numFieldStrings++; String string = ((JStringLiteral) field.getInitializer()).getValue(); int fieldFrag = getOrZero(fragmentMap.fields, field); int stringFrag = getOrZero(fragmentMap.strings, string); if (fieldFrag != stringFrag && stringFrag != 0) { numFixups++; fragmentMap.setLive(string, 0); } } } } private void fixUpLoadOrderDependenciesForMethods(LiveSplitPointMap fragmentMap, int splitPoint) { int numFixups = 0; for (JDeclaredType type : jprogram.getDeclaredTypes()) { int typeFrag = getOrZero(fragmentMap.types, type); if (typeFrag != 0) { /* * If the type is in an exclusive fragment, all its instance methods * must be in the same one. */ for (JMethod method : type.getMethods()) { if (method.needsVtable() && methodsInJavaScript.contains(method)) { int methodFrag = getOrZero(fragmentMap.methods, method); if (methodFrag != typeFrag) { fragmentMap.setLive(type, 0); numFixups++; break; } } } } } } private void fixUpLoadOrderDependenciesForTypes(LiveSplitPointMap fragmentMap, int splitPoint) { int numFixups = 0; Queue<JDeclaredType> typesToCheck = new ArrayBlockingQueue<JDeclaredType>(jprogram.getDeclaredTypes().size()); typesToCheck.addAll(jprogram.getDeclaredTypes()); while (!typesToCheck.isEmpty()) { JDeclaredType type = typesToCheck.remove(); if (type.getSuperClass() != null) { int typeFrag = getOrZero(fragmentMap.types, type); int supertypeFrag = getOrZero(fragmentMap.types, type.getSuperClass()); if (typeFrag != supertypeFrag && supertypeFrag != 0) { numFixups++; fragmentMap.setLive(type.getSuperClass(), 0); typesToCheck.add(type.getSuperClass()); } } } } /** * We haves pinned down that fragment partition is an NP-Complete problem that maps right to * weight graph partitioning. */ private void partitionFragments() { // TODO(acleung): Currently this only use the Edge Greedy heuristics. if (true) { partitionFragmentUsingEdgeGreedy(); } } /** * Partition aggressively base on the edge information. If two split points share * lots of */ private void partitionFragmentUsingEdgeGreedy() { // This matrix serves as an adjanccy matrix of split points. // An edge from a to b with weight of x imples split point a and b shares x atoms exclusively. int[][] matrix = new int[splitPointToFragmentMap.length][splitPointToFragmentMap.length]; countShardedAtomsOfType(liveness.fields, matrix); countShardedAtomsOfType(liveness.methods, matrix); countShardedAtomsOfType(liveness.strings, matrix); countShardedAtomsOfType(liveness.types, matrix); for (int c = 0; c < NUM_SPLITPOINTS_TO_MERGE; c++) { int bestI = 0, bestJ = 0, max = 0; for (int i = 1; i < splitPointToFragmentMap.length; i++) { if (initialLoadSequence.contains(i)) { continue; } for (int j = 1; j < splitPointToFragmentMap.length; j++) { if (initialLoadSequence.contains(j)) { continue; } if (matrix[i][j] > max && // Unmerged. splitPointToFragmentMap[i] == i && splitPointToFragmentMap[j] == j) { bestI = i; bestJ = j; max = matrix[i][j]; } } } if (max == 0) { break; } splitPointToFragmentMap[bestJ] = bestI; splitPointToFragmentMap[bestI] = -1; matrix[bestI][bestJ] = 0; System.out.println("merging: " + bestI + " " + bestJ); } for (int i = 0; i < splitPointToFragmentMap.length; i++) { if (splitPointToFragmentMap[i] < 0) { splitPointToFragmentMap[i] = i; } } } /** * Traverse <code>exp</code> and find all string literals within it. */ private Set<String> stringsIn(JExpression exp) { final Set<String> strings = new HashSet<String>(); class StringFinder extends JVisitor { @Override public void endVisit(JStringLiteral stringLiteral, Context ctx) { strings.add(stringLiteral.getValue()); } } (new StringFinder()).accept(exp); return strings; } }