import*; import waba.sys.*; import waba.ui.*; import superwaba.ext.xplat.xml.*; import; public class TreeFile { private Stream file; private FmParser fmp; public TreeFile(String fileName,FmParser fmp) { file = new File(fileName, File.READ_ONLY); this.fmp=fmp; } public TreeFile(BufferStream buf,FmParser fmp) { file = buf; this.fmp=fmp; } public boolean isOpen() { return file.isOpen(); } public void loadRoot(Node root,ScaledIcons icons) { /* Hack in a bunch of nodes based on the content of this XML data. */ XmlReader rdr = new XmlReader(); rdr.setContentHandler(fmp); try { // rdr.parse(new XmlReadableString(data)); rdr.parse(file); } catch (Exception ae) { waba.sys.Vm.debug("Parsing exception"); } /* We're done with the file now. */ file.close(); } public void saveTree(Tree source,String filename,Window main) { /* Create a buffered stream. Eventually this may go to a catalog. */ File target = new File(filename, File.READ_WRITE); /* If it exists, delete it. */ if (target.isOpen()) target.delete(); target.close(); /* Now open a new one for output. */ target = new File(filename, File.CREATE); if (target.isOpen()) { /* Put up a popup to tell user what gives. */ MessageBox mb = new MessageBox("Saving", "Saving file:|"+filename,null); main.popupModal(mb); /* Turn it into a buffered stream. */ BufferStream outBuffer = new BufferStream(target); /* We only really want the [map] node. Look through the items off * the root node, and hunt down the firs map item. */ Node root=source.model.getRoot(); for (int i = 0; i < root.children.size(); i++) { Node n = (Node)(root.children.items[i]); /* Find the map node and write the bugger. */ if (n.getUserObject() instanceof FreeMindNode) { if (((FreeMindNode)(n.getUserObject())).nodeType==FmParser.mapTag) { saveNode(outBuffer, n); break; } } } outBuffer.flush(); target.close(); mb.unpop(); } else { /* Tarnation. */ Vm.debug("Failed to open target file."); } } /** Save the source tree in the specified catalog entry. If it doesn't exist, add * one on the end. * @param source Tree to read data from. * @param dBase Database to write record to. * @param rec * @param mapName Name for use confidence popup. * @param main */ public void saveTree(Tree source,Catalog dBase, int rec, String mapName,Window main) { /* Put up a popup to tell user what gives. */ MessageBox mb = new MessageBox("Saving", "Saving map:|"+mapName,null); main.popupModal(mb); /* Turn it into a buffered stream. */ BufferStream outBuffer = new BufferStream(); /* write filename before saving data */ DataStream ds = new DataStream(outBuffer); ds.writeString(mapName); /* We only really want the [map] node. Look through the items off * the root node, and hunt down the firs map item. */ Node root=source.model.getRoot(); for (int i = 0; i < root.children.size(); i++) { Node n = (Node)(root.children.items[i]); /* Find the map node and write the bugger. */ if (n.getUserObject() instanceof FreeMindNode) { if (((FreeMindNode)(n.getUserObject())).nodeType==FmParser.mapTag) { saveNode(outBuffer, n); break; } } } /* Transfer the output buffer into a record. Hope it bloody * well fits, 'cos they're limited to 64K. */ byte[] buf=outBuffer.getBuffer(); /* If the record exists, resize it. Otherwise create a new one. */ if (rec>=dBase.getRecordCount()) { if (dBase.addRecord(buf.length)<0) waba.sys.Vm.debug("Failed to add record"); } else { if (dBase.setRecordPos(rec)==false) waba.sys.Vm.debug("Failed to set record"); if (dBase.resizeRecord(buf.length)==false) waba.sys.Vm.debug("Failed to resize record"); } /* Write it and unlock it. */ if (dBase.writeBytes(buf,0,buf.length)!=buf.length) waba.sys.Vm.debug("Failed to write record"); dBase.setRecordPos(-1); mb.unpop(); } private void saveNode(BufferStream outBuffer, Node node) { FreeMindNode fmn = (FreeMindNode) node.getUserObject(); int type = fmn.nodeType; String nodeTagName = null; /* Let's figure out what we are. */ if (type == FmParser.cloudTag) { nodeTagName = "cloud"; } else if (type == FmParser.fontTag) { nodeTagName = "font"; } else if (type == FmParser.mapTag) { nodeTagName = "map"; } else if (type == FmParser.nodeTag) { nodeTagName = "node"; } /* See how much of a tag we get. */ Node n = node.getFirstChild(); writeToFile(outBuffer, "<" + nodeTagName); /* List any attributes */ AttributeList aList = fmn.atts; if (aList != null) { AttributeList.Iterator a = Iterator(); while ( { writeToFile(outBuffer, " " + a.getAttributeAsString()); } } /* If there are no children or icons, close this node now. */ if ((n == null)&&(node.userIcons.size()==0)) { writeToFile(outBuffer, "/>\n"); } else { /* There are children. List them. */ writeToFile(outBuffer, ">\n"); while (n != null) { saveNode(outBuffer, n); n = n.getNextSibling(); } /* If there are icon entries, list them too. */ if (node.userIcons.size()>0) { for (int i=0; i<node.userIcons.size();i++) { /* Time to list the icon attributes. */ writeToFile(outBuffer,"<icon"); FmIcon fmi=((FmIcon)(node.userIcons.items[i])); aList = fmi.atts; if (aList != null) { AttributeList.Iterator a = Iterator(); while ( { writeToFile(outBuffer, " " + a.getAttributeAsString()); } } writeToFile(outBuffer, "/>\n"); } } /* Close off this node. */ writeToFile(outBuffer, "</" + nodeTagName + ">\n"); } } private void writeToFile(BufferStream outBuffer, String s) { outBuffer.writeBytes(s.getBytes(), 0, s.length()); } }