/* * FreeMind - A Program for creating and viewing Mindmaps Copyright (C) * 2000-2004 Joerg Mueller, Daniel Polansky, Christian Foltin and others. * * See COPYING for Details * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * Created on 05.10.2004 */ /* * $Id: ApplyPatternAction.java,v 05.10.2004 11:32:42 christianfoltin * Exp $ */ package freemind.modes.mindmapmode.actions; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import freemind.controller.actions.generated.instance.Pattern; import freemind.controller.actions.generated.instance.PatternEdgeWidth; import freemind.main.Tools; import freemind.modes.EdgeAdapter; import freemind.modes.MindIcon; import freemind.modes.MindMapNode; import freemind.modes.NodeAdapter; import freemind.modes.mindmapmode.MindMapController; import freemind.modes.mindmapmode.MindMapController.MindMapControllerPlugin; import freemind.modes.mindmapmode.MindMapMapModel; import freemind.modes.mindmapmode.MindMapNodeModel; public class ApplyPatternAction extends NodeGeneralAction implements SingleNodeOperation { public interface ExternalPatternAction extends MindMapControllerPlugin { public void act(MindMapNode node, Pattern pattern); } private Pattern mpattern; public ApplyPatternAction(MindMapController controller, Pattern pattern) { super(controller, null /* no text */, null /* = no icon */); setName(pattern.getName()); this.mpattern = pattern; setSingleNodeOperation(this); } public void apply(MindMapMapModel map, MindMapNodeModel node) { applyPattern(node, mpattern); } public void applyPattern(MindMapNode node, Pattern pattern) { if (pattern.getPatternNodeText() != null) { if (pattern.getPatternNodeText().getValue() != null) { getMindMapController().setNodeText(node, pattern.getPatternNodeText().getValue()); } else { // clear text: getMindMapController().setNodeText(node, ""); } } if (pattern.getPatternNodeColor() != null) { getMindMapController().setNodeColor(node, Tools.xmlToColor(pattern.getPatternNodeColor().getValue())); } if (pattern.getPatternNodeBackgroundColor() != null) { getMindMapController().setNodeBackgroundColor( node, Tools.xmlToColor(pattern.getPatternNodeBackgroundColor() .getValue())); } // Perhaps already fixed?: // FIXME: fc, 3.1.2004: setting the style to "null" causes strange // behaviour. // see // https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=107118&aid=1094623&group_id=7118 if (pattern.getPatternNodeStyle() != null) { getMindMapController().setNodeStyle(node, pattern.getPatternNodeStyle().getValue()); } if (pattern.getPatternIcon() != null) { String iconName = pattern.getPatternIcon().getValue(); if (iconName == null) { while (getMindMapController().removeLastIcon(node) > 0) { } } else { // check if icon is already present: List icons = node.getIcons(); boolean found = false; for (Iterator iterator = icons.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { MindIcon icon = (MindIcon) iterator.next(); if (icon.getName() != null && icon.getName().equals(iconName)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { getMindMapController().addIcon(node, MindIcon.factory(iconName)); } } } // fc, 28.9.2003 if (pattern.getPatternNodeFontName() != null) { String nodeFontFamily = pattern.getPatternNodeFontName().getValue(); if (nodeFontFamily == null) { nodeFontFamily = getMindMapController().getController() .getDefaultFontFamilyName(); } getMindMapController().setFontFamily(node, nodeFontFamily); } if (pattern.getPatternNodeFontSize() != null) { String nodeFontSize = pattern.getPatternNodeFontSize().getValue(); if (nodeFontSize == null) { nodeFontSize = "" + getMindMapController().getController() .getDefaultFontSize(); } getMindMapController().setFontSize(node, String.valueOf(nodeFontSize)); } if (pattern.getPatternNodeFontItalic() != null) { getMindMapController() .setItalic( node, "true".equals(pattern.getPatternNodeFontItalic() .getValue())); } if (pattern.getPatternNodeFontBold() != null) { getMindMapController().setBold(node, "true".equals(pattern.getPatternNodeFontBold().getValue())); } if (pattern.getPatternEdgeColor() != null) { getMindMapController().setEdgeColor(node, Tools.xmlToColor(pattern.getPatternEdgeColor().getValue())); } if (pattern.getPatternEdgeStyle() != null) { getMindMapController().setEdgeStyle(node, pattern.getPatternEdgeStyle().getValue()); } PatternEdgeWidth patternEdgeWidth = pattern.getPatternEdgeWidth(); if (patternEdgeWidth != null) { if (patternEdgeWidth.getValue() != null) { getMindMapController().setEdgeWidth(node, edgeWidthStringToInt(patternEdgeWidth.getValue())); } else { getMindMapController().setEdgeWidth(node, EdgeAdapter.DEFAULT_WIDTH); } } if (pattern.getPatternChild() != null && pattern.getPatternChild().getValue() != null) { // find children among all patterns: String searchedPatternName = pattern.getPatternChild().getValue(); ApplyPatternAction[] patterns = getMindMapController().patterns; for (int i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) { ApplyPatternAction action = patterns[i]; if (action.getPattern().getName().equals(searchedPatternName)) { for (ListIterator j = node.childrenUnfolded(); j.hasNext();) { NodeAdapter child = (NodeAdapter) j.next(); applyPattern(child, action.getPattern()); } break; } } } for (Iterator i = getMindMapController().getPlugins().iterator(); i .hasNext();) { MindMapControllerPlugin action = (MindMapControllerPlugin) i.next(); if (action instanceof ExternalPatternAction) { ExternalPatternAction externalAction = (ExternalPatternAction) action; externalAction.act(node, pattern); } } } /** */ public static int edgeWidthStringToInt(String value) { if (value == null) { return EdgeAdapter.DEFAULT_WIDTH; } if (value.equals(EdgeAdapter.EDGE_WIDTH_THIN_STRING)) { return EdgeAdapter.WIDTH_THIN; } return Integer.valueOf(value).intValue(); } /** */ public static String edgeWidthIntToString(int value) { if (value == EdgeAdapter.DEFAULT_WIDTH) { return null; } if (value == EdgeAdapter.WIDTH_THIN) { return EdgeAdapter.EDGE_WIDTH_THIN_STRING; } return Integer.toString(value); } /** * @return Returns the pattern. */ public Pattern getPattern() { return mpattern; } }