import waba.ui.*; import waba.sys.*; import waba.fx.*; import waba.util.*; import superwaba.ext.xplat.ui.MultiEdit; import superwaba.ext.xplat.xml.*; public class EditFmNode extends Container { private Tree tree; private TreeModel model; private Node node; private ScaledIcons icons; private FmParser fmp; private FreeMindNode fmNode; private Button btnQuit; private Button btnExtended; private Button btnOk; private Edit standardEdit; private MultiEdit editDescription; private ListBox listAtts; /* A drop-down list of attributes. */ private ComboBox cbxAttrs; private int bigEditBoxHeight = Settings.screenHeight / 3; private boolean extendedEdit = false; private boolean newNode = false; private Vector buttonList = new Vector(); /* Buttons for the icons. */ private boolean[] iconSelected; /* Tells us if the icon button is active or not. */ /** * Edit a node of a tree. If no node is specified, add a new one as a child * of the currently selected node in the tree. * @param fmp Parser, needed for icon images and types. * @param model Model containing this tree's node. * @param node node to edit or null for new node. */ public EditFmNode(ScaledIcons icons, TreeModel model) { super(); tree = model.getTree(); this.model = model; this.icons = icons; } public void onStart() { btnQuit = new Button("Quit"); add(btnQuit, LEFT, BOTTOM); btnExtended = new Button("Extended"); add(btnExtended, AFTER + 2, BOTTOM); btnOk = new Button(" OK "); add(btnOk, AFTER + 2, BOTTOM); /* Reserve space for a combobox */ cbxAttrs = new ComboBox(new ListBox(new String[] { "A", "B", "C" })); add(cbxAttrs); cbxAttrs.setRect(LEFT, TOP, FILL, PREFERRED); /* Create a standard text box. */ add(standardEdit = new Edit(), CENTER, AFTER + 1); standardEdit.setRect(LEFT, SAME, FILL, PREFERRED); /* Put up a selection of icons below where the large edit field goes. */ int icony = standardEdit.getRect().y + bigEditBoxHeight; int iconx = 0; Button b; iconSelected = new boolean[icons.allIcons.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < icons.allIcons.size(); i++) { Image bImg = (Image) (icons.allIcons.items[i]); b = new Button(bImg); add(b); b.setRect(iconx, icony, icons.iconSize + 8, icons.iconSize + 8); /* Mark icons we've got as selected. Assume they're not. */ b.setBorder(BORDER_NONE); b.setGap(0); iconSelected[i] = false; /* Allow plenty for border and spacing. */ iconx += icons.iconSize + 8; buttonList.add(b); } } /** Populate the container edit fields etc. with the contents of this node. * * @param n Node to take editable data from. */ public void populateContainer(Node n) { if (n == null) { newNode = true; this.node = prepareNewNode(); } else { newNode = false; this.node = tree.getSelectedNode(); } /* Stop if we couldn't make a node. */ if (this.node == null) { waba.sys.Vm.debug("Unable to make or open edit node."); getParentWindow().swap(null); } else { fmNode = (FreeMindNode) this.node.getUserObject(); } /* Trap dud nodes. */ if (node == null) { add(new Label("Nothing to edit."), CENTER, CENTER); return; } /* List the attributes */ AttributeList.Iterator a = Iterator(); int textItem = 0; int i = 0; String selectedText = ""; listAtts = new ListBox(); while ( { listAtts.add(a.getAttributeAsString()); if (a.getAttributeName().equals("TEXT")) { textItem = i; selectedText = a.getAttributeValue(); } i++; } /* House list in a combobox */ if (cbxAttrs!=null) remove(cbxAttrs); cbxAttrs = new ComboBox(listAtts); add(cbxAttrs); cbxAttrs.setRect(LEFT, TOP, FILL, PREFERRED);; /* Fill the standard text box. */ standardEdit.setText(selectedText); /* If the extended edit is selected, remove any old extened edit box and * create a new one. */ if (extendedEdit == true) { if (editDescription != null) { remove(editDescription); editDescription = null; } setExtendedEdit(); } extendedEdit = false; /* Loop round for all button icons, and set their borders if this entry uses them. */ for (i = 0; i < buttonList.size(); i++) { /* Pick the button. */ Button b = (Button) buttonList.items[i]; Image bImg = b.getImage(); /* Assume no border needed. */ b.setBorder(BORDER_NONE); iconSelected[i] = false; /* If this is an icon we know about, add a visible border. */ for (int j = 0; j < node.userIcons.size(); j++) { if (((NodeIcon) (node.userIcons.items[j])).getImage() == bImg) { b.setBorder(BORDER_SIMPLE); iconSelected[i] = true; break; } } } /* Position the cursor at the end of any text. */ standardEdit.setCursorPos( standardEdit.getLength(), standardEdit.getLength()); getParentWindow().repaintNow(); } /** * Standard event handler. */ public void onEvent(Event event) { int n; /* Number of button found. */ switch (event.type) { case ControlEvent.PRESSED : if ( == btnQuit) { /* Byebye */ getParentWindow().swap(null); } else if ( == btnOk) { /* If we have been editing a new node, add it in. */ if (newNode) { Node oldNode = tree.getSelectedNode(); tree.collapse(oldNode); /* Tack the new child onto the end of the node's list. */ model.insertNode(oldNode, node, -1); tree.expand(oldNode);; } /* Tack selected icons onto node. */ node.deleteIcons(); for (int i = 0; i < iconSelected.length; i++) { if (iconSelected[i]) { /* Add this icon into the tree's node with a BUILTIN attribute. */ AttributeList a = new AttributeList(); a.addAttribute( "BUILTIN", (String) (icons.iconNames.items[i]), (byte) '"'); node.addIcon( new FmIcon((Image) icons.allIcons.items[i], a)); } } /* Set the required attribute. Find out what one we've picked. */ String key[] = splitTo(((String) listAtts.getSelectedItem()), "="); /* Trash the old object */ fmNode.atts.remove(key[0]); /* Add in the new value. */ String s; if (extendedEdit) { s = editDescription.getText(); } else { s = standardEdit.getText(); } fmNode.atts.addAttribute(key[0], s, (byte) ('\"')); /* Byebye */ getParentWindow().swap(null); } else if ( == btnExtended) { /* User is trying to switch to extended edit mode. */ if (extendedEdit) { /* We're already in extended edit mode. Go back to one-line mode. */ extendedEdit = false; standardEdit.setText(editDescription.getText()); /* When we remove a Mulit-edit box, the area is not correctly redrawn. * so we blank it manually. */ remove(editDescription); editDescription = null; standardEdit.requestFocus(); standardEdit.setCursorPos( standardEdit.getLength(), standardEdit.getLength()); getParentWindow().repaintNow(); } else { /* We're not in extended edit mode. Go there. */ setExtendedEdit(); } } else if ( == cbxAttrs) { /* Get the data for the selected attribute and pop it in the edit control. */ String key[] = splitTo(((String) listAtts.getSelectedItem()), "="); if (extendedEdit) { editDescription.setText( fmNode.atts.getAttributeValue(key[0])); editDescription.repaintNow(); } else { standardEdit.setText( fmNode.atts.getAttributeValue(key[0])); } } else if ((n = buttonList.find( >= 0) { /* Toggle the selected state for the icon. */ Button b = ((Button) (buttonList.items[n])); if (iconSelected[n]) { b.setBorder(BORDER_NONE); iconSelected[n] = false; } else { b.setBorder(BORDER_RAISED); iconSelected[n] = true; } } break; case ControlEvent.FOCUS_IN : if (( == this) && (standardEdit != null)) { standardEdit.requestFocus(); } break; } } /** * Create a new node with TEXT attribute. * @param tf * @return */ private Node prepareNewNode() { /* Create a new child node with a TEXT attribute. Collapse the node first * to get around an unexplored redraw bug. */ AttributeList newAtts = new AttributeList(); newAtts.addAttribute("TEXT", "", (byte) 0); Node newNode = new Node(new FreeMindNode(null, newAtts, FmParser.nodeTag)); /* Text nodes may have children. */ newNode.setAllowsChildren(true); return newNode; } private String[] splitTo(String source, String splitter) { int x = source.indexOf(splitter); if (x < 0) { /* String not there. return nothings. */ return null; } else { String[] s = new String[2]; s[0] = source.substring(0, x); s[1] = source.substring(x + splitter.length()); return s; } } /* Take a standard edit field and switch it into extended edit. */ private void setExtendedEdit() { extendedEdit = true; String s = standardEdit.getText(); Rect r = standardEdit.getRect(); add(editDescription = new MultiEdit(2, 1), CENTER, r.y); editDescription.setText(s); editDescription.setRect(LEFT, SAME, FILL, bigEditBoxHeight); editDescription.requestFocus(); } }