import superwaba.ext.xplat.xml.*; import waba.fx.*; public class FmParser implements ContentHandler { private Node root; private XmlReader rdr; private static final String[] knownNodes = { "map", "node", "cloud", "font","icon" }; private static final int[] nodeTags = { 76092, 2401794, 64218645, 2163791,2241657 }; protected static int mapTag; protected static int nodeTag; protected static int cloudTag; protected static int fontTag; protected static int iconTag; private ScaledIcons icons; public FmParser(Node r,ScaledIcons icons) { root = r; this.icons=icons; mapTag = nodeTags[0]; nodeTag = nodeTags[1]; cloudTag = nodeTags[2]; fontTag = nodeTags[3]; iconTag = nodeTags[4]; } public void characters(String s) { // waba.sys.Vm.debug("Found chars: " + s); } public void comment(java.lang.String s) { waba.sys.Vm.debug("Found comment: " + s); } public void endElement(int tag) { /* Move back up the tree, eliminating icon nodes as we go. */ if (((FreeMindNode)(root.getUserObject())).nodeType==iconTag) { Node iconNode=root; root = root.parent; root.remove(iconNode); } else { root = root.parent; } } /** Receive notification of the beginning of an element. */ public void startElement(int tag, AttributeList atts) { /* Create a new node to contain these attributes. */ Node newNode = new Node(new FreeMindNode("" + tag)); root.add(newNode); if (tag == mapTag) { newNode.setUserObject(new FreeMindNode("[Map]", atts,mapTag)); /* Map nodes may have children. */ newNode.setAllowsChildren(true); } else if (tag == cloudTag) { newNode.setUserObject(new FreeMindNode("[Cloud]", atts,cloudTag)); } else if (tag == fontTag) { newNode.setUserObject(new FreeMindNode("[Font]", atts,fontTag)); } else if (tag == iconTag) { newNode.setUserObject(new FreeMindNode("[Icon]", atts,iconTag)); /* Figure out which icon we want in there. */ AttributeList.Iterator a = Iterator(); Image newIcon=icons.imgUnknown; /* Default icon */ while ( { /* See if we can find any BUILTIN icons. */ if (a.getAttributeName().equals("BUILTIN")) { /* Locate this icon in out own built-in list. */ Image foundHim=icons.findIcon(a.getAttributeValue()); if (foundHim!=null) { newIcon=foundHim; } } } newNode.parent.addIcon(new FmIcon(newIcon,new AttributeList(atts))); } else if (tag == nodeTag) { /* List the attributes */ AttributeList.Iterator a = Iterator(); while ( { if (a.getAttributeName().equals("TEXT")) { /* This is a Text attribute. Name this node and set its attributes. */ newNode.setUserObject( new FreeMindNode(null, atts,nodeTag)); /* Text nodes may have children. */ newNode.setAllowsChildren(true); } else if (a.getAttributeName().equals("LINK")) { newNode.addIcon(new FmIcon(icons.imgLink)); } } } else { waba.sys.Vm.debug("Unknown node type"); /* We don't recognise this node. Drop it. */ } root = newNode; } }