import waba.ui.*; import*; import waba.sys.*; import waba.fx.*; /* Pops up a screen that allows a user to select the PDB entry that they want to load. */ public class SaveMmPdb extends Container { private FreeMindPDA main; private Button btnQuit; private Button btnOk; private Button btnArrow; private ListBox listMaps; /* A drop-down list of files. */ private Edit saveMap; private Catalog dBase; protected String selectedFileName=null; public SaveMmPdb(FreeMindPDA main) { super(); this.main=main; } public void onStart() { btnQuit=new Button("Quit"); add(btnQuit,LEFT,BOTTOM); /* Open the PDB and get a list of entries from it. Just like the load routine. */ dBase=new Catalog(FreeMindPDA.dbName,Catalog.CREATE); /* If it's not open, don't give them anything to do but quit. */ if (!dBase.isOpen()) { add(new Label("Unable to open database"),CENTER,CENTER); return; } btnOk=new Button(" OK "); add(btnOk,RIGHT,BOTTOM); /* Loop round for all entries, and extract the map name from each one * into the listbox. */ listMaps = new ListBox(); for (int i=0; i<dBase.getRecordCount();i++) { String s=getEntryMapName(i); listMaps.add(s); } /* Give the user a way to enter the filename. */ add(new Label("Select map name to save as:"),LEFT,TOP+1); /* Our own popup trigger */ btnArrow = Button.createArrowButton(Graphics.ARROW_DOWN,fmH*3/11,Color.BLACK); // guich@240_18 if (Settings.uiStyle == Settings.PalmOS) btnArrow.setBorder(Button.BORDER_NONE); add(btnArrow); btnArrow.setRect(LEFT,AFTER+2,PREFERRED,fmH); /* Stick the editable filename to the right of the trigger. */ add(saveMap=new Edit()); saveMap.setRect(AFTER+1,SAME,FILL,PREFERRED); saveMap.setText(main.lastFilename); } /** * Standard event handler. */ public void onEvent(Event event) { if (event.type == ControlEvent.PRESSED) { if ( == btnQuit) { /* Byebye */ dBase.close(); getParentWindow().swap(null); } else if ( == btnArrow) { /* We fake an editable combo box popup. */ PopList popFiles=new PopList(listMaps); popFiles.dontHideParent=true; popFiles.fullHeight=true; Rect r=saveMap.getAbsoluteRect(); popFiles.setRect(r.x,r.y2(),FILL,PREFERRED); getParentWindow().popupBlockingModal(popFiles); /* If the user selected something, put it in the editable filename. */ if (listMaps.getSelectedIndex()>=0) { saveMap.setText((String)listMaps.getSelectedItem()); } } else if ( == btnOk) { /* Find the relevant entry, or create a new one as appropriate. */ Object[] items = listMaps.getItems(); int i, n = (items != null) ? items.length : 0; String name = saveMap.getText(); for(i=0; i<n; i++) { String item = (String)items[i]; if(item.equals(name)) { break; } } if(i < 0) { i = dBase.getRecordCount(); } // waba.sys.Vm.debug("We're only saving one damn entry right now."); if (i>=0) { main.savePdb(dBase,i,saveMap.getText()); dBase.close(); getParentWindow().swap(null); } } } } /** * Read in the entry until we get a "TEXT=\"" entry, and return * the resulting string. * @param rec Record number to examine * @return name of map. */ private String getEntryMapName(int rec) { dBase.setRecordPos(rec); DataStream ds = new DataStream(dBase); String fileName = ds.readString(); return fileName; } }