/*FreeMind - A Program for creating and viewing Mindmaps *Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Joerg Mueller <joergmueller@bigfoot.com> *See COPYING for Details * *This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License *as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 *of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * *This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *GNU General Public License for more details. * *You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /*$Id: Controller.java,v 2010/02/22 21:18:53 christianfoltin Exp $*/ package freemind.controller; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.GridBagConstraints; import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import java.awt.HeadlessException; import java.awt.Insets; import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.Window; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter; import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemListener; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.awt.print.PageFormat; import java.awt.print.Paper; import java.awt.print.PrinterJob; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.io.File; import java.io.Serializable; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.Action; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JColorChooser; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JTabbedPane; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.JToolBar; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.WindowConstants; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; import freemind.common.BooleanProperty; import freemind.controller.MapModuleManager.MapModuleChangeObserver; import freemind.controller.actions.generated.instance.MindmapLastStateStorage; import freemind.controller.filter.FilterController; import freemind.controller.printpreview.PreviewDialog; import freemind.main.FreeMind; import freemind.main.FreeMindCommon; import freemind.main.FreeMindMain; import freemind.main.Resources; import freemind.main.Tools; import freemind.modes.MindMap; import freemind.modes.Mode; import freemind.modes.ModeController; import freemind.modes.ModesCreator; import freemind.modes.attributes.AttributeRegistry; import freemind.modes.attributes.AttributeTableLayoutModel; import freemind.modes.browsemode.BrowseMode; import freemind.modes.mindmapmode.attributeactors.AttributeManagerDialog; import freemind.preferences.FreemindPropertyListener; import freemind.preferences.layout.OptionPanel; import freemind.preferences.layout.OptionPanel.OptionPanelFeedback; import freemind.view.MapModule; import freemind.view.mindmapview.MapView; /** * Provides the methods to edit/change a Node. Forwards all messages to * MapModel(editing) or MapView(navigation). */ public class Controller implements MapModuleChangeObserver { /** * */ private static final String PAGE_FORMAT_PROPERTY = "page_format"; private HashSet mMapTitleChangeListenerSet = new HashSet(); private HashSet mZoomListenerSet = new HashSet(); private HashSet mMapTitleContributorSet = new HashSet(); /** * Converts from a local link to the real file URL of the documentation map. * (Used to change this behaviour under MacOSX). */ private static Logger logger; /** Used for MAC!!! */ public static LocalLinkConverter localDocumentationLinkConverter; private static JColorChooser colorChooser = new JColorChooser(); private LastOpenedList lastOpened;// A list of the pathnames of all the maps // that were opened in the last time private MapModuleManager mapModuleManager;// new MapModuleManager(); /** The current mode */ private Mode mMode; private FreeMindMain frame; private MainToolBar toolbar; private JToolBar filterToolbar; private JPanel northToolbarPanel; private NodeMouseMotionListener nodeMouseMotionListener; private NodeMotionListener nodeMotionListener; private NodeKeyListener nodeKeyListener; private NodeDragListener nodeDragListener; private NodeDropListener nodeDropListener; private MapMouseMotionListener mapMouseMotionListener; private MapMouseWheelListener mapMouseWheelListener; private ModesCreator mModescreator = new ModesCreator(this); private PageFormat pageFormat = null; private PrinterJob printerJob = null; private Icon bswatch = new BackgroundSwatch();// needed for BackgroundAction private boolean antialiasEdges = false; private boolean antialiasAll = false; private Map fontMap = new HashMap(); private FilterController mFilterController; boolean isPrintingAllowed = true; boolean menubarVisible = true; boolean toolbarVisible = true; boolean leftToolbarVisible = true; public CloseAction close; public Action print; public Action printDirect; public Action printPreview; public Action page; public Action quit; public Action showAllAttributes = new ShowAllAttributesAction(); public Action showSelectedAttributes = new ShowSelectedAttributesAction(); public Action hideAllAttributes = new HideAllAttributesAction(); public OptionAntialiasAction optionAntialiasAction; public Action optionHTMLExportFoldingAction; public Action optionSelectionMechanismAction; public Action about; public Action faq; public Action keyDocumentation; public Action webDocu; public Action documentation; public Action license; public Action showFilterToolbarAction; public Action showAttributeManagerAction; public Action navigationPreviousMap; public Action navigationNextMap; public Action navigationMoveMapLeftAction; public Action navigationMoveMapRightAction; public Action moveToRoot; public Action toggleMenubar; public Action toggleToolbar; public Action toggleLeftToolbar; public Action zoomIn; public Action zoomOut; public Action showSelectionAsRectangle; public PropertyAction propertyAction; public OpenURLAction freemindUrl; private static final float[] zoomValues = { 25 / 100f, 50 / 100f, 75 / 100f, 100 / 100f, 150 / 100f, 200 / 100f, 300 / 100f, 400 / 100f }; private static Vector propertyChangeListeners = new Vector(); private AttributeManagerDialog attributeDialog = null; private Vector mTabbedPaneMapModules; private JTabbedPane mTabbedPane; private boolean mTabbedPaneSelectionUpdate = true; // // Constructors // public Controller(FreeMindMain frame) { this.frame = frame; if (logger == null) { logger = frame.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()); } } public void init() { initialization(); nodeMouseMotionListener = new NodeMouseMotionListener(this); nodeMotionListener = new NodeMotionListener(this); nodeKeyListener = new NodeKeyListener(this); nodeDragListener = new NodeDragListener(this); nodeDropListener = new NodeDropListener(this); mapMouseMotionListener = new MapMouseMotionListener(this); mapMouseWheelListener = new MapMouseWheelListener(this); close = new CloseAction(this); print = new PrintAction(this, true); printDirect = new PrintAction(this, false); printPreview = new PrintPreviewAction(this); page = new PageAction(this); quit = new QuitAction(this); about = new AboutAction(this); freemindUrl = new OpenURLAction(this, getResourceString("FreeMind"), getProperty("webFreeMindLocation")); faq = new OpenURLAction(this, getResourceString("FAQ"), getProperty("webFAQLocation")); keyDocumentation = new KeyDocumentationAction(this); webDocu = new OpenURLAction(this, getResourceString("webDocu"), getProperty("webDocuLocation")); documentation = new DocumentationAction(this); license = new LicenseAction(this); navigationPreviousMap = new NavigationPreviousMapAction(this); navigationNextMap = new NavigationNextMapAction(this); navigationMoveMapLeftAction = new NavigationMoveMapLeftAction(this); navigationMoveMapRightAction = new NavigationMoveMapRightAction(this); showFilterToolbarAction = new ShowFilterToolbarAction(this); showAttributeManagerAction = new ShowAttributeDialogAction(this); toggleMenubar = new ToggleMenubarAction(this); toggleToolbar = new ToggleToolbarAction(this); toggleLeftToolbar = new ToggleLeftToolbarAction(this); optionAntialiasAction = new OptionAntialiasAction(this); optionHTMLExportFoldingAction = new OptionHTMLExportFoldingAction(this); optionSelectionMechanismAction = new OptionSelectionMechanismAction( this); zoomIn = new ZoomInAction(this); zoomOut = new ZoomOutAction(this); propertyAction = new PropertyAction(this); showSelectionAsRectangle = new ShowSelectionAsRectangleAction(this); moveToRoot = new MoveToRootAction(this); // Create the ToolBar northToolbarPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); toolbar = new MainToolBar(this); mFilterController = new FilterController(this); filterToolbar = mFilterController.getFilterToolbar(); getFrame().getContentPane().add(northToolbarPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); northToolbarPanel.add(toolbar, BorderLayout.NORTH); northToolbarPanel.add(filterToolbar, BorderLayout.SOUTH); setAllActions(false); } /** * Does basic initializations of this class. Normally, init is called, but * if you don't need the actions, call this method instead. */ public void initialization() { /** * Arranges the keyboard focus especially after opening FreeMind. * */ KeyboardFocusManager focusManager = KeyboardFocusManager .getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager(); focusManager.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) { String prop = e.getPropertyName(); if ("focusOwner".equals(prop)) { Component comp = (Component) e.getNewValue(); logger.fine("Focus change for " + comp); if (comp instanceof FreeMindMain) { obtainFocusForSelected(); } } } }); localDocumentationLinkConverter = new DefaultLocalLinkConverter(); lastOpened = new LastOpenedList(this, getProperty("lastOpened")); mapModuleManager = new MapModuleManager(this); mapModuleManager.addListener(this); if (!Tools.isAvailableFontFamily(getProperty("defaultfont"))) { logger.warning("Warning: the font you have set as standard - " + getProperty("defaultfont") + " - is not available."); frame.setProperty("defaultfont", "SansSerif"); } } // // get/set methods // public static final String JAVA_VERSION = System .getProperty("java.version"); public String getProperty(String property) { return frame.getProperty(property); } public int getIntProperty(String property, int defaultValue) { return frame.getIntProperty(property, defaultValue); } public void setProperty(String property, String value) { String oldValue = getProperty(property); getFrame().setProperty(property, value); firePropertyChanged(property, value, oldValue); } private void firePropertyChanged(String property, String value, String oldValue) { if (oldValue == null || !oldValue.equals(value)) { for (Iterator i = Controller.getPropertyChangeListeners() .iterator(); i.hasNext();) { FreemindPropertyListener listener = (FreemindPropertyListener) i .next(); listener.propertyChanged(property, value, oldValue); } } } public FreeMindMain getFrame() { return frame; } public JFrame getJFrame() { FreeMindMain f = getFrame(); if (f instanceof JFrame) return (JFrame) f; return null; } public URL getResource(String resource) { return getFrame().getResource(resource); } public String getResourceString(String resource) { return frame.getResourceString(resource); } /** * @return the current modeController, or null, if FreeMind is just starting * and there is no modeController present. */ public ModeController getModeController() { if (getMapModule() != null) { return getMapModule().getModeController(); } if (getMode() != null) { // no map present: we take the default: return getMode().getDefaultModeController(); } return null; } /** Returns the current model */ public MindMap getModel() { if (getMapModule() != null) { return getMapModule().getModel(); } return null; } public MapView getView() { if (getMapModule() != null) { return getMapModule().getView(); } else { // System.err.println("[Freemind-Developer-Internal-Warning (do not write a bug report, please)]: Tried to get view without being able to get map module."); return null; } } Set getModes() { return mModescreator.getAllModes(); } public Mode getMode() { return mMode; } public String[] getZooms() { String[] zooms = new String[zoomValues.length]; for (int i = 0; i < zoomValues.length; i++) { float val = zoomValues[i]; zooms[i] = (int) (val * 100f) + "%"; } return zooms; } public MapModuleManager getMapModuleManager() { return mapModuleManager; } public LastOpenedList getLastOpenedList() { return lastOpened; } // public MapModule getMapModule() { return getMapModuleManager().getMapModule(); } private JToolBar getToolBar() { return toolbar; } // public Font getFontThroughMap(Font font) { if (!fontMap.containsKey(font.toString())) { fontMap.put(font.toString(), font); } return (Font) fontMap.get(font.toString()); } // public void setAntialiasEdges(boolean antialiasEdges) { this.antialiasEdges = antialiasEdges; } public void setAntialiasAll(boolean antialiasAll) { this.antialiasAll = antialiasAll; } private boolean getAntialiasEdges() { return antialiasEdges; } private boolean getAntialiasAll() { return antialiasAll; } public Font getDefaultFont() { // Maybe implement handling for cases when the font is not // available on this system. int fontSize = getDefaultFontSize(); int fontStyle = getDefaultFontStyle(); String fontFamily = getDefaultFontFamilyName(); return getFontThroughMap(new Font(fontFamily, fontStyle, fontSize)); } /** */ public String getDefaultFontFamilyName() { String fontFamily = getProperty("defaultfont"); return fontFamily; } /** */ public int getDefaultFontStyle() { int fontStyle = frame.getIntProperty("defaultfontstyle", 0); return fontStyle; } /** */ public int getDefaultFontSize() { int fontSize = frame.getIntProperty("defaultfontsize", 12); return fontSize; } /** Static JColorChooser to have the recent colors feature. */ static public JColorChooser getCommonJColorChooser() { return colorChooser; } public static Color showCommonJColorChooserDialog(Component component, String title, Color initialColor) throws HeadlessException { final JColorChooser pane = getCommonJColorChooser(); pane.setColor(initialColor); ColorTracker ok = new ColorTracker(pane); JDialog dialog = JColorChooser.createDialog(component, title, true, pane, ok, null); dialog.addWindowListener(new Closer()); dialog.addComponentListener(new DisposeOnClose()); dialog.show(); // blocks until user brings dialog down... return ok.getColor(); } private static class ColorTracker implements ActionListener, Serializable { JColorChooser chooser; Color color; public ColorTracker(JColorChooser c) { chooser = c; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { color = chooser.getColor(); } public Color getColor() { return color; } } static class Closer extends WindowAdapter implements Serializable { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { Window w = e.getWindow(); w.hide(); } } static class DisposeOnClose extends ComponentAdapter implements Serializable { public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e) { Window w = (Window) e.getComponent(); w.dispose(); } } public boolean isMapModuleChangeAllowed(MapModule oldMapModule, Mode oldMode, MapModule newMapModule, Mode newMode) { return true; } public void afterMapClose(MapModule pOldMapModule, Mode pOldMode) { } public void beforeMapModuleChange(MapModule oldMapModule, Mode oldMode, MapModule newMapModule, Mode newMode) { ModeController oldModeController; this.mMode = newMode; if (oldMapModule != null) { // shut down screens of old view + frame oldModeController = oldMapModule.getModeController(); oldModeController.setVisible(false); oldModeController.shutdownController(); } else { if (oldMode != null) { oldModeController = oldMode.getDefaultModeController(); } else { return; } } if (oldModeController.getModeToolBar() != null) { toolbar.remove(oldModeController.getModeToolBar()); toolbar.activate(true); // northToolbarPanel.remove(oldModeController.getModeToolBar()); // northToolbarPanel.add(toolbar, BorderLayout.NORTH); } /* other toolbars are to be removed too. */ if (oldModeController.getLeftToolBar() != null) { getFrame().getContentPane().remove( oldModeController.getLeftToolBar()); } } public void afterMapModuleChange(MapModule oldMapModule, Mode oldMode, MapModule newMapModule, Mode newMode) { ModeController newModeController; if (newMapModule != null) { getFrame().setView(newMapModule.getView()); setAllActions(true); if ((getView().getSelected() == null)) { // moveToRoot(); getView().selectAsTheOnlyOneSelected(getView().getRoot()); } lastOpened.mapOpened(newMapModule); changeZoomValueProperty(newMapModule.getView().getZoom()); // ((MainToolBar) getToolbar()).setZoomComboBox(zoomValue); // old // obtainFocusForSelected(); newModeController = newMapModule.getModeController(); newModeController.startupController(); newModeController.setVisible(true); // old // obtainFocusForSelected(); } else { newModeController = newMode.getDefaultModeController(); getFrame().setView(null); setAllActions(false); } setTitle(); JToolBar newToolBar = newModeController.getModeToolBar(); if (newToolBar != null) { toolbar.activate(false); toolbar.add(newToolBar, 0); // northToolbarPanel.remove(toolbar); // northToolbarPanel.add(newToolBar, BorderLayout.NORTH); newToolBar.repaint(); } /* new left toolbar. */ Component newLeftToolBar = newModeController.getLeftToolBar(); if (newLeftToolBar != null) { getFrame().getContentPane().add(newLeftToolBar, BorderLayout.WEST); if (leftToolbarVisible) { newLeftToolBar.setVisible(true); newLeftToolBar.repaint(); } else { newLeftToolBar.setVisible(false); } } toolbar.validate(); toolbar.repaint(); MenuBar menuBar = getFrame().getFreeMindMenuBar(); menuBar.updateMenus(newModeController); menuBar.revalidate(); menuBar.repaint(); // new obtainFocusForSelected(); } protected void changeZoomValueProperty(final float zoomValue) { for (Iterator it = mZoomListenerSet.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ZoomListener listener = (ZoomListener) it.next(); listener.setZoom(zoomValue); } } public void numberOfOpenMapInformation(int number, int pIndex) { navigationPreviousMap.setEnabled(number > 0); navigationNextMap.setEnabled(number > 0); logger.info("number " + number + ", pIndex " + pIndex); navigationMoveMapLeftAction.setEnabled(number > 1 && pIndex > 0); navigationMoveMapRightAction.setEnabled(number > 1 && pIndex < number - 1); } /** * Creates a new mode (controller), activates the toolbars, title and * deactivates all actions. Does nothing, if the mode is identical to the * current mode. * * @return false if the change was not successful. */ public boolean createNewMode(String mode) { if (getMode() != null && mode.equals(getMode().toString())) { return true; } // Check if the mode is available and create ModeController. Mode newMode = mModescreator.getMode(mode); if (newMode == null) { errorMessage(getResourceString("mode_na") + ": " + mode); return false; } // change the map module to get changed toolbars etc.: getMapModuleManager().setMapModule(null, newMode); setTitle(); getMode().activate(); Object[] messageArguments = { getMode().toLocalizedString() }; MessageFormat formatter = new MessageFormat( getResourceString("mode_status")); getFrame().out(formatter.format(messageArguments)); return true; } public void setMenubarVisible(boolean visible) { menubarVisible = visible; getFrame().getFreeMindMenuBar().setVisible(menubarVisible); } public void setToolbarVisible(boolean visible) { toolbarVisible = visible; toolbar.setVisible(toolbarVisible); } /** * @return Returns the main toolbar. */ public JToolBar getToolbar() { return toolbar; } public void setLeftToolbarVisible(boolean visible) { leftToolbarVisible = visible; if (getMode() == null) { return; } final Component leftToolBar = getModeController().getLeftToolBar(); if (leftToolBar != null) { leftToolBar.setVisible(leftToolbarVisible); ((JComponent) leftToolBar.getParent()).revalidate(); } } public NodeKeyListener getNodeKeyListener() { return nodeKeyListener; } public NodeMouseMotionListener getNodeMouseMotionListener() { return nodeMouseMotionListener; } public NodeMotionListener getNodeMotionListener() { return nodeMotionListener; } public MapMouseMotionListener getMapMouseMotionListener() { return mapMouseMotionListener; } public MapMouseWheelListener getMapMouseWheelListener() { return mapMouseWheelListener; } public NodeDragListener getNodeDragListener() { return nodeDragListener; } public NodeDropListener getNodeDropListener() { return nodeDropListener; } public void setFrame(FreeMindMain frame) { this.frame = frame; } /** * I don't understand how this works now (it's called twice etc.) but it * _works_ now. So let it alone or fix it to be understandable, if you have * the time ;-) */ void moveToRoot() { if (getMapModule() != null) { getView().moveToRoot(); } } /** * Closes the actual map. * * @param force * true= without save. */ public void close(boolean force) { getMapModuleManager().close(force, null); } // (PN) %%% // public void select( NodeView node) { // getView().select(node,false); // getView().setSiblingMaxLevel(node.getModel().getNodeLevel()); // this // level is default // } // // void selectBranch( NodeView node, boolean extend ) { // getView().selectBranch(node,extend); // } // // boolean isSelected( NodeView node ) { // return getView().isSelected(node); // } // // void centerNode() { // getView().centerNode(getView().getSelected()); // } // // private MindMapNode getSelected() { // return getView().getSelected().getModel(); // } public void informationMessage(Object message) { JOptionPane .showMessageDialog(getFrame().getContentPane(), message.toString(), "FreeMind", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } public void informationMessage(Object message, JComponent component) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(component, message.toString(), "FreeMind", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } public void errorMessage(Object message) { String myMessage = ""; if (message != null) { myMessage = message.toString(); } else { myMessage = getResourceString("undefined_error"); if (myMessage == null) { myMessage = "Undefined error"; } } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getFrame().getContentPane(), myMessage, "FreeMind", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } public void errorMessage(Object message, JComponent component) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(component, message.toString(), "FreeMind", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } public void obtainFocusForSelected() { // logger.finest("obtainFocusForSelected"); if (getView() != null) { // is null if the last map was closed. logger.fine("Requesting Focus for " + getView() + " in model " + getView().getModel()); getView().requestFocusInWindow(); } else { // fc, 6.1.2004: bug fix, that open and quit are not working if no // map is present. // to avoid this, the menu bar gets the focus, and everything seems // to be all right!! // but I cannot avoid thinking of this change to be a bad hack .... logger.info("No view present. No focus!"); getFrame().getFreeMindMenuBar().requestFocus(); } } // // Map Navigation // // // other // public void setZoom(float zoom) { getView().setZoom(zoom); changeZoomValueProperty(zoom); // ((MainToolBar) toolbar).setZoomComboBox(zoom); // show text in status bar: Object[] messageArguments = { String.valueOf(zoom * 100f) }; String stringResult = Resources.getInstance().format( "user_defined_zoom_status_bar", messageArguments); getFrame().out(stringResult); } // //////////// // Private methods. Internal implementation // ////////// // // Node editing // // (PN) // private void getFocus() { // getView().getSelected().requestFocus(); // } // // Multiple Views management // /** * Set the Frame title with mode and file if exist */ public void setTitle() { Object[] messageArguments = { getMode().toLocalizedString() }; MessageFormat formatter = new MessageFormat( getResourceString("mode_title")); String title = formatter.format(messageArguments); String rawTitle = ""; MindMap model = null; MapModule mapModule = getMapModule(); if (mapModule != null) { model = mapModule.getModel(); rawTitle = mapModule.toString(); title = rawTitle + (model.isSaved() ? "" : "*") + " - " + title + (model.isReadOnly() ? " (" + getResourceString("read_only") + ")" : ""); File file = model.getFile(); if (file != null) { title += " " + file.getAbsolutePath(); } for (Iterator iterator = mMapTitleContributorSet.iterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { MapModuleManager.MapTitleContributor contributor = (MapModuleManager.MapTitleContributor) iterator .next(); title = contributor.getMapTitle(title, mapModule, model); } } getFrame().setTitle(title); for (Iterator iterator = mMapTitleChangeListenerSet.iterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { MapModuleManager.MapTitleChangeListener listener = (MapModuleManager.MapTitleChangeListener) iterator .next(); listener.setMapTitle(rawTitle, mapModule, model); } } public void registerMapTitleChangeListener( MapModuleManager.MapTitleChangeListener pMapTitleChangeListener) { mMapTitleChangeListenerSet.add(pMapTitleChangeListener); } public void deregisterMapTitleChangeListener( MapModuleManager.MapTitleChangeListener pMapTitleChangeListener) { mMapTitleChangeListenerSet.remove(pMapTitleChangeListener); } public void registerZoomListener(ZoomListener pZoomListener) { mZoomListenerSet.add(pZoomListener); } public void deregisterZoomListener(ZoomListener pZoomListener) { mZoomListenerSet.remove(pZoomListener); } public void registerMapTitleContributor( MapModuleManager.MapTitleContributor pMapTitleContributor) { mMapTitleContributorSet.add(pMapTitleContributor); } public void deregisterMapTitleContributor( MapModuleManager.MapTitleContributor pMapTitleContributor) { mMapTitleContributorSet.remove(pMapTitleContributor); } // // Actions management // /** * Manage the availabilty of all Actions dependend of whether there is a map * or not */ public void setAllActions(boolean enabled) { print.setEnabled(enabled && isPrintingAllowed); printDirect.setEnabled(enabled && isPrintingAllowed); printPreview.setEnabled(enabled && isPrintingAllowed); page.setEnabled(enabled && isPrintingAllowed); close.setEnabled(enabled); moveToRoot.setEnabled(enabled); showAllAttributes.setEnabled(enabled); showSelectedAttributes.setEnabled(enabled); hideAllAttributes.setEnabled(enabled); showAttributeManagerAction.setEnabled(enabled); ((MainToolBar) getToolBar()).setAllActions(enabled); showSelectionAsRectangle.setEnabled(enabled); } // // program/map control // private void quit() { String currentMapRestorable = (getModel() != null) ? getModel() .getRestorable() : null; // collect all maps: Vector restorables = new Vector(); // move to first map in the window. List mapModuleVector = getMapModuleManager().getMapModuleVector(); if (mapModuleVector.size() > 0) { String displayName = ((MapModule) mapModuleVector.get(0)) .getDisplayName(); getMapModuleManager().changeToMapModule(displayName); } while (mapModuleVector.size() > 0) { if (getMapModule() != null) { StringBuffer restorableBuffer = new StringBuffer(); boolean closingNotCancelled = getMapModuleManager().close( false, restorableBuffer); if (!closingNotCancelled) { return; } if (restorableBuffer.length() != 0) { String restorableString = restorableBuffer.toString(); logger.info("Closed the map " + restorableString); restorables.add(restorableString); } } else { // map module without view open. // FIXME: This seems to be a bad hack. correct me! getMapModuleManager().nextMapModule(); } } // store last tab session: int index = 0; String lastStateMapXml = getProperty(FreeMindCommon.MINDMAP_LAST_STATE_MAP_STORAGE); LastStateStorageManagement management = new LastStateStorageManagement( lastStateMapXml); management.setLastFocussedTab(-1); management.clearTabIndices(); for (Iterator it = restorables.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String restorable = (String) it.next(); MindmapLastStateStorage storage = management.getStorage(restorable); if (storage != null) { storage.setTabIndex(index); } if (Tools.safeEquals(restorable, currentMapRestorable)) { management.setLastFocussedTab(index); } index++; } setProperty(FreeMindCommon.MINDMAP_LAST_STATE_MAP_STORAGE, management.getXml()); String lastOpenedString = lastOpened.save(); setProperty("lastOpened", lastOpenedString); getFrame().setProperty(FreeMindCommon.ON_START_IF_NOT_SPECIFIED, currentMapRestorable != null ? currentMapRestorable : ""); // getFrame().setProperty("menubarVisible",menubarVisible ? "true" : // "false"); // ^ Not allowed in application because of problems with not working key // shortcuts setProperty("toolbarVisible", toolbarVisible ? "true" : "false"); setProperty("leftToolbarVisible", leftToolbarVisible ? "true" : "false"); setProperty("antialiasEdges", antialiasEdges ? "true" : "false"); setProperty("antialiasAll", antialiasAll ? "true" : "false"); if (!getFrame().isApplet()) { final int winState = getFrame().getWinState(); if (JFrame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH != (winState & JFrame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH)) { setProperty("appwindow_x", String.valueOf(getFrame().getWinX())); setProperty("appwindow_y", String.valueOf(getFrame().getWinY())); setProperty("appwindow_width", String.valueOf(getFrame().getWinWidth())); setProperty("appwindow_height", String.valueOf(getFrame().getWinHeight())); } setProperty("appwindow_state", String.valueOf(winState)); } // Stop edit server! getFrame().saveProperties(true); // save to properties System.exit(0); } private boolean acquirePrinterJobAndPageFormat() { if (printerJob == null) { try { printerJob = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob(); } catch (SecurityException ex) { isPrintingAllowed = false; return false; } } if (pageFormat == null) { pageFormat = printerJob.defaultPage(); } if (Tools.safeEquals(getProperty("page_orientation"), "landscape")) { pageFormat.setOrientation(PageFormat.LANDSCAPE); } else if (Tools .safeEquals(getProperty("page_orientation"), "portrait")) { pageFormat.setOrientation(PageFormat.PORTRAIT); } else if (Tools.safeEquals(getProperty("page_orientation"), "reverse_landscape")) { pageFormat.setOrientation(PageFormat.REVERSE_LANDSCAPE); } String pageFormatProperty = getProperty(PAGE_FORMAT_PROPERTY); if (!pageFormatProperty.isEmpty()) { logger.info("Page format (stored): " + pageFormatProperty); final Paper storedPaper = new Paper(); Tools.setPageFormatFromString(storedPaper, pageFormatProperty); pageFormat.setPaper(storedPaper); } return true; } // //////////// // Inner Classes // ////////// /** * Manages the history of visited maps. Maybe explicitly closed maps should * be removed from History too? */ // // program/map control // private class QuitAction extends AbstractAction { QuitAction(Controller controller) { super(controller.getResourceString("quit")); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { quit(); } } /** This closes only the current map */ public static class CloseAction extends AbstractAction { private final Controller controller; CloseAction(Controller controller) { Tools.setLabelAndMnemonic(this, controller.getResourceString("close")); this.controller = controller; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { controller.close(false); } } private class PrintAction extends AbstractAction { Controller controller; boolean isDlg; PrintAction(Controller controller, boolean isDlg) { super(isDlg ? controller.getResourceString("print_dialog") : controller.getResourceString("print"), new ImageIcon( getResource("images/fileprint.png"))); this.controller = controller; setEnabled(false); this.isDlg = isDlg; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (!acquirePrinterJobAndPageFormat()) { return; } printerJob.setPrintable(getView(), pageFormat); if (!isDlg || printerJob.printDialog()) { try { frame.setWaitingCursor(true); printerJob.print(); storePageFormat(); } catch (Exception ex) { freemind.main.Resources.getInstance().logException(ex); } finally { frame.setWaitingCursor(false); } } } } private class PrintPreviewAction extends AbstractAction { Controller controller; PrintPreviewAction(Controller controller) { super(controller.getResourceString("print_preview")); this.controller = controller; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (!acquirePrinterJobAndPageFormat()) { return; } PreviewDialog previewDialog = new PreviewDialog( controller.getResourceString("print_preview_title"), getView()); previewDialog.pack(); previewDialog.setLocationRelativeTo(JOptionPane .getFrameForComponent(getView())); previewDialog.setVisible(true); } } private class PageAction extends AbstractAction { Controller controller; PageAction(Controller controller) { super(controller.getResourceString("page")); this.controller = controller; setEnabled(false); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (!acquirePrinterJobAndPageFormat()) { return; } // Ask about custom printing settings final JDialog dialog = new JDialog((JFrame) getFrame(), getResourceString("printing_settings"), /* modal= */true); final JCheckBox fitToPage = new JCheckBox( getResourceString("fit_to_page"), Resources.getInstance() .getBoolProperty("fit_to_page")); final JLabel userZoomL = new JLabel(getResourceString("user_zoom")); final JTextField userZoom = new JTextField( getProperty("user_zoom"), 3); userZoom.setEditable(!fitToPage.isSelected()); final JButton okButton = new JButton(); Tools.setLabelAndMnemonic(okButton, getResourceString("ok")); final Tools.IntHolder eventSource = new Tools.IntHolder(); JPanel panel = new JPanel(); GridBagLayout gridbag = new GridBagLayout(); GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints(); eventSource.setValue(0); okButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { eventSource.setValue(1); dialog.dispose(); } }); fitToPage.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { userZoom.setEditable(e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.DESELECTED); } }); // c.weightx = 0.5; c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = 0; c.gridwidth = 2; gridbag.setConstraints(fitToPage, c); panel.add(fitToPage); c.gridy = 1; c.gridwidth = 1; gridbag.setConstraints(userZoomL, c); panel.add(userZoomL); c.gridx = 1; c.gridwidth = 1; gridbag.setConstraints(userZoom, c); panel.add(userZoom); c.gridy = 2; c.gridx = 0; c.gridwidth = 3; c.insets = new Insets(10, 0, 0, 0); gridbag.setConstraints(okButton, c); panel.add(okButton); panel.setLayout(gridbag); dialog.setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); dialog.setContentPane(panel); dialog.setLocationRelativeTo((JFrame) getFrame()); dialog.getRootPane().setDefaultButton(okButton); dialog.pack(); // calculate the size dialog.setVisible(true); if (eventSource.getValue() == 1) { setProperty("user_zoom", userZoom.getText()); setProperty("fit_to_page", fitToPage.isSelected() ? "true" : "false"); } else return; // Ask user for page format (e.g., portrait/landscape) pageFormat = printerJob.pageDialog(pageFormat); storePageFormat(); } } public interface LocalLinkConverter { /** * @throws MalformedURLException * if the conversion didn't work */ URL convertLocalLink(String link) throws MalformedURLException; } private class DefaultLocalLinkConverter implements LocalLinkConverter { public URL convertLocalLink(String map) throws MalformedURLException { /* new handling for relative urls. fc, 29.10.2003. */ String applicationPath = frame.getFreemindBaseDir(); // remove "." and make url return Tools .fileToUrl(new File(applicationPath + map.substring(1))); /* end: new handling for relative urls. fc, 29.10.2003. */ } } // // Help // private class DocumentationAction extends AbstractAction { Controller controller; DocumentationAction(Controller controller) { super(controller.getResourceString("documentation")); this.controller = controller; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { String map = controller.getFrame().getResourceString( "browsemode_initial_map"); // if the current language does not provide its own translation, // POSTFIX_TRANSLATE_ME is appended: map = Tools.removeTranslateComment(map); URL url = null; if (map != null && map.startsWith(".")) { url = localDocumentationLinkConverter.convertLocalLink(map); } else { url = Tools.fileToUrl(new File(map)); } final URL endUrl = url; // invokeLater is necessary, as the mode changing removes // all // menus (inclusive this action!). SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { createNewMode(BrowseMode.MODENAME); controller.getModeController().load(endUrl); } catch (Exception e1) { freemind.main.Resources.getInstance().logException( e1); } } }); } catch (MalformedURLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block freemind.main.Resources.getInstance().logException(e1); } } } private class KeyDocumentationAction extends AbstractAction { Controller controller; KeyDocumentationAction(Controller controller) { super(controller.getResourceString("KeyDoc")); this.controller = controller; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String urlText = controller.getFrame().getResourceString( "pdfKeyDocLocation"); // if the current language does not provide its own translation, // POSTFIX_TRANSLATE_ME is appended: urlText = Tools.removeTranslateComment(urlText); try { URL url = null; if (urlText != null && urlText.startsWith(".")) { url = localDocumentationLinkConverter .convertLocalLink(urlText); } else { url = Tools.fileToUrl(new File(urlText)); } logger.info("Opening key docs under " + url); controller.getFrame().openDocument(url); } catch (Exception e2) { freemind.main.Resources.getInstance().logException(e2); return; } } } private class AboutAction extends AbstractAction { Controller controller; AboutAction(Controller controller) { super(controller.getResourceString("about")); this.controller = controller; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getView(), controller.getResourceString("about_text") + getFrame().getFreemindVersion() + " " + FreeMind.HACKEDVERSION, controller.getResourceString("about"), JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } } private class LicenseAction extends AbstractAction { Controller controller; LicenseAction(Controller controller) { super(controller.getResourceString("license")); this.controller = controller; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getView(), controller.getResourceString("license_text"), controller.getResourceString("license"), JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } } // // Map navigation // private class NavigationPreviousMapAction extends AbstractAction { NavigationPreviousMapAction(Controller controller) { super(controller.getResourceString("previous_map"), new ImageIcon( getResource("images/1leftarrow.png"))); setEnabled(false); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { mapModuleManager.previousMapModule(); } } private class ShowAttributeDialogAction extends AbstractAction { private Controller c; ShowAttributeDialogAction(Controller c) { super(c.getResourceString("attributes_dialog"), new ImageIcon( getResource("images/showAttributes.gif"))); this.c = c; } private AttributeManagerDialog getAttributeDialog() { if (attributeDialog == null) { attributeDialog = new AttributeManagerDialog(c); } return attributeDialog; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (getAttributeDialog().isVisible() == false && getMapModule() != null) { getAttributeDialog().pack(); getAttributeDialog().show(); } } } private class ShowFilterToolbarAction extends AbstractAction { ShowFilterToolbarAction(Controller controller) { super(getResourceString("filter_toolbar"), new ImageIcon( getResource("images/filter.gif"))); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { if (!getFilterController().isVisible()) { getFilterController().showFilterToolbar(true); } else { getFilterController().showFilterToolbar(false); } } } private class NavigationNextMapAction extends AbstractAction { NavigationNextMapAction(Controller controller) { super(controller.getResourceString("next_map"), new ImageIcon( getResource("images/1rightarrow.png"))); setEnabled(false); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { mapModuleManager.nextMapModule(); } } private class NavigationMoveMapLeftAction extends AbstractAction { NavigationMoveMapLeftAction(Controller controller) { super(controller.getResourceString("move_map_left"), new ImageIcon( getResource("images/draw-arrow-back.png"))); setEnabled(false); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { if (mTabbedPane != null) { int selectedIndex = mTabbedPane.getSelectedIndex(); int previousIndex = (selectedIndex > 0) ? (selectedIndex - 1) : (mTabbedPane.getTabCount() - 1); moveTab(selectedIndex, previousIndex); } } } private class NavigationMoveMapRightAction extends AbstractAction { NavigationMoveMapRightAction(Controller controller) { super(controller.getResourceString("move_map_right"), new ImageIcon(getResource("images/draw-arrow-forward.png"))); setEnabled(false); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { if (mTabbedPane != null) { int selectedIndex = mTabbedPane.getSelectedIndex(); int previousIndex = (selectedIndex >= mTabbedPane.getTabCount() - 1) ? 0 : (selectedIndex + 1); moveTab(selectedIndex, previousIndex); } } } public void moveTab(int src, int dst) { // snippet taken from // http://www.exampledepot.com/egs/javax.swing/tabbed_TpMove.html // Get all the properties Component comp = mTabbedPane.getComponentAt(src); String label = mTabbedPane.getTitleAt(src); Icon icon = mTabbedPane.getIconAt(src); Icon iconDis = mTabbedPane.getDisabledIconAt(src); String tooltip = mTabbedPane.getToolTipTextAt(src); boolean enabled = mTabbedPane.isEnabledAt(src); int keycode = mTabbedPane.getMnemonicAt(src); int mnemonicLoc = mTabbedPane.getDisplayedMnemonicIndexAt(src); Color fg = mTabbedPane.getForegroundAt(src); Color bg = mTabbedPane.getBackgroundAt(src); mTabbedPaneSelectionUpdate = false; // Remove the tab mTabbedPane.remove(src); // Add a new tab mTabbedPane.insertTab(label, icon, comp, tooltip, dst); Tools.swapVectorPositions(mTabbedPaneMapModules, src, dst); getMapModuleManager().swapModules(src, dst); mTabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(dst); mTabbedPaneSelectionUpdate = true; // Restore all properties mTabbedPane.setDisabledIconAt(dst, iconDis); mTabbedPane.setEnabledAt(dst, enabled); mTabbedPane.setMnemonicAt(dst, keycode); mTabbedPane.setDisplayedMnemonicIndexAt(dst, mnemonicLoc); mTabbedPane.setForegroundAt(dst, fg); mTabbedPane.setBackgroundAt(dst, bg); } // // Node navigation // private class MoveToRootAction extends AbstractAction { MoveToRootAction(Controller controller) { super(controller.getResourceString("move_to_root")); setEnabled(false); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { moveToRoot(); } } private class ToggleMenubarAction extends AbstractAction implements MenuItemSelectedListener { ToggleMenubarAction(Controller controller) { super(controller.getResourceString("toggle_menubar")); setEnabled(true); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { menubarVisible = !menubarVisible; setMenubarVisible(menubarVisible); } public boolean isSelected(JMenuItem pCheckItem, Action pAction) { return menubarVisible; } } private class ToggleToolbarAction extends AbstractAction implements MenuItemSelectedListener { ToggleToolbarAction(Controller controller) { super(controller.getResourceString("toggle_toolbar")); setEnabled(true); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { toolbarVisible = !toolbarVisible; setToolbarVisible(toolbarVisible); } public boolean isSelected(JMenuItem pCheckItem, Action pAction) { logger.info("ToggleToolbar was asked for selectedness."); return toolbarVisible; } } private class ToggleLeftToolbarAction extends AbstractAction implements MenuItemSelectedListener { ToggleLeftToolbarAction(Controller controller) { super(controller.getResourceString("toggle_left_toolbar")); setEnabled(true); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { leftToolbarVisible = !leftToolbarVisible; setLeftToolbarVisible(leftToolbarVisible); } public boolean isSelected(JMenuItem pCheckItem, Action pAction) { return leftToolbarVisible; } } protected class ZoomInAction extends AbstractAction { public ZoomInAction(Controller controller) { super(controller.getResourceString("zoom_in")); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // logger.info("ZoomInAction actionPerformed"); float currentZoom = getView().getZoom(); for (int i = 0; i < zoomValues.length; i++) { float val = zoomValues[i]; if (val > currentZoom) { setZoom(val); return; } } setZoom(zoomValues[zoomValues.length - 1]); } } protected class ZoomOutAction extends AbstractAction { public ZoomOutAction(Controller controller) { super(controller.getResourceString("zoom_out")); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { float currentZoom = getView().getZoom(); float lastZoom = zoomValues[0]; for (int i = 0; i < zoomValues.length; i++) { float val = zoomValues[i]; if (val >= currentZoom) { setZoom(lastZoom); return; } lastZoom = val; } setZoom(lastZoom); } } protected class ShowSelectionAsRectangleAction extends AbstractAction implements MenuItemSelectedListener { public ShowSelectionAsRectangleAction(Controller controller) { super(controller.getResourceString("selection_as_rectangle")); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // logger.info("ShowSelectionAsRectangleAction action Performed"); toggleSelectionAsRectangle(); } public boolean isSelected(JMenuItem pCheckItem, Action pAction) { return isSelectionAsRectangle(); } } private class ShowAllAttributesAction extends AbstractAction { public ShowAllAttributesAction() { super(Resources.getInstance().getResourceString( "attributes_show_all")); }; public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { final MindMap map = getMap(); setAttributeViewType(map); } public void setAttributeViewType(final MindMap map) { final AttributeRegistry attributes = map.getRegistry() .getAttributes(); if (attributes.getAttributeViewType() != AttributeTableLayoutModel.SHOW_ALL) { attributes .setAttributeViewType(AttributeTableLayoutModel.SHOW_ALL); } } } private class HideAllAttributesAction extends AbstractAction { public HideAllAttributesAction() { super(Resources.getInstance().getResourceString( "attributes_hide_all")); }; public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { final MindMap map = getMap(); setAttributeViewType(map); } public void setAttributeViewType(final MindMap map) { final AttributeRegistry attributes = map.getRegistry() .getAttributes(); if (attributes.getAttributeViewType() != AttributeTableLayoutModel.HIDE_ALL) { attributes .setAttributeViewType(AttributeTableLayoutModel.HIDE_ALL); } } } private class ShowSelectedAttributesAction extends AbstractAction { public ShowSelectedAttributesAction() { super(Resources.getInstance().getResourceString( "attributes_show_selected")); }; public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { MindMap map = getMap(); setAttributeViewType(map); } void setAttributeViewType(MindMap map) { final AttributeRegistry attributes = map.getRegistry() .getAttributes(); if (attributes.getAttributeViewType() != AttributeTableLayoutModel.SHOW_SELECTED) { attributes .setAttributeViewType(AttributeTableLayoutModel.SHOW_SELECTED); } } } // // Preferences // public static Collection getPropertyChangeListeners() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(propertyChangeListeners); } public void toggleSelectionAsRectangle() { if (isSelectionAsRectangle()) { setProperty(FreeMind.RESOURCE_DRAW_RECTANGLE_FOR_SELECTION, BooleanProperty.FALSE_VALUE); } else { setProperty(FreeMind.RESOURCE_DRAW_RECTANGLE_FOR_SELECTION, BooleanProperty.TRUE_VALUE); } } private boolean isSelectionAsRectangle() { return getProperty(FreeMind.RESOURCE_DRAW_RECTANGLE_FOR_SELECTION) .equalsIgnoreCase(BooleanProperty.TRUE_VALUE); } /** */ public MindMap getMap() { return getMapModule().getModel(); } public static void addPropertyChangeListener( FreemindPropertyListener listener) { Controller.propertyChangeListeners.add(listener); } /** * @param listener * The new listener. All currently available properties are sent * to the listener after registration. Here, the oldValue * parameter is set to null. */ public static void addPropertyChangeListenerAndPropagate( FreemindPropertyListener listener) { Controller.addPropertyChangeListener(listener); Properties properties = Resources.getInstance().getProperties(); for (Iterator it = properties.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String key = (String) it.next(); listener.propertyChanged(key, properties.getProperty(key), null); } } public static void removePropertyChangeListener( FreemindPropertyListener listener) { Controller.propertyChangeListeners.remove(listener); } /** * @author foltin * */ public class PropertyAction extends AbstractAction { private final Controller controller; /** * */ public PropertyAction(Controller controller) { super(controller.getResourceString("property_dialog")); this.controller = controller; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { JDialog dialog = new JDialog(getFrame().getJFrame(), true /* modal */); dialog.setResizable(true); dialog.setUndecorated(false); final OptionPanel options = new OptionPanel((FreeMind) getFrame(), dialog, new OptionPanelFeedback() { public void writeProperties(Properties props) { Vector sortedKeys = new Vector(); sortedKeys.addAll(props.keySet()); Collections.sort(sortedKeys); boolean propertiesChanged = false; for (Iterator i = sortedKeys.iterator(); i .hasNext();) { String key = (String) i.next(); // save only changed keys: String newProperty = props.getProperty(key); propertiesChanged = propertiesChanged || !newProperty.equals(controller .getProperty(key)); controller.setProperty(key, newProperty); } if (propertiesChanged) { JOptionPane .showMessageDialog( null, getResourceString("option_changes_may_require_restart")); controller.getFrame().saveProperties(false); } } }); options.buildPanel(); options.setProperties(); dialog.setTitle("Freemind Properties"); dialog.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); dialog.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent event) { options.closeWindow(); } }); Action action = new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { options.closeWindow(); } }; Tools.addEscapeActionToDialog(dialog, action); dialog.setVisible(true); } } private class BackgroundSwatch extends ColorSwatch { Color getColor() { return getView().getBackground(); } } public class OptionAntialiasAction extends AbstractAction implements FreemindPropertyListener { OptionAntialiasAction(Controller controller) { Controller.addPropertyChangeListener(this); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String command = e.getActionCommand(); changeAntialias(command); } /** */ public void changeAntialias(String command) { if (command == null) { return; } if (command.equals("antialias_none")) { setAntialiasEdges(false); setAntialiasAll(false); } if (command.equals("antialias_edges")) { setAntialiasEdges(true); setAntialiasAll(false); } if (command.equals("antialias_all")) { setAntialiasEdges(true); setAntialiasAll(true); } if (getView() != null) getView().repaint(); } public void propertyChanged(String propertyName, String newValue, String oldValue) { if (propertyName.equals(FreeMindCommon.RESOURCE_ANTIALIAS)) { changeAntialias(newValue); } } } private class OptionHTMLExportFoldingAction extends AbstractAction { OptionHTMLExportFoldingAction(Controller controller) { } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { setProperty("html_export_folding", e.getActionCommand()); } } // switch auto properties for selection mechanism fc, 7.12.2003. private class OptionSelectionMechanismAction extends AbstractAction implements FreemindPropertyListener { Controller c; OptionSelectionMechanismAction(Controller controller) { c = controller; Controller.addPropertyChangeListener(this); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String command = e.getActionCommand(); changeSelection(command); } /** */ private void changeSelection(String command) { setProperty("selection_method", command); // and update the selection method in the NodeMouseMotionListener c.getNodeMouseMotionListener().updateSelectionMethod(); String statusBarString = c.getResourceString(command); if (statusBarString != null) // should not happen c.getFrame().out(statusBarString); } public void propertyChanged(String propertyName, String newValue, String oldValue) { if (propertyName.equals(FreeMind.RESOURCES_SELECTION_METHOD)) { changeSelection(newValue); } } } // open faq url from freeminds page: private class OpenURLAction extends AbstractAction { Controller c; private final String url; OpenURLAction(Controller controller, String description, String url) { super(description, new ImageIcon( controller.getResource("images/Link.png"))); c = controller; this.url = url; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { c.getFrame().openDocument(new URL(url)); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { c.errorMessage(c.getResourceString("url_error") + "\n" + ex); } catch (Exception ex) { c.errorMessage(ex); } } } public FilterController getFilterController() { return mFilterController; } public PageFormat getPageFormat() { return pageFormat; } public void setAttributeViewType(MindMap map, String value) { if (value.equals(AttributeTableLayoutModel.SHOW_SELECTED)) { ((ShowSelectedAttributesAction) showSelectedAttributes) .setAttributeViewType(map); } else if (value.equals(AttributeTableLayoutModel.HIDE_ALL)) { ((HideAllAttributesAction) hideAllAttributes) .setAttributeViewType(map); } else if (value.equals(AttributeTableLayoutModel.SHOW_ALL)) { ((ShowAllAttributesAction) showAllAttributes) .setAttributeViewType(map); } } public Object setEdgesRenderingHint(Graphics2D g) { Object renderingHint = g .getRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING); g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, (getAntialiasEdges()) ? RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON : RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF); return renderingHint; } public void setTextRenderingHint(Graphics2D g) { g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, (getAntialiasAll()) ? RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON : RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_OFF); g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, (getAntialiasAll()) ? RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON : RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF); } public void addTabbedPane(JTabbedPane pTabbedPane) { mTabbedPane = pTabbedPane; mTabbedPaneMapModules = new Vector(); mTabbedPane.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { public synchronized void stateChanged(ChangeEvent pE) { tabSelectionChanged(); } }); getMapModuleManager().addListener(new MapModuleChangeObserver() { public void afterMapModuleChange(MapModule pOldMapModule, Mode pOldMode, MapModule pNewMapModule, Mode pNewMode) { int selectedIndex = mTabbedPane.getSelectedIndex(); if (pNewMapModule == null) { return; } // search, if already present: for (int i = 0; i < mTabbedPaneMapModules.size(); ++i) { if (mTabbedPaneMapModules.get(i) == pNewMapModule) { if (selectedIndex != i) { mTabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(i); } return; } } // create new tab: mTabbedPaneMapModules.add(pNewMapModule); mTabbedPane.addTab(pNewMapModule.toString(), new JPanel()); mTabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(mTabbedPane.getTabCount() - 1); } public void beforeMapModuleChange(MapModule pOldMapModule, Mode pOldMode, MapModule pNewMapModule, Mode pNewMode) { } public boolean isMapModuleChangeAllowed(MapModule pOldMapModule, Mode pOldMode, MapModule pNewMapModule, Mode pNewMode) { return true; } public void numberOfOpenMapInformation(int pNumber, int pIndex) { } public void afterMapClose(MapModule pOldMapModule, Mode pOldMode) { for (int i = 0; i < mTabbedPaneMapModules.size(); ++i) { if (mTabbedPaneMapModules.get(i) == pOldMapModule) { logger.fine("Remove tab:" + i + " with title:" + mTabbedPane.getTitleAt(i)); mTabbedPaneSelectionUpdate = false; mTabbedPane.removeTabAt(i); mTabbedPaneMapModules.remove(i); mTabbedPaneSelectionUpdate = true; tabSelectionChanged(); return; } } } }); registerMapTitleChangeListener(new MapModuleManager.MapTitleChangeListener() { public void setMapTitle(String pNewMapTitle, MapModule pMapModule, MindMap pModel) { for (int i = 0; i < mTabbedPaneMapModules.size(); ++i) { if (mTabbedPaneMapModules.get(i) == pMapModule) { mTabbedPane.setTitleAt(i, pNewMapTitle + ((pModel.isSaved()) ? "" : "*")); } } } }); } private void tabSelectionChanged() { if (!mTabbedPaneSelectionUpdate) return; int selectedIndex = mTabbedPane.getSelectedIndex(); // display nothing on the other tabs: for (int j = 0; j < mTabbedPane.getTabCount(); j++) { if (j != selectedIndex) mTabbedPane.setComponentAt(j, new JPanel()); } if (selectedIndex < 0) { // nothing selected. probably, the last map was closed return; } MapModule module = (MapModule) mTabbedPaneMapModules.get(selectedIndex); logger.fine("Selected index of tab is now: " + selectedIndex + " with title:" + module.toString()); if (module != getMapModule()) { // we have to change the active map actively: getMapModuleManager().changeToMapModule(module.toString()); } // mScrollPane could be set invisible by JTabbedPane frame.getScrollPane().setVisible(true); mTabbedPane.setComponentAt(selectedIndex, frame.getContentComponent()); // double call, due to mac strangeness. obtainFocusForSelected(); } protected void storePageFormat() { if (pageFormat.getOrientation() == PageFormat.LANDSCAPE) { setProperty("page_orientation", "landscape"); } else if (pageFormat.getOrientation() == PageFormat.PORTRAIT) { setProperty("page_orientation", "portrait"); } else if (pageFormat.getOrientation() == PageFormat.REVERSE_LANDSCAPE) { setProperty("page_orientation", "reverse_landscape"); } setProperty(PAGE_FORMAT_PROPERTY, Tools.getPageFormatAsString(pageFormat.getPaper())); } }