/*FreeMind - A Program for creating and viewing Mindmaps *Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Christian Foltin and others. * *See COPYING for Details * *This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License *as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 *of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * *This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *GNU General Public License for more details. * *You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * Created on 16.04.2008 */ /*$Id: SignedScriptHandler.java,v 2008/04/18 21:18:27 christianfoltin Exp $*/ package plugins.script; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.security.KeyStore; import java.security.PrivateKey; import java.security.Signature; import java.security.cert.Certificate; import java.security.cert.CertificateFactory; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import freemind.common.TextTranslator; import freemind.main.FreeMind; import freemind.main.FreeMindMain; import freemind.main.Resources; import freemind.main.Tools; import freemind.modes.common.dialogs.EnterPasswordDialog; /** * @author foltin * */ public class SignedScriptHandler { public static final String FREEMIND_SCRIPT_KEY_NAME = "FreeMindScriptKey"; private static final String SIGN_PREFIX = "//SIGN:"; /** This is for / /SIGN(keyname):signature */ private static final String SIGN_PREFIX_REGEXP = "//SIGN\\((.*?)\\):(.*)"; public static class ScriptContents { public String mScript; public String mSignature; public String mKeyName; private static Pattern sSignWithKeyPattern = null; public ScriptContents() { if (sSignWithKeyPattern == null) sSignWithKeyPattern = Pattern.compile(SIGN_PREFIX_REGEXP); } public ScriptContents(String pScript) { this(); int indexOfSignaturePrefix = pScript.lastIndexOf(SIGN_PREFIX); int indexOfSignature = indexOfSignaturePrefix + SIGN_PREFIX.length(); if (indexOfSignaturePrefix > 0 && pScript.length() > indexOfSignature) { mSignature = pScript.substring(indexOfSignature); mScript = pScript.substring(0, indexOfSignaturePrefix); mKeyName = null; } else { Matcher matcher = sSignWithKeyPattern.matcher(pScript); if (matcher.find()) { mScript = pScript.substring(0, matcher.start()); mKeyName = matcher.group(1); mSignature = matcher.group(2); } else { mSignature = null; mScript = pScript; mKeyName = null; } } } public String toString() { String prefix; if (mKeyName != null) prefix = "//SIGN(" + mKeyName + "):"; else prefix = SIGN_PREFIX; return mScript + prefix + mSignature + "\n"; } } private static KeyStore mKeyStore = null; public SignedScriptHandler() { } private void initializeKeystore(char[] pPassword) { if (mKeyStore != null) return; java.io.FileInputStream fis = null; try { mKeyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType()); fis = new java.io.FileInputStream(System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator + ".keystore"); mKeyStore.load(fis, pPassword); } catch (Exception e) { Resources.getInstance().logException(e); } finally { if (fis != null) { try { fis.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Resources.getInstance().logException(e); } } } } public String signScript(String pScript, TextTranslator pTranslator, FreeMindMain pFrame) { ScriptContents content = new ScriptContents(pScript); // it is assumed, that keystore and key password are identical. EnterPasswordDialog pwdDialog = new EnterPasswordDialog( pFrame.getJFrame(), pTranslator, false); pwdDialog.setModal(true); pwdDialog.setVisible(true); if (pwdDialog.getResult() == EnterPasswordDialog.CANCEL) { return content.mScript; } char[] password = pwdDialog.getPassword().toString().toCharArray(); initializeKeystore(password); try { Signature instance = Signature.getInstance("SHA1withDSA"); String keyName = FREEMIND_SCRIPT_KEY_NAME; String propertyKeyName = Resources.getInstance().getProperty( FreeMind.RESOURCES_SCRIPT_USER_KEY_NAME_FOR_SIGNING); if (content.mKeyName != null) { keyName = content.mKeyName; } else if (propertyKeyName != null && propertyKeyName.length() > 0) { content.mKeyName = propertyKeyName; keyName = content.mKeyName; } instance.initSign((PrivateKey) mKeyStore.getKey(keyName, password)); instance.update(content.mScript.getBytes()); byte[] signature = instance.sign(); content.mSignature = Tools.toBase64(signature); // System.out.println("Signed: " +content); return content.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { Resources.getInstance().logException(e); pFrame.getController().errorMessage(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } return content.mScript; } public boolean isScriptSigned(String pScript, OutputStream pOutStream) { ScriptContents content = new ScriptContents(pScript); if (content.mSignature != null) { try { Signature instanceVerify = Signature.getInstance("SHA1withDSA"); if (content.mKeyName == null) { /** * This is the FreeMind public key. keytool -v -rfc * -exportcert -alias freemindscriptkey */ String cer = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" + "MIIDKDCCAuWgAwIBAgIESAY2ADALBgcqhkjOOAQDBQAwdzELMAkGA1UEBhMCREUxCzAJBgNVBAgT" + "AkRFMRMwEQYDVQQHEwpPcGVuU291cmNlMRgwFgYDVQQKEw9zb3VyY2Vmb3JnZS5uZXQxETAPBgNV" + "BAsTCEZyZWVNaW5kMRkwFwYDVQQDExBDaHJpc3RpYW4gRm9sdGluMB4XDTA4MDQxNjE3MjMxMloX" + "DTA4MDcxNTE3MjMxMlowdzELMAkGA1UEBhMCREUxCzAJBgNVBAgTAkRFMRMwEQYDVQQHEwpPcGVu" + "U291cmNlMRgwFgYDVQQKEw9zb3VyY2Vmb3JnZS5uZXQxETAPBgNVBAsTCEZyZWVNaW5kMRkwFwYD" + "VQQDExBDaHJpc3RpYW4gRm9sdGluMIIBtzCCASwGByqGSM44BAEwggEfAoGBAP1/U4EddRIpUt9K" + "nC7s5Of2EbdSPO9EAMMeP4C2USZpRV1AIlH7WT2NWPq/xfW6MPbLm1Vs14E7gB00b/JmYLdrmVCl" + "pJ+f6AR7ECLCT7up1/63xhv4O1fnxqimFQ8E+4P208UewwI1VBNaFpEy9nXzrith1yrv8iIDGZ3R" + "SAHHAhUAl2BQjxUjC8yykrmCouuEC/BYHPUCgYEA9+GghdabPd7LvKtcNrhXuXmUr7v6OuqC+VdM" + "Cz0HgmdRWVeOutRZT+ZxBxCBgLRJFnEj6EwoFhO3zwkyjMim4TwWeotUfI0o4KOuHiuzpnWRbqN/" + "C/ohNWLx+2J6ASQ7zKTxvqhRkImog9/hWuWfBpKLZl6Ae1UlZAFMO/7PSSoDgYQAAoGAZm5z5EZX" + "Vhtye5jY3X9w24DJ3yNJbNl2tfkOBIc0KfgyxONTSJKtUpmLI3btUxy3pQf/T8BShlY3PAC0fp3M" + "eDG8WRq1wM3luLd1V9SS8EG6tPJBZ3mciCUymTT7n9CZNzATIpqNIXHSD/wljRABedUi8PMg4KbV" + "Pnhu6Y6b1uAwCwYHKoZIzjgEAwUAAzAAMC0CFQCFHGwe+HHOvY0MmKYHbiq7fRxMGwIUC0voAGYU" + "u6vgVFqdLI5F96JLTqk=" + "\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"; CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory .getInstance("X.509"); Collection c = cf .generateCertificates(new ByteArrayInputStream(cer .getBytes())); Iterator i = c.iterator(); if (i.hasNext()) { Certificate cert = (Certificate) i.next(); instanceVerify.initVerify(cert); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Internal certificate wrong."); } } else { initializeKeystore(null); instanceVerify.initVerify(mKeyStore .getCertificate(content.mKeyName)); } instanceVerify.update(content.mScript.getBytes()); boolean verify = instanceVerify.verify(Tools .fromBase64(content.mSignature)); // System.out.println("Signature result: " + verify); return verify; } catch (Exception e) { Resources.getInstance().logException(e); try { pOutStream.write(e.toString().getBytes()); pOutStream.write("\n".getBytes()); } catch (Exception e1) { Resources.getInstance().logException(e1); } } } return false; } }