package com.weem.epicinventor.resource; import com.weem.epicinventor.*; import*; import*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; import*; import java.util.*; public class Resource implements Serializable { protected static final long serialVersionUID = 10000L; protected transient boolean shouldRender = true; protected String id = ""; private int mapX, mapY; private int xp; private int width = 32; private int height = 32; transient protected Registry registry; transient private ResourceManager resourceManager; private ResourceType resourceType; private boolean isDirty; private boolean isCollecting; private long collectionTime; protected int numAnimationFrames; protected int currentAnimationFrame; protected int animationFrameDuration; protected long animationFrameUpdateTime = 0; protected final static double DEFAULT_ANIMATION_DURATION = 0.20; private boolean isAnimating; private String imageName = ""; private boolean npc; transient private Player collectingPlayer; public Resource(Registry r, ResourceManager rm, ResourceType rt, int x, int y, int x2) { registry = r; resourceManager = rm; resourceType = rt; mapX = x; mapY = y; xp = x2; id = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); if (resourceManager.doesRectContainBlocks(mapX, mapY, width, height)) { isDirty = true; } loopImage("Resources/" + resourceType.getName()); } public void setTransient(Registry rg, ResourceManager rm) { registry = rg; resourceManager = rm; if (id == null) { id = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } } public String getId() { return id; } public boolean isNPCCollecting() { return npc; } private void loopImage(String name) { imageName = name; if (registry.getImageLoader().numImages(name) > 1) { BufferedImage im = registry.getImageLoader().getImage(name); numAnimationFrames = registry.getImageLoader().numImages(name); width = im.getWidth(); height = im.getHeight(); currentAnimationFrame = 0; animationFrameDuration = (int) (1000 * DEFAULT_ANIMATION_DURATION); isAnimating = true; } else { setImage(name); } } private void setImage(String name) { BufferedImage im = registry.getImageLoader().getImage(name); if (im != null) { imageName = name; width = im.getWidth(); height = im.getHeight(); isAnimating = false; } } public int getMapX() { return mapX; } public int getMapY() { return mapY; } public void setMapY(int y) { mapY = y; } public int getXP() { return xp; } public int getWidth() { return width; } public int getHeight() { return height; } public Point getCenterPoint() { return new Point(mapX + (width / 2), mapY + (height / 2)); } public Rectangle getPerimeter() { return new Rectangle(mapX, mapY, width, height); } public boolean isDirty() { return isDirty; } public void destroy() { BufferedImage im = null; if (isAnimating) { im = registry.getImageLoader().getImage(imageName, currentAnimationFrame); } else { im = registry.getImageLoader().getImage(imageName); } registry.getPixelizeManager().pixelize(im, mapX, mapY); isDirty = true; } public boolean getIsCollecting() { return isCollecting; } public Player getCollectingPlayer() { return collectingPlayer; } public void setCollecting(Player p, boolean collecting) { setCollecting(p, collecting, false); } public void setCollecting(Player p, boolean collecting, boolean n) { collectionTime = 0; isCollecting = collecting; collectingPlayer = p; npc = n; } public ResourceType getResourceType() { return resourceType; } public BufferedImage getImage() { return resourceType.getImage(); } public void update() { if (isAnimating) { if (animationFrameUpdateTime <= registry.currentTime) { currentAnimationFrame++; if (currentAnimationFrame >= numAnimationFrames) { currentAnimationFrame = 0; } animationFrameUpdateTime = registry.currentTime + animationFrameDuration; } } if (registry.getGameController().multiplayerMode != registry.getGameController().multiplayerMode.CLIENT) { if (mapX == 0 || mapY == 0) { isDirty = true; } if (isCollecting) { if (isCollecting) { collectionTime += registry.getImageLoader().getPeriod(); if ((collectionTime / 1000) >= resourceType.getGatherTime()) { collectionTime = 0; isCollecting = false; if (collectingPlayer != null) { resourceManager.resourceDoneCollecting(collectingPlayer, this); } else { resourceManager.resourceDoneCollecting(this); } } } } } else { if (isCollecting) { collectionTime += registry.getImageLoader().getPeriod(); } } if (getPerimeter().intersects(resourceManager.getPanelRect())) { shouldRender = true; } else { shouldRender = false; } } public void render(Graphics g) { if (shouldRender) { BufferedImage im; int xPos = resourceManager.mapToPanelX(mapX); int yPos = resourceManager.mapToPanelY(mapY); //flip the yPos since drawing happens top down versus bottom up yPos = resourceManager.getPHeight() - yPos; //subtract the block height since points are bottom left and drawing starts from top left yPos -= resourceManager.getBlockHeight(); if (isAnimating) { im = registry.getImageLoader().getImage(imageName, currentAnimationFrame); } else { im = registry.getImageLoader().getImage(imageName); } g.drawImage(im, xPos, yPos, null); if (isCollecting) { float timeSpent; float timeLeft; float percentage; int hours = 0; int minutes = 0; int seconds = 0; int x = mapX + (width / 2); int y = mapY + height; timeSpent = (float) (collectionTime / 1000f); timeLeft = (float) resourceType.getGatherTime() - timeSpent; if (timeLeft < 0) { timeLeft = 0; } if (timeLeft >= 3600) { hours = (int) timeLeft / 3600; timeLeft -= (hours * 3600); } if (timeLeft >= 60) { minutes = (int) timeLeft / 60; timeLeft -= (minutes * 60); } seconds = (int) timeLeft + 1; percentage = ((float) timeSpent / (float) resourceType.getGatherTime()) * 100; resourceManager.displayProgress(g, x, y, (int) percentage, hours + ":" + String.format("%02d", minutes) + ":" + String.format("%02d", seconds)); } } } public UDPResource createUpdate() { UDPResource udpUpdate = new UDPResource(id); udpUpdate.isCollecting = isCollecting; return udpUpdate; } public void processUpdate(UDPResource udpUpdate) { isCollecting = udpUpdate.isCollecting; if (!isCollecting) { collectionTime = 0; } } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream aInputStream) throws Exception { aInputStream.defaultReadObject(); } private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream aOutputStream) throws Exception { aOutputStream.defaultWriteObject(); } }