package; import com.weem.epicinventor.*; import*; import com.weem.epicinventor.armor.*; import com.weem.epicinventor.inventory.*; import*; import com.weem.epicinventor.utility.*; import com.weem.epicinventor.weapon.*; import*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.Arc2D; import java.util.*; public class Robot extends Actor implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1914405547599673126L; transient protected PlayerManager playerManager; transient protected Player player; transient protected AI ai; private String name; private Inventory inventory; private int availableSlots; private boolean isActivated; private long batteryTimeRemaining = 300000; private long batteryTimeTotal = 300000; private int batteryRechargeMultiplier = 5; private final static int BASE_BATTERY_TIME = 300000; private final static int BASE_BATTERY_RECHARGE_MULTIPLIER = 5; private String mode; private boolean isFollowing; private boolean invulnerable; private boolean invulnerableShow; private float invulnerableTotalTime; transient private float fallDamageMultiplier = 3.5f; private float INVULNERABLE_MAX_TIME = 1.0f; private final static int INVENTORY_SIZE = 4; transient private BufferedImage imageShieldLeft; transient private BufferedImage imageShieldRight; private long attachmentAnimationTotalTime; private double attachmentAnimationFrameDuration; //duration of a single frame protected long attachmentAnimationFrameUpdateTime = 0; private int currentAttachmentAnimationFrame; private int numAttachmentAnimationFrames; private long meleeAnimationTotalTime; private double meleeAnimationFrameDuration; //duration of a single frame private int currentMeleeAnimationFrame; private int numMeleeAnimationFrames; private WeaponType meleeWeaponType; private int weaponLevel; transient private BufferedImage[] meleeImages; private boolean isSwinging; public Robot(PlayerManager pm, Player p, Registry rg, String im, int x) { super(pm, rg, im, x, 0); playerManager = pm; player = p; isStill = true; facing = Facing.RIGHT; setVertMoveMode(VertMoveMode.NOT_JUMPING); hitPoints = baseHitPoints; ai = new AI(registry, this); topOffset = 14; baseOffset = 23; baseWidth = 15; startJumpSize = 20; jumpSize = 8; fallSize = 0; completeFall = 0; xMoveSize = 4; mode = "Defensive"; isFollowing = true; inventory = new Inventory(rg, INVENTORY_SIZE); availableSlots = 4; currentAttackType = AttackType.MELEE; //create shield images imageShieldRight = registry.getImageLoader().getImage("Robot/Shield"); imageShieldLeft = registry.getImageLoader().getImage("Robot/Shield"); AffineTransform tx = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(1, -1); tx = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(-1, 1); tx.translate(-imageShieldRight.getWidth(), 0); AffineTransformOp op = new AffineTransformOp(tx, AffineTransformOp.TYPE_BILINEAR); imageShieldLeft = op.filter(imageShieldRight, null); ai.clearGoals(); ai.setPlayer(player.getId()); ai.addGoal(AI.GoalType.STARE, p.getId(), 1); ai.addGoal(AI.GoalType.FOLLOW, p.getId(), 1); ai.addGoal(AI.GoalType.ATTACK_MOBS, null, 1); ai.activate(); } public void init() { mapY = playerManager.findFloor(mapX); } public void setTransient(Registry rg, Player p) { yx = new int[2]; ycm = new int[2]; playerManager = rg.getPlayerManager(); registry = rg; manager = rg.getPlayerManager(); player = p; fallDamageMultiplier = 3.5f; inventory.setTransient(rg); imageShieldRight = registry.getImageLoader().getImage("Robot/Shield"); imageShieldLeft = registry.getImageLoader().getImage("Robot/Shield"); attackArcOffsetX = 0; attackArcOffsetY = 0; this.updateArmorPoints(); ai = new AI(registry, this); ai.clearGoals(); ai.setPlayer(player.getId()); ai.addGoal(AI.GoalType.STARE, player.getId(), 1); ai.addGoal(AI.GoalType.FOLLOW, player.getId(), 1); ai.addGoal(AI.GoalType.ATTACK_MOBS, null, 1); ai.activate(); if (id == null) { id = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } } public boolean getIsActivated() { return isActivated; } @Override public boolean getIsFollowing() { return isFollowing; } public Player getPlayer() { return player; } public String getMode() { return mode; } public Inventory getInventory() { return inventory; } public int getInventorySize() { return availableSlots; } public int getBatteryPercentage() { int batteryPercentage = batteryPercentage = (int) (((float) batteryTimeRemaining / (float) batteryTimeTotal) * 100); if (batteryPercentage > 100) { batteryPercentage = 100; } if (batteryPercentage <= 1) { batteryPercentage = 1; } return batteryPercentage; } public boolean isMoving() { if (isStill && vertMoveMode == VertMoveMode.NOT_JUMPING) { return false; } else { return true; } } public void setIsActivated(boolean a) { isActivated = a; } public void setMode(String m) { mode = m; } public void setName(String n) { name = n; } public void setIsFollowing(boolean f) { isFollowing = f; } public void setFallSize(int fs) { fallSize = fs; } public void toggleActivated() { toggleActivated(mapX, mapY, false); } public void toggleFollow() { isFollowing = !isFollowing; } public void playerGettingInside() { vertMoveMode = VertMoveMode.NOT_JUMPING; } public void toggleActivated(int x, int y, boolean isSpawn) { isActivated = !isActivated; invulnerable = false; invulnerableShow = false; invulnerableTotalTime = 0; if (isActivated) { if (this.getBatteryPercentage() < 20) { isActivated = false; if (!isSpawn && player == playerManager.getCurrentPlayer()) { registry.showMessage("Error", "Your robot must have at least a 20% charge to be activated"); } } else { mapX = x; mapY = y; actionMode = ActionMode.NONE; stopMove(); jump(10); if (!isSpawn) { SoundClip cl = new SoundClip(registry, "Robot/PowerUp", getCenterPoint()); } } } else { player.setInsideRobot(false); if (!isSpawn) { SoundClip cl = new SoundClip(registry, "Robot/PowerDown", getCenterPoint()); } } } public void stopJump() { if (vertMoveMode == VertMoveMode.JUMPING) { setVertMoveMode(VertMoveMode.FALLING); } } @Override public void attack() { if (actionMode != ActionMode.ATTACKING && attackRefreshTimerEnd < System.currentTimeMillis()) { meleeAttack(meleeWeaponType, weaponLevel); } } @Override public void meleeAttack(WeaponType newWeaponType, int level) { int kbX = 20; int kbY = 5; int damage = (player.getAttackBonus() * 2); int maxHits = 2; int weaponSpeed = 600; if (newWeaponType != null) { int[] damages = newWeaponType.getDamage(); kbX = newWeaponType.getKnockBackX(); kbY = newWeaponType.getKnockBackY(); damage += damages[level]; maxHits = newWeaponType.getMaxHits(); weaponSpeed = newWeaponType.getSpeed(); } isSwinging = true; actionMode = ActionMode.ATTACKING; attackRefreshTimerStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); attackRefreshTimerEnd = System.currentTimeMillis() + weaponSpeed; attackArc = getAttackArc(); if (facing == Facing.LEFT) { kbX = -1 * kbX; } String itemName = ""; if (newWeaponType != null) { itemName = newWeaponType.getItemName(); } playerManager.attackDamageAndKnockBack(this, attackArc, null, damage, kbX, kbY, maxHits, itemName); } public void updateArmorPoints() { int[] bonuses; int l = 0; armorPoints = 0; if (inventory.contains("RobotScrapArmor")) { ArmorType at = Armor.getArmorType("RobotScrapArmorHead"); if (at != null) { bonuses = at.getArmorBonus(); l = inventory.getLevelForType("RobotScrapArmor"); armorPoints = bonuses[l]; return; } } if (inventory.contains("RobotGoldArmor")) { ArmorType at = Armor.getArmorType("RobotGoldArmorHead"); if (at != null) { bonuses = at.getArmorBonus(); l = inventory.getLevelForType("RobotGoldArmor"); armorPoints = bonuses[l]; return; } } if (inventory.contains("RobotSilverArmor")) { ArmorType at = Armor.getArmorType("RobotSilverArmorHead"); if (at != null) { bonuses = at.getArmorBonus(); l = inventory.getLevelForType("RobotSilverArmor"); armorPoints = bonuses[l]; return; } } if (inventory.contains("RobotIronArmor")) { ArmorType at = Armor.getArmorType("RobotIronArmorHead"); if (at != null) { bonuses = at.getArmorBonus(); l = inventory.getLevelForType("RobotIronArmor"); armorPoints = bonuses[l]; return; } } if (inventory.contains("RobotCopperArmor")) { ArmorType at = Armor.getArmorType("RobotCopperArmorHead"); if (at != null) { bonuses = at.getArmorBonus(); l = inventory.getLevelForType("RobotCopperArmor"); armorPoints = bonuses[l]; return; } } if (inventory.contains("RobotWoodArmor")) { ArmorType at = Armor.getArmorType("RobotWoodArmorHead"); if (at != null) { bonuses = at.getArmorBonus(); l = inventory.getLevelForType("RobotWoodArmor"); armorPoints = bonuses[l]; return; } } } @Override public int applyDamage(int damage, Actor a) { if (damage <= 0) { return 0; } damage -= getArmorPoints(); registerAttacker(a, damage); if (damage <= 0) { damage = 1; } if (damage > 0) { float playerPercent = (float) player.getAdjustedDamage(damage) / (float) player.getTotalHitPoints(); batteryTimeRemaining -= batteryTimeTotal * playerPercent; invulnerable = true; SoundClip cl = new SoundClip("Robot/Hurt" + Rand.getRange(1, 3)); if (registry.getGameController().multiplayerMode == registry.getGameController().multiplayerMode.SERVER && registry.getNetworkThread() != null) { if (registry.getNetworkThread().readyForUpdates()) { UpdateRobot ur = new UpdateRobot(player.getId(), this.getId()); ur.action = "ApplyDamage"; ur.dataInt = damage; = a; registry.getNetworkThread().sendData(ur); } } } return damage; } private void createMeleeFrames() { AffineTransform tx = null; AffineTransformOp op = null; meleeImages = null; meleeImages = new BufferedImage[16]; meleeImages[0] = null; if (meleeWeaponType != null) { BufferedImage im = registry.getImageLoader().getImage("Attachments/" + meleeWeaponType.getItemName()); meleeAnimationFrameDuration = 0.05; numMeleeAnimationFrames = 8; currentMeleeAnimationFrame = 0; //right for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { int rotation = i * 45; tx = new AffineTransform(); tx.rotate(Math.toRadians(rotation), im.getWidth() / 2, im.getHeight() / 2); op = new AffineTransformOp(tx, AffineTransformOp.TYPE_BILINEAR); meleeImages[i] = op.filter(im, null); } //left for (int i = 8; i < 16; i++) { int rotation = i * 45; rotation += 180; tx = new AffineTransform(); tx.rotate(Math.toRadians(-rotation), im.getWidth() / 2, im.getHeight() / 2); op = new AffineTransformOp(tx, AffineTransformOp.TYPE_BILINEAR); meleeImages[i] = op.filter(im, null); } } } @Override public void update() { if (isActivated) { super.update(); if (registry.getGameController().multiplayerMode != registry.getGameController().multiplayerMode.CLIENT) { //calculate current battery capacity batteryTimeTotal = BASE_BATTERY_TIME; if (inventory.contains("BlueBattery")) { batteryTimeTotal += 2.5 * 60 * 1000; } } //set the attachment animations up if (inventory.contains("Propeller")) { attachmentAnimationFrameDuration = 10; numAttachmentAnimationFrames = 9; } if (isActive && isAnimating) { if (animationFrameUpdateTime <= registry.currentTime) { currentAnimationFrame++; if (currentAnimationFrame > numAnimationFrames) { currentAnimationFrame = 0; } animationFrameUpdateTime = registry.currentTime + animationFrameDuration; } //melee animation update if (meleeWeaponType != null && meleeAnimationFrameDuration > 0) { meleeAnimationTotalTime = (meleeAnimationTotalTime + registry.getImageLoader().getPeriod()) % (long) (1000 * meleeAnimationFrameDuration * numMeleeAnimationFrames); // calculate current displayable image position currentMeleeAnimationFrame = (int) (meleeAnimationTotalTime / (meleeAnimationFrameDuration * 1000)); if (currentMeleeAnimationFrame >= numMeleeAnimationFrames) { currentMeleeAnimationFrame = 0; } } } if (player.getInsideRobot()) { if (registry.getGameController().multiplayerMode != registry.getGameController().multiplayerMode.CLIENT) { if (hitPoints > 0) { mapX = player.getMapX(); mapY = player.getMapY(); } else { SoundClip cl = new SoundClip(registry, "Robot/Die", getCenterPoint()); isDead = true; ai.terminate(); player.setInsideRobot(false); } // if (vertMoveMode == VertMoveMode.JUMPING) { // updateJumping(); // } else if (vertMoveMode == VertMoveMode.FALLING) { // updateFalling(); // } //check to see if robot is touching an enemy if (!invulnerable && registry.getGameController().multiplayerMode != registry.getGameController().multiplayerMode.CLIENT) { Damage damage = playerManager.getMonsterTouchDamage(spriteRect, getCenterPoint().x); if (damage != null) { int touchDamage = damage.getAmount(); if (touchDamage > 0) { applyDamage(touchDamage, damage.getSource()); } } } //check status of invulnerability if (invulnerable) { long p = registry.getImageLoader().getPeriod(); invulnerableTotalTime = (invulnerableTotalTime + registry.getImageLoader().getPeriod()) % (long) (1000 * INVULNERABLE_MAX_TIME * 2); if ((invulnerableTotalTime / (INVULNERABLE_MAX_TIME * 1000)) > 1) { invulnerable = false; invulnerableTotalTime = 0; } } } } else { //update weapon stuff WeaponType newWeaponType = null; boolean meleeWeaponFound = false; if (inventory.contains("RobotGoldBlade")) { meleeWeaponFound = true; newWeaponType = Weapon.getWeaponType("RobotGoldBlade"); weaponLevel = inventory.getLevelForType("RobotGoldBlade"); } else if (inventory.contains("RobotSilverBlade")) { meleeWeaponFound = true; newWeaponType = Weapon.getWeaponType("RobotSilverBlade"); weaponLevel = inventory.getLevelForType("RobotSilverBlade"); } else if (inventory.contains("RobotIronBlade")) { meleeWeaponFound = true; newWeaponType = Weapon.getWeaponType("RobotIronBlade"); weaponLevel = inventory.getLevelForType("RobotIronBlade"); } else if (inventory.contains("RobotCopperBlade")) { meleeWeaponFound = true; newWeaponType = Weapon.getWeaponType("RobotCopperBlade"); weaponLevel = inventory.getLevelForType("RobotCopperBlade"); } else if (inventory.contains("RobotStoneBlade")) { meleeWeaponFound = true; newWeaponType = Weapon.getWeaponType("RobotStoneBlade"); weaponLevel = inventory.getLevelForType("RobotStoneBlade"); } if (meleeWeaponFound) { if (newWeaponType != meleeWeaponType) { meleeWeaponType = newWeaponType; createMeleeFrames(); } attackRange = newWeaponType.getRange(); } else { if (meleeWeaponType != null) { meleeWeaponType = null; createMeleeFrames(); } } if (registry.getGameController().multiplayerMode != registry.getGameController().multiplayerMode.CLIENT) { if (attackRefreshTimerEnd <= System.currentTimeMillis() || meleeWeaponType == null) { isSwinging = false; } if (hitPoints > 0) { if (knockBackX > 0) { mapX += checkCollide(knockBackX); } else if (knockBackX < 0) { mapX -= checkCollide(-1 * knockBackX); } else { if (registry.getGameController().multiplayerMode == registry.getGameController().multiplayerMode.CLIENT) { ai.process(true); } else { ai.process(); } if (ai.getChanged()) { ai.setChanged(false); if (registry.getGameController().multiplayerMode == registry.getGameController().multiplayerMode.SERVER && registry.getNetworkThread() != null) { if (registry.getNetworkThread().readyForUpdates()) { UpdateRobot ur = new UpdateRobot(player.getId(), this.getId()); ur.previousGoal = ai.getPreviousGoal(); ur.currentGoal = ai.getCurrentGoal(); registry.getNetworkThread().sendData(ur); } } } } } else { SoundClip cl = new SoundClip(registry, "Robot/Die", getCenterPoint()); isDead = true; ai.terminate(); player.setInsideRobot(false); } if (vertMoveMode == VertMoveMode.JUMPING) { updateJumping(); } else if (vertMoveMode == VertMoveMode.FALLING) { updateFalling(); } //check to see if robot is touching an enemy if (!invulnerable && registry.getGameController().multiplayerMode != registry.getGameController().multiplayerMode.CLIENT) { Damage damage = playerManager.getMonsterTouchDamage(spriteRect, getCenterPoint().x); if (damage != null) { int touchDamage = damage.getAmount(); if (touchDamage > 0) { applyDamage(touchDamage, damage.getSource()); } } } //check status of invulnerability if (invulnerable) { long p = registry.getImageLoader().getPeriod(); invulnerableTotalTime = (invulnerableTotalTime + registry.getImageLoader().getPeriod()) % (long) (1000 * INVULNERABLE_MAX_TIME * 2); if ((invulnerableTotalTime / (INVULNERABLE_MAX_TIME * 1000)) > 1) { invulnerable = false; invulnerableTotalTime = 0; } } mapX = playerManager.checkMapX(mapX, width); mapY = playerManager.checkMapY(mapY, height); checkIfFalling(); } } updateImage(); if (registry.getGameController().multiplayerMode != registry.getGameController().multiplayerMode.CLIENT) { batteryTimeRemaining -= registry.getImageLoader().getPeriod(); if (batteryTimeRemaining <= 0) { batteryTimeRemaining = 0; toggleActivated(); } } } else { if (registry.getGameController().multiplayerMode != registry.getGameController().multiplayerMode.CLIENT) { //calculate current battery recharge rate batteryRechargeMultiplier = BASE_BATTERY_RECHARGE_MULTIPLIER; if (inventory.contains("GreenBattery")) { batteryRechargeMultiplier *= 1.5; } batteryTimeRemaining += registry.getImageLoader().getPeriod() * batteryRechargeMultiplier; if (batteryTimeRemaining >= batteryTimeTotal) { batteryTimeRemaining = batteryTimeTotal; } } } //attachments animation update if (attachmentAnimationFrameDuration > 0) { if (attachmentAnimationFrameUpdateTime <= registry.currentTime) { currentAttachmentAnimationFrame++; if (currentAttachmentAnimationFrame >= numAttachmentAnimationFrames) { currentAttachmentAnimationFrame = 0; } attachmentAnimationFrameUpdateTime = registry.currentTime + (int) attachmentAnimationFrameDuration; } } } private void renderAccessory(Graphics g, String imageName, int xOffset, int yOffset) { renderAccessory(g, imageName, -1, xOffset, yOffset); } private void renderAccessory(Graphics g, String imageName, int frame, int xOffset, int yOffset) { BufferedImage im; BufferedImage imLeft; int xPos = playerManager.mapToPanelX(mapX + xOffset); int yPos = playerManager.mapToPanelY(mapY + yOffset); //flip the yPos since drawing happens top down versus bottom up yPos = playerManager.getPHeight() - yPos; //subtract the height since points are bottom left and drawing starts from top left yPos -= height; if (frame >= 0) { im = registry.getImageLoader().getImage("Attachments/" + imageName, frame); } else { im = registry.getImageLoader().getImage("Attachments/" + imageName); } if (im != null) { if (facing == Facing.LEFT) { g.drawImage(flipHorizontal(im), xPos, yPos, null); } else { g.drawImage(im, xPos, yPos, null); } } } private void renderAccessories(Graphics g, int xOffset, int yOffset) { boolean renderHeadItems = true; if (player.getInsideRobot()) { if ((vertMoveMode == VertMoveMode.FLYING || vertMoveMode == VertMoveMode.FALLING) && inventory.contains("Propeller")) { //propeller renderHeadItems = false; } else { //riding renderHeadItems = false; } } if (inventory.contains("RobotCopperArmor")) { renderAccessory(g, "RobotCopperArmor", xOffset, yOffset); } if (inventory.contains("RobotGoldArmor")) { renderAccessory(g, "RobotGoldArmor", xOffset, yOffset); } if (inventory.contains("RobotIronArmor")) { renderAccessory(g, "RobotIronArmor", xOffset, yOffset); } if (inventory.contains("RobotScrapArmor")) { renderAccessory(g, "RobotScrapArmor", xOffset, yOffset); } if (inventory.contains("RobotSilverArmor")) { renderAccessory(g, "RobotSilverArmor", xOffset, yOffset); } if (inventory.contains("RobotWoodArmor")) { renderAccessory(g, "RobotWoodArmor", xOffset, yOffset); } if (inventory.contains("ShutterShades")) { renderAccessory(g, "ShutterShades", xOffset, yOffset); } if (inventory.contains("Disguise")) { renderAccessory(g, "Disguise", xOffset, yOffset); } if (renderHeadItems) { if (inventory.contains("FireFighterHat")) { renderAccessory(g, "FireFighterHat", xOffset, yOffset); } } } @Override public void render(Graphics g) { if (isActivated) { int offsetX = 0; int offsetY = 0; BufferedImage im; BufferedImage imLeft; AffineTransform tx; AffineTransformOp op; if (isAnimating) { im = registry.getImageLoader().getImage(image, currentAnimationFrame); } else { im = registry.getImageLoader().getImage(image); } int xPos = playerManager.mapToPanelX(mapX); int yPos = playerManager.mapToPanelY(mapY); //flip the yPos since drawing happens top down versus bottom up yPos = playerManager.getPHeight() - yPos; //subtract the height since points are bottom left and drawing starts from top left yPos -= height; if (im != null && width > 0) { if (facing == Facing.LEFT) { tx = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(1, -1); tx = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(-1, 1); tx.translate(-width, 0); op = new AffineTransformOp(tx, AffineTransformOp.TYPE_BILINEAR); imLeft = op.filter(im, null); if (imLeft != null) { g.drawImage(imLeft, xPos, yPos, null); } } else { g.drawImage(im, xPos, yPos, null); } } //render accessories offsetX = 0; offsetY = 0; if (vertMoveMode == VertMoveMode.JUMPING) { offsetY += 3; } else if (image.equals("Robot/Walking") && currentAnimationFrame % 2 != 0) { offsetY += 1; } renderAccessories(g, offsetX, offsetY); //are we swinging a melee weapon? if (isSwinging) { if (meleeWeaponType != null) { if (meleeImages[0] == null) { createMeleeFrames(); } int frame = currentMeleeAnimationFrame; if (facing == Facing.LEFT) { frame += 8; if (meleeImages[frame] != null) { g.drawImage(meleeImages[frame], xPos + 5, yPos + 5, null); } } else { if (meleeImages[frame] != null) { g.drawImage(meleeImages[frame], xPos - 5, yPos + 5, null); } } } } //is the player riding inside the robot? if (player.getInsideRobot()) { if ((player.getVertMoveMode() == VertMoveMode.FLYING || player.getVertMoveMode() == VertMoveMode.FALLING) && inventory.contains("Propeller")) { renderAccessory(g, "Propeller", currentAttachmentAnimationFrame, offsetX, offsetY); } else { renderAccessory(g, "Riding", offsetX, offsetY); } } //draw energy image if (invulnerable) { if (Rand.getRange(1, 4) == 1) { invulnerableShow = false; } else { invulnerableShow = true; } if (invulnerableShow) { if (facing == Facing.LEFT) { if (imageShieldLeft != null) { g.drawImage(imageShieldLeft, xPos, yPos, null); } } else { if (imageShieldRight != null) { g.drawImage(imageShieldRight, xPos, yPos, null); } } } } super.render(g); if (!player.getInsideRobot()) { FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); int messageWidth = fm.stringWidth(name); xPos = playerManager.mapToPanelX((int) mapX + (width / 2) - (messageWidth / 2)); yPos = playerManager.mapToPanelY((int) mapY); yPos = playerManager.getPHeight() - yPos; Font textFont = new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 14); g.setFont(textFont); registry.ghettoOutline(g, Color.BLACK, name, xPos, yPos - 50); g.setColor(Color.white); g.drawString(name, xPos, yPos - 50); } } // if (attackArc != null) { // int xPos = manager.mapToPanelX((int)attackArc.x); // int yPos = manager.mapToPanelY((int)attackArc.y); // yPos = manager.getPHeight() - yPos; // yPos -= attackArc.height; // g.setColor(; // g.drawArc(xPos, yPos, (int)attackArc.width, (int)attackArc.height, (int)attackArc.start, (int)attackArc.extent); // } } public void stopAttacks() { actionMode = ActionMode.NONE; isSwinging = false; updateImage(); } @Override protected void updateImage() { if (actionMode == ActionMode.ATTACKING) { loopImage("Robot/Bashing"); } else if (vertMoveMode == VertMoveMode.JUMPING) { setImage("Robot/Jumping"); } else if (vertMoveMode == VertMoveMode.FLYING) { loopImage("Monsters/" + name + "/Standing"); } else { if (!isTryingToMove) { loopImage("Robot/Standing"); } else { loopImage("Robot/Walking"); } } } @Override protected void finishJumping() { if (!inventory.contains("Propeller")) { int currentStartJumpSize = startJumpSize; if (player.getInsideRobot()) { currentStartJumpSize = player.getStartJumpSize(); } if (registry.getGameController().multiplayerMode != registry.getGameController().multiplayerMode.CLIENT) { if ((fallSize - currentStartJumpSize - gravity * 3) > 0) { applyDamage((int) ((fallSize - currentStartJumpSize - gravity * 3) * fallDamageMultiplier), null); } } } setVertMoveMode(VertMoveMode.NOT_JUMPING, false); totalFall = 0; fallSize = 0; if (!isTryingToMove) { stopMove(); } else if (!image.equals("Robot/Walking")) { if (facing == Facing.RIGHT) { moveRight(); } else { moveLeft(); } } } public UDPRobot createUpdate() { UDPRobot udpUpdate = new UDPRobot(id); udpUpdate.mapX = mapX; udpUpdate.lastMapY = lastMapY; udpUpdate.mapY = mapY; udpUpdate.width = width; udpUpdate.height = height; udpUpdate.xMoveSize = xMoveSize; udpUpdate.actionMode = actionMode; udpUpdate.vertMoveMode = vertMoveMode; udpUpdate.facing = facing; udpUpdate.jumpSize = jumpSize; //udpUpdate.ascendOriginalSize = ascendOriginalSize; //udpUpdate.ascendSize = ascendSize; //udpUpdate.ascendCount = ascendCount; //udpUpdate.ascendMax = ascendMax; //udpUpdate.fallSize = fallSize; udpUpdate.isStill = isStill; udpUpdate.isTryingToMove = isTryingToMove; udpUpdate.startJumpSize = startJumpSize; //udpUpdate.maxFallSize = maxFallSize; //udpUpdate.gravity = gravity; //udpUpdate.totalFall = totalFall; //udpUpdate.completeFall = completeFall; udpUpdate.totalHitPoints = totalHitPoints; udpUpdate.hitPoints = hitPoints; udpUpdate.totalArmorPoints = totalArmorPoints; udpUpdate.armorPoints = armorPoints; udpUpdate.knockBackX = knockBackX; //udpUpdate.isDead = isDead; //udpUpdate.isActivated = isActivated; udpUpdate.batteryTimeRemaining = batteryTimeRemaining; udpUpdate.batteryTimeTotal = batteryTimeTotal; //udpUpdate.batteryRechargeMultiplier = batteryRechargeMultiplier; udpUpdate.mode = mode; udpUpdate.isFollowing = isFollowing; udpUpdate.invulnerable = invulnerable; udpUpdate.meleeWeaponType = meleeWeaponType; udpUpdate.weaponLevel = weaponLevel; udpUpdate.isSwinging = isSwinging; return udpUpdate; } public void processUpdate(UDPRobot udpUpdate) { mapX = udpUpdate.mapX; lastMapY = udpUpdate.lastMapY; mapY = udpUpdate.mapY; width = udpUpdate.width; height = udpUpdate.height; xMoveSize = udpUpdate.xMoveSize; actionMode = udpUpdate.actionMode; vertMoveMode = udpUpdate.vertMoveMode; facing = udpUpdate.facing; jumpSize = udpUpdate.jumpSize; //ascendOriginalSize = udpUpdate.ascendOriginalSize; //ascendSize = udpUpdate.ascendSize; //ascendCount = udpUpdate.ascendCount; //ascendMax = udpUpdate.ascendMax; //fallSize = udpUpdate.fallSize; isStill = udpUpdate.isStill; isTryingToMove = udpUpdate.isTryingToMove; startJumpSize = udpUpdate.startJumpSize; //maxFallSize = udpUpdate.maxFallSize; //gravity = udpUpdate.gravity; //totalFall = udpUpdate.totalFall; //completeFall = udpUpdate.completeFall; totalHitPoints = udpUpdate.totalHitPoints; hitPoints = udpUpdate.hitPoints; totalArmorPoints = udpUpdate.totalArmorPoints; armorPoints = udpUpdate.armorPoints; knockBackX = udpUpdate.knockBackX; //isDead = udpUpdate.isDead; //isActivated = udpUpdate.isActivated; batteryTimeRemaining = udpUpdate.batteryTimeRemaining; batteryTimeTotal = udpUpdate.batteryTimeTotal; //batteryRechargeMultiplier = udpUpdate.batteryRechargeMultiplier; mode = udpUpdate.mode; isFollowing = udpUpdate.isFollowing; invulnerable = udpUpdate.invulnerable; meleeWeaponType = udpUpdate.meleeWeaponType; weaponLevel = udpUpdate.weaponLevel; isSwinging = udpUpdate.isSwinging; } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream aInputStream) throws Exception { aInputStream.defaultReadObject(); } private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream aOutputStream) throws Exception { aOutputStream.defaultWriteObject(); } }