/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2014 Analog Devices, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ********************************************************************************/ package com.analog.lyric.dimple.solvers.gibbs.customFactors; import static com.analog.lyric.dimple.environment.DimpleEnvironment.*; import static java.util.Objects.*; import java.util.Arrays; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable; import com.analog.lyric.dimple.model.domains.Domain; import com.analog.lyric.dimple.model.values.Value; import com.analog.lyric.dimple.solvers.core.proposalKernels.BlockProposal; import com.analog.lyric.dimple.solvers.core.proposalKernels.IBlockProposalKernel; import com.analog.lyric.math.DimpleRandom; /** * * @since 0.06 * @author jeffb * * This is a block proposal generator to support block updates for multinomial factors for the * output and N (total count) variables. * Proposals are made from the prior distribution given the current value of the alpha parameters, * taking no account of other neighboring factors. * This can be used in the context of the BlockMHSampler to generate samples for the variables in this block. */ public class MultinomialBlockProposal implements IBlockProposalKernel { private ICustomMultinomial _customFactor; private boolean _hasConstantN; private int _constantN; public MultinomialBlockProposal(ICustomMultinomial customFactor) { _customFactor = customFactor; _hasConstantN = customFactor.hasConstantN(); _constantN = customFactor.getN(); } // Make proposal @Override public BlockProposal next(Value[] currentValue, Domain[] variableDomain) { final DimpleRandom rand = activeRandom(); double proposalForwardEnergy = 0; double proposalReverseEnergy = 0; int argumentIndex = 0; int argumentLength = currentValue.length; Value[] newValue = new Value[argumentLength]; for (int i = 0; i < argumentLength; i++) newValue[i] = Value.create(variableDomain[i]); // Get the current alpha values double[] alpha; double[] alphaEnergy; double alphaSum = 0; if (_customFactor.isAlphaEnergyRepresentation()) { alphaEnergy = _customFactor.getCurrentAlpha(); alpha = new double[alphaEnergy.length]; for (int i = 0; i < alphaEnergy.length; i++) { alpha[i] = Math.exp(-alphaEnergy[i]); alphaSum += alpha[i]; } } else { alpha = _customFactor.getCurrentAlpha(); alphaEnergy = new double[alpha.length]; for (int i = 0; i < alpha.length; i++) { alphaEnergy[i] = -Math.log(alpha[i]); alphaSum += alpha[i]; } } if (alphaSum == 0) // Shouldn't happen, but can during initialization { Arrays.fill(alpha, 1); Arrays.fill(alphaEnergy, 0); alphaSum = alpha.length; } int nextN = _constantN; if (!_hasConstantN) { // If N is variable, sample N uniformly int previousN = currentValue[argumentIndex].getIndex(); int NDomainSize = requireNonNull(variableDomain[0].asDiscrete()).size(); nextN = rand.nextInt(NDomainSize); newValue[argumentIndex].setIndex(nextN); argumentIndex++; // Add this portion of -log p(x_proposed -> x_previous) proposalReverseEnergy += -org.apache.commons.math3.special.Gamma.logGamma(previousN + 1) + previousN * Math.log(alphaSum); // Add this portion of -log p(x_previous -> x_proposed) proposalForwardEnergy += -org.apache.commons.math3.special.Gamma.logGamma(nextN + 1) + nextN * Math.log(alphaSum); } // Given N and alpha, resample the outputs // Multinomial formed by successively sampling from a binomial and subtracting each count from the total // FIXME: Assumes all outputs are variable (no constant outputs) int remainingN = nextN; int alphaIndex = 0; for (; argumentIndex < argumentLength; argumentIndex++, alphaIndex++) { double alphai = alpha[alphaIndex]; double alphaEnergyi = alphaEnergy[alphaIndex]; int previousX = currentValue[argumentIndex].getIndex(); int nextX; if (argumentIndex < argumentLength - 1) nextX = rand.nextBinomial(remainingN, alphai/alphaSum); else // Last value nextX = remainingN; newValue[argumentIndex].setIndex(nextX); remainingN -= nextX; // Subtract the sample value from the remaining total count alphaSum -= alphai; // Subtract this alpha value from the sum used for normalization double previousXNegativeLogAlphai; double nextXNegativeLogAlphai; if (alphai == 0 && previousX == 0) previousXNegativeLogAlphai = 0; else previousXNegativeLogAlphai = previousX * alphaEnergyi; if (alphai == 0 && nextX == 0) nextXNegativeLogAlphai = 0; else nextXNegativeLogAlphai = nextX * alphaEnergyi; // Add this portion of -log p(x_proposed -> x_previous) proposalReverseEnergy += previousXNegativeLogAlphai + org.apache.commons.math3.special.Gamma.logGamma(previousX + 1); // Add this portion of -log p(x_previous -> x_proposed) proposalForwardEnergy += nextXNegativeLogAlphai + org.apache.commons.math3.special.Gamma.logGamma(nextX + 1); } return new BlockProposal(newValue, proposalForwardEnergy, proposalReverseEnergy); } @Deprecated @Override public void setParameters(Object... parameters) {} @Deprecated @Override public @Nullable Object[] getParameters() {return null;} // Interface to be used by the custom factor using this proposal, allowing this class to access additional information needed public interface ICustomMultinomial { // Get the current value of the alpha parameters public double[] getCurrentAlpha(); // Whether the alpha parameters are represented in energy or (not necessarily normalized) probability representation public boolean isAlphaEnergyRepresentation(); // Whether or not the N parameter is constant public boolean hasConstantN(); // If the N parameter is constant, the value of N public int getN(); } }