/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2012 Analog Devices, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ********************************************************************************/ package com.analog.lyric.dimple.factorfunctions; import com.analog.lyric.dimple.factorfunctions.core.FactorFunction; import com.analog.lyric.dimple.model.values.Value; /** * Deterministic complex division. This is a deterministic directed factor (if smoothing is * not enabled). * * Optional smoothing may be applied, by providing a smoothing value in the * constructor. If smoothing is enabled, the distribution is smoothed by * exp(-difference^2/smoothing), where difference is the distance between the * output value and the deterministic output value for the corresponding inputs. * * The variables are ordered as follows in the argument list: * * 1) Output (quotient = dividend / divisor) * 2) Dividend * 3) Divisor * */ public class ComplexDivide extends FactorFunction { protected double _beta = 0; protected boolean _smoothingSpecified = false; public ComplexDivide() {this(0);} public ComplexDivide(double smoothing) { super(); if (smoothing > 0) { _beta = 1 / smoothing; _smoothingSpecified = true; } } @Override public final double evalEnergy(Value[] arguments) { final double[] quotient = arguments[0].getDoubleArray(); final double rQuotient = quotient[0]; final double iQuotient = quotient[1]; double rDividend = 0; double iDividend = 0; final Value argdd = arguments[1]; if (argdd.getObject() instanceof double[]) // Complex dividend { final double[] dividend = argdd.getDoubleArray(); rDividend = dividend[0]; iDividend = dividend[1]; } else // Real dividend rDividend = argdd.getDouble(); double rDivisor = 0; double iDivisor = 0; final Value argdr = arguments[2]; if (argdr.getObject() instanceof double[]) // Complex divisor { final double[] divisor = argdr.getDoubleArray(); rDivisor = divisor[0]; iDivisor = divisor[1]; } else // Real divisor rDivisor = argdr.getDouble(); final double normalizer = 1 / (rDivisor*rDivisor + iDivisor*iDivisor); if (Double.isNaN(normalizer)) return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; if (Double.isInfinite(normalizer)) return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; final double rExpectedQuotient = (rDividend * rDivisor + iDividend * iDivisor) * normalizer; final double iExpectedQuotient = (iDividend * rDivisor - rDividend * iDivisor) * normalizer; if (_smoothingSpecified) { final double rDiff = rExpectedQuotient - rQuotient; final double iDiff = iExpectedQuotient - iQuotient; final double potential = rDiff*rDiff + iDiff*iDiff; return potential*_beta; } else { return (rExpectedQuotient == rQuotient && iExpectedQuotient == iQuotient) ? 0 : Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } } @Override public final boolean isDirected() {return true;} @Override public final int[] getDirectedToIndices() {return new int[]{0};} @Override public final boolean isDeterministicDirected() {return !_smoothingSpecified;} @Override public final void evalDeterministic(Value[] arguments) { double rDividend = 0; double iDividend = 0; final Value argdd = arguments[1]; if (argdd.getObject() instanceof double[]) // Complex dividend { final double[] dividend = argdd.getDoubleArray(); rDividend = dividend[0]; iDividend = dividend[1]; } else // Real dividend rDividend = argdd.getDouble(); double rDivisor = 0; double iDivisor = 0; final Value argdr = arguments[2]; if (argdr.getObject() instanceof double[]) // Complex divisor { final double[] divisor = argdr.getDoubleArray(); rDivisor = divisor[0]; iDivisor = divisor[1]; } else // Real divisor rDivisor = argdr.getDouble(); final double normalizer = 1 / (rDivisor*rDivisor + iDivisor*iDivisor); double rQuotient = (rDividend * rDivisor + iDividend * iDivisor) * normalizer; double iQuotient = (iDividend * rDivisor - rDividend * iDivisor) * normalizer; if (Double.isNaN(normalizer)) { rQuotient = 0; iQuotient = 0; } final double[] out = arguments[0].getDoubleArray(); out[0] = rQuotient; // Replace the output value out[1] = iQuotient; // Replace the output value } }