package cgeo.geocaching.utils; import cgeo.geocaching.CgeoApplication; import cgeo.geocaching.R; import org.xml.sax.XMLReader; import android.text.Editable; import android.text.Html.TagHandler; import android.text.Spanned; import; public class UnknownTagsHandler implements TagHandler { private enum ListType { Ordered, Unordered } private static final int UNDEFINED_POSITION = -1; private int countCells = 0; private int strikePos = UNDEFINED_POSITION; private boolean problematicDetected = false; private int listIndex = 0; private ListType listType = ListType.Unordered; @Override public void handleTag(final boolean opening, final String tag, final Editable output, final XMLReader xmlReader) { if ("strike".equalsIgnoreCase(tag) || "s".equals(tag)) { handleStrike(opening, output); } else if ("table".equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) { handleProblematic(); } else if ("td".equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) { handleTd(opening, output); } else if ("tr".equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) { handleTr(opening, output); } else if ("pre".equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) { handleProblematic(); } else if ("ol".equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) { handleOl(opening); } else if ("li".equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) { handleLi(opening, output); } else if ("hr".equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) { handleHr(opening, output); } } private void handleStrike(final boolean opening, final Editable output) { final int length = output.length(); if (opening) { strikePos = length; } else if (strikePos > UNDEFINED_POSITION) { output.setSpan(new StrikethroughSpan(), strikePos, length, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); strikePos = UNDEFINED_POSITION; } } public boolean isProblematicDetected() { return problematicDetected; } private void handleProblematic() { problematicDetected = true; } private void handleTd(final boolean opening, final Editable output) { // insert bar for each table column, see if (opening && countCells++ > 0) { output.append(CgeoApplication.getInstance().getString(R.string.triple_dash_vertical)); } } private void handleTr(final boolean opening, final Editable output) { // insert new line for each table row if (opening) { output.append('\n'); countCells = 0; } } // Ordered lists are handled in a simple manner. They are rendered as Arabic numbers starting at 1 // with no handling for alpha or Roman numbers or arbitrary numbering. private void handleOl(final boolean opening) { if (opening) { listIndex = 1; listType = ListType.Ordered; } else { listType = ListType.Unordered; } } private void handleLi(final boolean opening, final Editable output) { if (opening) { if (listType == ListType.Ordered) { output.append("\n ").append(String.valueOf(listIndex++)).append(". "); } else { output.append("\n • "); } } } private static void handleHr(final boolean opening, final Editable output) { if (opening) { // If we are in the middle of a line, add a line feed. if (output.length() > 0 && output.charAt(output.length() - 1) != '\n') { output.append('\n'); } final int start = output.length(); output.append(" "); output.setSpan(new StrikethroughSpan(), start, output.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); output.append("\n"); } } }