package cgeo.geocaching.maps.mapsforge.v6.layers; import cgeo.geocaching.maps.PositionHistory; import cgeo.geocaching.settings.Settings; import; import; import org.mapsforge.core.model.BoundingBox; import org.mapsforge.core.model.LatLong; import org.mapsforge.core.model.Point; import org.mapsforge.core.util.MercatorProjection; import; import; import android.location.Location; import java.util.ArrayList; public class HistoryLayer extends Layer { private final PositionHistory positionHistory = new PositionHistory(); private Location coordinates; private Paint historyLine; private Paint historyLineShadow; public HistoryLayer(final ArrayList<Location> locationHistory) { super(); if (locationHistory != null) { positionHistory.setHistory(locationHistory); } } @Override public void draw(final BoundingBox boundingBox, final byte zoomLevel, final Canvas canvas, final Point topLeftPoint) { if (coordinates == null) { return; } if (historyLine == null) { historyLine = AndroidGraphicFactory.INSTANCE.createPaint(); historyLine.setStrokeWidth(3.0f); historyLine.setColor(0xFFFFFFFF); } if (historyLineShadow == null) { historyLineShadow = AndroidGraphicFactory.INSTANCE.createPaint(); historyLineShadow.setStrokeWidth(7.0f); historyLineShadow.setColor(0x66000000); } positionHistory.rememberTrailPosition(coordinates); if (Settings.isMapTrail()) { // always add current position to drawn history to have a closed connection final ArrayList<Location> paintHistory = new ArrayList<>(positionHistory.getHistory()); paintHistory.add(coordinates); final int size = paintHistory.size(); if (size > 1) { // int alphaCnt = size - 201; // if (alphaCnt < 1) { // alphaCnt = 1; // } final long mapSize = MercatorProjection.getMapSize(zoomLevel, this.displayModel.getTileSize()); final Location prev = paintHistory.get(0); Point pointPrevious = MercatorProjection.getPixelRelative(new LatLong(prev.getLatitude(), prev.getLongitude()), mapSize, topLeftPoint); for (int cnt = 1; cnt < size; cnt++) { final Location now = paintHistory.get(cnt); final Point pointNow = MercatorProjection.getPixelRelative(new LatLong(now.getLatitude(), now.getLongitude()), mapSize, topLeftPoint); // final int alpha; // if ((alphaCnt - cnt) > 0) { // alpha = 255 / (alphaCnt - cnt); // } // else { // alpha = 255; // } // historyLineShadow.setAlpha(alpha); // historyLine.setAlpha(alpha); canvas.drawLine((int) pointPrevious.x, (int) pointPrevious.y, (int) pointNow.x, (int) pointNow.y, historyLineShadow); canvas.drawLine((int) pointPrevious.x, (int) pointPrevious.y, (int) pointNow.x, (int) pointNow.y, historyLine); pointPrevious = pointNow; } } } } public ArrayList<Location> getHistory() { return positionHistory.getHistory(); } public void setCoordinates(final Location coordinatesIn) { coordinates = coordinatesIn; } public Location getCoordinates() { return coordinates; } }