package cgeo.geocaching.maps.routing; import cgeo.geocaching.CgeoApplication; import cgeo.geocaching.location.Geopoint; import cgeo.geocaching.settings.Settings; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.Log; import android.content.Context; import android.content.ContextWrapper; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import android.util.Xml; import java.util.LinkedList; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; public final class Routing { private static final double UPDATE_MIN_DISTANCE_KILOMETERS = 0.005; private static final double MAX_ROUTING_DISTANCE_KILOMETERS = 10.0; private static final double MIN_ROUTING_DISTANCE_KILOMETERS = 0.04; private static final int UPDATE_MIN_DELAY_SECONDS = 3; private static BRouterServiceConnection brouter; private static Geopoint lastDirectionUpdatePoint; @Nullable private static Geopoint[] lastRoutingPoints = null; private static Geopoint lastDestination; private static long timeLastUpdate; private Routing() { // utility class } public static void connect() { if (brouter != null && brouter.isConnected()) { //already connected return; } brouter = new BRouterServiceConnection(); final Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setClassName("btools.routingapp", "btools.routingapp.BRouterService"); if (!getContext().bindService(intent, brouter, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE)) { brouter = null; } } private static ContextWrapper getContext() { return CgeoApplication.getInstance(); } public static void disconnect() { if (brouter != null && brouter.isConnected()) { getContext().unbindService(brouter); brouter = null; } } /** * Return a valid track (with at least two points, including the start and destination). * In some cases (e.g., destination is too close or too far, path could not be found), * a straight line will be returned. * * @param start the starting point * @param destination the destination point * @return a track with at least two points including the start and destination points */ @NonNull public static Geopoint[] getTrack(final Geopoint start, final Geopoint destination) { if (brouter == null || Settings.getRoutingMode() == RoutingMode.STRAIGHT) { return defaultTrack(start, destination); } // avoid updating to frequently final long timeNow = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ((timeNow - timeLastUpdate) < 1000 * UPDATE_MIN_DELAY_SECONDS) { return ensureTrack(lastRoutingPoints, start, destination); } // Disable routing for huge distances final float targetDistance = start.distanceTo(destination); if (targetDistance > MAX_ROUTING_DISTANCE_KILOMETERS) { return defaultTrack(start, destination); } // disable routing when near the target if (targetDistance < MIN_ROUTING_DISTANCE_KILOMETERS) { return defaultTrack(start, destination); } // Use cached route if current position has not changed more than 5m and we had a route // TODO: Maybe adjust this to current zoomlevel if (lastDirectionUpdatePoint != null && destination == lastDestination && start.distanceTo(lastDirectionUpdatePoint) < UPDATE_MIN_DISTANCE_KILOMETERS && lastRoutingPoints != null) { return lastRoutingPoints; } // now really calculate a new route lastDestination = destination; lastRoutingPoints = calculateRouting(start, destination); lastDirectionUpdatePoint = start; timeLastUpdate = timeNow; return ensureTrack(lastRoutingPoints, start, destination); } @NonNull private static Geopoint[] ensureTrack(@Nullable final Geopoint[] routingPoints, final Geopoint start, final Geopoint destination) { return routingPoints != null ? routingPoints : defaultTrack(start, destination); } @NonNull private static Geopoint[] defaultTrack(final Geopoint start, final Geopoint destination) { return new Geopoint[] { start, destination }; } @Nullable private static Geopoint[] calculateRouting(final Geopoint start, final Geopoint dest) { final Bundle params = new Bundle(); params.putString("trackFormat", "gpx"); params.putDoubleArray("lats", new double[]{start.getLatitude(), dest.getLatitude()}); params.putDoubleArray("lons", new double[]{start.getLongitude(), dest.getLongitude()}); params.putString("v", Settings.getRoutingMode().parameterValue); final String gpx = brouter.getTrackFromParams(params); if (gpx == null) { Log.i("brouter returned no data"); return null; } return parseGpxTrack(gpx, dest); } @Nullable private static Geopoint[] parseGpxTrack(@NonNull final String gpx, final Geopoint destination) { try { final LinkedList<Geopoint> result = new LinkedList<>(); Xml.parse(gpx, new DefaultHandler() { @Override public void startElement(final String uri, final String localName, final String qName, final Attributes atts) throws SAXException { if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("trkpt")) { final String lat = atts.getValue("lat"); if (lat != null) { final String lon = atts.getValue("lon"); if (lon != null) { result.add(new Geopoint(lat, lon)); } } } } }); // artificial straight line from track to target result.add(destination); return result.toArray(new Geopoint[result.size()]); } catch (final SAXException e) { Log.w("cannot parse brouter output of length " + gpx.length(), e); } return null; } public static void invalidateRouting() { lastDirectionUpdatePoint = null; timeLastUpdate = 0; } public static boolean isAvailable() { return brouter != null; } }