package cgeo.geocaching.staticmaps; import cgeo.geocaching.location.Geopoint; import cgeo.geocaching.location.GeopointFormatter.Format; import cgeo.geocaching.models.Geocache; import cgeo.geocaching.models.Waypoint; import; import; import cgeo.geocaching.settings.Settings; import; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.AndroidRxUtils; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.DisplayUtils; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.FileUtils; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import io.reactivex.Completable; import okhttp3.Response; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; public final class StaticMapsProvider { static final int MAPS_LEVEL_MAX = 5; private static final String PREFIX_PREVIEW = "preview"; private static final String GOOGLE_STATICMAP_URL = ""; private static final int GOOGLE_MAX_ZOOM = 20; private static final String SATELLITE = "satellite"; private static final String ROADMAP = "roadmap"; private static final String WAYPOINT_PREFIX = "wp"; private static final String MAP_FILENAME_PREFIX = "map_"; private static final String MARKERS_URL = ""; private static volatile long last403 = 0; /** We assume there is no real usable image with less than 1k. */ private static final int MIN_MAP_IMAGE_BYTES = 1000; /** * max size in free API version: */ private static final int GOOGLE_MAPS_MAX_SIZE = 640; private StaticMapsProvider() { // utility class } private static File getMapFile(final String geocode, final String prefix, final boolean createDirs) { return LocalStorage.getGeocacheDataFile(geocode, MAP_FILENAME_PREFIX + prefix, false, createDirs); } private static Completable checkDownloadPermission(final Completable ifPermitted) { return Completable.defer(new Callable<Completable>() { @Override public Completable call() { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - last403 >= 30000) { return ifPermitted; } Log.d("StaticMaps.downloadMap: request ignored because of recent \"permission denied\" answer"); return Completable.complete(); } }); } private static Completable downloadDifferentZooms(final String geocode, final String markerUrl, final String prefix, final String latlonMap, final int width, final int height, final Parameters waypoints) { return checkDownloadPermission(Completable.mergeArray(downloadMap(geocode, 20, SATELLITE, markerUrl, prefix + '1', "", latlonMap, width, height, waypoints), downloadMap(geocode, 18, SATELLITE, markerUrl, prefix + '2', "", latlonMap, width, height, waypoints), downloadMap(geocode, 16, ROADMAP, markerUrl, prefix + '3', "", latlonMap, width, height, waypoints), downloadMap(geocode, 14, ROADMAP, markerUrl, prefix + '4', "", latlonMap, width, height, waypoints), downloadMap(geocode, 11, ROADMAP, markerUrl, prefix + '5', "", latlonMap, width, height, waypoints))); } private static Completable downloadMap(final String geocode, final int zoom, final String mapType, final String markerUrl, final String prefix, final String shadow, final String latlonMap, final int width, final int height, final Parameters waypoints) { // If it has been less than 30 seconds since we got a 403 (permission denied) from Google servers, // do not try again. final int scale = width <= GOOGLE_MAPS_MAX_SIZE ? 1 : 2; final float aspectRatio = width / (float) height; final int requestWidth = Math.min(width / scale, GOOGLE_MAPS_MAX_SIZE); final int requestHeight = aspectRatio > 1 ? Math.round(requestWidth / aspectRatio) : requestWidth; final int requestZoom = Math.min(scale == 2 ? zoom + 1 : zoom, GOOGLE_MAX_ZOOM); return checkDownloadPermission(Completable.defer(new Callable<Completable>() { @Override public Completable call() { final Parameters params = new Parameters( "center", latlonMap, "zoom", String.valueOf(requestZoom), "size", String.valueOf(requestWidth) + 'x' + String.valueOf(requestHeight), "scale", String.valueOf(scale), "maptype", mapType, "markers", "icon:" + markerUrl + '|' + shadow + latlonMap, "sensor", "false"); if (waypoints != null) { params.addAll(waypoints); } try { final Response httpResponse = Network.getRequest(GOOGLE_STATICMAP_URL, params).blockingGet(); final int statusCode = httpResponse.code(); if (statusCode != 200) { Log.d("StaticMapsProvider.downloadMap: httpResponseCode = " + statusCode); if (statusCode == 403) { last403 = System.currentTimeMillis(); } return Completable.complete(); } // Record warning in log, see final String warning = httpResponse.header("X-Staticmap-API-Warning"); if (warning != null) { Log.w("Static maps download API warning: " + warning); } final File file = getMapFile(geocode, prefix, true); if (FileUtils.saveEntityToFile(httpResponse, file)) { // Delete image if it has no contents final long fileSize = file.length(); if (fileSize < MIN_MAP_IMAGE_BYTES) { FileUtils.deleteIgnoringFailure(file); } } } catch (final Exception ex) { Log.w("StaticMapsProvider.downloadMap: error", ex); } return Completable.complete(); } }).subscribeOn(AndroidRxUtils.networkScheduler)); } public static Completable downloadMaps(final Geocache cache) { if ((!Settings.isStoreOfflineMaps() && !Settings.isStoreOfflineWpMaps()) || StringUtils.isBlank(cache.getGeocode())) { return Completable.complete(); } // TODO Check if this is also OK, was width -25 final Point displaySize = DisplayUtils.getDisplaySize(); final List<Completable> downloaders = new LinkedList<>(); if (Settings.isStoreOfflineMaps() && cache.getCoords() != null) { downloaders.add(storeCachePreviewMap(cache)); downloaders.add(storeCacheStaticMap(cache, displaySize.x, displaySize.y)); } // clean old and download static maps for waypoints if one is missing if (Settings.isStoreOfflineWpMaps()) { for (final Waypoint waypoint : cache.getWaypoints()) { if (!hasAllStaticMapsForWaypoint(cache.getGeocode(), waypoint)) { downloaders.add(refreshAllWpStaticMaps(cache, displaySize.x, displaySize.y)); } } } return checkDownloadPermission(Completable.merge(downloaders)); } /** * Deletes and download all Waypoints static maps. */ private static Completable refreshAllWpStaticMaps(final Geocache cache, final int width, final int height) { LocalStorage.deleteCacheFilesWithPrefix(cache.getGeocode(), MAP_FILENAME_PREFIX + WAYPOINT_PREFIX); final List<Completable> downloaders = new LinkedList<>(); for (final Waypoint waypoint : cache.getWaypoints()) { downloaders.add(storeWaypointStaticMap(cache.getGeocode(), width, height, waypoint)); } return checkDownloadPermission(Completable.merge(downloaders)); } public static Completable storeWaypointStaticMap(final Geocache cache, final Waypoint waypoint) { // TODO Check if this is also OK, was width -25 final Point displaySize = DisplayUtils.getDisplaySize(); return storeWaypointStaticMap(cache.getGeocode(), displaySize.x, displaySize.y, waypoint); } private static Completable storeWaypointStaticMap(final String geocode, final int width, final int height, final Waypoint waypoint) { if (geocode == null) { Log.e("storeWaypointStaticMap - missing input parameter geocode"); return Completable.complete(); } if (waypoint == null) { Log.e("storeWaypointStaticMap - missing input parameter waypoint"); return Completable.complete(); } final Geopoint coordinates = waypoint.getCoords(); if (coordinates == null) { return Completable.complete(); } final String wpLatlonMap = coordinates.format(Format.LAT_LON_DECDEGREE_COMMA); final String wpMarkerUrl = getWpMarkerUrl(waypoint); if (!hasAllStaticMapsForWaypoint(geocode, waypoint)) { // download map images in separate background thread for higher performance return downloadMaps(geocode, wpMarkerUrl, WAYPOINT_PREFIX + waypoint.getId() + '_' + waypoint.getStaticMapsHashcode() + "_", wpLatlonMap, width, height, null); } return Completable.complete(); } public static Completable storeCacheStaticMap(final Geocache cache) { // TODO Check if this is also OK, was width -25 final Point displaySize = DisplayUtils.getDisplaySize(); return storeCacheStaticMap(cache, displaySize.x, displaySize.y); } private static Completable storeCacheStaticMap(final Geocache cache, final int width, final int height) { final String latlonMap = cache.getCoords().format(Format.LAT_LON_DECDEGREE_COMMA); final Parameters waypoints = new Parameters(); for (final Waypoint waypoint : cache.getWaypoints()) { final Geopoint coordinates = waypoint.getCoords(); if (coordinates == null) { continue; } final String wpMarkerUrl = getWpMarkerUrl(waypoint); waypoints.put("markers", "icon:" + wpMarkerUrl + '|' + coordinates.format(Format.LAT_LON_DECDEGREE_COMMA)); } // download map images in separate background thread for higher performance final String cacheMarkerUrl = getCacheMarkerUrl(cache); return downloadMaps(cache.getGeocode(), cacheMarkerUrl, "", latlonMap, width, height, waypoints); } public static Completable storeCachePreviewMap(final Geocache cache) { final String latlonMap = cache.getCoords().format(Format.LAT_LON_DECDEGREE_COMMA); final Point displaySize = DisplayUtils.getDisplaySize(); final String markerUrl = MARKERS_URL + "my_location_mdpi.png"; return downloadMap(cache.getGeocode(), 15, ROADMAP, markerUrl, PREFIX_PREVIEW, "shadow:false|", latlonMap, displaySize.x, displaySize.y, null); } private static Completable downloadMaps(final String geocode, final String markerUrl, final String prefix, final String latlonMap, final int width, final int height, final Parameters waypoints) { return downloadDifferentZooms(geocode, markerUrl, prefix, latlonMap, width, height, waypoints); } private static String getCacheMarkerUrl(final Geocache cache) { final StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(MARKERS_URL); url.append("marker_cache_").append(cache.getType().id); if (cache.isFound()) { url.append("_found"); } else if (cache.isDisabled() || cache.isArchived()) { url.append("_disabled"); } url.append(".png"); return url.toString(); } private static String getWpMarkerUrl(final Waypoint waypoint) { final String type = waypoint.getWaypointType() != null ? waypoint.getWaypointType().id : null; return MARKERS_URL + "marker_waypoint_" + type + ".png"; } public static void removeWpStaticMaps(final Waypoint waypoint, final String geocode) { if (waypoint == null) { return; } final int waypointId = waypoint.getId(); final int waypointMapHash = waypoint.getStaticMapsHashcode(); for (int level = 1; level <= MAPS_LEVEL_MAX; level++) { final File mapFile = getMapFile(geocode, WAYPOINT_PREFIX + waypointId + "_" + waypointMapHash + '_' + level, false); if (!FileUtils.delete(mapFile)) { Log.e("StaticMapsProvider.removeWpStaticMaps failed for " + mapFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } } /** * Check if at least one map file exists for the given cache. * * @return {@code true} if at least one map file exists; {@code false} otherwise */ public static boolean hasStaticMap(@NonNull final Geocache cache) { final String geocode = cache.getGeocode(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(geocode)) { return false; } for (int level = 1; level <= MAPS_LEVEL_MAX; level++) { final File mapFile = getMapFile(geocode, String.valueOf(level), false); if (mapFile.exists()) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Checks if at least one map file exists for the given geocode and waypoint ID. * * @return {@code true} if at least one map file exists; {@code false} otherwise */ public static boolean hasStaticMapForWaypoint(final String geocode, final Waypoint waypoint) { final int waypointId = waypoint.getId(); final int waypointMapHash = waypoint.getStaticMapsHashcode(); for (int level = 1; level <= MAPS_LEVEL_MAX; level++) { final File mapFile = getMapFile(geocode, WAYPOINT_PREFIX + waypointId + "_" + waypointMapHash + "_" + level, false); if (mapFile.exists()) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Checks if all map files exist for the given geocode and waypoint ID. * * @return {@code true} if all map files exist; {@code false} otherwise */ public static boolean hasAllStaticMapsForWaypoint(final String geocode, final Waypoint waypoint) { final int waypointId = waypoint.getId(); final int waypointMapHash = waypoint.getStaticMapsHashcode(); for (int level = 1; level <= MAPS_LEVEL_MAX; level++) { final File mapFile = getMapFile(geocode, WAYPOINT_PREFIX + waypointId + "_" + waypointMapHash + "_" + level, false); final boolean mapExists = mapFile.exists(); if (!mapExists) { return false; } } return true; } public static Bitmap getPreviewMap(final Geocache cache) { return decodeFile(getMapFile(cache.getGeocode(), PREFIX_PREVIEW, false)); } public static Bitmap getWaypointMap(final String geocode, final Waypoint waypoint, final int level) { final int waypointId = waypoint.getId(); final int waypointMapHash = waypoint.getStaticMapsHashcode(); return decodeFile(getMapFile(geocode, WAYPOINT_PREFIX + waypointId + "_" + waypointMapHash + "_" + level, false)); } public static Bitmap getCacheMap(final String geocode, final int level) { return decodeFile(getMapFile(geocode, String.valueOf(level), false)); } private static Bitmap decodeFile(final File mapFile) { // avoid exception in system log, if we got nothing back from Google. if (mapFile.exists()) { return BitmapFactory.decodeFile(mapFile.getPath()); } return null; } }