package cgeo.geocaching.speech; import cgeo.geocaching.CgeoApplication; import cgeo.geocaching.R; import cgeo.geocaching.location.Geopoint; import cgeo.geocaching.location.IConversion; import cgeo.geocaching.settings.Settings; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.AngleUtils; import; import; import java.util.Locale; /** * Creates the output to be read by TTS. * * Note: some languages need to read "one hour" as "a hour" (indefinite article). Also, other languages * use the <tt>quantity="1"</tt> plurals rule for other values than 1, such as Slovenian, so it is not * possible to store the literal value to use for 1 in this rule. For this reason, we need to have one * string for the unit quantity ("one meter") and a plurals rule for everything else. * * See for rules * on unit expressions. */ public class TextFactory { private TextFactory() { // utility class } public static String getText(final Geopoint position, final Geopoint target, final float direction) { if (position == null || target == null) { return null; } return getDirection(position, target, direction) + ". " + getDistance(position, target); } private static String getDistance(final Geopoint position, final Geopoint target) { final float kilometers = position.distanceTo(target); if (Settings.useImperialUnits()) { return getDistance(kilometers / IConversion.MILES_TO_KILOMETER, (int) (kilometers * 1000.0 * IConversion.METERS_TO_FEET), 3.0f, 0.2f, 300, R.plurals.tts_miles, R.string.tts_one_mile, R.plurals.tts_feet, R.string.tts_one_foot); } return getDistance(kilometers, (int) (kilometers * 1000.0), 5.0f, 1.0f, 50, R.plurals.tts_kilometers, R.string.tts_one_kilometer, R.plurals.tts_meters, R.string.tts_one_meter); } private static String getDistance(final float farDistance, final int nearDistance, final float farFarAway, final float farNearAway, final int nearFarAway, @PluralsRes final int farId, @StringRes final int farOneId, @PluralsRes final int nearId, @StringRes final int nearOneId) { if (farDistance >= farFarAway) { // example: "5 kilometers" - always without decimal digits final int quantity = Math.round(farDistance); if (quantity == 1) { return getString(farOneId, quantity, String.valueOf(quantity)); } return getQuantityString(farId, quantity, String.valueOf(quantity)); } if (farDistance >= farNearAway) { // example: "2.2 kilometers" - decimals if necessary final float precision1 = Math.round(farDistance * 10.0f) / 10.0f; final float precision0 = Math.round(farDistance); if (Math.abs(precision1 - precision0) < 0.0001) { // this is an int - e.g. 2 kilometers final int quantity = (int) precision0; if (quantity == 1) { return getString(farOneId, quantity, String.valueOf(quantity)); } return getQuantityString(farId, quantity, String.valueOf(quantity)); } // this is no int - e.g. 1.7 kilometers final String digits = String.format(Locale.getDefault(), "%.1f", farDistance); // always use the plural (9 leads to plural) return getQuantityString(farId, 9, digits); } // example: "34 meters" int quantity = nearDistance; if (quantity > nearFarAway) { // example: "120 meters" - rounded to 10 meters quantity = (int) Math.round(quantity / 10.0) * 10; } if (quantity == 1) { return getString(nearOneId, quantity, String.valueOf(quantity)); } return getQuantityString(nearId, quantity, String.valueOf(quantity)); } private static String getString(@StringRes final int resourceId, final Object... formatArgs) { return CgeoApplication.getInstance().getString(resourceId, formatArgs); } private static String getQuantityString(@PluralsRes final int resourceId, final int quantity, final Object... formatArgs) { return CgeoApplication.getInstance().getResources().getQuantityString(resourceId, quantity, formatArgs); } private static String getDirection(final Geopoint position, final Geopoint target, final float direction) { int hours; if (position.distanceTo(target) < 1e-4) { // By convention, distance smaller than ten centimers will be represented as 12 o'clock. hours = 12; } else { final float bearing = position.bearingTo(target); final float degrees = AngleUtils.normalize(bearing - direction); hours = Math.round(degrees / 30); if (hours == 0) { hours = 12; } } return getString(hours == 1 ? R.string.tts_one_oclock : R.string.tts_oclock, String.valueOf(hours)); } }