package cgeo.geocaching.sorting; import cgeo.geocaching.models.Geocache; /** * Compares caches by date. Used only for event caches, if the cache list detects that a list contains only events. */ public class EventDateComparator extends DateComparator { public static final EventDateComparator INSTANCE = new EventDateComparator(); @Override protected int sortSameDate(final Geocache left, final Geocache right) { return compare(left.guessEventTimeMinutes(), right.guessEventTimeMinutes()); } /** * copy of {@link Integer#compare(int, int)}, as that is not available on lower API levels * */ private static int compare(final int left, final int right) { return left < right ? -1 : (left == right ? 0 : 1); } @Override public boolean isAutoManaged() { return true; } }