package cgeo.geocaching.export; import cgeo.geocaching.CgeoApplication; import cgeo.geocaching.R; import cgeo.geocaching.activity.ActivityMixin; import cgeo.geocaching.connector.ConnectorFactory; import cgeo.geocaching.connector.IConnector; import cgeo.geocaching.connector.capability.FieldNotesCapability; import cgeo.geocaching.log.LogEntry; import cgeo.geocaching.models.Geocache; import cgeo.geocaching.settings.Settings; import; import; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.AsyncTaskWithProgress; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.Formatter; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.Log; import; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import; import; import android.view.View; import android.widget.CheckBox; import android.widget.TextView; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import butterknife.ButterKnife; /** * Exports offline logs in the Groundspeak Field Note format. * */ public class FieldNoteExport extends AbstractExport { private static final File exportLocation = LocalStorage.getFieldNotesDirectory(); private static int fieldNotesCount = 0; private final String fileName; public FieldNoteExport() { super(R.string.export_fieldnotes); final SimpleDateFormat fileNameDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss", Locale.US); fileName = fileNameDateFormat.format(new Date()) + ".txt"; } @Override public void export(@NonNull final List<Geocache> cachesList, @Nullable final Activity activity) { final Geocache[] caches = cachesList.toArray(new Geocache[cachesList.size()]); if (activity == null) { // No activity given, so no user interaction possible. // Start export with default parameters. new ExportTask(null, false, false).execute(caches); } else { // Show configuration dialog getExportOptionsDialog(caches, activity).show(); } } private Dialog getExportOptionsDialog(final Geocache[] caches, final Activity activity) { final AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity); builder.setTitle(activity.getString(R.string.export_confirm_title, activity.getString(R.string.export_fieldnotes))); final View layout = View.inflate(activity, R.layout.fieldnote_export_dialog, null); builder.setView(layout); final TextView text = ButterKnife.findById(layout,; text.setText(activity.getString(R.string.export_confirm_message, exportLocation.getAbsolutePath(), fileName)); final CheckBox uploadOption = ButterKnife.findById(layout,; uploadOption.setChecked(Settings.getFieldNoteExportUpload()); final CheckBox onlyNewOption = ButterKnife.findById(layout,; onlyNewOption.setChecked(Settings.getFieldNoteExportOnlyNew()); if (Settings.getFieldnoteExportDate() > 0) { onlyNewOption.setText(activity.getString(R.string.export_fieldnotes_onlynew) + " (" + Formatter.formatDateTime(Settings.getFieldnoteExportDate()) + ')'); } builder.setPositiveButton(R.string.export, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final DialogInterface dialog, final int which) { final boolean upload = uploadOption.isChecked(); final boolean onlyNew = onlyNewOption.isChecked(); Settings.setFieldNoteExportUpload(upload); Settings.setFieldNoteExportOnlyNew(onlyNew); dialog.dismiss(); new ExportTask(activity, upload, onlyNew).execute(caches); } }); return builder.create(); } private class ExportTask extends AsyncTaskWithProgress<Geocache, Boolean> { private final boolean upload; private final boolean onlyNew; private File exportFile; private static final int STATUS_UPLOAD = -1; /** * Instantiates and configures the task for exporting field notes. * * @param activity * optional: Show a progress bar and toasts * @param upload * Upload the Field Note to * @param onlyNew * Upload/export only new logs since last export */ ExportTask(@Nullable final Activity activity, final boolean upload, final boolean onlyNew) { super(activity, getProgressTitle(), CgeoApplication.getInstance().getString(R.string.export_fieldnotes_creating), true); this.upload = upload; this.onlyNew = onlyNew; } @Override protected Boolean doInBackgroundInternal(final Geocache[] caches) { // export all field notes, without any filtering by connector final FieldNotes fieldNotes = createFieldNotes(caches); if (fieldNotes == null) { return false; } // write to file exportFile = fieldNotes.writeToDirectory(exportLocation, fileName); if (exportFile == null) { return false; } fieldNotesCount = fieldNotes.size(); // upload same file to multiple connectors, if they support the upload return uploadFieldNotes(); } private Boolean uploadFieldNotes() { boolean uploadResult = true; if (upload) { publishProgress(STATUS_UPLOAD); for (final IConnector connector : ConnectorFactory.getConnectors()) { if (connector instanceof FieldNotesCapability) { uploadResult &= ((FieldNotesCapability) connector).uploadFieldNotes(exportFile); } } } return uploadResult; } @Nullable private FieldNotes createFieldNotes(final Geocache[] caches) { final FieldNotes fieldNotes = new FieldNotes(); try { for (final Geocache cache : caches) { if (cache.isLogOffline()) { final LogEntry log = DataStore.loadLogOffline(cache.getGeocode()); if (log != null && (!onlyNew || > Settings.getFieldnoteExportDate())) { fieldNotes.add(cache, log); } } publishProgress(fieldNotes.size()); } } catch (final Exception e) { Log.e("FieldNoteExport.ExportTask generation", e); return null; } return fieldNotes; } @Override protected void onPostExecuteInternal(final Boolean result) { if (activity != null) { final Context nonNullActivity = activity; if (result) { Settings.setFieldnoteExportDate(System.currentTimeMillis()); ActivityMixin.showToast(activity, getName() + ' ' + nonNullActivity.getString(R.string.export_exportedto) + ": " + exportFile.toString()); if (upload) { ActivityMixin.showToast(activity, nonNullActivity.getString(R.string.export_fieldnotes_upload_success)); } } else { ActivityMixin.showToast(activity, nonNullActivity.getString(R.string.export_failed)); } } } @Override protected void onProgressUpdateInternal(final Integer status) { if (activity != null) { setMessage(activity.getString(status == STATUS_UPLOAD ? R.string.export_fieldnotes_uploading : R.string.export_fieldnotes_creating) + " (" + fieldNotesCount + ')'); } } } }