package cgeo.geocaching.connector.oc; import cgeo.geocaching.R; import cgeo.geocaching.connector.AbstractConnector; import cgeo.geocaching.connector.capability.Smiley; import cgeo.geocaching.connector.capability.SmileyCapability; import cgeo.geocaching.log.LogType; import cgeo.geocaching.models.Geocache; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; public class OCConnector extends AbstractConnector implements SmileyCapability { @NonNull private final String host; private final boolean https; @NonNull private final String name; private final Pattern codePattern; private static final Pattern GPX_ZIP_FILE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("oc[a-z]{2,3}\\d{5,}\\.zip", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); private static final List<LogType> STANDARD_LOG_TYPES = Arrays.asList(LogType.FOUND_IT, LogType.DIDNT_FIND_IT, LogType.NOTE); private static final List<LogType> EVENT_LOG_TYPES = Arrays.asList(LogType.WILL_ATTEND, LogType.ATTENDED, LogType.NOTE); @NonNull private final String abbreviation; public OCConnector(@NonNull final String name, @NonNull final String host, final boolean https, final String prefix, @NonNull final String abbreviation) { = name; = host; this.https = https; this.abbreviation = abbreviation; codePattern = Pattern.compile(prefix + "[A-Z0-9]+", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); } @Override public boolean canHandle(@NonNull final String geocode) { return codePattern.matcher(geocode).matches(); } @Override @NonNull public String getName() { return name; } @Override @NonNull public String getNameAbbreviated() { return abbreviation; } @Override @NonNull public String getCacheUrl(@NonNull final Geocache cache) { return getCacheUrlPrefix() + cache.getGeocode(); } @Override @NonNull public String getHost() { return host; } @Override public boolean isZippedGPXFile(@NonNull final String fileName) { return GPX_ZIP_FILE_PATTERN.matcher(fileName).matches(); } @Override public boolean isOwner(@NonNull final Geocache cache) { return false; } @Override @NonNull protected String getCacheUrlPrefix() { return getSchemeAndHost() + "/viewcache.php?wp="; } @Override public int getCacheMapMarkerId(final boolean disabled) { if (disabled) { return R.drawable.marker_disabled_oc; } return R.drawable.marker_oc; } @Override @NonNull public final List<LogType> getPossibleLogTypes(@NonNull final Geocache cache) { if (cache.isEventCache()) { return EVENT_LOG_TYPES; } return STANDARD_LOG_TYPES; } @Override @Nullable public String getGeocodeFromUrl(@NonNull final String url) { // different opencaching installations have different supported URLs // host.tld/geocode final String shortHost = StringUtils.remove(getHost(), "www."); final String firstLevel = StringUtils.substringAfter(url, shortHost + "/"); if (canHandle(firstLevel)) { return firstLevel; } // host.tld/viewcache.php?wp=geocode final String secondLevel = StringUtils.substringAfter(url, shortHost + "/viewcache.php?wp="); return canHandle(secondLevel) ? secondLevel : super.getGeocodeFromUrl(url); } @Override @Nullable public String getCreateAccountUrl() { return getSchemeAndHost() + "/register.php"; } @Override public List<Smiley> getSmileys() { return OCSmileysProvider.getSmileys(); } @Override public boolean getHttps() { return https; } /** * Return the scheme part including the colon and the slashes. * * @return either "https://" or "http://" */ protected String getSchemePart() { return https ? "https://" : "http://"; } /** * Return the scheme part and the host (e.g., ""). */ protected String getSchemeAndHost() { return getSchemePart() + host; } }