package cgeo.geocaching.location; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.MatcherWrapper; import; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * A class representing a UTM co-ordinate. * <p> * * Derived from * * Adapted to Java by Colin Mummery ( from C++ code by * Chuck Gantz ( */ public class UTMPoint { private static final double WGS_84_RADIUS = 6378137.0d; private static final double WGS_84_ECC_SQUARED = 0.00669438d; private static final double ECC_PRIME_SQUARED = WGS_84_ECC_SQUARED / (1 - WGS_84_ECC_SQUARED); private static final double ECC_SQUARED_2 = WGS_84_ECC_SQUARED * WGS_84_ECC_SQUARED; private static final double ECC_SQUARED_3 = ECC_SQUARED_2 * WGS_84_ECC_SQUARED; private static final double E_1 = (1 - Math.sqrt(1 - WGS_84_ECC_SQUARED)) / (1 + Math.sqrt(1 - WGS_84_ECC_SQUARED)); private static final double K_0 = 0.9996; private static final double FALSE_EASTING = 500000.0d; private static final double FALSE_NORTHING = 10000000.0d; /** * The northing component of the coordinate. */ private double northing; /** * The easting component of the coordinate. */ private double easting; /** * The zone number of the coordinate, must be between 1 and 60. */ private int zoneNumber; /** * A-Z */ private char zoneLetter; // ( 1 )( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) static final Pattern PATTERN_UTM = Pattern.compile("(^|\\s)(\\d\\d?)[ \\t]*([A-Z])[\\sE]+(\\d+(?:[.,]\\d+)?)[\\sN]+(\\d+(?:[.,]\\d+)?)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); /** * Point to create if you are going to use the static methods to fill the * values in. */ public UTMPoint(final String utmString) { final MatcherWrapper matcher = new MatcherWrapper(PATTERN_UTM, utmString); try { if (matcher.find()) { this.zoneNumber = Integer.parseInt(; this.zoneLetter = checkZone(; this.easting = Double.parseDouble(",", ".")); this.northing = Double.parseDouble(",", ".")); if (zoneNumber < 0 || zoneNumber > 60) { throw new ParseException("ZoneNumber out of range [0-60] in String '" + utmString + "'"); } // Filter some invalid combinations with small numbers if (easting < 160000) { throw new ParseException("Easting too small for UTM format in String '" + utmString + "'"); } if (northing < 650000 && "ABNZ".indexOf(zoneNumber) == -1) { throw new ParseException("Northing too small for UTM zone in String '" + utmString + "'"); } } else { throw new ParseException("Unable to recognize UTM format in String '" + utmString + "'"); } } catch (final NumberFormatException ignored) { throw new ParseException("Error parsing UTM numbers in String '" + utmString + "'"); } } /** * Constructs a new UTM instance. * * @param zoneNumber The zone of the coordinate. * @param zoneLetter For UTM, 'A' .. 'Z' * @param easting The easting component. * @param northing The northing component. * @throws IllegalArgumentException zoneLetter is out of range. */ public UTMPoint(final int zoneNumber, final char zoneLetter, final double easting, final double northing) { this.zoneNumber = zoneNumber; this.zoneLetter = checkZone(zoneLetter); this.easting = easting; this.northing = northing; } /** * Method that provides a check for UTM zone letters. Returns an uppercase * version of any valid letter passed in, 'A' .. 'Z'. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if zone letter is invalid. */ private static char checkZone(final char inZone) { final char zone = Character.toUpperCase(inZone); if (zone < 'A' || zone > 'Z') { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid UTMPoint zone letter: " + zone); } return zone; } /** * Returns a string representation of the object. * * @return String representation */ @Override public String toString() { return String.format(Locale.getDefault(), "%d%c E %d N %d", zoneNumber, zoneLetter, Math.round(easting), Math.round(northing)); } /** * Converts UTM coords to lat/long. * <p> * Equations from USGS Bulletin 1532 <br> * East Longitudes are positive, West longitudes are negative. <br> * North latitudes are positive, South latitudes are negative. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if zoneNumber is out of range. */ @NonNull public Geopoint toLatLong() { // check the ZoneNumber is valid if (zoneNumber < 0 || zoneNumber > 60) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ZoneNumber out of range [0-60]: " + zoneNumber); } // remove 500,000 meter offset for longitude final double x = easting - FALSE_EASTING; final double y = zoneLetter < 'N' ? northing - FALSE_NORTHING : northing; // There are 60 zones with zone 1 being at West -180 to -174 final double longOrigin = (zoneNumber - 1) * 6 - 180 + 3; // +3 puts origin in middle of zone final double m = y / K_0; final double mu = m / (WGS_84_RADIUS * (1 - WGS_84_ECC_SQUARED / 4 - 3 * ECC_SQUARED_2 / 64 - 5 * ECC_SQUARED_3 / 256)); final double phi1Rad = mu + (3 * E_1 / 2 - 27 * E_1 * E_1 * E_1 / 32) * Math.sin(2 * mu) + (21 * E_1 * E_1 / 16 - 55 * E_1 * E_1 * E_1 * E_1 / 32) * Math.sin(4 * mu) + (151 * E_1 * E_1 * E_1 / 96) * Math.sin(6 * mu); final double n1 = WGS_84_RADIUS / Math.sqrt(1 - WGS_84_ECC_SQUARED * Math.sin(phi1Rad) * Math.sin(phi1Rad)); final double t1 = Math.tan(phi1Rad) * Math.tan(phi1Rad); final double c1 = ECC_PRIME_SQUARED * Math.cos(phi1Rad) * Math.cos(phi1Rad); final double r1 = WGS_84_RADIUS * (1 - WGS_84_ECC_SQUARED) / Math.pow(1 - WGS_84_ECC_SQUARED * Math.sin(phi1Rad) * Math.sin(phi1Rad), 1.5); final double d = x / (n1 * K_0); final double latRad = phi1Rad - (n1 * Math.tan(phi1Rad) / r1) * (d * d / 2 - (5 + 3 * t1 + 10 * c1 - 4 * c1 * c1 - 9 * ECC_PRIME_SQUARED) * d * d * d * d / 24 + (61 + 90 * t1 + 298 * c1 + 45 * t1 * t1 - 252 * ECC_PRIME_SQUARED - 3 * c1 * c1) * d * d * d * d * d * d / 720); final double lonRad = (d - (1 + 2 * t1 + c1) * d * d * d / 6 + (5 - 2 * c1 + 28 * t1 - 3 * c1 * c1 + 8 * ECC_PRIME_SQUARED + 24 * t1 * t1) * d * d * d * d * d / 120) / Math.cos(phi1Rad); return new Geopoint(Math.toDegrees(latRad), longOrigin + Math.toDegrees(lonRad)); } /** * Converts a set of Longitude and Latitude co-ordinates to UTM. * * @param geopoint the coordinate * @return An UTM class instance */ @NonNull public static UTMPoint latLong2UTM(final Geopoint geopoint) { final int zoneNumber = getZoneNumber(geopoint.getLatitude(), geopoint.getLongitude()); final double latRad = Math.toRadians(geopoint.getLatitude()); final double longRad = Math.toRadians(geopoint.getLongitude()); // in middle of zone final double longOrigin = (zoneNumber - 1) * 6 - 180 + 3; // +3 puts origin final double longOriginRad = Math.toRadians(longOrigin); final double tanLatRad = Math.tan(latRad); final double sinLatRad = Math.sin(latRad); final double cosLatRad = Math.cos(latRad); final double n = WGS_84_RADIUS / Math.sqrt(1 - WGS_84_ECC_SQUARED * sinLatRad * sinLatRad); final double t = tanLatRad * tanLatRad; final double c = ECC_PRIME_SQUARED * cosLatRad * cosLatRad; final double a = cosLatRad * (longRad - longOriginRad); final double m = WGS_84_RADIUS * ((1 - WGS_84_ECC_SQUARED / 4 - 3 * ECC_SQUARED_2 / 64 - 5 * ECC_SQUARED_3 / 256) * latRad - (3 * WGS_84_ECC_SQUARED / 8 + 3 * ECC_SQUARED_2 / 32 + 45 * ECC_SQUARED_3 / 1024) * Math.sin(2 * latRad) + (15 * ECC_SQUARED_2 / 256 + 45 * ECC_SQUARED_3 / 1024) * Math.sin(4 * latRad) - (35 * ECC_SQUARED_3 / 3072) * Math.sin(6 * latRad)); final double utmEasting = K_0 * n * (a + (1 - t + c) * a * a * a / 6.0d + (5 - 18 * t + t * t + 72 * c - 58 * ECC_PRIME_SQUARED) * a * a * a * a * a / 120.0d) + FALSE_EASTING; final double utmNorthing = K_0 * (m + n * Math.tan(latRad) * (a * a / 2 + (5 - t + 9 * c + 4 * c * c) * a * a * a * a / 24.0d + (61 - 58 * t + t * t + 600 * c - 330 * ECC_PRIME_SQUARED) * a * a * a * a * a * a / 720.0d)); final char zoneLetter = getLetterDesignator(geopoint.getLatitude()); return new UTMPoint(zoneNumber, zoneLetter, utmEasting, geopoint.getLatitude() < 0f ? utmNorthing + FALSE_NORTHING : utmNorthing); } /** * Find zone number based on the given latitude and longitude in *degrees*. * * @param lat in decimal degrees * @param lon in decimal degrees * @return zone number for UTM zone for lat, lon */ private static int getZoneNumber(final double lat, final double lon) { // Make sure the longitude 180.00 is in Zone 60 if (lon == 180) { return 60; } // Special zone for Norway if (lat >= 56.0f && lat < 64.0f && lon >= 3.0f && lon < 12.0f) { return 32; } // Special zones for Svalbard if (lat >= 72.0f && lat < 84.0f) { if (lon >= 0.0f && lon < 9.0f) { return 31; } else if (lon >= 9.0f && lon < 21.0f) { return 33; } else if (lon >= 21.0f && lon < 33.0f) { return 35; } else if (lon >= 33.0f && lon < 42.0f) { return 37; } } return (int) ((lon + 180) / 6) + 1; } /** * Determines the correct MGRS letter designator for the given latitude * returns 'Z' if latitude is outside the MGRS limits of 84N to 80S. * * TODO: maybe we should handle the zones A, B, Y and Z * * @param lat The float value of the latitude. * @return A char value which is the MGRS zone letter. */ private static char getLetterDesignator(final double lat) { if ((84 >= lat) && (lat >= 72)) { return 'X'; } else if ((72 > lat) && (lat >= 64)) { return 'W'; } else if ((64 > lat) && (lat >= 56)) { return 'V'; } else if ((56 > lat) && (lat >= 48)) { return 'U'; } else if ((48 > lat) && (lat >= 40)) { return 'T'; } else if ((40 > lat) && (lat >= 32)) { return 'S'; } else if ((32 > lat) && (lat >= 24)) { return 'R'; } else if ((24 > lat) && (lat >= 16)) { return 'Q'; } else if ((16 > lat) && (lat >= 8)) { return 'P'; } else if ((8 > lat) && (lat >= 0)) { return 'N'; } else if ((0 > lat) && (lat >= -8)) { return 'M'; } else if ((-8 > lat) && (lat >= -16)) { return 'L'; } else if ((-16 > lat) && (lat >= -24)) { return 'K'; } else if ((-24 > lat) && (lat >= -32)) { return 'J'; } else if ((-32 > lat) && (lat >= -40)) { return 'H'; } else if ((-40 > lat) && (lat >= -48)) { return 'G'; } else if ((-48 > lat) && (lat >= -56)) { return 'F'; } else if ((-56 > lat) && (lat >= -64)) { return 'E'; } else if ((-64 > lat) && (lat >= -72)) { return 'D'; } else if ((-72 > lat) && (lat >= -80)) { return 'C'; } // This is here as an error flag to show that the Latitude is outside MGRS limits return 'Z'; } public int getZoneNumber() { return this.zoneNumber; } public char getZoneLetter() { return this.zoneLetter; } public double getEasting() { return easting; } public double getNorthing() { return northing; } public static class ParseException extends NumberFormatException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public ParseException(final String msg) { super(msg); } } }