/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2005, 2016 QNX Software Systems and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Doug Schaefer (QNX) - Initial API and implementation * IBM Corporation * Markus Schorn (Wind River Systems) * Sergey Prigogin (Google) *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.pdom.dom.cpp; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.CCorePlugin; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.DOMException; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTNode; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IBinding; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IScope; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.ISemanticProblem; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPFunction; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPFunctionType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPMethod; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPParameter; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.ProblemFunctionType; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPFunction; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.ICPPComputableFunction; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.ICPPExecution; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.index.IIndexCPPBindingConstants; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.index.IndexCPPSignatureUtil; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.pdom.db.Database; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.pdom.dom.IPDOMOverloader; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.pdom.dom.PDOMBinding; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.pdom.dom.PDOMLinkage; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.pdom.dom.PDOMNode; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; /** * Binding for c++ functions in the index. */ class PDOMCPPFunction extends PDOMCPPBinding implements ICPPFunction, IPDOMOverloader, ICPPComputableFunction { /** * Offset of total number of function parameters (relative to the beginning of the record). */ private static final int NUM_PARAMS = PDOMCPPBinding.RECORD_SIZE; /** * Offset of pointer to the first parameter of this function (relative to the beginning of the record). */ private static final int FIRST_PARAM = NUM_PARAMS + 4; /** * Offset of pointer to the function type record of this function (relative to the beginning of the * record). */ protected static final int FUNCTION_TYPE = FIRST_PARAM + Database.PTR_SIZE; /** * Offset of hash of parameter information to allow fast comparison */ private static final int SIGNATURE_HASH = FUNCTION_TYPE + Database.TYPE_SIZE; /** * Offset of start of exception specifications */ protected static final int EXCEPTION_SPEC = SIGNATURE_HASH + 4; // int /** * Offset of annotation information (relative to the beginning of the record). */ private static final int ANNOTATION = EXCEPTION_SPEC + Database.PTR_SIZE; // short /** Offset of the number of the required arguments. */ private static final int REQUIRED_ARG_COUNT = ANNOTATION + 2; // short /** Offset of the function body execution for constexpr functions. */ private static final int FUNCTION_BODY = REQUIRED_ARG_COUNT + 2; // Database.EXECUTION_SIZE /** * The size in bytes of a PDOMCPPFunction record in the database. */ @SuppressWarnings("hiding") protected static final int RECORD_SIZE = FUNCTION_BODY + Database.EXECUTION_SIZE; private short fAnnotations = -1; private int fRequiredArgCount = -1; private ICPPFunctionType fType; // No need for volatile, all fields of ICPPFunctionTypes are final. public PDOMCPPFunction(PDOMCPPLinkage linkage, PDOMNode parent, ICPPFunction function, boolean setTypes, IASTNode point) throws CoreException, DOMException { super(linkage, parent, function.getNameCharArray()); Database db = getDB(); Integer sigHash = IndexCPPSignatureUtil.getSignatureHash(function); getDB().putInt(record + SIGNATURE_HASH, sigHash != null ? sigHash.intValue() : 0); db.putShort(record + ANNOTATION, getAnnotations(function)); db.putShort(record + REQUIRED_ARG_COUNT, (short) function.getRequiredArgumentCount()); if (setTypes) { linkage.new ConfigureFunction(function, this, point); } } private short getAnnotations(ICPPFunction function) { return PDOMCPPAnnotations.encodeFunctionAnnotations(function); } public void initData(ICPPFunctionType ftype, ICPPParameter[] params, IType[] exceptionSpec, ICPPExecution functionBody) { try { setType(ftype); setParameters(params); storeExceptionSpec(exceptionSpec); getLinkage().storeExecution(record + FUNCTION_BODY, functionBody); } catch (CoreException e) { CCorePlugin.log(e); } } @Override public void update(final PDOMLinkage linkage, IBinding newBinding, IASTNode point) throws CoreException { if (!(newBinding instanceof ICPPFunction)) return; ICPPFunction func = (ICPPFunction) newBinding; ICPPFunctionType newType; ICPPParameter[] newParams; short newAnnotation; int newBindingRequiredArgCount; newType = func.getType(); newParams = func.getParameters(); newAnnotation = getAnnotations(func); newBindingRequiredArgCount = func.getRequiredArgumentCount(); fType = null; linkage.storeType(record + FUNCTION_TYPE, newType); PDOMCPPParameter oldParams = getFirstParameter(null); int requiredCount; if (oldParams != null && hasDeclaration()) { int parCount = 0; requiredCount = 0; for (ICPPParameter newPar : newParams) { parCount++; if (parCount <= newBindingRequiredArgCount && !oldParams.hasDefaultValue()) requiredCount = parCount; oldParams.update(newPar); long next = oldParams.getNextPtr(); if (next == 0) break; oldParams = new PDOMCPPParameter(linkage, next, null); } if (parCount < newBindingRequiredArgCount) { requiredCount = newBindingRequiredArgCount; } } else { requiredCount = newBindingRequiredArgCount; setParameters(newParams); if (oldParams != null) { oldParams.delete(linkage); } } final Database db = getDB(); db.putShort(record + ANNOTATION, newAnnotation); fAnnotations = newAnnotation; db.putShort(record + REQUIRED_ARG_COUNT, (short) requiredCount); fRequiredArgCount = requiredCount; long oldRec = db.getRecPtr(record + EXCEPTION_SPEC); storeExceptionSpec(extractExceptionSpec(func)); if (oldRec != 0) { PDOMCPPTypeList.clearTypes(this, oldRec); } linkage.storeExecution(record + FUNCTION_BODY, CPPFunction.getFunctionBodyExecution(func, point)); } private void storeExceptionSpec(IType[] exceptionSpec) throws CoreException { long typelist = PDOMCPPTypeList.putTypes(this, exceptionSpec); getDB().putRecPtr(record + EXCEPTION_SPEC, typelist); } IType[] extractExceptionSpec(ICPPFunction binding) { IType[] exceptionSpec; if (binding instanceof ICPPMethod && ((ICPPMethod) binding).isImplicit()) { // Don't store the exception specification, compute it on demand. exceptionSpec = null; } else { exceptionSpec = binding.getExceptionSpecification(); } return exceptionSpec; } private void setParameters(ICPPParameter[] params) throws CoreException { final PDOMLinkage linkage = getLinkage(); final Database db = getDB(); db.putInt(record + NUM_PARAMS, params.length); db.putRecPtr(record + FIRST_PARAM, 0); PDOMCPPParameter next = null; for (int i = params.length; --i >= 0;) { next = new PDOMCPPParameter(linkage, this, params[i], next); } db.putRecPtr(record + FIRST_PARAM, next == null ? 0 : next.getRecord()); } private void setType(ICPPFunctionType ft) throws CoreException { fType = null; getLinkage().storeType(record + FUNCTION_TYPE, ft); } @Override public int getSignatureHash() throws CoreException { return getDB().getInt(record + SIGNATURE_HASH); } public static int getSignatureHash(PDOMLinkage linkage, long record) throws CoreException { return linkage.getDB().getInt(record + SIGNATURE_HASH); } public PDOMCPPFunction(PDOMLinkage linkage, long bindingRecord) { super(linkage, bindingRecord); } @Override protected int getRecordSize() { return RECORD_SIZE; } @Override public int getNodeType() { return IIndexCPPBindingConstants.CPPFUNCTION; } private PDOMCPPParameter getFirstParameter(IType type) throws CoreException { long rec = getDB().getRecPtr(record + FIRST_PARAM); return rec != 0 ? new PDOMCPPParameter(getLinkage(), rec, type) : null; } @Override public boolean isInline() { return PDOMCPPAnnotations.isInline(getAnnotations()); } @Override public int getRequiredArgumentCount() { if (fRequiredArgCount == -1) { try { fRequiredArgCount = getDB().getShort(record + REQUIRED_ARG_COUNT); } catch (CoreException e) { fRequiredArgCount = 0; } } return fRequiredArgCount; } protected final short getAnnotations() { if (fAnnotations == -1) { try { fAnnotations = getDB().getShort(record + ANNOTATION); } catch (CoreException e) { fAnnotations = 0; } } return fAnnotations; } @Override public boolean isExternC() { return PDOMCPPAnnotations.isExternC(getAnnotations()); } @Override public boolean isMutable() { return false; } @Override public IScope getFunctionScope() { return null; } @Override public ICPPParameter[] getParameters() { try { PDOMLinkage linkage = getLinkage(); Database db = getDB(); ICPPFunctionType ft = getType(); IType[] ptypes = ft == null ? IType.EMPTY_TYPE_ARRAY : ft.getParameterTypes(); int n = db.getInt(record + NUM_PARAMS); ICPPParameter[] result = new ICPPParameter[n]; long next = db.getRecPtr(record + FIRST_PARAM); for (int i = 0; i < n && next != 0; i++) { IType type = i < ptypes.length ? ptypes[i] : null; final PDOMCPPParameter par = new PDOMCPPParameter(linkage, next, type); next = par.getNextPtr(); result[i] = par; } return result; } catch (CoreException e) { CCorePlugin.log(e); return ICPPParameter.EMPTY_CPPPARAMETER_ARRAY; } } @Override public final ICPPFunctionType getType() { if (fType == null) { try { fType = (ICPPFunctionType) getLinkage().loadType(record + FUNCTION_TYPE); } catch (CoreException e) { CCorePlugin.log(e); fType = new ProblemFunctionType(ISemanticProblem.TYPE_NOT_PERSISTED); } } return fType; } @Override public boolean isAuto() { // ISO/IEC 14882:2003 return false; } @Override public boolean isConstexpr() { return PDOMCPPAnnotations.isConstexpr(getAnnotations()); } @Override public boolean isDeleted() { return PDOMCPPAnnotations.isDeletedFunction(getAnnotations()); } @Override public boolean isExtern() { return PDOMCPPAnnotations.isExtern(getAnnotations()); } @Override public boolean isRegister() { // ISO/IEC 14882:2003 return false; } @Override public boolean isStatic() { return PDOMCPPAnnotations.isStatic(getAnnotations()); } @Override public boolean takesVarArgs() { return PDOMCPPAnnotations.isVarargsFunction(getAnnotations()); } @Override public boolean isNoReturn() { return PDOMCPPAnnotations.isNoReturnFunction(getAnnotations()); } @Override public boolean hasParameterPack() { return PDOMCPPAnnotations.hasParameterPack(getAnnotations()); } @Override public Object clone() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public int pdomCompareTo(PDOMBinding other) { int cmp = super.pdomCompareTo(other); return cmp == 0 ? compareSignatures(this, other) : cmp; } protected static int compareSignatures(IPDOMOverloader a, Object b) { if (b instanceof IPDOMOverloader) { IPDOMOverloader bb = (IPDOMOverloader) b; try { int mySM = a.getSignatureHash(); int otherSM = bb.getSignatureHash(); return mySM == otherSM ? 0 : mySM < otherSM ? -1 : 1; } catch (CoreException e) { CCorePlugin.log(e); } } else { assert false; } return 0; } @Override public IType[] getExceptionSpecification() { try { final long rec = getPDOM().getDB().getRecPtr(record + EXCEPTION_SPEC); return PDOMCPPTypeList.getTypes(this, rec); } catch (CoreException e) { CCorePlugin.log(e); return null; } } @Override public ICPPExecution getFunctionBodyExecution(IASTNode point) { if (!isConstexpr()) return null; try { return (ICPPExecution) getLinkage().loadExecution(record + FUNCTION_BODY); } catch (CoreException e) { CCorePlugin.log(e); return null; } } }