/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2004, 2015 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * John Camelon (IBM Rational Software) - Initial API and implementation * Markus Schorn (Wind River Systems) *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.tests.ast2; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.io.Writer; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTASMDeclaration; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTDeclaration; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTEqualsInitializer; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTExpression; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTFunctionDefinition; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTPointer; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTSimpleDeclaration; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTTranslationUnit; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IFunctionType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.c.ICASTPointer; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.c.ICASTSimpleDeclSpecifier; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ParserLanguage; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.c.CASTFunctionDefinition; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.c.CFunction; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.model.ASTStringUtil; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.parser.ParserException; public class GCCCompleteParseExtensionsTest extends AST2TestBase { public GCCCompleteParseExtensionsTest() { } public GCCCompleteParseExtensionsTest(String name) { super(name); } private IASTTranslationUnit parseGCC(String code) throws ParserException { IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(code, ParserLanguage.C, true, true); CNameResolver resolver = new CNameResolver(); tu.accept(resolver); if (resolver.numProblemBindings > 0) throw new ParserException(" there are " + resolver.numProblemBindings + " ProblemBindings on the tu"); //$NON-NLS-2$ if (resolver.numNullBindings > 0) throw new ParserException("Expected no null bindings, encountered " + resolver.numNullBindings); return tu; } private IASTTranslationUnit parseGPP(String code) throws ParserException { IASTTranslationUnit tu = parse(code, ParserLanguage.CPP, true, true); CPPNameResolver resolver = new CPPNameResolver(); tu.accept(resolver); if (resolver.numProblemBindings > 0) throw new ParserException(" there are " + resolver.numProblemBindings + " ProblemBindings on the tu"); //$NON-NLS-2$ if (resolver.numNullBindings > 0) throw new ParserException("Expected no null bindings, encountered " + resolver.numNullBindings); return tu; } public void testBug39695() throws Exception { parseGCC("int a = __alignof__ (int);").getDeclarations(); } public void testBug39684() throws Exception { IASTDeclaration bar = parseGCC("typeof(foo(1)) bar () { return foo(1); }").getDeclarations()[0]; assertTrue(bar instanceof CASTFunctionDefinition); CFunction barFunc = (CFunction)((CASTFunctionDefinition)bar).getDeclarator().getName().resolveBinding(); IFunctionType type = barFunc.getType(); // TODO Devin typeof declSpec has 0 length, also doesn't seem to have a type for typeof... raise a bug // IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier simpleTypeSpec = ((IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier)bar.getReturnType().getTypeSpecifier()); // assertEquals(simpleTypeSpec.getType(), IASTGCCSimpleTypeSpecifier.Type.TYPEOF); } public void testBug39698A() throws Exception { IASTDeclaration[] decls = parseGPP("int a=0; \n int b=1; \n int c = a <? b;").getDeclarations(); assertEquals(ASTStringUtil.getExpressionString((IASTExpression) ((IASTEqualsInitializer)((IASTSimpleDeclaration)decls[2]).getDeclarators()[0].getInitializer()).getInitializerClause()), "a <? b"); } public void testBug39698B() throws Exception { IASTDeclaration[] decls = parseGPP("int a=0; \n int b=1; \n int c = a >? b;").getDeclarations(); assertEquals(ASTStringUtil.getExpressionString((IASTExpression) ((IASTEqualsInitializer)((IASTSimpleDeclaration)decls[2]).getDeclarators()[0].getInitializer()).getInitializerClause()), "a >? b"); } public void testPredefinedSymbol_bug69791() throws Exception { parseGPP("typedef __builtin_va_list __gnuc_va_list; \n").getDeclarations(); parseGCC("typedef __builtin_va_list __gnuc_va_list; \n").getDeclarations(); } public void testBug39697() throws Exception { Writer writer = new StringWriter(); writer.write("__asm__( \"CODE\" );\n"); writer.write("__inline__ int foo() { return 4; }\n"); writer.write("__const__ int constInt;\n"); writer.write("__volatile__ int volInt;\n"); writer.write("__signed__ int signedInt;\n"); IASTDeclaration[] decls = parseGCC(writer.toString()).getDeclarations(); assertEquals(((IASTASMDeclaration)decls[0]).getAssembly(), "\"CODE\""); assertTrue(((IASTFunctionDefinition)decls[1]).getDeclSpecifier().isInline()); assertTrue(((IASTSimpleDeclaration)decls[2]).getDeclSpecifier().isConst()); assertTrue(((IASTSimpleDeclaration)decls[3]).getDeclSpecifier().isVolatile()); assertTrue(((ICASTSimpleDeclSpecifier)((IASTSimpleDeclaration)decls[4]).getDeclSpecifier()).isSigned()); writer = new StringWriter(); writer.write("int * __restrict__ resPointer1;\n"); writer.write("int * __restrict resPointer2;\n"); decls = parseGCC(writer.toString()).getDeclarations(); assertTrue(((ICASTPointer)((IASTSimpleDeclaration)decls[0]).getDeclarators()[0].getPointerOperators()[0]).isRestrict()); assertTrue(((ICASTPointer)((IASTSimpleDeclaration)decls[1]).getDeclarators()[0].getPointerOperators()[0]).isRestrict()); writer = new StringWriter(); writer.write("int * __restrict__ resPointer1;\n"); writer.write("int * __restrict resPointer2;\n"); decls = parseGPP(writer.toString()).getDeclarations(); assertTrue(((IASTPointer)((IASTSimpleDeclaration)decls[0]).getDeclarators()[0].getPointerOperators()[0]).isRestrict()); assertTrue(((IASTPointer)((IASTSimpleDeclaration)decls[1]).getDeclarators()[0].getPointerOperators()[0]).isRestrict()); } public void testBug73954A() throws Exception { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); writer.write("void f(){ \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_expect( 23, 2); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_prefetch( (const void *)0, 1, 2); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_huge_val(); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_huge_valf(); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_huge_vall(); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_inf(); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_inff(); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_infl(); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_nan(\"\"); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_nanf(\"\"); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_nanl(\"\"); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_nans(\"\"); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_nansf(\"\"); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_nansl(\"\"); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_ffs (0); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_clz (0); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_ctz (0); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_popcount (0); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_parity (0); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_ffsl (0); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_clzl (0); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_ctzl (0); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_popcountl (0); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_parityl (0); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_ffsll (0); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_clzll (0); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_ctzll (0); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_popcountll (0); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_parityll (0); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_powi (0, 0); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_powif (0, 0); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_powil (0, 0); \n"); writer.write("} \n"); parseGCC(writer.toString()); } public void testBug39686() throws Exception { Writer code = new StringWriter(); code.write("__complex__ double x; // complex double\n"); code.write("__complex__ short int a; // complex short int\n"); code.write("__complex__ float y = 2.5fi; // 2.5 imaginary float literal\n"); code.write("__complex__ int z = 3i; // imaginary intege r literal\n"); code.write("double v = __real__ x; // real part of expression\n"); code.write("double w = __imag__ x; // imaginary part of expression\n"); parseGCC(code.toString()); } public void testBug39551B() throws Exception { //this used to be 99.99 * __I__, but I don't know where the __I__ came from, its not in C99, nor in GCC IASTDeclaration decl = parseGCC("_Imaginary double id = 99.99 * 1i;").getDeclarations()[0]; // TODO Devin does ICPPASTSimpleDeclSpecifier need something for isImaginary ? // assertEquals(variable.getName(), "id"); // assertTrue(((IASTSimpleTypeSpecifier)variable.getAbstractDeclaration().getTypeSpecifier()).isImaginary()); } public void testBug39681() throws Exception { Writer code = new StringWriter(); code.write("double\n"); code.write("foo (double a, double b)\n"); code.write("{\n"); code.write(" double square (double z) { return z * z; }\n"); code.write(" return square (a) + square (b);\n"); code.write("}\n"); parseGCC(code.toString()); } public void testBug39677() throws Exception { parseGPP("class B { public: B(); int a;}; B::B() : a(({ 1; })) {}"); Writer writer = new StringWriter(); writer.write("int foo(); class B { public: B(); int a;};"); writer.write("B::B() : a(( { int y = foo (); int z;\n"); writer.write("if (y > 0) z = y;\n"); writer.write("else z = - y;\n"); writer.write("z; })) {}\n"); parseGPP(writer.toString()); writer = new StringWriter(); writer.write("int x = ({ int foo(); int y = foo (); int z;\n"); writer.write("if (y > 0) z = y;\n"); writer.write("else z = - y;\n"); writer.write("z; });\n"); parseGPP(writer.toString()); writer = new StringWriter(); writer.write("int foo(); \n"); writer.write("typeof({ int y = foo (); \n"); writer.write(" int z; \n"); writer.write(" if (y > 0) z = y; \n"); writer.write(" else z = - y; \n"); writer.write(" z; \n"); writer.write(" }) zoot; \n"); parseGPP(writer.toString()); // TODO Devin raised bug 93980 } public void testBug75401() throws Exception { Writer writer = new StringWriter(); writer.write("#define va_list __builtin_va_list \n"); writer.write("#define va_arg(v,l) __builtin_va_arg(v,l) \n"); writer.write("#define va_start(v,l) __builtin_va_start(v,l) \n"); writer.write("#define va_end(v) __builtin_va_end(v) \n"); writer.write("void variadic(int first, ...) { \n"); writer.write(" va_list v; \n"); writer.write(" va_start(v, first); \n"); writer.write(" long l = va_arg(v, long); \n"); writer.write(" va_end(v); \n"); writer.write("} \n"); parseGCC(writer.toString()); parseGPP(writer.toString()); } public void testBug73954B() throws Exception { Writer writer = new StringWriter(); writer.write("#define foo(x) \\\n"); writer.write(" __builtin_choose_expr( 1, foo_d(x), (void)0 ) \n"); writer.write("int foo_d( int x ); \n"); writer.write("int main() { \n"); writer.write(" if( __builtin_constant_p(1) && \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_types_compatible_p( 1, 'c') ) \n"); writer.write(" foo(1); \n"); writer.write("} \n"); parseGCC(writer.toString()); } public void testGNUExternalTemplate_bug71603() throws Exception { parseGPP("template <typename T> \n class A {}; \n extern template class A<int>; \n").getDeclarations(); } public void testBug74190_g_assert_1() throws Exception { Writer writer = new StringWriter(); writer.write("void log( int ); \n"); writer.write("void f() { \n"); writer.write(" int a = 1; \n"); writer.write(" (void)({ if( a ){ } \n"); writer.write(" else{ log( a ); } \n"); writer.write(" }); \n"); writer.write("} \n"); parseGCC(writer.toString()); parseGPP(writer.toString()); } public void testBug74190_g_return_if_fail() throws Exception { Writer writer = new StringWriter(); writer.write("void f() { \n"); writer.write(" (void)({ if( ( ({ 0; }) ) ) \n"); writer.write(" { } \n"); writer.write(" }); \n"); writer.write("} \n"); parseGCC(writer.toString()); parseGPP(writer.toString()); } public void testBug95635() throws Exception{ StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); writer.write("void f(){ \n"); writer.write(" char a[10]; \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_va_list b; \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_abort(); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_exit(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin__Exit(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin__exit(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_conj(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_conjf(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_conjl(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_creal(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_crealf(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_creall(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_cimag(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_cimagf(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_cimagl(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_imaxabs(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_llabs(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_vscanf(\"\",b);\n"); writer.write(" __builtin_vsnprintf(a, 1, \"\", b); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_vsscanf(\"\", \"\", b);\n"); writer.write(" __builtin_cosf(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_cosl(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_expf(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_expl(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_fabsf(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_fabsl(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_logf(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_logl(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_sinf(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_sinl(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_sqrtf(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_sqrtl(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_abs(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_cos(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_exp(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_fabs(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_fprintf((void*)0, \"\");\n"); writer.write(" __builtin_fputs(\"\", (void*)0);\n"); writer.write(" __builtin_labs(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_log(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_memcmp((void*)0, (void*)0, 1);\n"); writer.write(" __builtin_memcpy((void*)0,(void*)0, 1);\n"); writer.write(" __builtin_memset((void*)0, 1, 1);\n"); writer.write(" __builtin_printf(\"\"); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_putchar(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_puts(\"\"); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_scanf(\"\"); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_sin(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_snprintf(a, 1, \"\");\n"); writer.write(" __builtin_sprintf(a, \"\");\n"); writer.write(" __builtin_sqrt(1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_sscanf(\"\", \"\"); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_strcat(a, \"\"); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_strchr(\"\", 1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_strcmp(\"\", \"\"); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_strcpy(a, \"\"); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_strcspn(\"\", \"\");\n"); writer.write(" __builtin_strlen(\"\"); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_strncat(a, \"\", 1);\n"); writer.write(" __builtin_strncmp(\"\", \"\", 1);\n"); writer.write(" __builtin_strncpy(a, \"\", 1);\n"); writer.write(" __builtin_strpbrk(\"\", \"\");\n"); writer.write(" __builtin_strrchr(\"\", 1); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_strspn(\"\", \"\"); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_strstr(\"\", \"\"); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_strstr(\"\", \"\"); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_vprintf(a, b);\n"); writer.write(" __builtin_vsprintf(a, \"\", b); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_isgreater(1.0,1.0); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_isgreaterequal(1.0,1.0);\n"); writer.write(" __builtin_isless(1.0,1.0); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_islessequal(1.0,1.0); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_islessgreater(1.0,1.0); \n"); writer.write(" __builtin_isunordered(1.0,1.0); \n"); writer.write("} \n"); final String code = writer.toString(); parseGCC(code); parseGPP(code); } // typedef int size_t; // will be defined in <stddef.h> // struct S {int m;}; // void test() { // int a= __builtin_offsetof(struct S, m); // }; public void test__builtinOffsetof_Bug265001() throws Exception { // gcc with __GNUC__ >= 4 defines: // #define offsetof(type, field) __builtin_offsetof(type, field) String code= getAboveComment(); parseGCC(code); parseGPP(code); } // typedef struct S {int m;} T; // void test() { // int a= __offsetof__(1); // }; public void test__offsetof__Bug265001() throws Exception { // gcc with __GNUC__ < 4 defines: // #define offsetof(type, field) \ // (__offsetof__ (reinterpret_cast <__size_t> \ // (& reinterpret_cast <const volatile char &> \ // (static_cast<type *> (0)->field)))) parseGPP(getAboveComment()); } // void test(){ // bool b; // b= __has_nothrow_assign (int); // b= __has_nothrow_copy (int); // b= __has_nothrow_constructor (int); // b= __has_trivial_assign (int); // b= __has_trivial_copy (int); // b= __has_trivial_constructor (int); // b= __has_trivial_destructor (int); // b= __has_virtual_destructor (int); // b= __is_abstract (int); // b= __is_base_of (char, int); // b= __is_class (int); // b= __is_empty (int); // b= __is_enum (int); // b= __is_pod (int); // b= __is_polymorphic (int); // b= __is_union (int); // } public void testTypeTraits_Bug342683() throws Exception { parseGPP(getAboveComment()); } // __int128 a; // unsigned __int128 b; public void test__int128() throws Exception { String code= getAboveComment(); parseGCC(code); parseGPP(code); } // __float128 f; public void test__float128() throws Exception { String code= getAboveComment(); parseGCC(code); parseGPP(code); } // _Decimal32 x; public void test_Decimal32() throws Exception { String code= getAboveComment(); parseGCC(code); parseGPP(code); } // _Decimal64 x; public void test_Decimal64() throws Exception { String code= getAboveComment(); parseGCC(code); parseGPP(code); } // _Decimal128 x; public void test_Decimal128() throws Exception { String code= getAboveComment(); parseGCC(code); parseGPP(code); } // struct waldo { // } __attribute__((__aligned__((1)))); public void test__attribute__aligned_bug400204() throws Exception { String code= getAboveComment(); parseGCC(code); parseGPP(code); } }