/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2005, 2015 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * John Camelon (IBM Rational Software) - Initial API and implementation * Markus Schorn (Wind River Systems) * Ed Swartz (Nokia) * Mike Kucera (IBM) - bug #206952 * Sergey Prigogin (Google) * Thomas Corbat (IFS) * Anders Dahlberg (Ericsson) - bug 84144 * Alexander Nyßen (itemis AG) - bug 475908 *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.ASTCompletionNode; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.ASTGenericVisitor; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.ASTVisitor; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTASMDeclaration; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTAlignmentSpecifier; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTAttribute; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTAttributeList; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTAttributeOwner; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTAttributeSpecifier; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTBinaryExpression; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTBreakStatement; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTCaseStatement; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTCastExpression; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTCompletionNode; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTCompoundStatement; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTConditionalExpression; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTContinueStatement; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTDeclSpecifier; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTDeclaration; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTDeclarationListOwner; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTDeclarationStatement; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTDeclarator; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTDefaultStatement; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTDoStatement; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTEnumerationSpecifier; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTEnumerationSpecifier.IASTEnumerator; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTExpression; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTExpressionList; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTExpressionStatement; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTFileLocation; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTFunctionCallExpression; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTFunctionDeclarator; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTFunctionDefinition; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTIfStatement; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTInitializer; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTInitializerClause; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTLabelStatement; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTLiteralExpression; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTName; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTNamedTypeSpecifier; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTNode; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTNullStatement; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTProblem; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTProblemDeclaration; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTProblemExpression; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTProblemStatement; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTSimpleDeclaration; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTStatement; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTToken; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTTokenList; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTTranslationUnit; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTTypeId; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTTypeIdExpression; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTUnaryExpression; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTWhileStatement; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.INodeFactory; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.gnu.IGNUASTCompoundStatementExpression; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.parser.IBuiltinBindingsProvider; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.parser.IExtensionToken; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.parser.ISourceCodeParser; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.AbstractParserLogService; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.EndOfFileException; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.IGCCToken; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.IInactiveCodeToken; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.IParserLogService; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.IProblem; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.IScanner; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.IToken; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.OffsetLimitReachedException; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ParseError; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.ParserMode; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.util.CharArrayUtils; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.parser.scanner.ILocationResolver; /** * Base class for the c- and c++ parser. */ public abstract class AbstractGNUSourceCodeParser implements ISourceCodeParser { // see TemplateIdStrategy for an explanation of what this does public interface ITemplateIdStrategy { boolean shallParseAsTemplateID(IASTName name); } protected static class FoundAggregateInitializer extends Exception { public final IASTDeclarator fDeclarator; public final IASTDeclSpecifier fDeclSpec; public FoundAggregateInitializer(IASTDeclSpecifier declSpec, IASTDeclarator d) { fDeclSpec= declSpec; fDeclarator= d; } } protected static class Decl { public Decl() { } public IASTDeclSpecifier fDeclSpec1; public IASTDeclSpecifier fDeclSpec2; public IASTDeclarator fDtor1; public IASTDeclarator fDtor2; public IToken fDtorToken1; public Decl set(IASTDeclSpecifier declspec, IASTDeclarator dtor, IToken dtorToken) { fDeclSpec1= declspec; fDtor1= dtor; fDtorToken1= dtorToken; fDeclSpec2= null; fDtor2= null; return this; } public Decl set(IASTDeclSpecifier declspec1, IASTDeclarator dtor1, IASTDeclSpecifier declspec2, IASTDeclarator dtor2) { fDeclSpec1= declspec1; fDtor1= dtor1; fDtorToken1= null; fDeclSpec2= declspec2; fDtor2= dtor2; return this; } } private static final ASTVisitor MARK_INACTIVE = new ASTGenericVisitor(true) { { shouldVisitAmbiguousNodes= true; } @Override protected int genericVisit(IASTNode node) { ((ASTNode) node).setInactive(); return PROCESS_CONTINUE; } @Override public int visit(ASTAmbiguousNode node) { node.setInactive(); IASTNode[] alternatives= node.getNodes(); for (IASTNode alt : alternatives) { if (!alt.accept(this)) return PROCESS_ABORT; } return PROCESS_CONTINUE; } }; /** * Information about the context in which a cast-expression is parsed: * in a binary expression, in a binary expression in a template-id, or elsewhere. */ protected static enum CastExprCtx {eDirectlyInBExpr, eInBExpr, eNotInBExpr} protected static enum ExprKind {eExpression, eAssignment, eConstant} protected static final int DEFAULT_DESIGNATOR_LIST_SIZE = 4; protected static int parseCount = 0; protected final AbstractParserLogService log; protected final IScanner scanner; protected final ParserMode mode; protected final boolean supportStatementsInExpressions; protected final boolean supportTypeOfUnaries; protected final boolean supportAlignOfUnaries; protected final boolean supportKnRC; protected final boolean supportAttributeSpecifiers; protected final boolean supportDeclspecSpecifiers; protected boolean supportParameterInfoBlock; protected boolean supportFunctionStyleAsm; protected boolean supportExtendedSizeofOperator; protected final IBuiltinBindingsProvider builtinBindingsProvider; protected boolean functionCallCanBeLValue= false; protected int maximumTrivialExpressionsInAggregateInitializers= Integer.MAX_VALUE; /** * Marks the beginning of the current declaration. It is important to clear the mark whenever we * enter a nested declaration, in order to avoid holding on to all the tokens. */ protected IToken declarationMark; protected IToken nextToken; protected IToken lastToken; protected IToken lastTokenFromScanner; protected boolean isCancelled = false; protected boolean parsePassed = true; protected int backtrackCount = 0; protected BacktrackException backtrack = new BacktrackException(); protected ASTCompletionNode completionNode; private final INodeFactory nodeFactory; private boolean fActiveCode= true; protected AbstractGNUSourceCodeParser(IScanner scanner, IParserLogService logService, ParserMode parserMode, INodeFactory nodeFactory, boolean supportStatementsInExpressions, boolean supportTypeOfUnaries, boolean supportAlignOfUnaries, boolean supportKnRC, boolean supportAttributeSpecifiers, boolean supportDeclspecSpecifiers, IBuiltinBindingsProvider builtinBindingsProvider) { this.scanner = scanner; this.log = wrapLogService(logService); this.mode = parserMode; this.supportStatementsInExpressions = supportStatementsInExpressions; this.supportTypeOfUnaries = supportTypeOfUnaries; this.supportAlignOfUnaries = supportAlignOfUnaries; this.supportKnRC = supportKnRC; this.supportAttributeSpecifiers = supportAttributeSpecifiers; this.supportDeclspecSpecifiers = supportDeclspecSpecifiers; this.builtinBindingsProvider= builtinBindingsProvider; this.nodeFactory = nodeFactory; } /** * Instructs the parser not to create ast nodes for expressions within aggregate initializers * when they do not contain names beyond the given limit. */ public void setMaximumTrivialExpressionsInAggregateInitializers(int limit) { maximumTrivialExpressionsInAggregateInitializers= limit; } private AbstractParserLogService wrapLogService(IParserLogService logService) { if (logService instanceof AbstractParserLogService) { return (AbstractParserLogService) logService; } return new ParserLogServiceWrapper(logService); } protected final void throwBacktrack(int offset, int length) throws BacktrackException { ++backtrackCount; backtrack.initialize(offset, (length < 0) ? 0 : length); throw backtrack; } protected INodeFactory getNodeFactory() { return nodeFactory; } @Override public IASTCompletionNode getCompletionNode() { return completionNode; } // Use to create the completion node protected ASTCompletionNode createCompletionNode(IToken token) { // the preprocessor may deliver tokens for literals or header-names. if (completionNode == null && token != null && token.getType() == IToken.tCOMPLETION) { completionNode = new ASTCompletionNode(token, getTranslationUnit()); } return completionNode; } /** * Fetches the next token from the scanner. */ private final IToken fetchToken(boolean skipInactive) throws EndOfFileException { try { IToken t= scanner.nextToken(); if (skipInactive) { while (t.getType() == IToken.tINACTIVE_CODE_START) { scanner.skipInactiveCode(); t= scanner.nextToken(); } } if (lastTokenFromScanner != null) lastTokenFromScanner.setNext(t); lastTokenFromScanner= t; return t; } catch (OffsetLimitReachedException olre) { if (mode != ParserMode.COMPLETION_PARSE) throw new EndOfFileException(olre.getEndOffset()); createCompletionNode(olre.getFinalToken()); throw olre; } } private final IToken nextToken(boolean skipInactive) throws EndOfFileException { final IToken t= nextToken; if (t != null) return t; final IToken tn= fetchToken(skipInactive); nextToken= tn; return tn; } private final IToken lookaheadToken(int i, boolean skipInactive) throws EndOfFileException { assert i >= 0; if (isCancelled) { throw new ParseError(ParseError.ParseErrorKind.TIMEOUT_OR_CANCELLED); } IToken t= nextToken(skipInactive); for (; i > 1; --i) { t = t.getNext(); if (t == null) t = fetchToken(skipInactive); } return t; } /** * Returns the next token without advancing. Same as {@code LA(1)}. */ protected final IToken LA() throws EndOfFileException { IToken t= nextToken(true); checkForEOI(t); return t; } /** * Returns one of the next tokens. With {@code i == 1}, the next token is returned. * @param i number of tokens to look ahead, must be greater than 0. */ protected final IToken LA(int i) throws EndOfFileException { IToken t= lookaheadToken(i, true); checkForEOI(t); return t; } /** * Consumes and returns the next token available. */ protected final IToken consume() throws EndOfFileException { IToken t= nextToken(true); checkForEOI(t); nextToken= t.getNext(); return t; } /** * Tests whether we are looking at a change from active to inactive code at this point. If so, the change * is accepted. * * @param nesting * the nesting level of the code branch we have to stay within * @return <code>false</code> if an inactive code branch was rejected because of its nesting level, * <code>true</code>, otherwise. */ protected final boolean acceptInactiveCodeBoundary(int nesting) { try { while (true) { IToken t= nextToken(false); switch (t.getType()) { case IToken.tINACTIVE_CODE_START: case IToken.tINACTIVE_CODE_SEPARATOR: IInactiveCodeToken it = (IInactiveCodeToken) t; if (it.getNewNesting() < nesting || (it.getNewNesting() == nesting && it.getOldNesting() == nesting)) { return false; } fActiveCode= false; nextToken= t.getNext(); // consume the token continue; case IToken.tINACTIVE_CODE_END: it = (IInactiveCodeToken) t; if (it.getNewNesting() < nesting || (it.getNewNesting() == nesting && it.getOldNesting() == nesting)) { return false; } fActiveCode= true; nextToken= t.getNext(); // consume the token continue; default: return true; } } } catch (EndOfFileException e) { } return true; } protected final void skipInactiveCode() throws OffsetLimitReachedException { IToken t= nextToken; if (fActiveCode && (t == null || t.getType() != IToken.tINACTIVE_CODE_START)) return; try { fActiveCode= true; while (t != null && t.getType() != IToken.tINACTIVE_CODE_END) { t= t.getNext(); } if (t != null) { nextToken= t.getNext(); } else { nextToken= null; scanner.skipInactiveCode(); } } catch (OffsetLimitReachedException olre) { if (mode == ParserMode.COMPLETION_PARSE) { createCompletionNode(olre.getFinalToken()); throw olre; } } } protected final boolean isActiveCode() { return fActiveCode; } protected final int getCodeBranchNesting() { return scanner.getCodeBranchNesting(); } /** * Returns the next token, which can be used to reset the input back to * this point in the stream. */ protected final IToken mark() throws EndOfFileException { return LA(); } /** * Roll back to a previous point, reseting the queue of tokens. * @param mark a token previously obtained via {@link #mark()}. */ protected final void backup(IToken mark) { nextToken = mark; } private final void checkForEOI(IToken t) throws EndOfFileException { final int lt= t.getType(); if (lt == IToken.tINACTIVE_CODE_SEPARATOR || lt == IToken.tINACTIVE_CODE_END) throw new EndOfFileException(t.getOffset(), true); } /** * Same as {@link #LA(int)}, but returns <code>null</code> when eof is reached. */ protected final IToken LAcatchEOF(int i) { try { return LA(i); } catch (EndOfFileException e) { return null; } } /** * Look ahead in the token list and return the token type. * @param i number of tokens to look ahead, must be greater or equal to 0. * @return The type of that token */ protected final int LT(int i) throws EndOfFileException { return LA(i).getType(); } /** * Same as {@link #LT(int)}, but returns <code>0</code> when eof is reached. */ protected final int LTcatchEOF(int i) { try { return LT(i); } catch (EndOfFileException e) { return 0; } } /** * The next token is consumed. Afterwards its type is checked and a {@link BacktrackException} * is thrown if the type does not match the expected one. * @param type the expected type of the next token. */ protected final IToken consume(int type) throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException { final IToken result= consume(); if (result.getType() != type) throwBacktrack(result); return result; } /** * The next token is consumed. Afterwards its type is checked and a {@link BacktrackException} * is thrown if the type neither matches <code>type1</code> nor <code>type2</code>. */ protected final IToken consume(int type1, int type2) throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException { final IToken result= consume(); final int lt1 = result.getType(); if (lt1 != type1 && lt1 != type2) throwBacktrack(result); return result; } /** * Consume the next token available only if the type is as specified. In case we reached * the end of completion, no token is consumed and the eoc-token returned. * * @param type * The type of token that you are expecting. * @return the token that was consumed and removed from our buffer. * @throws BacktrackException * if LT(1) != type */ protected IToken consumeOrEOC(int type) throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException { final IToken la1= LA(1); final int lt1 = la1.getType(); if (lt1 != type) { if (lt1 == IToken.tEOC) return la1; throwBacktrack(la1); } return consume(); } protected final boolean isOnSameLine(int offset1, int offset2) { ILocationResolver lr= getTranslationUnit().getAdapter(ILocationResolver.class); IASTFileLocation floc= lr.getMappedFileLocation(offset1, offset2 - offset1 + 1); return floc.getFileName().equals(lr.getContainingFilePath(offset1)) && floc.getStartingLineNumber() == floc.getEndingLineNumber(); } protected final int calculateEndOffset(IASTNode n) { ASTNode node = (ASTNode) n; return node.getOffset() + node.getLength(); } protected final <T extends IASTNode> T setRange(T n, IASTNode from) { ((ASTNode) n).setOffsetAndLength((ASTNode) from); return n; } protected final <T extends IASTNode> T setRange(T n, IASTNode from, int endOffset) { final int offset = ((ASTNode) from).getOffset(); ((ASTNode) n).setOffsetAndLength(offset, endOffset - offset); return n; } protected final <T extends IASTNode> T setRange(T n, int offset, int endOffset) { ((ASTNode) n).setOffsetAndLength(offset, endOffset - offset); return n; } protected final void adjustLength(IASTNode n, IASTNode endNode) { final int endOffset= calculateEndOffset(endNode); adjustEndOffset(n, endOffset); } protected final <T extends IASTNode> T adjustEndOffset(T n, final int endOffset) { final ASTNode node = (ASTNode) n; node.setLength(endOffset - node.getOffset()); return n; } protected final int getEndOffset() { if (lastTokenFromScanner == null) return 0; return lastTokenFromScanner.getEndOffset(); } /** * This is the single entry point for setting parsePassed to false */ protected void failParse() { parsePassed = false; } @Override public synchronized void cancel() { isCancelled = true; } /** * Parses an identifier. * * @throws BacktrackException request a backtrack */ protected abstract IASTName identifier() throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException; /** * @return Returns the backtrackCount. */ public final int getBacktrackCount() { return backtrackCount; } protected IASTProblem createProblem(BacktrackException bt) { IASTProblem result= bt.getProblem(); if (result == null) { result= createProblem(IProblem.SYNTAX_ERROR, bt.getOffset(), bt.getLength()); } return result; } protected final IASTProblem createProblem(int signal, int offset, int length) { IASTProblem result = nodeFactory.newProblem(signal, CharArrayUtils.EMPTY, true); ((ASTNode) result).setOffsetAndLength(offset, length); return result; } protected void logThrowable(String methodName, Throwable e) { if (e != null) { if (log.isTracing()) { String message = String.format("Parser: Unexpected throwable in %s:%s::%s. w/%s", //$NON-NLS-1$ methodName, e.getClass().getName(), e.getMessage(), scanner); log.traceLog(message); } log.traceException(e); } } @Override public String toString() { return scanner.toString(); } /** * @param methodName * @param e */ protected void logException(String methodName, Exception e) { if (!(e instanceof EndOfFileException) && e != null) { if (log.isTracing()) { String message = String.format("Parser: Unexpected exception in %s:%s::%s. w/%s", //$NON-NLS-1$ methodName, e.getClass().getName(), e.getMessage(), scanner); log.traceLog(message); } log.traceException(e); } } protected final void throwBacktrack(IASTProblem problem, IASTNode node) throws BacktrackException { ++backtrackCount; backtrack.initialize(problem, node); throw backtrack; } protected final void throwBacktrack(IASTProblem problem) throws BacktrackException { ++backtrackCount; backtrack.initialize(problem); throw backtrack; } protected final void throwBacktrack(IASTNode node) throws BacktrackException { final ASTNode n= (ASTNode) node; throwBacktrack(n.getOffset(), n.getLength()); } @Override public IASTTranslationUnit parse() { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); translationUnit(); log.traceLog("Parse " //$NON-NLS-1$ + (++parseCount) + ": " //$NON-NLS-1$ + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + "ms" //$NON-NLS-1$ + (parsePassed ? "" : " - parse failure")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); resolveAmbiguities(); log.traceLog("Ambiguity resolution : " //$NON-NLS-1$ + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + "ms"); //$NON-NLS-1$ IASTTranslationUnit result = getTranslationUnit(); nullifyTranslationUnit(); result.freeze(); // make the AST immutable return result; } protected void resolveAmbiguities() { final IASTTranslationUnit translationUnit = getTranslationUnit(); if (translationUnit instanceof ASTTranslationUnit) { ((ASTTranslationUnit) translationUnit).resolveAmbiguities(); } } protected abstract ASTVisitor createAmbiguityNodeVisitor(); protected abstract void nullifyTranslationUnit(); protected IToken skipOverCompoundStatement(boolean hasSkippedNodes) throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException { // speed up the parser by skipping the body, simply look for matching brace and return if (hasSkippedNodes) getTranslationUnit().setHasNodesOmitted(true); final boolean isActive = isActiveCode(); final int codeBranchNesting= getCodeBranchNesting(); consume(IToken.tLBRACE); IToken result = null; int depth = 1; while (depth > 0) { if (!isActive) { IToken t= lookaheadToken(1, false); final int lt= t.getType(); if (lt == IToken.tINACTIVE_CODE_SEPARATOR || lt == IToken.tINACTIVE_CODE_END || lt == IToken.tINACTIVE_CODE_START) { if (!acceptInactiveCodeBoundary(codeBranchNesting)) throw new EndOfFileException(t.getOffset(), true); } } result = consume(); switch (result.getType()) { case IToken.tRBRACE: --depth; break; case IToken.tLBRACE: ++depth; break; case IToken.tEOC: throw new EndOfFileException(result.getOffset()); } } return result; } protected IASTProblemDeclaration skipProblemDeclaration(int offset) { failParse(); declarationMark= null; int endOffset = skipToSemiOrClosingBrace(offset, false); IASTProblem problem= createProblem(IProblem.SYNTAX_ERROR, offset, endOffset-offset); return buildProblemDeclaration(problem); } protected IASTProblemStatement skipProblemStatement(int offset) { failParse(); declarationMark= null; int endOffset = skipToSemiOrClosingBrace(offset, false); IASTProblem problem= createProblem(IProblem.SYNTAX_ERROR, offset, endOffset-offset); return buildProblemStatement(problem); } private IASTProblem skipProblemEnumerator(int offset) { failParse(); final int endOffset= skipToSemiOrClosingBrace(offset, true); return createProblem(IProblem.SYNTAX_ERROR, offset, endOffset-offset); } private int skipToSemiOrClosingBrace(int offset, boolean eatBrace) { failParse(); declarationMark= null; int depth= 0; int endOffset; loop: try { endOffset= LA(1).getOffset(); while (true) { switch (LT(1)) { case IToken.tEOC: endOffset= getEndOffset(); break loop; case IToken.tSEMI: if (depth == 0) { endOffset= consume().getEndOffset(); break loop; } break; case IToken.tLBRACE: ++depth; break; case IToken.tRBRACE: if (--depth <= 0) { if (depth == 0 || offset == endOffset || eatBrace) { endOffset= consume().getEndOffset(); // consume closing brace } if (LTcatchEOF(1) == IToken.tSEMI) { endOffset= consume().getEndOffset(); } break loop; } break; } endOffset= consume().getEndOffset(); } } catch (EndOfFileException e) { endOffset= getEndOffset(); } return endOffset; } protected IASTProblemExpression skipProblemConditionInParenthesis(int offset) { failParse(); int compExpr= 0; int depth= 0; int endOffset= offset; loop: try { while (true) { switch (LT(1)) { case IToken.tEOC: endOffset= getEndOffset(); break loop; case IToken.tSEMI: case IToken.tLBRACE: if (compExpr == 0) { break loop; } break; case IToken.tLPAREN: depth++; if (LTcatchEOF(2) == IToken.tLBRACE) { if (compExpr == 0) { compExpr= depth; } consume(); } break; case IToken.tRPAREN: if (--depth < 0) { break loop; } if (depth < compExpr) { compExpr= 0; } break; } endOffset= consume().getEndOffset(); } } catch (EndOfFileException e) { endOffset= getEndOffset(); } IASTProblem problem= createProblem(IProblem.SYNTAX_ERROR, offset, endOffset-offset); return buildProblemExpression(problem); } /** * @return TODO * @throws BacktrackException */ protected IASTCompoundStatement compoundStatement() throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException { IASTCompoundStatement result = nodeFactory.newCompoundStatement(); if (LT(1) == IToken.tEOC) return result; final int offset= LA(1).getOffset(); int endOffset= consume(IToken.tLBRACE).getOffset(); int stmtOffset= -1; while (true) { IToken next= LAcatchEOF(1); if (next == null) { ((ASTNode) result).setOffsetAndLength(offset, endOffset-offset); throwBacktrack(createProblem(IProblem.SYNTAX_ERROR, endOffset, 0), result); return null; // hint for java-compiler } try { if (next.getType() == IToken.tEOC) break; if (next.getType() == IToken.tRBRACE) { endOffset= consume().getEndOffset(); break; } final int nextOffset = next.getOffset(); declarationMark= next; next= null; // don't hold on to the token while parsing namespaces, class bodies, etc. IASTStatement stmt; if (stmtOffset == nextOffset) { // no progress stmt= skipProblemStatement(stmtOffset); } else { stmtOffset= nextOffset; stmt= statement(); } result.addStatement(stmt); endOffset= calculateEndOffset(stmt); } catch (BacktrackException bt) { final IASTNode beforeProblem = bt.getNodeBeforeProblem(); final IASTProblem problem = bt.getProblem(); if (problem != null && beforeProblem instanceof IASTStatement) { result.addStatement((IASTStatement) beforeProblem); result.addStatement(buildProblemStatement(problem)); endOffset= calculateEndOffset(beforeProblem); } else { IASTStatement stmt= skipProblemStatement(stmtOffset); result.addStatement(stmt); endOffset= calculateEndOffset(stmt); } } catch (EndOfFileException e) { IASTStatement stmt= skipProblemStatement(stmtOffset); result.addStatement(stmt); endOffset= calculateEndOffset(stmt); break; } finally { declarationMark= null; } } ((ASTNode) result).setOffsetAndLength(offset, endOffset-offset); return result; } private IASTProblemDeclaration buildProblemDeclaration(IASTProblem problem) { IASTProblemDeclaration pd = nodeFactory.newProblemDeclaration(problem); ((ASTNode) pd).setOffsetAndLength(((ASTNode) problem)); return pd; } private IASTProblemStatement buildProblemStatement(IASTProblem problem) { IASTProblemStatement pstmt = nodeFactory.newProblemStatement(problem); ((ASTNode) pstmt).setOffsetAndLength(((ASTNode) problem)); return pstmt; } private IASTProblemExpression buildProblemExpression(IASTProblem problem) { IASTProblemExpression pexpr = nodeFactory.newProblemExpression(problem); ((ASTNode) pexpr).setOffsetAndLength(((ASTNode) problem)); return pexpr; } protected IASTExpression compoundStatementExpression() throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException { int startingOffset = consume().getOffset(); // tLPAREN always IASTCompoundStatement compoundStatement = null; if (mode == ParserMode.QUICK_PARSE || mode == ParserMode.STRUCTURAL_PARSE || !isActiveCode()) { skipOverCompoundStatement(true); } else if (mode == ParserMode.COMPLETION_PARSE || mode == ParserMode.SELECTION_PARSE) { if (scanner.isOnTopContext()) { compoundStatement(); } else { skipOverCompoundStatement(true); } } else if (mode == ParserMode.COMPLETE_PARSE) { compoundStatement = compoundStatement(); } int lastOffset = consume(IToken.tRPAREN).getEndOffset(); IGNUASTCompoundStatementExpression resultExpression = nodeFactory.newGNUCompoundStatementExpression(compoundStatement); ((ASTNode) resultExpression).setOffsetAndLength(startingOffset, lastOffset - startingOffset); return resultExpression; } /** * Models a cast expression followed by an operator. Can be linked into a chain. * This is done right to left, such that a tree of variants can be built. */ public static class BinaryOperator { final int fOperatorToken; final int fLeftPrecedence; final int fRightPrecedence; BinaryOperator fNext; IASTInitializerClause fExpression; final CastAmbiguityMarker fAmbiguityMarker; public BinaryOperator(BinaryOperator nextOp, IASTInitializerClause expression, int operatorToken, int leftPrecedence, int rightPrecedence) { fNext= nextOp; fOperatorToken= operatorToken; fLeftPrecedence= leftPrecedence; fRightPrecedence= rightPrecedence; if (expression instanceof CastAmbiguityMarker) { fAmbiguityMarker= (CastAmbiguityMarker) expression; fExpression= fAmbiguityMarker.fExpression; fAmbiguityMarker.fExpression= null; } else { fExpression= expression; fAmbiguityMarker= null; } } public IASTInitializerClause exchange(IASTInitializerClause expr) { IASTInitializerClause e= fExpression; fExpression= expr; return e; } public IASTInitializerClause getExpression() { return fExpression; } public BinaryOperator getNext() { return fNext; } public void setNext(BinaryOperator next) { fNext = next; } } public final IASTExpression buildExpression(BinaryOperator leftChain, IASTInitializerClause expr) { BinaryOperator rightChain= null; for (;;) { if (leftChain == null) { if (rightChain == null) return (IASTExpression) expr; expr= buildExpression((IASTExpression) expr, rightChain); rightChain= rightChain.fNext; } else if (rightChain != null && leftChain.fRightPrecedence < rightChain.fLeftPrecedence) { expr= buildExpression((IASTExpression) expr, rightChain); rightChain= rightChain.fNext; } else { BinaryOperator op= leftChain; leftChain= leftChain.fNext; expr= op.exchange(expr); op.fNext= rightChain; rightChain= op; } } } private IASTExpression buildExpression(IASTExpression left, BinaryOperator operator) { int op, unaryOp= 0; final IASTInitializerClause right= operator.fExpression; switch (operator.fOperatorToken) { case IToken.tQUESTION: final IASTInitializerClause negative; if (operator.fNext == null || operator.fNext.fOperatorToken != IToken.tCOLON) { negative= null; } else { negative= operator.fNext.fExpression; operator.fNext= operator.fNext.fNext; } IASTConditionalExpression conditionalEx = nodeFactory.newConditionalExpession(left, (IASTExpression) right, (IASTExpression) negative); setRange(conditionalEx, left); if (negative != null) { adjustLength(conditionalEx, negative); } return conditionalEx; case IToken.tCOMMA: IASTExpressionList list; if (left instanceof IASTExpressionList) { list= (IASTExpressionList) left; } else { list= nodeFactory.newExpressionList(); list.addExpression(left); setRange(list, left); } list.addExpression((IASTExpression) right); adjustLength(list, right); return list; case IToken.tASSIGN: op= IASTBinaryExpression.op_assign; break; case IToken.tSTARASSIGN: op= IASTBinaryExpression.op_multiplyAssign; break; case IToken.tDIVASSIGN: op= IASTBinaryExpression.op_divideAssign; break; case IToken.tMODASSIGN: op= IASTBinaryExpression.op_moduloAssign; break; case IToken.tPLUSASSIGN: op= IASTBinaryExpression.op_plusAssign; break; case IToken.tMINUSASSIGN: op= IASTBinaryExpression.op_minusAssign; break; case IToken.tSHIFTRASSIGN: op= IASTBinaryExpression.op_shiftRightAssign; break; case IToken.tSHIFTLASSIGN: op= IASTBinaryExpression.op_shiftLeftAssign; break; case IToken.tAMPERASSIGN: op= IASTBinaryExpression.op_binaryAndAssign; break; case IToken.tXORASSIGN: op= IASTBinaryExpression.op_binaryXorAssign; break; case IToken.tBITORASSIGN: op= IASTBinaryExpression.op_binaryOrAssign; break; case IToken.tOR: op= IASTBinaryExpression.op_logicalOr; break; case IToken.tAND: op= IASTBinaryExpression.op_logicalAnd; break; case IToken.tBITOR: op= IASTBinaryExpression.op_binaryOr; break; case IToken.tXOR: op= IASTBinaryExpression.op_binaryXor; break; case IToken.tAMPER: op= IASTBinaryExpression.op_binaryAnd; unaryOp= IASTUnaryExpression.op_amper; break; case IToken.tEQUAL: op= IASTBinaryExpression.op_equals; break; case IToken.tNOTEQUAL: op= IASTBinaryExpression.op_notequals; break; case IToken.tGT: op= IASTBinaryExpression.op_greaterThan; break; case IToken.tLT: op= IASTBinaryExpression.op_lessThan; break; case IToken.tLTEQUAL: op= IASTBinaryExpression.op_lessEqual; break; case IToken.tGTEQUAL: op= IASTBinaryExpression.op_greaterEqual; break; case IGCCToken.tMAX: op= IASTBinaryExpression.op_max; break; case IGCCToken.tMIN: op= IASTBinaryExpression.op_min; break; case IToken.tSHIFTL: op= IASTBinaryExpression.op_shiftLeft; break; case IToken.tSHIFTR: op= IASTBinaryExpression.op_shiftRight; break; case IToken.tPLUS: op= IASTBinaryExpression.op_plus; unaryOp= IASTUnaryExpression.op_plus; break; case IToken.tMINUS: op= IASTBinaryExpression.op_minus; unaryOp= IASTUnaryExpression.op_minus; break; case IToken.tSTAR: op= IASTBinaryExpression.op_multiply; unaryOp= IASTUnaryExpression.op_star; break; case IToken.tDIV: op= IASTBinaryExpression.op_divide; break; case IToken.tMOD: op= IASTBinaryExpression.op_modulo; break; case IToken.tDOTSTAR: op = IASTBinaryExpression.op_pmdot; break; case IToken.tARROWSTAR: op = IASTBinaryExpression.op_pmarrow; break; default: assert false; return null; } IASTExpression result= buildBinaryExpression(op, left, right, calculateEndOffset(right)); final CastAmbiguityMarker am = operator.fAmbiguityMarker; if (am != null) { if (unaryOp != 0) { result = createCastVsBinaryExpressionAmbiguity((IASTBinaryExpression) result, am.getTypeIdForCast(), unaryOp, am.getUnaryOperatorOffset()); } else { assert false; } } return result; } protected abstract IASTExpression expression() throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException; protected abstract IASTExpression constantExpression() throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException; protected abstract IASTExpression unaryExpression(CastExprCtx ctx, ITemplateIdStrategy strat) throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException; protected abstract IASTExpression primaryExpression(CastExprCtx ctx, ITemplateIdStrategy strat) throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException; protected abstract IASTTypeId typeId(DeclarationOptions option) throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException; // Methods for parsing a type-id and an expression with an optional trailing ellipsis. // The optional trailing ellipsis can only appear in C++ code, and only the C++ parser // allows it, but being able to invoke this from here allows reusing more productions // between C and C++, such as alignmentSpecifier(). protected abstract IASTExpression expressionWithOptionalTrailingEllipsis() throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException; protected abstract IASTTypeId typeIdWithOptionalTrailingEllipsis(DeclarationOptions option) throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException; private final static class CastAmbiguityMarker extends ASTNode implements IASTExpression { private IASTExpression fExpression; private final IASTTypeId fTypeIdForCast; private final int fUnaryOperatorOffset; CastAmbiguityMarker(IASTExpression unary, IASTTypeId typeIdForCast, int unaryOperatorOffset) { fExpression= unary; fTypeIdForCast= typeIdForCast; fUnaryOperatorOffset= unaryOperatorOffset; } public CastAmbiguityMarker updateExpression(IASTExpression expression) { fExpression= expression; return this; } public IASTExpression getExpression() { return fExpression; } public IASTTypeId getTypeIdForCast() { return fTypeIdForCast; } public int getUnaryOperatorOffset() { return fUnaryOperatorOffset; } @Override public IASTExpression copy() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public IASTExpression copy(CopyStyle style) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public IType getExpressionType() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public boolean isLValue() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public ValueCategory getValueCategory() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } protected final IASTExpression castExpression(CastExprCtx ctx, ITemplateIdStrategy strat) throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException { if (LT(1) == IToken.tLPAREN) { final IToken mark= mark(); final int startingOffset= mark.getOffset(); final boolean canBeCast= canBeCastExpression(); consume(); IASTTypeId typeId= null; if (canBeCast) { try { typeId= typeId(DeclarationOptions.TYPEID); } catch (BacktrackException e) { } } if (typeId != null && LT(1) == IToken.tRPAREN) { consume(); boolean unaryFailed= false; if (ctx == CastExprCtx.eDirectlyInBExpr) { switch (LT(1)) { // ambiguity with unary operator case IToken.tPLUS: case IToken.tMINUS: case IToken.tSTAR: case IToken.tAMPER: final int operatorOffset = LA(1).getOffset(); IToken markEnd= mark(); backup(mark); try { IASTExpression unary= unaryExpression(CastExprCtx.eInBExpr, strat); return new CastAmbiguityMarker(unary, typeId, operatorOffset); } catch (BacktrackException bt) { backup(markEnd); unaryFailed= true; } } } try { boolean couldBeFunctionCall= LT(1) == IToken.tLPAREN; IASTExpression rhs= castExpression(ctx, strat); CastAmbiguityMarker ca= null; if (rhs instanceof CastAmbiguityMarker) { ca= (CastAmbiguityMarker) rhs; rhs= ca.getExpression(); assert !(rhs instanceof CastAmbiguityMarker); } IASTCastExpression result = buildCastExpression(IASTCastExpression.op_cast, typeId, rhs, startingOffset, calculateEndOffset(rhs)); if (!unaryFailed && couldBeFunctionCall && !(rhs instanceof IASTCastExpression)) { IToken markEnd= mark(); backup(mark); try { IASTExpression expr= primaryExpression(ctx, strat); IASTFunctionCallExpression fcall = nodeFactory.newFunctionCallExpression(expr, (IASTExpression[]) null); IASTAmbiguousExpression ambiguity = createAmbiguousCastVsFunctionCallExpression(result, fcall); ((ASTNode) ambiguity).setOffsetAndLength((ASTNode) result); return ca == null ? ambiguity : ca.updateExpression(ambiguity); } catch (BacktrackException bt) { } finally { backup(markEnd); } } return ca == null ? result : ca.updateExpression(result); } catch (BacktrackException b) { if (unaryFailed) throw b; } } backup(mark); } return unaryExpression(ctx, strat); } protected abstract IASTTranslationUnit getTranslationUnit(); protected abstract void setupTranslationUnit() throws Exception; protected void translationUnit() { try { setupTranslationUnit(); } catch (Exception e) { logException("translationUnit::createCompilationUnit()", e); //$NON-NLS-1$ return; } parseTranslationUnit(); } protected void parseTranslationUnit() { final IASTTranslationUnit tu= getTranslationUnit(); declarationList(tu, DeclarationOptions.GLOBAL, false, 0); } protected final void declarationListInBraces(final IASTDeclarationListOwner tu, int offset, DeclarationOptions options) throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException { // consume brace, if requested int codeBranchNesting= getCodeBranchNesting(); consume(IToken.tLBRACE); declarationList(tu, options, true, codeBranchNesting); final int lt1 = LTcatchEOF(1); if (lt1 == IToken.tRBRACE) { int endOffset= consume().getEndOffset(); setRange(tu, offset, endOffset); return; } final int endOffset = getEndOffset(); setRange(tu, offset, endOffset); if (lt1 == IToken.tEOC || (lt1 == 0 && tu instanceof IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier)) { return; } throwBacktrack(createProblem(IProblem.SYNTAX_ERROR, endOffset, 0), tu); } private final void declarationList(final IASTDeclarationListOwner tu, DeclarationOptions options, boolean upToBrace, int codeBranchNesting) { final boolean wasActive= isActiveCode(); while (true) { final boolean ok= acceptInactiveCodeBoundary(codeBranchNesting); if (!ok) { // We left to an enclosing code branch. If we started in inactive code, it's time to leave. if (!wasActive) return; // If we started in active code, we need to skip the outer and therefore unrelated // inactive branches until we hit active code again. try { skipInactiveCode(); } catch (OffsetLimitReachedException e) { return; } codeBranchNesting= Math.min(getCodeBranchNesting() + 1, codeBranchNesting); // We could be at the start of inactive code so restart the loop. continue; } final boolean active= isActiveCode(); IToken next= LAcatchEOF(1); if (next == null || next.getType() == IToken.tEOC) return; if (upToBrace && next.getType() == IToken.tRBRACE && active == wasActive) { return; } final int offset = next.getOffset(); declarationMark= next; next= null; // Don't hold on to the token while parsing namespaces, class bodies, etc. try { IASTDeclaration declaration= declaration(options); if (((ASTNode) declaration).getLength() == 0 && LTcatchEOF(1) != IToken.tEOC) { declaration= skipProblemDeclaration(offset); } addDeclaration(tu, declaration, active); } catch (BacktrackException bt) { IASTDeclaration[] decls= problemDeclaration(offset, bt, options); for (IASTDeclaration declaration : decls) { addDeclaration(tu, declaration, active); } } catch (EndOfFileException e) { IASTDeclaration declaration= skipProblemDeclaration(offset); addDeclaration(tu, declaration, active); if (!e.endsInactiveCode()) { break; } } finally { declarationMark= null; } } } private void addDeclaration(final IASTDeclarationListOwner parent, IASTDeclaration declaration, final boolean active) { if (!active) { declaration.accept(MARK_INACTIVE); } parent.addDeclaration(declaration); } abstract protected IASTExpression buildBinaryExpression(int operator, IASTExpression expr1, IASTInitializerClause expr2, int lastOffset); private IASTExpression createCastVsBinaryExpressionAmbiguity(IASTBinaryExpression expr, final IASTTypeId typeid, int unaryOperator, int unaryOpOffset) { IASTUnaryExpression unary= nodeFactory.newUnaryExpression(unaryOperator, null); ((ASTNode) unary).setOffset(unaryOpOffset); IASTCastExpression castExpr = buildCastExpression(IASTCastExpression.op_cast, typeid, unary, 0, 0); IASTExpression result= createAmbiguousBinaryVsCastExpression(expr, castExpr); ((ASTNode) result).setOffsetAndLength((ASTNode) expr); return result; } protected IASTExpression unaryExpression(int operator, CastExprCtx ctx, ITemplateIdStrategy strat) throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException { final IToken operatorToken= consume(); IASTExpression operand= castExpression(ctx, strat); CastAmbiguityMarker ca= null; if (operand instanceof CastAmbiguityMarker) { ca= (CastAmbiguityMarker) operand; operand= ca.getExpression(); assert !(operand instanceof CastAmbiguityMarker); } if (operator == IASTUnaryExpression.op_star && operand instanceof IASTLiteralExpression) { IASTLiteralExpression lit= (IASTLiteralExpression) operand; switch (lit.getKind()) { case IASTLiteralExpression.lk_char_constant: case IASTLiteralExpression.lk_float_constant: case IASTLiteralExpression.lk_integer_constant: case IASTLiteralExpression.lk_true: case IASTLiteralExpression.lk_false: case IASTLiteralExpression.lk_nullptr: throwBacktrack(operatorToken); } } IASTExpression result= buildUnaryExpression(operator, operand, operatorToken.getOffset(), calculateEndOffset(operand)); return ca == null ? result : ca.updateExpression(result); } protected IASTExpression buildUnaryExpression(int operator, IASTExpression operand, int offset, int lastOffset) { IASTUnaryExpression result = nodeFactory.newUnaryExpression(operator, operand); setRange(result, offset, lastOffset); return result; } protected IASTStatement handleFunctionBody() throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException { declarationMark= null; if (mode == ParserMode.QUICK_PARSE || mode == ParserMode.STRUCTURAL_PARSE || !isActiveCode()) { int offset = LA(1).getOffset(); IToken last = skipOverCompoundStatement(true); IASTCompoundStatement cs = nodeFactory.newCompoundStatement(); setRange(cs, offset, last.getEndOffset()); return cs; } else if (mode == ParserMode.COMPLETION_PARSE || mode == ParserMode.SELECTION_PARSE) { if (scanner.isOnTopContext()) return functionBody(); int offset = LA(1).getOffset(); IToken last = skipOverCompoundStatement(true); IASTCompoundStatement cs = nodeFactory.newCompoundStatement(); setRange(cs, offset, last.getEndOffset()); return cs; } // full parse return functionBody(); } /** * Parses a function body. * * @return the compound statement representing the function body. * @throws BacktrackException * request a backtrack */ protected IASTCompoundStatement functionBody() throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException { return compoundStatement(); } protected abstract IASTDeclarator initDeclarator(IASTDeclSpecifier declSpec, DeclarationOptions option) throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException, FoundAggregateInitializer; /** * Parse an enumeration specifier, as according to the ANSI specs in C & * C++. enumSpecifier: "enum" (name)? "{" (enumerator-list) "}" * enumerator-list: enumerator-definition enumerator-list , * enumerator-definition enumerator-definition: enumerator enumerator = * constant-expression enumerator: identifier * * @throws BacktrackException request a backtrack */ protected IASTEnumerationSpecifier enumSpecifier() throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException { final IToken mark= mark(); final int offset= consume().getOffset(); // if __attribute__ or __declspec occurs after struct/union/class and before the identifier __attribute_decl_seq(supportAttributeSpecifiers, supportDeclspecSpecifiers); IASTName name; if (LT(1) == IToken.tIDENTIFIER) { name= identifier(); } else { name= nodeFactory.newName(); } if (LT(1) != IToken.tLBRACE) { backup(mark); throwBacktrack(mark); } final IASTEnumerationSpecifier result= nodeFactory.newEnumerationSpecifier(name); int endOffset= enumBody(result); return setRange(result, offset, endOffset); } protected int enumBody(final IASTEnumerationSpecifier result) throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException { boolean needComma= false; int endOffset= consume(IToken.tLBRACE).getEndOffset(); // IToken.tLBRACE int problemOffset= endOffset; try { loop: while (true) { switch (LTcatchEOF(1)) { case 0: // eof endOffset= getEndOffset(); break loop; case IToken.tRBRACE: endOffset= consume().getEndOffset(); break loop; case IToken.tEOC: break loop; case IToken.tCOMMA: if (!needComma) { problemOffset= LA(1).getOffset(); throw backtrack; } endOffset= consume().getEndOffset(); needComma= false; continue loop; case IToken.tIDENTIFIER: case IToken.tCOMPLETION: problemOffset= LA(1).getOffset(); if (needComma) throw backtrack; final IASTName etorName= identifier(); final IASTEnumerator enumerator= nodeFactory.newEnumerator(etorName, null); endOffset= calculateEndOffset(etorName); setRange(enumerator, problemOffset, endOffset); result.addEnumerator(enumerator); if (LTcatchEOF(1) == IToken.tASSIGN) { problemOffset= consume().getOffset(); final IASTExpression value= constantExpression(); enumerator.setValue(value); adjustLength(enumerator, value); endOffset= calculateEndOffset(value); } needComma= true; continue loop; default: problemOffset= LA(1).getOffset(); throw backtrack; } } } catch (EndOfFileException eof) { throwBacktrack(createProblem(IProblem.SYNTAX_ERROR, problemOffset, getEndOffset()-problemOffset), result); } catch (BacktrackException bt) { IASTProblem problem= skipProblemEnumerator(problemOffset); throwBacktrack(problem, result); } return endOffset; } protected abstract IASTStatement statement() throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException; protected IASTExpression condition(boolean followedByParenthesis) throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException { IToken mark= mark(); try { IASTExpression expr= expression(); if (!followedByParenthesis) return expr; switch (LT(1)) { case IToken.tEOC: case IToken.tRPAREN: return expr; } } catch (BacktrackException b) { if (!followedByParenthesis) throw b; } backup(mark); return skipProblemConditionInParenthesis(mark.getOffset()); } @Override public boolean encounteredError() { return !parsePassed; } protected abstract IASTDeclaration declaration(DeclarationOptions option) throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException; /** * Parses for two alternatives of a declspec sequence. If there is a second alternative the token after the second alternative * is returned, such that the parser can continue after both variants. */ protected abstract Decl declSpecifierSeq(DeclarationOptions option) throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException; /** * Parses for two alternatives of a declspec sequence followed by a initDeclarator. * A second alternative is accepted only, if it ends at the same point of the first alternative. Otherwise the * longer alternative is selected. */ protected Decl declSpecifierSequence_initDeclarator(final DeclarationOptions option, boolean acceptCompoundWithoutDtor) throws EndOfFileException, FoundAggregateInitializer, BacktrackException { Decl result= declSpecifierSeq(option); final int lt1 = LTcatchEOF(1); if (lt1 == IToken.tEOC) return result; // support simple declarations without declarators final boolean acceptEmpty = acceptCompoundWithoutDtor && isLegalWithoutDtor(result.fDeclSpec1); if (acceptEmpty) { switch (lt1) { case 0: case IToken.tEOC: case IToken.tSEMI: return result; } } final IToken dtorMark1= mark(); final IToken dtorMark2= result.fDtorToken1; final IASTDeclSpecifier declspec1= result.fDeclSpec1; final IASTDeclSpecifier declspec2= result.fDeclSpec2; IASTDeclarator dtor1, dtor2; try { // declarator for first variant dtor1= initDeclarator(declspec1, option); } catch (BacktrackException e) { if (acceptEmpty) { backup(dtorMark1); dtor1= null; } else { // try second variant, if possible if (dtorMark2 == null) throw e; backup(dtorMark2); dtor2= initDeclarator(declspec2, option); return result.set(declspec2, dtor2, dtorMark2); } } // first variant was a success. If possible, try second one. if (dtorMark2 == null) { return result.set(declspec1, dtor1, dtorMark1); } final IToken end1= mark(); backup(dtorMark2); try { dtor2= initDeclarator(declspec2, option); } catch (BacktrackException e) { backup(end1); return result.set(declspec1, dtor1, dtorMark1); } final IToken end2= mark(); if (end1 == end2) { return result.set(declspec1, dtor1, declspec2, dtor2); } if (end1.getEndOffset() > end2.getEndOffset()) { backup(end1); return result.set(declspec1, dtor1, dtorMark1); } return result.set(declspec2, dtor2, dtorMark2); } protected boolean isLegalWithoutDtor(IASTDeclSpecifier declSpec) { if (declSpec instanceof IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier) return true; if (declSpec instanceof IASTElaboratedTypeSpecifier) return true; if (declSpec instanceof IASTEnumerationSpecifier) return true; return false; } protected IASTDeclaration[] problemDeclaration(int offset, BacktrackException bt, DeclarationOptions option) { failParse(); IASTProblem origProblem= createProblem(bt); // a node was detected by assuming additional tokens (e.g. missing semicolon) IASTNode n= bt.getNodeBeforeProblem(); if (n instanceof IASTDeclaration) { IToken la1= LAcatchEOF(1); if (la1 == null || la1.getOffset() > offset) { declarationMark= null; return new IASTDeclaration[] {(IASTDeclaration) n, buildProblemDeclaration(origProblem)}; } } if (declarationMark != null && isActiveCode()) { IASTDeclaration trailingProblem= null; offset= declarationMark.getOffset(); // try to skip identifiers (undefined macros?) IASTDeclaration decl= null; int endOffset= 0; loop: while (declarationMark != null && declarationMark.getType() == IToken.tIDENTIFIER) { endOffset= declarationMark.getEndOffset(); declarationMark= declarationMark.getNext(); if (declarationMark != null) { backup(declarationMark); // avoid creating an empty declaration switch (LTcatchEOF(1)) { case 0: // eof case IToken.tEOC: case IToken.tSEMI: break loop; } try { decl= declaration(option); break; } catch (BacktrackException bt2) { n= bt2.getNodeBeforeProblem(); if (n instanceof IASTDeclaration) { decl= (IASTDeclaration) n; trailingProblem= buildProblemDeclaration(bt2.getProblem()); break; } } catch (EndOfFileException e) { endOffset= getEndOffset(); break; } } } declarationMark= null; if (decl != null) { IASTProblem problem= createProblem(IProblem.SYNTAX_ERROR, offset, endOffset-offset); IASTDeclaration pd= buildProblemDeclaration(problem); if (trailingProblem != null) return new IASTDeclaration[] {pd, decl, trailingProblem}; return new IASTDeclaration[] {pd, decl}; } } return new IASTDeclaration[] {skipProblemDeclaration(offset)}; } protected IASTDeclaration asmDeclaration() throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException { final int offset= consume().getOffset(); // t_asm if (LT(1) == IToken.t_volatile) { consume(); } if (supportFunctionStyleAsm && LT(1) != IToken.tLPAREN) { return functionStyleAsmDeclaration(); } StringBuilder buffer= new StringBuilder(); asmExpression(buffer); int lastOffset = consume(IToken.tSEMI).getEndOffset(); return buildASMDirective(offset, buffer.toString(), lastOffset); } protected IASTDeclaration functionStyleAsmDeclaration() throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException { final int offset= LA(1).getOffset(); IASTDeclSpecifier declSpec; IASTDeclarator dtor; try { Decl decl= declSpecifierSequence_initDeclarator(DeclarationOptions.FUNCTION_STYLE_ASM, false); declSpec= decl.fDeclSpec1; dtor= decl.fDtor1; } catch (FoundAggregateInitializer lie) { declSpec= lie.fDeclSpec; dtor= addInitializer(lie, DeclarationOptions.FUNCTION_STYLE_ASM); } if (LT(1) != IToken.tLBRACE) throwBacktrack(LA(1)); final IASTDeclarator fdtor= ASTQueries.findTypeRelevantDeclarator(dtor); if (!(fdtor instanceof IASTFunctionDeclarator)) throwBacktrack(offset, LA(1).getEndOffset() - offset); final int compoundOffset= LA(1).getOffset(); final int endOffset= skipOverCompoundStatement(false).getEndOffset(); IASTCompoundStatement cs = nodeFactory.newCompoundStatement(); //createCompoundStatement(); ((ASTNode) cs).setOffsetAndLength(compoundOffset, endOffset - compoundOffset); IASTFunctionDefinition funcDefinition = nodeFactory.newFunctionDefinition(declSpec, (IASTFunctionDeclarator) fdtor, cs); ((ASTNode) funcDefinition).setOffsetAndLength(offset, endOffset - offset); return funcDefinition; } protected abstract IASTInitializer optionalInitializer(IASTDeclarator dtor, DeclarationOptions options) throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException; protected IASTDeclarator addInitializer(FoundAggregateInitializer e, DeclarationOptions options) throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException { final IASTDeclarator d = e.fDeclarator; IASTInitializer i = optionalInitializer(d, options); if (i != null) { d.setInitializer(i); ((ASTNode) d).setLength(calculateEndOffset(i) - ((ASTNode) d).getOffset()); } return d; } protected IToken asmExpression(StringBuilder content) throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException { IToken t= consume(IToken.tLPAREN); boolean needspace= false; int open= 1; while (open > 0) { t= consume(); switch (t.getType()) { case IToken.tLPAREN: open++; break; case IToken.tRPAREN: open--; break; case IToken.tEOC: throw new EndOfFileException(t.getOffset()); default: if (content != null) { if (needspace) { content.append(' '); } content.append(t.getCharImage()); needspace= true; } break; } } return t; } protected IASTASMDeclaration buildASMDirective(int offset, String assembly, int lastOffset) { IASTASMDeclaration result = nodeFactory.newASMDeclaration(assembly); ((ASTNode) result).setOffsetAndLength(offset, lastOffset - offset); return result; } protected IASTCastExpression buildCastExpression(int op, IASTTypeId typeId, IASTExpression operand, int offset, int endOffset) { IASTCastExpression result = nodeFactory.newCastExpression(op, typeId, operand); ((ASTNode) result).setOffsetAndLength(offset, endOffset - offset); return result; } /** * There are many ambiguities in C and C++ between expressions and declarations. * This method will attempt to parse a statement as both an expression and a declaration, * if both parses succeed then an ambiguity node is returned. */ protected IASTStatement parseDeclarationOrExpressionStatement() throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException { return parseDeclarationOrExpressionStatement(null); } protected IASTStatement parseDeclarationOrExpressionStatement(List<IASTAttributeSpecifier> attributeSpecifiers) throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException { // First attempt to parse an expressionStatement // Note: the function style cast ambiguity is handled in expression // Since it only happens when we are in a statement IToken mark = mark(); IASTExpressionStatement expressionStatement = null; IToken afterExpression = null; boolean foundSemicolon= false; try { IASTExpression expression = expression(); expressionStatement = nodeFactory.newExpressionStatement(expression); addAttributeSpecifiers(attributeSpecifiers, expressionStatement); setRange(expressionStatement, expression); afterExpression= LA(); IToken semi= consumeOrEOC(IToken.tSEMI); foundSemicolon= true; adjustEndOffset(expressionStatement, semi.getEndOffset()); afterExpression= LA(); } catch (BacktrackException b) { } backup(mark); // Now attempt to parse a declarationStatement IASTDeclarationStatement ds = null; try { IASTDeclaration d = declaration(DeclarationOptions.LOCAL); if (d instanceof IASTAttributeOwner) { addAttributeSpecifiers(attributeSpecifiers, (IASTAttributeOwner) d); } ds = nodeFactory.newDeclarationStatement(d); setRange(ds, d); } catch (BacktrackException b) { IASTNode node = b.getNodeBeforeProblem(); final boolean isProblemDecl = node instanceof IASTDeclaration; if (expressionStatement == null || (!foundSemicolon && isProblemDecl && node.contains(expressionStatement))) { if (isProblemDecl) { ds= nodeFactory.newDeclarationStatement((IASTDeclaration) node); b.initialize(b.getProblem(), setRange(ds, node)); } throw b; } } if (ds == null) { backup(afterExpression); if (foundSemicolon) return expressionStatement; throwBacktrack(createProblem(IProblem.MISSING_SEMICOLON, calculateEndOffset(expressionStatement)-1, 1), expressionStatement); return null; // Hint for java-compiler } if (expressionStatement == null || !foundSemicolon) { return ds; } // At this point we know we have an ambiguity. // Attempt to resolve some ambiguities that are easy to detect. // A * B = C; // A*B cannot be a lvalue. // foo() = x; // foo() cannot be a lvalue in c, in c++ it can. if (expressionStatement.getExpression() instanceof IASTBinaryExpression) { IASTBinaryExpression exp = (IASTBinaryExpression) expressionStatement.getExpression(); if (exp.getOperator() == IASTBinaryExpression.op_assign) { IASTExpression lhs = exp.getOperand1(); if (lhs instanceof IASTBinaryExpression && ((IASTBinaryExpression) lhs).getOperator() == IASTBinaryExpression.op_multiply) { return ds; } if (lhs instanceof IASTFunctionCallExpression && !functionCallCanBeLValue) { return ds; } } } final IASTDeclaration declaration = ds.getDeclaration(); if (declaration instanceof IASTSimpleDeclaration) { final IASTSimpleDeclaration simpleDecl = (IASTSimpleDeclaration) declaration; IASTDeclSpecifier declspec= simpleDecl.getDeclSpecifier(); if (declspec instanceof IASTNamedTypeSpecifier) { final IASTDeclarator[] declarators = simpleDecl.getDeclarators(); // x; // can be parsed as a named declaration specifier without a declarator if (declarators.length == 0) { backup(afterExpression); return expressionStatement; } } } // create and return ambiguity node IASTAmbiguousStatement statement = createAmbiguousStatement(); statement.addStatement(expressionStatement); statement.addStatement(ds); return setRange(statement, ds); } /** * Returns true if the given declaration has unspecified type, * in this case the type defaults to int and is know as "implicit int". */ protected static boolean isImplicitInt(IASTDeclaration declaration) { if (declaration instanceof IASTSimpleDeclaration) { IASTDeclSpecifier declSpec = ((IASTSimpleDeclaration) declaration).getDeclSpecifier(); if (declSpec instanceof IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier && ((IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier) declSpec).getType() == IASTSimpleDeclSpecifier.t_unspecified) { return true; } } return false; } protected abstract IASTAmbiguousStatement createAmbiguousStatement(); protected IASTStatement parseLabelStatement() throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException { int offset= LA(1).getOffset(); IASTName name = identifier(); // tIDENTIFIER consume(IToken.tCOLON); // tCOLON IASTStatement nestedStatement = statement(); int lastOffset = calculateEndOffset(nestedStatement); IASTLabelStatement label_statement = nodeFactory.newLabelStatement(name, nestedStatement); setRange(label_statement, offset, lastOffset); return label_statement; } protected IASTStatement parseNullStatement() throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException { IToken t = consume(); // tSEMI IASTNullStatement null_statement = nodeFactory.newNullStatement(); ((ASTNode) null_statement).setOffsetAndLength(t.getOffset(), t.getEndOffset() - t.getOffset()); return null_statement; } protected IASTStatement parseGotoStatement() throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException { int startOffset = consume(IToken.t_goto).getOffset(); IASTStatement gotoStatement = null; if (LT(1) == IToken.tSTAR) { IASTExpression gotoLabelNameExpression = expression(); gotoStatement = nodeFactory.newGotoStatement(gotoLabelNameExpression); } else { IASTName gotoLabelName = identifier(); gotoStatement = nodeFactory.newGotoStatement(gotoLabelName); } int lastOffset = consume(IToken.tSEMI).getEndOffset(); ((ASTNode) gotoStatement).setOffsetAndLength(startOffset, lastOffset - startOffset); return gotoStatement; } protected IASTStatement parseBreakStatement() throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException { int startOffset = consume().getOffset(); // t_break int lastOffset = consume(IToken.tSEMI).getEndOffset(); IASTBreakStatement break_statement = nodeFactory.newBreakStatement(); ((ASTNode) break_statement).setOffsetAndLength(startOffset, lastOffset - startOffset); return break_statement; } protected IASTStatement parseSwitchBody() throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException { IASTStatement stmt= null; if (LT(1) != IToken.tEOC) stmt= statement(); if (!(stmt instanceof IASTCaseStatement) && !(stmt instanceof IASTDefaultStatement)) return stmt; // bug 105334, switch without compound statement IASTCompoundStatement comp= nodeFactory.newCompoundStatement(); ((ASTNode) comp).setOffsetAndLength((ASTNode) stmt); comp.addStatement(stmt); while (LT(1) != IToken.tEOC && (stmt instanceof IASTCaseStatement || stmt instanceof IASTDefaultStatement)) { stmt= statement(); comp.addStatement(stmt); } adjustLength(comp, stmt); return comp; } protected IASTStatement parseContinueStatement() throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException { int startOffset = consume().getOffset(); // t_continue int lastOffset = consume(IToken.tSEMI).getEndOffset(); IASTContinueStatement continue_statement = nodeFactory.newContinueStatement(); ((ASTNode) continue_statement).setOffsetAndLength(startOffset, lastOffset - startOffset); return continue_statement; } protected IASTStatement parseReturnStatement() throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException { final int offset= consume(IToken.t_return).getOffset(); // Optional expression IASTExpression expr = null; if (LT(1) != IToken.tSEMI) { expr = expression(); } // Semicolon final int endOffset= consumeOrEOC(IToken.tSEMI).getEndOffset(); return setRange(nodeFactory.newReturnStatement(expr), offset, endOffset); } protected IASTStatement parseDoStatement() throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException { int startOffset; startOffset = consume().getOffset(); // t_do IASTStatement do_body = statement(); IASTExpression do_condition = null; if (LT(1) != IToken.tEOC) { consume(IToken.t_while); consume(IToken.tLPAREN); do_condition = condition(true); } int lastOffset; switch (LT(1)) { case IToken.tRPAREN: case IToken.tEOC: consume(); break; default: throw backtrack; } switch (LT(1)) { case IToken.tSEMI: case IToken.tEOC: lastOffset = consume().getEndOffset(); break; default: throw backtrack; } IASTDoStatement do_statement = nodeFactory.newDoStatement(do_body, do_condition); ((ASTNode) do_statement).setOffsetAndLength(startOffset, lastOffset - startOffset); return do_statement; } protected IASTStatement parseWhileStatement() throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException { int startOffset = consume().getOffset(); consume(IToken.tLPAREN); IASTExpression while_condition = condition(true); switch (LT(1)) { case IToken.tRPAREN: consume(); break; case IToken.tEOC: break; default: throwBacktrack(LA(1)); } IASTStatement while_body = null; if (LT(1) != IToken.tEOC) while_body = statement(); IASTWhileStatement while_statement = nodeFactory.newWhileStatement(while_condition, while_body); ((ASTNode) while_statement).setOffsetAndLength(startOffset, (while_body != null ? calculateEndOffset(while_body) : LA(1).getEndOffset()) - startOffset); return while_statement; } /** * @param result */ protected void reconcileLengths(IASTIfStatement result) { if (result == null) return; IASTIfStatement current = result; while (current.getElseClause() instanceof IASTIfStatement) current = (IASTIfStatement) current.getElseClause(); while (current != null) { ASTNode r = ((ASTNode) current); if (current.getElseClause() != null) { ASTNode else_clause = ((ASTNode) current.getElseClause()); r.setLength(else_clause.getOffset() + else_clause.getLength() - r.getOffset()); } else { ASTNode then_clause = (ASTNode) current.getThenClause(); if (then_clause != null) r.setLength(then_clause.getOffset() + then_clause.getLength() - r.getOffset()); } if (current.getParent() != null && current.getParent() instanceof IASTIfStatement) current = (IASTIfStatement) current.getParent(); else current = null; } } protected IASTStatement parseCompoundStatement() throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException { IASTCompoundStatement compound = compoundStatement(); return compound; } protected IASTStatement parseDefaultStatement() throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException { int startOffset = consume(IToken.t_default).getOffset(); int lastOffset = consume(IToken.tCOLON).getEndOffset(); IASTDefaultStatement df = nodeFactory.newDefaultStatement(); ((ASTNode) df).setOffsetAndLength(startOffset, lastOffset - startOffset); return df; } protected IASTStatement parseCaseStatement() throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException { int startOffset = consume().getOffset(); // t_case IASTExpression caseExpression = constantExpression(); int lt1 = LT(1); if (lt1 == IToken.tELLIPSIS) { consume(); IASTExpression upperBoundExpression= constantExpression(); caseExpression = buildBinaryExpression(IASTBinaryExpression.op_ellipses, caseExpression, upperBoundExpression, calculateEndOffset(upperBoundExpression)); lt1= LT(1); } int lastOffset = 0; switch (lt1) { case IToken.tCOLON: case IToken.tEOC: lastOffset = consume().getEndOffset(); break; default: throwBacktrack(LA(1)); } IASTCaseStatement cs = nodeFactory.newCaseStatement(caseExpression); ((ASTNode) cs).setOffsetAndLength(startOffset, lastOffset - startOffset); return cs; } protected int figureEndOffset(IASTDeclSpecifier declSpec, IASTDeclarator[] declarators) { if (declarators.length == 0) return calculateEndOffset(declSpec); return calculateEndOffset(declarators[declarators.length - 1]); } protected int figureEndOffset(IASTDeclSpecifier declSpecifier, IASTDeclarator declarator) { if (declarator == null || ((ASTNode) declarator).getLength() == 0) return calculateEndOffset(declSpecifier); return calculateEndOffset(declarator); } protected void throwBacktrack(IToken token) throws BacktrackException { throwBacktrack(token.getOffset(), token.getLength()); } protected IASTExpression parseTypeidInParenthesisOrUnaryExpression(boolean exprIsLimitedToParenthesis, int offset, int typeExprKind, int unaryExprKind, CastExprCtx ctx, ITemplateIdStrategy strat) throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException { IASTTypeId typeid; IASTExpression expr= null; IToken typeidLA= null; IToken mark = mark(); int endOffset1= -1; int endOffset2= -1; try { consume(IToken.tLPAREN); int typeidOffset= LA(1).getOffset(); typeid= typeId(DeclarationOptions.TYPEID); if (!isValidTypeIDForUnaryExpression(unaryExprKind, typeid)) { typeid= null; } else { switch (LT(1)) { case IToken.tRPAREN: case IToken.tEOC: endOffset1= consume().getEndOffset(); typeidLA= LA(1); break; case IToken.tCOMMA: if (supportExtendedSizeofOperator && typeExprKind == IASTTypeIdExpression.op_sizeof) { consume(); IASTExpression expr2= expression(); endOffset1= consumeOrEOC(IToken.tRPAREN).getEndOffset(); expr= nodeFactory.newTypeIdExpression(IASTTypeIdExpression.op_typeof, typeid); setRange(expr, typeidOffset, calculateEndOffset(typeid)); IASTExpressionList expressionList = nodeFactory.newExpressionList(); ((ASTNode) expressionList).setOffsetAndLength(typeidOffset, calculateEndOffset(expr2)-typeidOffset); expressionList.addExpression(expr); if (expr2 instanceof IASTExpressionList) { for (IASTExpression e : ((IASTExpressionList) expr2).getExpressions()) { expressionList.addExpression(e); } } else { expressionList.addExpression(expr2); } return buildUnaryExpression(unaryExprKind, expressionList, offset, endOffset1); } typeid= null; break; default: typeid= null; break; } } } catch (BacktrackException e) { typeid= null; } CastAmbiguityMarker ca= null; backup(mark); try { if (exprIsLimitedToParenthesis) { consume(IToken.tLPAREN); expr= expression(); endOffset2= consumeOrEOC(IToken.tRPAREN).getEndOffset(); } else { expr= unaryExpression(ctx, strat); if (expr instanceof CastAmbiguityMarker) { ca= (CastAmbiguityMarker) expr; expr= ca.getExpression(); assert !(expr instanceof CastAmbiguityMarker); } endOffset2= calculateEndOffset(expr); } } catch (BacktrackException bte) { if (typeid == null) throw bte; } IASTExpression result1= null; if (typeid != null && endOffset1 >= endOffset2) { IASTTypeIdExpression typeIdExpression = nodeFactory.newTypeIdExpression(typeExprKind, typeid); setRange(typeIdExpression, offset, endOffset1); result1= typeIdExpression; backup(typeidLA); if (expr == null || endOffset1 > endOffset2) return result1; } IASTExpression result2= unaryExprKind == -1 ? expr : buildUnaryExpression(unaryExprKind, expr, offset, endOffset2); if (ca != null) result2= ca.updateExpression(result2); if (result1 == null) return result2; IASTAmbiguousExpression ambExpr = createAmbiguousExpression(); ambExpr.addExpression(result1); ambExpr.addExpression(result2); ((ASTNode) ambExpr).setOffsetAndLength((ASTNode) result1); return ambExpr; } private boolean isValidTypeIDForUnaryExpression(int unaryExprKind, IASTTypeId typeid) { if (typeid == null) return false; if (unaryExprKind == IASTUnaryExpression.op_sizeof) { // if (ASTQueries.findTypeRelevantDeclarator(typeid.getAbstractDeclarator()) instanceof IASTFunctionDeclarator) return false; } return true; } protected abstract IASTAmbiguousExpression createAmbiguousExpression(); protected abstract IASTAmbiguousExpression createAmbiguousBinaryVsCastExpression(IASTBinaryExpression binary, IASTCastExpression castExpr); protected abstract IASTAmbiguousExpression createAmbiguousCastVsFunctionCallExpression(IASTCastExpression castExpr, IASTFunctionCallExpression funcCall); protected IASTStatement forInitStatement() throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException { if (LT(1) == IToken.tSEMI) return parseNullStatement(); try { return parseDeclarationOrExpressionStatement(); } catch (BacktrackException e) { // Missing semicolon within for loop does not make a complete for-statement IASTNode before = e.getNodeBeforeProblem(); if (before != null) { e.initialize(e.getProblem()); } throw e; } } /** * Accepts a sequence of __attribute__ or __declspec. * * @param allowAttrib if true accept any number of __attribute__ * @param allowDeclspec if true accept any number of __declspec * @return the list of attributes, or {@code null} if there are none * @throws BacktrackException * @throws EndOfFileException */ protected List<IASTAttributeSpecifier> __attribute_decl_seq(boolean allowAttrib, boolean allowDeclspec) throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException { List<IASTAttributeSpecifier> result = null; while (true) { final int lt = LTcatchEOF(1); if (allowAttrib && (lt == IGCCToken.t__attribute__)) { if (result == null) { result = new ArrayList<IASTAttributeSpecifier>(); } result.add(__attribute__()); } else if (allowDeclspec && (lt == IGCCToken.t__declspec)) { __declspec(); } else { break; } } return result; } /** * Parses an __attribute__ clause. * @return the list of attributes, or {@code null} if the __attribute__ clause contained * no attributes * @throws BacktrackException * @throws EndOfFileException */ protected IASTAttributeList __attribute__() throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException { if (LT(1) != IGCCToken.t__attribute__) return null; IASTAttributeList result = nodeFactory.newGCCAttributeList(); consume(); if (LT(1) == IToken.tLPAREN) { consume(); consume(IToken.tLPAREN); for (;;) { final int lt1= LT(1); if (lt1 == IToken.tRPAREN || lt1 == IToken.tEOC) break; // Allow empty attribute if (lt1 != IToken.tCOMMA) { result.addAttribute(singleAttribute()); } // Require comma if (LT(1) != IToken.tCOMMA) break; consume(); } consumeOrEOC(IToken.tRPAREN); consumeOrEOC(IToken.tRPAREN); } return result; } protected IASTAttribute singleAttribute() throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException { // Get an identifier including keywords IToken nameToken = identifierOrKeyword(); IASTToken argumentClause = null; int endOffset = nameToken.getEndOffset(); // Check for arguments if (LT(1) == IToken.tLPAREN) { int argumentOffset = consume().getEndOffset(); argumentClause = balancedTokenSeq(argumentOffset, IToken.tRPAREN); endOffset = consumeOrEOC(IToken.tRPAREN).getEndOffset(); } char[] attributeName = nameToken.getCharImage(); IASTAttribute result = nodeFactory.newAttribute(attributeName, argumentClause); setRange(result, nameToken.getOffset(), endOffset); return result; } protected void addAttributeSpecifiers(List<IASTAttributeSpecifier> specifiers, IASTAttributeOwner owner) { if (specifiers != null && owner != null) { for (IASTAttributeSpecifier specifier : specifiers) { owner.addAttributeSpecifier(specifier); } } } protected IToken identifierOrKeyword() throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException { IToken t = LA(1); char[] image= t.getCharImage(); if (image.length == 0) throw backtrack; char firstChar= image[0]; if (!Character.isLetter(firstChar) && firstChar != '_') throw backtrack; consume(); return t; } /** * Parses sequence of tokens until encountering a token of a given type * @param offset the offset for the returned token node. * @param endType the type of the token to stop before * @return a token sequence, possibly empty but never {@code null} */ protected IASTTokenList balancedTokenSeq(int offset, int endType) throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException { IASTTokenList result = nodeFactory.newTokenList(); IToken t; while ((t = LA(1)).getType() != endType) { t = consume(); if (t.getType() == IToken.tCOMPLETION || t.getType() == IToken.tEOC) { break; } result.addToken(createASTToken(t)); IASTToken token; switch (t.getType()) { case IToken.tLPAREN: token = balancedTokenSeq(t.getOffset(), IToken.tRPAREN); break; case IToken.tLBRACKET: token = balancedTokenSeq(t.getOffset(), IToken.tRBRACKET); break; case IToken.tLBRACE: token = balancedTokenSeq(t.getOffset(), IToken.tRBRACE); break; default: continue; } result.addToken(token); t = consume(); token = createASTToken(t); result.addToken(token); } setRange(result, offset, t.getEndOffset()); return result; } private IASTToken createASTToken(IToken t) { IASTToken token; token = nodeFactory.newToken(t.getType(), t.getCharImage()); setRange(token, t.getOffset(), t.getEndOffset()); return token; } protected void __declspec() throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException { IToken token = LA(1); if (token.getType() == IGCCToken.t__declspec) { consume(); if (LT(1) == IToken.tLPAREN) { skipBrackets(IToken.tLPAREN, IToken.tRPAREN, 0); } } } /** * Hook method to support (skip) additional declspec modifiers. * @throws BacktrackException * @throws EndOfFileException */ protected void handleOtherDeclSpecModifier() throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException { // default action: consume keyword plus optional parenthesized "something" consume(); IToken token = LA(1); if (token.getType() == IToken.tLPAREN) { consume(); int openParen= 1; while (true) { token = LA(1); consume(); if (token.getType() == IToken.tLPAREN) { ++openParen; } else if (token.getType() == IToken.tRPAREN) { --openParen; if (openParen == 0) { break; } } } } } protected boolean canBeCompoundLiteral() throws EndOfFileException { IToken m= mark(); try { // The parenthesis cannot be followed by a binary operator skipBrackets(IToken.tLPAREN, IToken.tRPAREN, IToken.tSEMI); return LTcatchEOF(1) == IToken.tLBRACE; } catch (BacktrackException bt) { return false; } finally { backup(m); } } protected boolean canBeCastExpression() throws EndOfFileException { IToken m= mark(); try { // The parenthesis cannot be followed by a binary operator skipBrackets(IToken.tLPAREN, IToken.tRPAREN, IToken.tSEMI); switch (LTcatchEOF(1)) { case IToken.tAMPERASSIGN: case IToken.tAND: case IToken.tARROW: case IToken.tARROWSTAR: case IToken.tASSIGN: case IToken.tBITOR: case IToken.tBITORASSIGN: case IToken.tCOLON: case IToken.tCOMMA: case IToken.tDIV: case IToken.tDIVASSIGN: case IToken.tDOT: case IToken.tDOTSTAR: case IToken.tEQUAL: case IToken.tGT: case IToken.tGT_in_SHIFTR: case IToken.tGTEQUAL: case IToken.tLBRACKET: case IToken.tLTEQUAL: case IToken.tMINUSASSIGN: case IToken.tMOD: case IToken.tMODASSIGN: case IToken.tNOTEQUAL: case IToken.tOR: case IToken.tPLUSASSIGN: case IToken.tQUESTION: case IToken.tRBRACE: case IToken.tRBRACKET: case IToken.tRPAREN: case IToken.tSEMI: case IToken.tSHIFTL: case IToken.tSHIFTLASSIGN: case IToken.tSHIFTR: case IToken.tSHIFTRASSIGN: case IToken.tSTARASSIGN: return false; } return true; } catch (BacktrackException bt) { return false; } finally { backup(m); } } protected boolean canBeTypeSpecifier() throws EndOfFileException { final int lt1 = LT(1); switch (lt1) { // simple type specifiers: case IToken.tIDENTIFIER: case IToken.tCOLONCOLON: case IToken.t_void: case IToken.t_char: case IToken.t_char16_t: case IToken.t_char32_t: case IToken.t_wchar_t: case IToken.t_bool: case IToken.t_short: case IToken.t_int: case IToken.t_long: case IToken.t_float: case IToken.t_double: case IToken.t__Bool: case IToken.t__Complex: case IToken.t__Imaginary: case IGCCToken.t__int128: case IGCCToken.t__float128: case IGCCToken.t_decimal32: case IGCCToken.t_decimal64: case IGCCToken.t_decimal128: case IToken.t_signed: case IToken.t_unsigned: case IToken.t_decltype: case IToken.t_auto: // class-specifier: case IToken.t_class: case IToken.t_struct: case IToken.t_union: // enum-specifier: case IToken.t_enum: // elaborated type specifier: (together with class, struct, union, enum) case IToken.t_typename: // cq-qualifiers case IToken.t_const: case IToken.t_volatile: case IToken.t_restrict: // gcc-special case IGCCToken.t_typeof: case IGCCToken.t__attribute__: // content assist case IToken.tCOMPLETION: return true; default: if (lt1 >= IExtensionToken.t__otherDeclSpecModifierFirst && lt1 <= IExtensionToken.t__otherDeclSpecModifierLast) return true; return false; } } protected void skipBrackets(int left, int right, int terminator) throws EndOfFileException, BacktrackException { consume(left); int nesting = 0; int braceNesting = 0; while (true) { final int lt1= LT(1); if (lt1 == IToken.tEOC) throwBacktrack(LA(1)); // Ignore passages inside braces (such as for a statement-expression), // as they can basically contain tokens of any kind. if (lt1 == IToken.tLBRACE) { braceNesting++; } else if (lt1 == IToken.tRBRACE) { braceNesting--; } if (braceNesting > 0) { consume(); continue; } if (lt1 == terminator) throwBacktrack(LA(1)); consume(); if (lt1 == left) { nesting++; } else if (lt1 == right) { if (--nesting < 0) { return; } } } } protected abstract IASTAlignmentSpecifier createAmbiguousAlignmentSpecifier(IASTAlignmentSpecifier expression, IASTAlignmentSpecifier typeId); protected IASTAlignmentSpecifier alignmentSpecifier() throws BacktrackException, EndOfFileException { int startOffset = consume(IToken.t_alignas, IToken.t__Alignas).getOffset(); consume(IToken.tLPAREN); IASTTypeId typeId = null; IASTExpression expression = null; // Try parsing a type-id. IToken beginning = mark(); IToken typeIdEnd = null; try { typeId = typeIdWithOptionalTrailingEllipsis(DeclarationOptions.TYPEID); typeIdEnd = mark(); } catch (BacktrackException e) { } // Back up and try parsing an expression. backup(beginning); try { expression = expressionWithOptionalTrailingEllipsis(); } catch (BacktrackException e) { // If neither parses successfully, throw. if (typeId == null) { throw e; } } IASTAlignmentSpecifier result; if (typeId == null) { // No type id - use the expression. result = nodeFactory.newAlignmentSpecifier(expression); } else if (expression == null) { // No expression - use the type id. backup(typeIdEnd); result = nodeFactory.newAlignmentSpecifier(typeId); } else if (expression.contains(typeId)) { // otherwise, pick the longer one if (typeId.contains(expression)) { // They are both the same length - ambiguous. int endOffset = consume(IToken.tRPAREN).getEndOffset(); IASTAlignmentSpecifier expressionAlternative = nodeFactory.newAlignmentSpecifier(expression); IASTAlignmentSpecifier typeIdAlternative = nodeFactory.newAlignmentSpecifier(typeId); setRange(expressionAlternative, startOffset, endOffset); setRange(typeIdAlternative, startOffset, endOffset); return createAmbiguousAlignmentSpecifier(expressionAlternative, typeIdAlternative); } else { // Expression is longer - use it. result = nodeFactory.newAlignmentSpecifier(expression); } } else { // Type-id is longer - use it. backup(typeIdEnd); result = nodeFactory.newAlignmentSpecifier(typeId); } int endOffset = consume(IToken.tRPAREN).getEndOffset(); setRange(result, startOffset, endOffset); return result; } }