/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2009, 2015 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Markus Schorn - initial API and implementation * Nathan Ridge *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser; import static org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics.SemanticUtil.TDEF; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTBinaryExpression; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTNode; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IBasicType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IBasicType.Kind; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IEnumeration; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPEnumeration; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.SizeofCalculator.SizeAndAlignment; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics.SemanticUtil; /** * Arithmetic conversions as required to compute the type of unary or binary expressions. */ public abstract class ArithmeticConversion { private static final int DOMAIN_FLAGS = IBasicType.IS_IMAGINARY | IBasicType.IS_COMPLEX; private enum Domain { eReal(0), eImaginary(IBasicType.IS_IMAGINARY), eComplex(IBasicType.IS_COMPLEX); private final int fModifier; private Domain(int modifier) { fModifier= modifier; } int getModifier() { return fModifier; } } private enum Rank {eInt, eLong, eLongLong} protected abstract IBasicType createBasicType(IBasicType.Kind kind, int modifiers); /** * Performs an arithmetic conversion as described in section of the C99 standard, * or 5.0.9 of C++ standard */ public final IType convertOperandTypes(int operator, IType op1, IType op2) { op1 = SemanticUtil.getNestedType(op1, TDEF); op2 = SemanticUtil.getNestedType(op2, TDEF); if (!isArithmeticOrUnscopedEnum(op1) || !isArithmeticOrUnscopedEnum(op2)) { return null; } switch (operator) { // Multiplicative operators case IASTBinaryExpression.op_divide: case IASTBinaryExpression.op_modulo: case IASTBinaryExpression.op_multiply: // Additive operators case IASTBinaryExpression.op_minus: case IASTBinaryExpression.op_plus: // Bitwise operators case IASTBinaryExpression.op_binaryAnd: case IASTBinaryExpression.op_binaryOr: case IASTBinaryExpression.op_binaryXor: // Gcc's minimum/maximum operators case IASTBinaryExpression.op_max: case IASTBinaryExpression.op_min: return convert(op1, op2); case IASTBinaryExpression.op_shiftLeft: case IASTBinaryExpression.op_shiftRight: return promote(op1, getDomain(op1)); default: return null; } } public final IType promoteType(IType type) { if (!isIntegralOrUnscopedEnum(type)) return null; return promote(type, getDomain(type)); } private boolean isArithmeticOrUnscopedEnum(IType op1) { if (op1 instanceof IBasicType) { final Kind kind = ((IBasicType) op1).getKind(); switch (kind) { case eUnspecified: case eVoid: case eNullPtr: return false; default: return true; } } if (op1 instanceof IEnumeration) { if (op1 instanceof ICPPEnumeration && ((ICPPEnumeration) op1).isScoped()) return false; return true; } return false; } private boolean isIntegralOrUnscopedEnum(IType op1) { if (op1 instanceof IEnumeration) return true; if (op1 instanceof IBasicType) { Kind kind= ((IBasicType) op1).getKind(); switch (kind) { case eBoolean: case eChar: case eChar16: case eChar32: case eInt: case eInt128: case eWChar: return true; case eDouble: case eFloat: case eFloat128: case eDecimal32: case eDecimal64: case eDecimal128: case eUnspecified: case eVoid: case eNullPtr: return false; } } return false; } private final IType convert(IType type1, IType type2) { Domain domain= getDomain(type1, type2); // If either type is a long double, return that type if (isLongDouble(type1)) { return adjustDomain((IBasicType) type1, domain); } if (isLongDouble(type2)) { return adjustDomain((IBasicType) type2, domain); } // Else if either type is a double return that type if (isDouble(type1)) { return adjustDomain((IBasicType) type1, domain); } if (isDouble(type2)) { return adjustDomain((IBasicType) type2, domain); } // Else if either type is a float return that type if (isFloat(type1)) { return adjustDomain((IBasicType) type1, domain); } if (isFloat(type2)) { return adjustDomain((IBasicType) type2, domain); } // We're dealing with integer types so perform integer promotion IBasicType btype1 = promote(type1, domain); IBasicType btype2 = promote(type2, domain); if (btype1.isSameType(btype2)) { return btype1; } if (btype1.isUnsigned() == btype2.isUnsigned()) { return getIntegerRank(btype1).ordinal() >= getIntegerRank(btype2).ordinal() ? btype1 : btype2; } IBasicType unsignedType, signedType; if (btype1.isUnsigned()) { unsignedType= btype1; signedType= btype2; } else { unsignedType= btype2; signedType= btype1; } final Rank signedRank= getIntegerRank(signedType); final Rank unsignedRank= getIntegerRank(unsignedType); // same rank -> use unsigned if (unsignedRank.ordinal() >= signedRank.ordinal()) { return unsignedType; } // The signed has the higher rank. if (signedRank.ordinal() > unsignedRank.ordinal()) { return signedType; } return createBasicType(signedType.getKind(), changeModifier(signedType.getModifiers(), IBasicType.IS_SIGNED, IBasicType.IS_UNSIGNED)); } private IBasicType promote(IType type, Domain domain) { if (type instanceof IEnumeration) { IType fixedType= null; if (type instanceof ICPPEnumeration) { fixedType= ((ICPPEnumeration) type).getFixedType(); } if (fixedType == null) return createBasicType(Kind.eInt, domain.getModifier() | getEnumIntTypeModifiers((IEnumeration) type)); type= fixedType; } if (type instanceof IBasicType) { final IBasicType bt = (IBasicType) type; final Kind kind = bt.getKind(); switch (kind) { case eBoolean: case eChar: case eWChar: case eChar16: return createBasicType(Kind.eInt, domain.getModifier()); case eChar32: // Assuming 32 bits. return createBasicType(Kind.eInt, domain.getModifier() | IBasicType.IS_UNSIGNED); case eInt: if (bt.isShort()) return createBasicType(Kind.eInt, domain.getModifier()); return adjustDomain(bt, domain); case eInt128: return createBasicType(Kind.eInt128, domain.getModifier() | IBasicType.IS_UNSIGNED); case eVoid: case eUnspecified: case eDouble: case eFloat: case eFloat128: case eDecimal32: case eDecimal64: case eDecimal128: case eNullPtr: assert false; } } return createBasicType(Kind.eInt, domain.getModifier()); } private Domain getDomain(IType type1, IType type2) { Domain d1= getDomain(type1); Domain d2= getDomain(type2); if (d1 == d2) return d1; return Domain.eComplex; } private Domain getDomain(IType type) { if (type instanceof IBasicType) { IBasicType bt= (IBasicType) type; if (bt.isComplex()) return Domain.eComplex; if (bt.isImaginary()) return Domain.eImaginary; } return Domain.eReal; } private IBasicType adjustDomain(IBasicType t, Domain d) { Domain myDomain= getDomain(t); if (myDomain == d) return t; return createBasicType(t.getKind(), changeModifier(t.getModifiers(), DOMAIN_FLAGS, d.getModifier())); } private int changeModifier(int modifiers, int remove, int add) { return (modifiers & ~remove) | add; } private Rank getIntegerRank(IBasicType type) { if (type.getKind() == Kind.eInt128) return Rank.eLongLong; assert type.getKind() == Kind.eInt; if (type.isLongLong()) return Rank.eLongLong; if (type.isLong()) return Rank.eLong; return Rank.eInt; } private boolean isLongDouble(IType type) { if (type instanceof IBasicType) { final IBasicType bt= (IBasicType) type; return bt.isLong() && bt.getKind() == Kind.eDouble || bt.getKind() == Kind.eFloat128 || bt.getKind() == Kind.eDecimal128; } return false; } private static boolean isDouble(IType type) { if (type instanceof IBasicType) { final IBasicType bt= (IBasicType) type; return bt.getKind() == Kind.eDouble || bt.getKind() == Kind.eDecimal64; } return false; } private static boolean isFloat(IType type) { if (type instanceof IBasicType) { final IBasicType bt= (IBasicType) type; return bt.getKind() == Kind.eFloat || bt.getKind() == Kind.eDecimal32; } return false; } public static int getEnumIntTypeModifiers(IEnumeration enumeration) { final long minValue = enumeration.getMinValue(); final long maxValue = enumeration.getMaxValue(); // TODO(sprigogin): Use values of __INT_MAX__ and __LONG_MAX__ macros if (minValue >= Integer.MIN_VALUE && maxValue <= Integer.MAX_VALUE) { return 0; } else if (minValue >= 0 && maxValue <= 0xFFFFFFFFL) { return IBasicType.IS_UNSIGNED; } else if (minValue >= Long.MIN_VALUE && maxValue <= Long.MAX_VALUE) { return IBasicType.IS_LONG; } else { // This branch is unreachable due to limitations of Java long type. return IBasicType.IS_UNSIGNED | IBasicType.IS_LONG; } } public static boolean fitsIntoType(IBasicType basicTarget, long n) { final Kind kind = basicTarget.getKind(); switch (kind) { case eInt: if (!basicTarget.isUnsigned()) { if (basicTarget.isShort()) { return Short.MIN_VALUE <= n && n <= Short.MAX_VALUE; } // Can't represent long longs with Java longs. if (basicTarget.isLong() || basicTarget.isLongLong()) { return true; } return Integer.MIN_VALUE <= n && n <= Integer.MAX_VALUE; } if (n < 0) return false; if (basicTarget.isShort()) { return n < (Short.MAX_VALUE + 1L) * 2; } // Can't represent long longs with Java longs. if (basicTarget.isLong() || basicTarget.isLongLong()) { return true; } return n < (Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1L) * 2; case eChar: return 0 <= n && n <= 0xFF; case eChar16: case eWChar: return 0 <= n && n <= 0xFFFF; case eChar32: return 0 <= n && n <= 0xFFFFFFFFL; case eDecimal32: return Integer.MIN_VALUE <= n && n <= Integer.MAX_VALUE; case eFloat: float f= n; return (long) f == n; case eDouble: double d= n; return (long) d == n; default: return false; } } /** * Makes a best-effort guess at the sizeof() of an integral type. */ private static long getApproximateSize(IBasicType type) { switch (type.getKind()) { case eChar: return 1; case eWChar: return 2; case eInt: // Note: we return 6 for long so that both long -> int // and long long -> long conversions are reported // as narrowing, to be on the safe side. return type.isShort() ? 2 : type.isLong() ? 6 : type.isLongLong() ? 8 : 4; case eBoolean: return 1; case eChar16: return 2; case eChar32: return 4; case eInt128: return 16; default: return 0; // shouldn't happen } } /** * Checks whether a target integral type can represent all values of a source integral type. * * @param target the target integral type * @param source the source integral type * @param point point for sizeof lookup * @return whether the target integral type can represent all values of the source integral type */ public static boolean fitsIntoType(IBasicType target, IBasicType source, IASTNode point) { // A boolean cannot represent any other type. if (target.getKind() == Kind.eBoolean && source.getKind() != Kind.eBoolean) return false; // A boolean can be represented by any other integral type. if (source.getKind() == Kind.eBoolean) return true; // If the source is signed, it might be negative, so an unsigned target cannot represent it. if (!source.isUnsigned() && target.isUnsigned()) return false; // Otherwise, go by the size and signedness of the type. SizeAndAlignment sourceSizeAndAlignment = SizeofCalculator.getSizeAndAlignment(source, point); SizeAndAlignment targetSizeAndAlignment = SizeofCalculator.getSizeAndAlignment(target, point); long sizeofSource = sourceSizeAndAlignment == null ? getApproximateSize(source) : sourceSizeAndAlignment.size; long sizeofTarget = targetSizeAndAlignment == null ? getApproximateSize(target) : targetSizeAndAlignment.size; if (sizeofSource == sizeofTarget) { return target.isUnsigned() == source.isUnsigned(); } else { return sizeofSource < sizeofTarget; } } }