/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2009, 2016 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Markus Schorn - initial API and implementation * Sergey Prigogin (Google) * Nathan Ridge *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics; import static org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTExpression.ValueCategory.LVALUE; import static org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics.SemanticUtil.ALLCVQ; import static org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics.SemanticUtil.CVTYPE; import static org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics.SemanticUtil.REF; import static org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics.SemanticUtil.TDEF; import static org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics.SemanticUtil.getCVQualifier; import static org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics.SemanticUtil.getNestedType; import static org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.semantics.SemanticUtil.getSimplifiedType; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.ASTTypeUtil; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.DOMException; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTExpression.ValueCategory; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTNode; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTUnaryExpression; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IArrayType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IBasicType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IBinding; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IFunctionType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IPointerType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IQualifierType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.ITypedef; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IValue; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPBase; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPBasicType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPClassTemplate; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPClassTemplatePartialSpecialization; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPClassType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPFunction; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPFunctionTemplate; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPFunctionType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPMethod; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPParameterPackType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPPointerToMemberType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPReferenceType; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPTemplateArgument; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPTemplateDefinition; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPTemplateInstance; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPTemplateNonTypeParameter; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPTemplateParameter; import org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.cpp.ICPPTemplateTemplateParameter; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.ITypeContainer; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.IntegralValue; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPBasicType; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPPointerToMemberType; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPPointerType; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPReferenceType; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPTemplateNonTypeArgument; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPTemplateParameterMap; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.CPPTemplateTypeArgument; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.ClassTypeHelper; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.ICPPEvaluation; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.ICPPUnknownBinding; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.ICPPUnknownMember; import org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.cpp.InstantiationContext; /** * Algorithms for deducing template arguments in various contexts. */ public class TemplateArgumentDeduction { private static class TypeOfValueDeducedFromArraySize extends CPPBasicType { public TypeOfValueDeducedFromArraySize() { super(ICPPBasicType.Kind.eInt, 0); } } /** * Deduce arguments for a template function from the template id and the template function * parameters. * */ static ICPPTemplateArgument[] deduceForFunctionCall(ICPPFunctionTemplate template, ICPPTemplateArgument[] tmplArgs, List<IType> fnArgs, List<ValueCategory> argIsLValue, CPPTemplateParameterMap map, IASTNode point) throws DOMException { final ICPPTemplateParameter[] tmplParams = template.getTemplateParameters(); if (tmplArgs != null && !addExplicitArguments(template, tmplParams, tmplArgs, map, point)) return null; if (!deduceFromFunctionArgs(template, fnArgs, argIsLValue, map, point)) return null; return createArguments(map, tmplParams); } /** * Deduces the mapping for the template parameters from the function parameters, * returns <code>false</code> if there is no mapping. */ static boolean deduceFromFunctionArgs(ICPPFunctionTemplate template, List<IType> fnArgs, List<ValueCategory> argCats, CPPTemplateParameterMap map, IASTNode point) { try { IType[] fnPars = template.getType().getParameterTypes(); final int fnParCount = fnPars.length; final ICPPTemplateParameter[] tmplPars = template.getTemplateParameters(); TemplateArgumentDeduction deduct= new TemplateArgumentDeduction(tmplPars, map, new CPPTemplateParameterMap(fnParCount), 0); IType fnParPack= null; argLoop: for (int j= 0; j < fnArgs.size(); j++) { IType par; if (fnParPack != null) { par= fnParPack; deduct.incPackOffset(); } else if (j < fnParCount) { par= fnPars[j]; if (par instanceof ICPPParameterPackType) { if (j != fnParCount - 1) continue argLoop; // Non-deduced context par= fnParPack= ((ICPPParameterPackType) par).getType(); deduct= new TemplateArgumentDeduction(deduct, fnArgs.size() - j); } } else { break; } par= CPPTemplates.instantiateType(par, new InstantiationContext(map, point)); if (!SemanticUtil.isValidType(par)) return false; if (CPPTemplates.isDependentType(par)) { IType arg = fnArgs.get(j); par= SemanticUtil.getNestedType(par, SemanticUtil.TDEF); // adjustParameterType preserves typedefs // C++11: if (arg instanceof InitializerListType) { par= SemanticUtil.getNestedType(par, TDEF | REF | CVTYPE); // Check if this is a deduced context. IType inner= Conversions.getInitListType(par); if (inner != null) { final EvalInitList eval = ((InitializerListType) arg).getEvaluation(); for (ICPPEvaluation clause : eval.getClauses()) { if (!deduceFromFunctionArg(inner, clause.getType(point), clause.getValueCategory(point), deduct, point)) return false; } } } else if (arg instanceof FunctionSetType) { // Handling of overloaded function sets ICPPFunction[] fs= ((FunctionSetType) arg).getFunctionSet().getBindings(); for (ICPPFunction f : fs) { if (f instanceof ICPPFunctionTemplate) continue argLoop; // Non-deduced context } // Do trial deduction CPPTemplateParameterMap success= null; Set<String> handled= new HashSet<>(); for (ICPPFunction f : fs) { arg= f.getType(); if (f instanceof ICPPMethod && !f.isStatic()) { arg= new CPPPointerToMemberType(arg, ((ICPPMethod) f).getClassOwner(), false, false, false); } if (handled.add(ASTTypeUtil.getType(arg, true))) { final CPPTemplateParameterMap state = deduct.saveState(); if (deduceFromFunctionArg(par, arg, argCats.get(j), deduct, point)) { if (success != null) { deduct.restoreState(state); continue argLoop; // Non-deduced context } success= deduct.saveState(); } deduct.restoreState(state); } } if (success == null) return false; deduct.restoreState(success); } else { if (!deduceFromFunctionArg(par, arg, argCats.get(j), deduct, point)) return false; } } } if (!map.addDeducedArgs(deduct.fDeducedArgs)) return false; // - 17 for (ICPPTemplateParameter tpar : tmplPars) { if (tpar instanceof ICPPTemplateNonTypeParameter) { ICPPTemplateArgument arg = deduct.fDeducedArgs.getArgument(tpar); if (arg != null) { IType type1 = ((ICPPTemplateNonTypeParameter) tpar).getType(); type1= CPPTemplates.instantiateType(type1, new InstantiationContext(map, point)); IType type2= arg.getTypeOfNonTypeValue(); // Template-argument deduced from an array bound may be of any integral // type. if (type2 instanceof TypeOfValueDeducedFromArraySize && isIntegralType(type1)) { IValue value = isBooleanType(type1) ? IntegralValue.create(true) : arg.getNonTypeValue(); arg = new CPPTemplateNonTypeArgument(value, type1); deduct.fDeducedArgs.put(tpar, arg); } else if (!type1.isSameType(type2)) { return false; } } } } return verifyDeduction(tmplPars, map, true, point); } catch (DOMException e) { } return false; } // 3.9.1 - 7 private static boolean isIntegralType(IType type) { type = SemanticUtil.getNestedType(type, SemanticUtil.TDEF); if (!(type instanceof IBasicType)) return false; switch (((IBasicType) type).getKind()) { case eInt: case eInt128: case eBoolean: case eChar: case eChar16: case eChar32: case eWChar: return true; default: return false; } } private static boolean isBooleanType(IType type) { type = SemanticUtil.getNestedType(type, SemanticUtil.TDEF); return type instanceof IBasicType && ((IBasicType) type).getKind() == IBasicType.Kind.eBoolean; } private static boolean deduceFromFunctionArg(IType par, IType arg, ValueCategory valueCat, TemplateArgumentDeduction deduct, IASTNode point) throws DOMException { boolean isReferenceTypeParameter= false; if (par instanceof ICPPReferenceType) { // If P is an rvalue reference to a cv-unqualified template parameter and the argument // is an lvalue, the type "lvalue reference to A" is used in place of A for type // deduction. isReferenceTypeParameter= true; final ICPPReferenceType refPar = (ICPPReferenceType) par; if (refPar.isRValueReference() && refPar.getType() instanceof ICPPTemplateParameter && valueCat == LVALUE) { arg= new CPPReferenceType(getSimplifiedType(arg), false); } else { arg= getArgumentTypeForDeduction(arg, true); } par= SemanticUtil.getNestedType(par, REF | TDEF); } else { arg= getArgumentTypeForDeduction(arg, false); } // CVQualifier cvPar= SemanticUtil.getCVQualifier(par); CVQualifier cvArg= SemanticUtil.getCVQualifier(arg); if (cvPar == cvArg || (isReferenceTypeParameter && cvPar.isAtLeastAsQualifiedAs(cvArg))) { IType pcheck= SemanticUtil.getNestedType(par, CVTYPE); if (!(pcheck instanceof ICPPTemplateParameter)) { par= pcheck; arg= SemanticUtil.getNestedType(arg, CVTYPE); IType argcheck= arg; if (par instanceof IPointerType && arg instanceof IPointerType) { pcheck= ((IPointerType) par).getType(); argcheck= ((IPointerType) arg).getType(); if (pcheck instanceof ICPPTemplateParameter) { pcheck= null; } else { cvPar= SemanticUtil.getCVQualifier(pcheck); cvArg= SemanticUtil.getCVQualifier(argcheck); if (cvPar.isAtLeastAsQualifiedAs(cvArg)) { pcheck= SemanticUtil.getNestedType(pcheck, CVTYPE); argcheck= SemanticUtil.getNestedType(argcheck, CVTYPE); } else { pcheck= null; } } } while (pcheck instanceof ITypedef) pcheck = ((ITypedef) pcheck).getType(); if (pcheck instanceof ICPPTemplateInstance && argcheck instanceof ICPPClassType) { ICPPTemplateInstance pInst = (ICPPTemplateInstance) pcheck; ICPPClassTemplate pTemplate= getPrimaryTemplate(pInst); if (pTemplate != null) { ICPPClassType aInst= findBaseInstance((ICPPClassType) argcheck, pTemplate, point); if (aInst != null && aInst != argcheck) { par= pcheck; arg= aInst; } } } } } return deduct.fromType(par, arg, true, point); } /** * [temp.deduct.funcaddr] * Deducing template arguments taking the address of a function template * @param point * @throws DOMException */ static ICPPTemplateArgument[] deduceForAddressOf(ICPPFunctionTemplate template, ICPPTemplateArgument[] tmplArgs, IFunctionType arg, CPPTemplateParameterMap map, IASTNode point) throws DOMException { final ICPPTemplateParameter[] tmplParams = template.getTemplateParameters(); if (!addExplicitArguments(template, tmplParams, tmplArgs, map, point)) return null; IType par= template.getType(); InstantiationContext context = new InstantiationContext(map, point); par= CPPTemplates.instantiateType(par, context); if (!SemanticUtil.isValidType(par)) return null; boolean isDependentPar= CPPTemplates.isDependentType(par); if (isDependentPar) { TemplateArgumentDeduction deduct= new TemplateArgumentDeduction(tmplParams, map, new CPPTemplateParameterMap(tmplParams.length), 0); par= SemanticUtil.getNestedType(par, SemanticUtil.TDEF); if (arg != null && !deduct.fromType(par, arg, false, point)) return null; if (!map.addDeducedArgs(deduct.fDeducedArgs)) return null; } if (!verifyDeduction(tmplParams, map, true, point)) return null; if (isDependentPar) par= CPPTemplates.instantiateType(par, context); if (arg == null || arg.isSameType(par)) { return createArguments(map, tmplParams); } return null; } /** * Deduce arguments for a user defined conversion template * */ static ICPPTemplateArgument[] deduceForConversion(ICPPFunctionTemplate template, IType conversionType, CPPTemplateParameterMap map, IASTNode point) throws DOMException { final ICPPTemplateParameter[] tmplParams = template.getTemplateParameters(); final int length = tmplParams.length; ICPPTemplateArgument[] result = new ICPPTemplateArgument[length]; IType a= SemanticUtil.getSimplifiedType(conversionType); IType p= template.getType().getReturnType(); p= getArgumentTypeForDeduction(p, a instanceof ICPPReferenceType); a= SemanticUtil.getNestedType(a, SemanticUtil.REF | SemanticUtil.TDEF); TemplateArgumentDeduction deduct= new TemplateArgumentDeduction(tmplParams, null, map, 0); if (!deduct.fromType(p, a, true, point)) { return null; } InstantiationContext context = new InstantiationContext(map, point); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (result[i] == null) { final ICPPTemplateParameter tpar = tmplParams[i]; ICPPTemplateArgument deducedArg= map.getArgument(tpar); if (deducedArg == null) { deducedArg= CPPTemplates.instantiateArgument(tpar.getDefaultValue(), context); if (!CPPTemplates.isValidArgument(deducedArg)) return null; } result[i]= deducedArg; } } return result; } /** * Deduce arguments for a function declaration * */ static ICPPTemplateArgument[] deduceForDeclaration(ICPPFunctionTemplate template, ICPPTemplateArgument[] args, ICPPFunctionType ftype, CPPTemplateParameterMap map, IASTNode point) throws DOMException { final ICPPTemplateParameter[] tmplParams = template.getTemplateParameters(); if (!addExplicitArguments(template, tmplParams, args, map, point)) return null; IType a= SemanticUtil.getSimplifiedType(ftype); InstantiationContext context = new InstantiationContext(map, point); IType p= CPPTemplates.instantiateType(template.getType(), context); if (!SemanticUtil.isValidType(p)) return null; TemplateArgumentDeduction deduct= new TemplateArgumentDeduction(tmplParams, map, new CPPTemplateParameterMap(tmplParams.length), 0); if (!deduct.fromType(p, a, false, point)) { return null; } if (!map.addDeducedArgs(deduct.fDeducedArgs)) return null; if (!verifyDeduction(tmplParams, map, true, point)) return null; IType type= CPPTemplates.instantiateType(p, context); if (!ftype.isSameType(type)) return null; return createArguments(map, tmplParams); } /** * Deduces the mapping for the template parameters from the function parameters, * returns <code>false</code> if there is no mapping. */ static int deduceForPartialOrdering(ICPPTemplateParameter[] tmplPars, IType[] fnPars, IType[] fnArgs, IASTNode point) { try { final int fnParCount = fnPars.length; final int fnArgCount = fnArgs.length; int result= 0; TemplateArgumentDeduction deduct= new TemplateArgumentDeduction(tmplPars, new CPPTemplateParameterMap(0), new CPPTemplateParameterMap(fnParCount), 0); IType fnParPack= null; Set<Integer> usedTemplateParIds= new HashSet<>(); for (int j= 0; j < fnArgCount; j++) { IType par; if (fnParPack != null) { par= fnParPack; deduct.incPackOffset(); } else { if (j >= fnParCount) return -1; par= fnPars[j]; if (par instanceof ICPPParameterPackType) { if (j != fnParCount - 1) continue; // non-deduced context par= fnParPack= ((ICPPParameterPackType) par).getType(); deduct= new TemplateArgumentDeduction(deduct, fnArgs.length - j); } } IType arg = fnArgs[j]; addReferencedTemplateParameters(par, usedTemplateParIds); int cmpSpecialized= deduceForPartialOrdering(par, arg, deduct, point); if (cmpSpecialized < 0) return cmpSpecialized; if (cmpSpecialized > 0) result= cmpSpecialized; } return verifyDeductionForPartialOrdering(tmplPars, usedTemplateParIds, deduct.fDeducedArgs) ? result : -1; } catch (DOMException e) { } return -1; } private static void addReferencedTemplateParameters(IType t, Set<Integer> usedTemplateParIds) { while (true) { if (t instanceof ICPPTemplateParameter) { usedTemplateParIds.add(((ICPPTemplateParameter) t).getParameterID()); return; } else if (t instanceof ICPPFunctionType) { final ICPPFunctionType ft = (ICPPFunctionType) t; for (IType par : ft.getParameterTypes()) addReferencedTemplateParameters(par, usedTemplateParIds); t = ft.getReturnType(); } else if (t instanceof ICPPPointerToMemberType) { ICPPPointerToMemberType ptmt = (ICPPPointerToMemberType) t; addReferencedTemplateParameters(ptmt.getMemberOfClass(), usedTemplateParIds); t = ptmt.getType(); } else if (t instanceof ICPPTemplateInstance) { ICPPTemplateInstance inst = (ICPPTemplateInstance) t; for (ICPPTemplateArgument arg : inst.getTemplateArguments()) { if (arg instanceof CPPTemplateTypeArgument) addReferencedTemplateParameters(arg.getTypeValue(), usedTemplateParIds); else addReferencedTemplateParameters(arg.getNonTypeValue(), usedTemplateParIds); } if (inst.getTemplateDefinition() instanceof IType) { t = (IType) inst.getTemplateDefinition(); } else { return; } } else if (t instanceof ICPPUnknownMember) { t = ((ICPPUnknownMember) t).getOwnerType(); } else if (t instanceof ITypeContainer) { if (t instanceof IArrayType) addReferencedTemplateParameters(((IArrayType) t).getSize(), usedTemplateParIds); t = ((ITypeContainer) t).getType(); } else { return; } } } private static void addReferencedTemplateParameters(IValue v, Set<Integer> usedTemplatePars) { if (v != null && v.getEvaluation() instanceof EvalBinding) { IBinding binding = ((EvalBinding) v.getEvaluation()).getBinding(); if (binding instanceof ICPPTemplateParameter) { usedTemplatePars.add(((ICPPTemplateParameter) binding).getParameterID()); } } } /** * [temp.deduction.partial] * In most cases, all template parameters must have values in order for deduction to succeed, * but for partial ordering purposes a template parameter may remain without a value provided * it is not used in the types being used for partial ordering. */ private static boolean verifyDeductionForPartialOrdering(ICPPTemplateParameter[] pars, Set<Integer> usedParIds, CPPTemplateParameterMap tpMap) { for (ICPPTemplateParameter tpar : pars) { if (usedParIds.contains(tpar.getParameterID())) { if (tpar.isParameterPack()) { ICPPTemplateArgument[] deducedArgs = tpMap.getPackExpansion(tpar); if (deducedArgs != null) { for (ICPPTemplateArgument arg : deducedArgs) { if (arg == null) return false; } } } else { if (tpMap.getArgument(tpar) == null) return false; } } } return true; } private static int deduceForPartialOrdering(IType par, IType arg, TemplateArgumentDeduction deduct, IASTNode point) throws DOMException { par= getNestedType(par, TDEF); arg= getNestedType(arg, TDEF); boolean isMoreCVQualified= false; if (par instanceof ICPPReferenceType && arg instanceof ICPPReferenceType) { par= getNestedType(par, REF | TDEF); arg= getNestedType(arg, REF | TDEF); CVQualifier cvp= getCVQualifier(par); CVQualifier cva= getCVQualifier(arg); isMoreCVQualified= cva.isMoreQualifiedThan(cvp); } par= getNestedType(par, TDEF | REF | ALLCVQ); arg= getNestedType(arg, TDEF | REF | ALLCVQ); if (!deduct.fromType(par, arg, false, point)) return -1; return isMoreCVQualified ? 1 : 0; } /** * Adds the explicit arguments to the map. */ public static boolean addExplicitArguments(ICPPFunctionTemplate template, final ICPPTemplateParameter[] tmplParams, ICPPTemplateArgument[] tmplArgs, CPPTemplateParameterMap map, IASTNode point) { tmplArgs= SemanticUtil.getSimplifiedArguments(tmplArgs); ICPPTemplateParameter tmplParam= null; int packOffset= -1; for (int i = 0; i < tmplArgs.length; i++) { if (packOffset < 0 || tmplParam == null) { if (i >= tmplParams.length) return false; tmplParam= tmplParams[i]; if (tmplParam.isParameterPack()) { packOffset= i; } } ICPPTemplateArgument tmplArg= tmplArgs[i]; tmplArg= CPPTemplates.matchTemplateParameterAndArgument(template, tmplParam, tmplArg, map, point); if (tmplArg == null) return false; if (packOffset < 0) { map.put(tmplParam, tmplArg); } } if (packOffset >= 0) { final int packSize= tmplArgs.length- packOffset; ICPPTemplateArgument[] pack= new ICPPTemplateArgument[packSize]; System.arraycopy(tmplArgs, packOffset, pack, 0, packSize); map.put(tmplParam, pack); } return true; } private static ICPPTemplateArgument[] createArguments(CPPTemplateParameterMap map, final ICPPTemplateParameter[] tmplParams) { List<ICPPTemplateArgument> result= new ArrayList<>(tmplParams.length); for (ICPPTemplateParameter tpar : tmplParams) { if (tpar.isParameterPack()) { ICPPTemplateArgument[] deducedArgs= map.getPackExpansion(tpar); if (deducedArgs == null) return null; result.addAll(Arrays.asList(deducedArgs)); } else { ICPPTemplateArgument deducedArg= map.getArgument(tpar); if (deducedArg == null) { return null; } result.add(deducedArg); } } return result.toArray(new ICPPTemplateArgument[result.size()]); } /** * If P is a class and has the form template-id, then A can be a derived class of * the deduced A. */ private static ICPPClassType findBaseInstance(ICPPClassType a, ICPPClassTemplate pTemplate, IASTNode point) throws DOMException { return findBaseInstance(a, pTemplate, CPPSemantics.MAX_INHERITANCE_DEPTH, new HashSet<>(), point); } private static ICPPClassType findBaseInstance(ICPPClassType a, ICPPClassTemplate pTemplate, int maxdepth, HashSet<Object> handled, IASTNode point) throws DOMException { if (a instanceof ICPPTemplateInstance) { ICPPTemplateInstance inst = (ICPPTemplateInstance) a; ICPPClassTemplate tmpl= getPrimaryTemplate(inst); if (pTemplate.isSameType(tmpl)) return a; } if (maxdepth-- > 0) { for (ICPPBase cppBase : ClassTypeHelper.getBases(a, point)) { IBinding base= cppBase.getBaseClass(); if (base instanceof ICPPClassType && handled.add(base)) { final ICPPClassType inst= findBaseInstance((ICPPClassType) base, pTemplate, maxdepth, handled, point); if (inst != null) return inst; } } } return null; } private static ICPPClassTemplate getPrimaryTemplate(ICPPTemplateInstance inst) throws DOMException { ICPPTemplateDefinition template= inst.getTemplateDefinition(); if (template instanceof ICPPClassTemplatePartialSpecialization) { return ((ICPPClassTemplatePartialSpecialization) template).getPrimaryClassTemplate(); } else if (template instanceof ICPPClassTemplate) { return (ICPPClassTemplate) template; } return null; } /** * * if P is not a reference type * - If A is an array type, the pointer type produced by the array-to-pointer conversion is used instead * - If A is a function type, the pointer type produced by the function-to-pointer conversion is used instead * - If A is a cv-qualified type, the top level cv-qualifiers are ignored for type deduction * * Also where the same logics is used in reverse. */ private static IType getArgumentTypeForDeduction(IType type, boolean parameterIsAReferenceType) { type = SemanticUtil.getSimplifiedType(type); if (type instanceof ICPPReferenceType) { type = ((ICPPReferenceType) type).getType(); } IType result = type; if (!parameterIsAReferenceType) { if (type instanceof IArrayType) { result = new CPPPointerType(((IArrayType) type).getType()); } else if (type instanceof IFunctionType) { result = new CPPPointerType(type); } else { result = SemanticUtil.getNestedType(type, TDEF | ALLCVQ); } } return result; } /** * Deduces the template parameter mapping from pairs of template arguments. */ public static boolean fromTemplateArguments(final ICPPTemplateParameter[] pars, final ICPPTemplateArgument[] p, final ICPPTemplateArgument[] a, CPPTemplateParameterMap map, IASTNode point) throws DOMException { TemplateArgumentDeduction deduct= new TemplateArgumentDeduction(pars, null, map, 0); if (p == null) { return false; } boolean containsPackExpansion= false; for (int j= 0; j < p.length; j++) { if (p[j].isPackExpansion()) { deduct = new TemplateArgumentDeduction(deduct, a.length - j); containsPackExpansion= true; if (j != p.length - 1) { return false; // A pack expansion must be the last argument to the specialization. } ICPPTemplateArgument pattern = p[j].getExpansionPattern(); for (int i= j; i < a.length; i++) { if (i != j) deduct.incPackOffset(); if (!deduct.fromTemplateArgument(pattern, a[i], point)) { return false; } } break; } else { if (j >= a.length) { return false; // Not enough arguments. } if (!deduct.fromTemplateArgument(p[j], a[j], point)) { return false; } } } if (!containsPackExpansion && p.length < a.length) return false; // Too many arguments. return verifyDeduction(pars, map, false, point); } private static boolean verifyDeduction(ICPPTemplateParameter[] pars, CPPTemplateParameterMap tpMap, boolean useDefaults, IASTNode point) { InstantiationContext context = new InstantiationContext(tpMap, point); for (ICPPTemplateParameter tpar : pars) { if (tpar.isParameterPack()) { ICPPTemplateArgument[] deducedArgs= tpMap.getPackExpansion(tpar); if (deducedArgs == null) { context.addToParameterMap(tpar, ICPPTemplateArgument.EMPTY_ARGUMENTS); } else { for (ICPPTemplateArgument arg : deducedArgs) { if (arg == null) return false; } } } else { ICPPTemplateArgument deducedArg= tpMap.getArgument(tpar); if (deducedArg == null && useDefaults) { deducedArg= tpar.getDefaultValue(); if (deducedArg != null) { deducedArg= CPPTemplates.instantiateArgument(deducedArg, context); if (CPPTemplates.isValidArgument(deducedArg)) { context.addToParameterMap(tpar, deducedArg); } } } if (deducedArg == null) return false; } } return true; } private final CPPTemplateParameterMap fExplicitArgs; private CPPTemplateParameterMap fDeducedArgs; private Set<Integer> fTemplateParameterPacks; private int fPackOffset; private final int fPackSize; private TemplateArgumentDeduction(ICPPTemplateParameter[] tpars, CPPTemplateParameterMap explicit, CPPTemplateParameterMap result, int packSize) { fExplicitArgs= explicit; fDeducedArgs= result; fPackSize= packSize; fPackOffset= packSize > 0 ? 0 : -1; for (ICPPTemplateParameter tpar : tpars) { if (tpar.isParameterPack()) { if (fTemplateParameterPacks == null) { fTemplateParameterPacks= new HashSet<>(); } fTemplateParameterPacks.add(tpar.getParameterID()); } } } private TemplateArgumentDeduction(TemplateArgumentDeduction base, int packSize) { fExplicitArgs= base.fExplicitArgs; fDeducedArgs= base.fDeducedArgs; fTemplateParameterPacks= base.fTemplateParameterPacks; fPackSize= packSize; fPackOffset= packSize > 0 ? 0 : -1; } private CPPTemplateParameterMap saveState() { return new CPPTemplateParameterMap(fDeducedArgs); } private void restoreState(CPPTemplateParameterMap saved) { fDeducedArgs= saved; } private void incPackOffset() { fPackOffset++; assert fPackOffset < fPackSize; } /** * Deduces the template parameter mapping from one pair of template arguments. */ private boolean fromTemplateArgument(ICPPTemplateArgument p, ICPPTemplateArgument a, IASTNode point) throws DOMException { if (p.isNonTypeValue() != a.isNonTypeValue()) return false; if (p.isNonTypeValue()) { IValue tval= p.getNonTypeValue(); if (IntegralValue.referencesTemplateParameter(tval)) { int parId= IntegralValue.isTemplateParameter(tval); if (parId >= 0) { ICPPTemplateArgument old= fDeducedArgs.getArgument(parId, fPackOffset); if (old == null) { return deduce(parId, a); } return old.isSameValue(a); } else { // Non-deduced context return true; } } IValue sval= a.getNonTypeValue(); return tval.equals(sval); } // Try to deduce from the original argument type, but if it fails, fall back to the simplified // argument type. return fromType(p.getTypeValue(), a.getOriginalTypeValue(), false, point) || (a.getTypeValue() != a.getOriginalTypeValue() && fromType(p.getTypeValue(), a.getTypeValue(), false, point)); } private boolean fromType(IType p, IType a, boolean allowCVQConversion, IASTNode point) throws DOMException { IType originalArgType = a; a = SemanticUtil.getSimplifiedType(a); while (p != null) { while (a instanceof ITypedef) a = ((ITypedef) a).getType(); while (p instanceof ITypedef) p = ((ITypedef) p).getType(); if (p instanceof IBasicType) { return p.isSameType(a); } else if (p instanceof ICPPPointerToMemberType) { if (!(a instanceof ICPPPointerToMemberType)) return false; final ICPPPointerToMemberType ptrP = (ICPPPointerToMemberType) p; final ICPPPointerToMemberType ptrA = (ICPPPointerToMemberType) a; if (!allowCVQConversion && (ptrP.isConst() != ptrA.isConst() || ptrP.isVolatile() != ptrA.isVolatile())) return false; if (!fromType(ptrP.getMemberOfClass(), ptrA.getMemberOfClass(), false, point)) { return false; } p = ptrP.getType(); a = ptrA.getType(); } else if (p instanceof IPointerType) { final IPointerType ptrP = (IPointerType) p; p = ptrP.getType(); if (a instanceof TypeOfDependentExpression) { ICPPEvaluation eval = ((TypeOfDependentExpression) a).getEvaluation(); eval = new EvalUnary(IASTUnaryExpression.op_star, eval, null, eval.getTemplateDefinition()); a = new TypeOfDependentExpression(eval); } else { if (!(a instanceof IPointerType)) return false; final IPointerType ptrA = (IPointerType) a; if (!allowCVQConversion && (ptrP.isConst() != ptrA.isConst() || ptrP.isVolatile() != ptrA.isVolatile())) return false; a = ptrA.getType(); } } else if (p instanceof ICPPReferenceType) { if (!(a instanceof ICPPReferenceType)) { return false; } final ICPPReferenceType rp = (ICPPReferenceType) p; final ICPPReferenceType ra = (ICPPReferenceType) a; if (ra.isRValueReference() != rp.isRValueReference()) return false; p = rp.getType(); a = ra.getType(); } else if (p instanceof IArrayType) { if (!(a instanceof IArrayType)) { return false; } IArrayType aa= (IArrayType) a; IArrayType pa= (IArrayType) p; IValue as= aa.getSize(); IValue ps= pa.getSize(); if (as != ps) { if (as == null || ps == null) return false; int parID= IntegralValue.isTemplateParameter(ps); if (parID >= 0) { ICPPTemplateArgument old= fDeducedArgs.getArgument(parID, fPackOffset); if (old == null) { if (!deduce(parID, new CPPTemplateNonTypeArgument(as, new TypeOfValueDeducedFromArraySize()))) { return false; } } else if (!as.equals(old.getNonTypeValue())) { return false; } } else if (!as.equals(as)) { return false; } } p = pa.getType(); a = aa.getType(); } else if (p instanceof IQualifierType) { final CVQualifier cvqP = SemanticUtil.getCVQualifier(p); final CVQualifier cvqA = SemanticUtil.getCVQualifier(a); CVQualifier remaining= CVQualifier.NONE; if (cvqP != cvqA) { if (!allowCVQConversion && !cvqA.isAtLeastAsQualifiedAs(cvqP)) return false; remaining= cvqA.remove(cvqP); } p = SemanticUtil.getNestedType(p, ALLCVQ); a = SemanticUtil.getNestedType(a, ALLCVQ); if (p instanceof IQualifierType) return false; if (remaining != CVQualifier.NONE) { a= SemanticUtil.addQualifiers(a, remaining.isConst(), remaining.isVolatile(), remaining.isRestrict()); } } else if (p instanceof ICPPFunctionType) { ICPPFunctionType ftp = (ICPPFunctionType) p; if (a instanceof ICPPFunctionType) return fromFunctionType(ftp, (ICPPFunctionType) a, point); if (a instanceof FunctionSetType) { // Handling of overloaded function sets. CPPTemplateParameterMap success = null; ICPPFunction[] fs= ((FunctionSetType) a).getFunctionSet().getBindings(); for (ICPPFunction f : fs) { ICPPFunctionType fta = f.getType(); final CPPTemplateParameterMap saved = saveState(); try { if (fromFunctionType(ftp, fta, point)) { if (success != null) return false; success = saveState(); } } finally { restoreState(saved); } } if (success != null) { restoreState(success); return true; } } return false; } else if (p instanceof ICPPTemplateParameter) { ICPPTemplateArgument current= fDeducedArgs.getArgument(((ICPPTemplateParameter) p).getParameterID(), fPackOffset); if (current != null) { if (current.isNonTypeValue()) return false; return current.getTypeValue().isSameType(a); } if (a == null) return false; return deduce(((ICPPTemplateParameter) p).getParameterID(), new CPPTemplateTypeArgument(a, ExpressionTypes.restoreTypedefs(a, originalArgType))); } else if (p instanceof ICPPTemplateInstance) { if (!(a instanceof ICPPTemplateInstance)) return false; return fromTemplateInstance((ICPPTemplateInstance) p, (ICPPTemplateInstance) a, point); } else if (p instanceof ICPPUnknownBinding) { return true; // An unknown type may match anything. } else { return p.isSameType(a); } } return false; } private boolean fromTemplateInstance(ICPPTemplateInstance pInst, ICPPTemplateInstance aInst, IASTNode point) throws DOMException { ICPPClassTemplate pTemplate= getPrimaryTemplate(pInst); ICPPClassTemplate aTemplate= getPrimaryTemplate(aInst); if (pTemplate == null || aTemplate == null) return false; if (pTemplate instanceof ICPPTemplateTemplateParameter) { final int tparId = ((ICPPTemplateTemplateParameter) pTemplate).getParameterID(); ICPPTemplateArgument current= fDeducedArgs.getArgument(tparId, fPackOffset); if (current != null) { if (current.isNonTypeValue() || !current.getTypeValue().isSameType(aTemplate)) return false; } else if (!deduce(tparId, new CPPTemplateTypeArgument(aTemplate))) { return false; } } else if (!aTemplate.isSameType(pTemplate)) { return false; } // Check for being a non-deduced context. final ICPPTemplateArgument[] pArgs = pInst.getTemplateArguments(); for (int i = 0; i < pArgs.length - 1; i++) { if (pArgs[i].isPackExpansion()) return true; // non-deduced context } final ICPPTemplateArgument[] aArgs = aInst.getTemplateArguments(); if (pArgs.length != aArgs.length) { if (pArgs.length == 0 || pArgs.length > aArgs.length + 1) return false; ICPPTemplateArgument lastPParam= pArgs[pArgs.length - 1]; if (!lastPParam.isPackExpansion()) return false; } ICPPTemplateArgument expansionPattern= null; TemplateArgumentDeduction deduct= this; for (int i = 0; i < aArgs.length; i++) { ICPPTemplateArgument p; if (expansionPattern != null) { p= expansionPattern; deduct.incPackOffset(); InstantiationContext context = new InstantiationContext(fExplicitArgs, deduct.fPackOffset, point); p= CPPTemplates.instantiateArgument(p, context); if (!CPPTemplates.isValidArgument(p)) return false; } else { p= pArgs[i]; if (p.isPackExpansion()) { p= expansionPattern= p.getExpansionPattern(); deduct= new TemplateArgumentDeduction(this, aArgs.length - i); InstantiationContext context = new InstantiationContext(fExplicitArgs, deduct.fPackOffset, point); p= CPPTemplates.instantiateArgument(p, context); if (!CPPTemplates.isValidArgument(p)) return false; } } if (!deduct.fromTemplateArgument(p, aArgs[i], point)) return false; } return true; } private boolean fromFunctionType(ICPPFunctionType ftp, ICPPFunctionType fta, IASTNode point) throws DOMException { if (ftp.isConst() != fta.isConst() || ftp.isVolatile() != fta.isVolatile() || ftp.takesVarArgs() != fta.takesVarArgs() || ftp.hasRefQualifier() != fta.hasRefQualifier() || ftp.isRValueReference() != fta.isRValueReference()) { return false; } if (!fromType(ftp.getReturnType(), fta.getReturnType(), false, point)) return false; IType[] pParams = ftp.getParameterTypes(); IType[] aParams = fta.getParameterTypes(); if (pParams.length != aParams.length) { if (SemanticUtil.isEmptyParameterList(pParams) && SemanticUtil.isEmptyParameterList(aParams)) return true; if (pParams.length == 0 || pParams.length > aParams.length + 1) return false; IType lastPParam= pParams[pParams.length - 1]; if (!(lastPParam instanceof ICPPParameterPackType)) return false; } IType parameterPack= null; TemplateArgumentDeduction deduct= this; for (int i = 0; i < aParams.length; i++) { IType p; if (parameterPack != null) { p= parameterPack; deduct.incPackOffset(); InstantiationContext context = new InstantiationContext(fExplicitArgs, deduct.fPackOffset, point); p= CPPTemplates.instantiateType(p, context); if (!SemanticUtil.isValidType(p)) return false; } else { p= pParams[i]; if (p instanceof ICPPParameterPackType) { p= parameterPack= ((ICPPParameterPackType) p).getType(); deduct= new TemplateArgumentDeduction(this, aParams.length - i); InstantiationContext context = new InstantiationContext(fExplicitArgs, deduct.fPackOffset, point); p= CPPTemplates.instantiateType(p, context); if (!SemanticUtil.isValidType(p)) return false; } } if (!deduct.fromType(p, aParams[i], false, point)) return false; } return true; } private boolean deduce(int parID, ICPPTemplateArgument arg) { if (fTemplateParameterPacks != null && fTemplateParameterPacks.contains(parID)) { if (fPackSize == 0) return false; return fDeducedArgs.putPackElement(parID, fPackOffset, arg, fPackSize); } if (SemanticUtil.isUniqueTypeForParameterPack(arg.getTypeValue())) return false; fDeducedArgs.put(parID, arg); return true; } }