package info.u250.c2d.graphic.surfaces; import info.u250.c2d.engine.Engine; import; import; import; /** * Cure surfaces is a mesh group use the draw method FAN or STRIP of opengles . * which defined some base points and draw them ordered , * @author */ public abstract class CurveSurfaces implements com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Disposable{ /** * The render interface rounding the method {@link CurveSurfaces#render(float)}, used to give more controls * @author */ public interface CurveSurfacesRender{ /** before render */ public void preRender(float delta); /** after render */ public void postRender(float delta); } private CurveSurfacesRender bRender; protected CurveSurfaces(){} public void setbRender(CurveSurfacesRender bRender) { this.bRender = bRender; } public SurfaceData data; public Texture texture; /**the main mesh used to draw */ public Mesh mesh; public CurveSurfaces(SurfaceData data){ = data;; } /**the main build method , we build the mesh and the texture and also the physical object */ public final void build(){ texture = Engine.resource(data.texture,Texture.class); if(null!=this.texture){ this.texture.setWrap(TextureWrap.Repeat, TextureWrap.Repeat); this.texture.setFilter(Texture.TextureFilter.Linear, Texture.TextureFilter.Linear); } if(data.points.size>2 && this.texture !=null)this.doBuild(); } /** to draw it */ public void render(float delta){ if(null!=bRender){ bRender.preRender(delta); } this.doRender(delta); if(null!=bRender){ bRender.postRender(delta); } } /**the draw method is implement at subclass */ protected abstract void doRender(float delta); /**the build method is implement at subclass */ protected abstract void doBuild(); public void dispose(){ if(null!=mesh){ mesh.dispose(); mesh = null; } } }