package info.u250.c2d.graphic.parallax; import com.badlogic.gdx.input.GestureDetector; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Group; /** * This only make a group only via to the {@link SpriteParallaxLayerDrawable} .if you want to * get full control , you can full access the background API. * manual install the layers * <pre> final TextureAtlas bgAtlas = Engine.resource("bgAtlas",TextureAtlas.class); rbg = new ParallaxGroup(480, 320, new Vector2(50,100), false); rbg.addActor(new Image(new AdvanceSprite(bgAtlas.findRegion("bg") ))); rbg.addActor(new ParallaxLayer(rbg,new Image(new AdvanceSprite(bgAtlas.findRegion("cloud") )), new Vector2(0.5f,0),new Vector2(0,1000), new Vector2(0,70))); rbg.addActor(new ParallaxLayer(rbg,new Image(new AdvanceSprite(bgAtlas.findRegion("front") )), new Vector2(1f,0),new Vector2(0,1000), new Vector2())); * </pre> *@author */ public class ParallaxGroup extends Group{ class EveryFrameResult{ Vector2 speedTracker = new Vector2(); } /** * @param width The screenWith * @param height The screenHeight * @param speed A Vector2 attribute to point out the x and y speed */ public ParallaxGroup(float width,float height,Vector2 speed){ this.speed.set(speed); this.setSize(width, height); } protected Vector2 speed = new Vector2(); private GestureDetector gestureDetector; private ParallaxGroupGestureListener gestureListener; private EveryFrameResult result = new EveryFrameResult(); public GestureDetector getGestureDetector(){ return this.gestureDetector; } public void setDefaultGestureDetector(ParallaxGroupGestureListener gestureListener){ this.gestureListener = gestureListener; gestureDetector = new GestureDetector(20, 0.5f, 2, 0.15f,gestureListener ); } public void setGestureDetector(GestureDetector gestureDetector,ParallaxGroupGestureListener gestureListener){ this.gestureDetector = gestureDetector; this.gestureListener= gestureListener; } /** * get the full speed of the background , include the x and y axis */ public Vector2 getSpeed(){ return this.speed; } public Vector2 getSpeedTracker(){ return result.speedTracker; } /** * Dynamic change the speed */ public void setSpeed(float xSpeed,float ySpeed){ this.speed.set(xSpeed, ySpeed); } public EveryFrameResult getResult(){ return result; } @Override public void act(float delta) { if(null!=this.gestureListener){ this.gestureListener.update(); } this.result.speedTracker.add(speed.x*delta,speed.y*delta); super.act(delta); } }