/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.test.system; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.test.system.AbstractDaemonClient; import org.apache.hadoop.test.system.AbstractDaemonCluster; import org.apache.hadoop.test.system.process.ClusterProcessManager; import org.apache.hadoop.test.system.process.HadoopDaemonRemoteCluster; import org.apache.hadoop.test.system.process.MultiUserHadoopDaemonRemoteCluster; import org.apache.hadoop.test.system.process.RemoteProcess; import org.apache.hadoop.test.system.process.HadoopDaemonRemoteCluster.HadoopDaemonInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobID; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskID; import java.util.Collection; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.UtilsForTests; /** * Concrete AbstractDaemonCluster representing a Map-Reduce cluster. * */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public class MRCluster extends AbstractDaemonCluster { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(MRCluster.class); public static final String CLUSTER_PROCESS_MGR_IMPL = "test.system.mr.clusterprocess.impl.class"; /** * Key is used to to point to the file containing hostnames of tasktrackers */ public static final String CONF_HADOOP_TT_HOSTFILE_NAME = "test.system.hdrc.tt.hostfile"; private static List<HadoopDaemonInfo> mrDaemonInfos = new ArrayList<HadoopDaemonInfo>(); private static String TT_hostFileName; private static String jtHostName; public enum Role {JT, TT}; static{ Configuration.addDefaultResource("mapred-default.xml"); Configuration.addDefaultResource("mapred-site.xml"); } private MRCluster(Configuration conf, ClusterProcessManager rCluster) throws IOException { super(conf, rCluster); } /** * Factory method to create an instance of the Map-Reduce cluster.<br/> * * @param conf * contains all required parameter to create cluster. * @return a cluster instance to be managed. * @throws Exception */ public static MRCluster createCluster(Configuration conf) throws Exception { conf.addResource("system-test.xml"); TT_hostFileName = conf.get(CONF_HADOOP_TT_HOSTFILE_NAME, "slaves"); String jtHostPort = conf.get("mapred.job.tracker"); if (jtHostPort == null) { throw new Exception("mapred.job.tracker is not set."); } jtHostName = jtHostPort.trim().split(":")[0]; mrDaemonInfos.add(new HadoopDaemonInfo("jobtracker", Role.JT, Arrays.asList(new String[]{jtHostName}))); mrDaemonInfos.add(new HadoopDaemonInfo("tasktracker", Role.TT, TT_hostFileName)); String implKlass = conf.get(CLUSTER_PROCESS_MGR_IMPL); if (implKlass == null || implKlass.isEmpty()) { implKlass = MRProcessManager.class.getName(); } Class<ClusterProcessManager> klass = (Class<ClusterProcessManager>) Class .forName(implKlass); ClusterProcessManager clusterProcessMgr = klass.newInstance(); LOG.info("Created ClusterProcessManager as " + implKlass); clusterProcessMgr.init(conf); return new MRCluster(conf, clusterProcessMgr); } protected JTClient createJTClient(RemoteProcess jtDaemon) throws IOException { return new JTClient(getConf(), jtDaemon); } protected TTClient createTTClient(RemoteProcess ttDaemon) throws IOException { return new TTClient(getConf(), ttDaemon); } public JTClient getJTClient() { Iterator<AbstractDaemonClient> it = getDaemons().get(Role.JT).iterator(); return (JTClient) it.next(); } public List<TTClient> getTTClients() { return (List) getDaemons().get(Role.TT); } public TTClient getTTClient(String hostname) { for (TTClient c : getTTClients()) { if (c.getHostName().equals(hostname)) { return c; } } return null; } /** * This function will give access to one of many TTClient present * @return an Instance of TTclient */ public TTClient getTTClient() { for (TTClient c: getTTClients()) { if (c != null){ return c; } } return null; } @Override public void ensureClean() throws IOException { //TODO: ensure that no jobs/tasks are running //restart the cluster if cleanup fails JTClient jtClient = getJTClient(); JobInfo[] jobs = jtClient.getProxy().getAllJobInfo(); for(JobInfo job : jobs) { jtClient.getClient().killJob( org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobID.downgrade(job.getID())); } } /** * Allow the job to continue through MR control job. * @param id of the job. * @throws IOException when failed to get task info. */ public void signalAllTasks(JobID id) throws IOException{ TaskInfo[] taskInfos = getJTClient().getProxy().getTaskInfo(id); if(taskInfos !=null) { for (TaskInfo taskInfoRemaining : taskInfos) { if(taskInfoRemaining != null) { FinishTaskControlAction action = new FinishTaskControlAction(TaskID .downgrade(taskInfoRemaining.getTaskID())); Collection<TTClient> tts = getTTClients(); for (TTClient cli : tts) { cli.getProxy().sendAction(action); } } } } } @Override protected AbstractDaemonClient createClient( RemoteProcess process) throws IOException { if (Role.JT.equals(process.getRole())) { return createJTClient(process); } else if (Role.TT.equals(process.getRole())) { return createTTClient(process); } else throw new IOException("Role: "+ process.getRole() + " is not " + "applicable to MRCluster"); } public static class MRProcessManager extends HadoopDaemonRemoteCluster{ public MRProcessManager() { super(mrDaemonInfos); } } public static class MultiMRProcessManager extends MultiUserHadoopDaemonRemoteCluster { public MultiMRProcessManager() { super(mrDaemonInfos); } } /** * Get a TTClient Instance from a running task <br/> * @param Task Information of the running task * @return TTClient instance * @throws IOException */ public TTClient getTTClientInstance(TaskInfo taskInfo) throws IOException { JTProtocol remoteJTClient = getJTClient().getProxy(); String [] taskTrackers = taskInfo.getTaskTrackers(); int counter = 0; TTClient ttClient = null; while (counter < 60) { if (taskTrackers.length != 0) { break; } UtilsForTests.waitFor(100); taskInfo = remoteJTClient.getTaskInfo(taskInfo.getTaskID()); taskTrackers = taskInfo.getTaskTrackers(); counter ++; } if ( taskTrackers.length != 0 ) { String hostName = taskTrackers[0].split("_")[1]; hostName = hostName.split(":")[0]; ttClient = getTTClient(hostName); } return ttClient; } }