/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience; /** * This class tracks changes in the layout version of HDFS. * * Layout version is changed for following reasons: * <ol> * <li>The layout of how namenode or datanode stores information * on disk changes.</li> * <li>A new operation code is added to the editlog.</li> * <li>Modification such as format of a record, content of a record * in editlog or fsimage.</li> * </ol> * <br> * <b>How to update layout version:<br></b> * When a change requires new layout version, please add an entry into * {@link Feature} with a short enum name, new layout version and description * of the change. Please see {@link Feature} for further details. * <br> */ @InterfaceAudience.Private public class LayoutVersion { /** * Version in which HDFS-2991 was fixed. This bug caused OP_ADD to * sometimes be skipped for append() calls. If we see such a case when * loading the edits, but the version is known to have that bug, we * workaround the issue. Otherwise we should consider it a corruption * and bail. */ public static final int BUGFIX_HDFS_2991_VERSION = -40; /** * Enums for features that change the layout version. * <br><br> * To add a new layout version: * <ul> * <li>Define a new enum constant with a short enum name, the new layout version * and description of the added feature.</li> * <li>When adding a layout version with an ancestor that is not same as * its immediate predecessor, use the constructor where a spacific ancestor * can be passed. * </li> * </ul> */ public static enum Feature { NAMESPACE_QUOTA(-16, "Support for namespace quotas"), FILE_ACCESS_TIME(-17, "Support for access time on files"), DISKSPACE_QUOTA(-18, "Support for disk space quotas"), STICKY_BIT(-19, "Support for sticky bits"), APPEND_RBW_DIR(-20, "Datanode has \"rbw\" subdirectory for append"), ATOMIC_RENAME(-21, "Support for atomic rename"), CONCAT(-22, "Support for concat operation"), SYMLINKS(-23, "Support for symbolic links"), DELEGATION_TOKEN(-24, "Support for delegation tokens for security"), FSIMAGE_COMPRESSION(-25, "Support for fsimage compression"), FSIMAGE_CHECKSUM(-26, "Support checksum for fsimage"), REMOVE_REL13_DISK_LAYOUT_SUPPORT(-27, "Remove support for 0.13 disk layout"), EDITS_CHESKUM(-28, "Support checksum for editlog"), UNUSED(-29, "Skipped version"), FSIMAGE_NAME_OPTIMIZATION(-30, "Store only last part of path in fsimage"), RESERVED_REL20_203(-31, -19, "Reserved for release 0.20.203", true, DELEGATION_TOKEN), RESERVED_REL20_204(-32, -31, "Reserved for release 0.20.204", true), RESERVED_REL22(-33, -27, "Reserved for release 0.22", true), RESERVED_REL23(-34, -30, "Reserved for release 0.23", true), // layout versions -35 - -40 are features not present on this branch RESERVED_REL1_2_0(-41, -32, "Reserved for release 1.2.0", true, CONCAT); final int lv; final int ancestorLV; final String description; final boolean reserved; final Feature[] specialFeatures; /** * Feature that is added at layout version {@code lv} - 1. * @param lv new layout version with the addition of this feature * @param description description of the feature */ Feature(final int lv, final String description) { this(lv, lv + 1, description, false); } /** * Feature that is added at layout version {@code ancestoryLV}. * @param lv new layout version with the addition of this feature * @param ancestorLV layout version from which the new lv is derived from. * @param description description of the feature * @param reserved true when this is a layout version reserved for previous * verions * @param features set of features that are to be enabled for this version */ Feature(final int lv, final int ancestorLV, final String description, boolean reserved, Feature... features) { this.lv = lv; this.ancestorLV = ancestorLV; this.description = description; this.reserved = reserved; specialFeatures = features; } /** * Accessor method for feature layout version * @return int lv value */ public int getLayoutVersion() { return lv; } /** * Accessor method for feature ancestor layout version * @return int ancestor LV value */ public int getAncestorLayoutVersion() { return ancestorLV; } /** * Accessor method for feature description * @return String feature description */ public String getDescription() { return description; } public boolean isReservedForOldRelease() { return reserved; } } // Build layout version and corresponding feature matrix static final Map<Integer, EnumSet<Feature>>map = new HashMap<Integer, EnumSet<Feature>>(); // Static initialization static { initMap(); } /** * Initialize the map of a layout version and EnumSet of {@link Feature}s * supported. */ private static void initMap() { // Go through all the enum constants and build a map of // LayoutVersion <-> EnumSet of all supported features in that LayoutVersion for (Feature f : Feature.values()) { EnumSet<Feature> ancestorSet = map.get(f.ancestorLV); if (ancestorSet == null) { ancestorSet = EnumSet.noneOf(Feature.class); // Empty enum set map.put(f.ancestorLV, ancestorSet); } EnumSet<Feature> featureSet = EnumSet.copyOf(ancestorSet); if (f.specialFeatures != null) { for (Feature specialFeature : f.specialFeatures) { featureSet.add(specialFeature); } } featureSet.add(f); map.put(f.lv, featureSet); } } /** * Gets formatted string that describes {@link LayoutVersion} information. */ public static String getString() { final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("Feature List:\n"); for (Feature f : Feature.values()) { buf.append(f).append(" introduced in layout version ") .append(f.lv).append(" ("). append(f.description).append(")\n"); } buf.append("\n\nLayoutVersion and supported features:\n"); for (Feature f : Feature.values()) { buf.append(f.lv).append(": ").append(map.get(f.lv)) .append("\n"); } return buf.toString(); } /** * Returns true if a given feature is supported in the given layout version * @param f Feature * @param lv LayoutVersion * @return true if {@code f} is supported in layout version {@code lv} */ public static boolean supports(final Feature f, final int lv) { final EnumSet<Feature> set = map.get(lv); return set != null && set.contains(f); } /** * Get the current layout version */ public static int getCurrentLayoutVersion() { Feature[] values = Feature.values(); for (int i = values.length -1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!values[i].isReservedForOldRelease()) { return values[i].lv; } } throw new AssertionError("All layout versions are reserved."); } }